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Sep 14, 2016

Maiden Malcolm Roberts runs with anti-Semitic myths

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts peddled some of the core myths of anti-Semitism in his first speech to the Senate.


The maiden speech of Queensland One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts yesterday drew on well-established anti-Semitic myths for some of its major themes.


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13 thoughts on “Maiden Malcolm Roberts runs with anti-Semitic myths 

  1. Wayne Robinson

    Well, if Malcolm Roberts can call Timothy Ball a climate scientist (he’s a geographer) he can call anyone or anything whatever he wants them to be.

    1. AR

      But not under the orwellian/stalinistic/nazi 18C?
      Thus is he enclosed in the cone of silence along with Blot.
      If only.

  2. zut alors

    You’re such a killjoy, Bernard. Until you piped up Roberts was ‘excited’ to think the Bank of England was privately owned, now you’ve pricked his belief balloon. He was revelling in a cheap thrill but now it’s cruelly dashed.

    As for privately owned central banks having ‘greed as their creed’, why single them out with no special mention going to Oz’s ludicrously profitable Big Four.

    1. Decorum

      Fear not, Zut! Roberts’ belief balloon is made of sturdy and impenetrable stuff and you can be sure that he’s still excited.

  3. klewso

    How do you convince two short planks on anything?

  4. loz

    Looks like Roberts habitually choofs on that wacky tobaccy / herbal weed / sinse for senility. God help Australia

    1. Kevin Herbert

      on what basis do you disagree with Senator Robert’s speech points?

  5. Nigel Stanley

    What a cuddly creature the new Senator Roberts appears to be. He is so well-read as well.

    1. loz

      Maybe he slept with Pauline. Her eyes were rolling during his speech because she was waiting for the climax just like on the night after she enlisted him when she made him wear knee high thug boots and a trench coat and a Shultz helmet over his nude body.

  6. Graeski

    And to think we used to laugh at North Korea for what that their political system foisted upon them …

  7. shea mcduff

    Its a dilemma isn’t it?
    Do we give this nutter oxygen by paying him attention and thus putting the spotlight on him, which he wants, or do we ignore him and give him the zero recognition he deserves whilst he utters his inanities?
    Or maybe just give him the credit he deserves and ridicule him – as a few people below have done.
    Yep, that seems best.

    1. Kevin Herbert

      OK Shea…can you tell me why you disagree with Senator Robert’s statement on climate change i.e. why is his view flawed, and why should I believe you views?

  8. Kevin Herbert

    Bernard: all if could find in relation to his comments on international banking was:
    “Worldwide, privately owned central banks have greed as their creed and cannot be trusted to work in a country’s best interests.”
    So where has he erred in that statement? You might like to Google Audit the Fed and follow the trail…..

    You owe him an apology, for attempting to verbal him……and such slack, disingenuous journalism is the sign of career in decline old son.

    May I suggest that you take a year off (if you dare),and do a bit more reading on the international banking system…it’s just amaaaazing what you’ll discover!!!!!

    Also, there’s no such thing as ‘anti-semitism’ which is a Zionist propaganda device, and which is described Dr Norman Finkelstein as ‘morally & intellectually repugnant”. FYI Jews are no different to any other minority which suffers discrimination.


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