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Bernard Keane


Bernard Keane — Politics Editor

Bernard Keane

Politics Editor

Bernard Keane is Crikey’s political editor. Before that he was Crikey’s Canberra press gallery correspondent, covering politics, national security and economics.


Abbott's Australian vision: poorer, hotter, more socialist

Abbott's Australian vision: poorer, hotter, more socialist

Bernard KeaneJun 28, 201726 Comments

Tony Abbott remains as incoherent on policy as ever.

Pyne pile-on betrays right wing desperation to create unrest

Bernard KeaneJun 27, 201726 Comments

Christopher Pyne's remarks on same sex marriage revealed nothing we didn't already know. The hysterical reaction to them, however, told us a lot.

Australia bids for Global Village Idiot status once more

Australia bids for Global Village Idiot status once more

Bernard KeaneJun 27, 20179 Comments

Australia is becoming an international laughing stock -- again -- as the Turnbull government tries a King Canute routine with encryption.

Sovereign risk ahead -- set investment to full!

Sovereign risk ahead -- set investment to full!

Glenn Dyer and Bernard KeaneJun 26, 20177 Comments

Amid claims of sovereign risk and complaints of uncertainty, it seems some companies are prepared to invest a lot in Australia, Glenn Dyer and Bernard Keane write.

Turnbull govt exemplifies the sordid hypocrisy of Western politicians

Turnbull govt exemplifies the sordid hypocrisy of Western politicians

Bernard KeaneJun 26, 201721 Comments

In feting the criminal David Petraeus, Malcolm Turnbull demonstrates his government's hypocrisy on national security.

Murder rates in Australia have plummeted

Murder rates in Australia have plummeted

Bernard KeaneJun 26, 20174 Comments

A new study sheds light on how much murder has fallen in Australia in recent decades, and why that trend is set to continue.

Turnbull finishes the week with a trophy for his shift to the centre

Turnbull finishes the week with a trophy for his shift to the centre

Bernard KeaneJun 23, 201712 Comments

Having pivoted to the left on big policy issues, Malcolm Turnbull goes into the winter break with evidence it can work.

Hanson's lock 'em up disability strategy two decades old

Hanson's lock 'em up disability strategy two decades old

Bernard KeaneJun 22, 201720 Comments

Pauline Hanson has long regarded Australians with disabilities as a problem for the rest of us, an old document shows.

The government gives, and gives, and gives, to get a Gonski

The government gives, and gives, and gives, to get a Gonski

Bernard KeaneJun 22, 201715 Comments

The purists and rent-seekers won't like it but the Turnbull government has produced a decent economic reform with its Gonski victory in the Senate.

The surprisingly quick death of neoliberalism in Australia is underway

The surprisingly quick death of neoliberalism in Australia is underway

Bernard KeaneJun 21, 201721 Comments

The Turnbull government is chucking neoliberal dogma overboard as fast as it can to try to keep up with a deeply sceptical electorate.

https://www.crikey.com.au/2017/06/21/the-surprisingly-quick-death-of-neoliberalism-in-australia-is-underway/ == https://www.crikey.com.au/free-trial/==https://www.crikey.com.au/subscribe/

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