- published: 07 Jul 2017
- views: 954
Daisuke Namikawa (浪川 大輔, Namikawa Daisuke, born April 2, 1976 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actor who started acting at age 8 and is sometimes mistaken for fellow voice actor Daisuke Hirakawa, as their names only differ by one character when written in kanji. Despite his wide range of voice casting, he is usually cast as young, kind heroes as Mikage in 07-Ghost, Fay D. Flourite in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Jellal Fernandes and his counterpart Mystogan from Fairy Tail, and Keita Ibuki in Black God, but he is also cast as cold anti-heroes or villains such Ulquiorra Cifer in Bleach, Hisoka in Hunter × Hunter, Kei Kurono in Gantz, Eustass Kid in One Piece and Toutaku Chuuei in Ikki Tousen.
He is the official Japanese dub-over voice artist for American actor Elijah Wood and Canadian actor, Hayden Christensen. He has also dubbed over some roles that were performed by other fellow actors such as: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tony Jaa, Edward Furlong and Kevin Zegers in Japanese. He made his directorial debut entitled Wonderful World, a live-action film that opened in Japan in early summer of 2010. He also starred in the film itself along with fellow voice actors, Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Sugita, Tomokazu Seki, Rikiya Koyama, Yuka Hirata, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Koichi Yamadera, Showtaro Morikubo and Yuko Kaida. He won for Best Actor in supporting roles in the 4th Seiyu Awards.
チャンネル登録はこちら https://goo.gl/brpvaG #6 本編はこちらから https://goo.gl/MD7fKd <あらすじ> 声優界のパリピこと浪川大輔氏がメインMCの「パリピ!」。第2弾はパリピゲストに柿原徹也氏と江口拓也氏をお迎えしてお届けします☆ 第2弾もいよいよ今回で最終回...! 6月は「仮面パーティー」から始まり、今までとは少し雰囲気の違ったオトナなトークが展開しています。 「闇チーズフォンデュ」ではチーズと意外な具材の組み合わせが!? ヤケドには気を付けましょうね、浪川さん。 <出演> メインMC:浪川大輔 ゲスト:柿原徹也、江口拓也 【『パリピ!』ゲスト森久保祥太郎・谷山紀章】 #1.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/IJmxeq #2.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/AcD9M0 #3.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/GbjQY6 #4.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/VY88ih #5.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/j1ZXsY #1.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtNOuZNMPws&t;=2s #2.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdUyy0H3bgo #3.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0bliZMbbl8 #4.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLA21rcWckQ&t;=1s #5.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLMDZFoxR64 <おすすめ> 【写真に注目】江口拓也、内田雄馬の新番組...
<あらすじ> 声優界のパリピこと浪川大輔氏がメインMCの「パリピ!」。第2弾はパリピゲストに柿原徹也氏と江口拓也氏をお迎えしてお届けします☆ 4月ということで、桜をバックに花見酒をするお三方。乾杯はもちろんドイツ式で歌って乾杯デスヨ☆ そして、4月は我らがMC浪川さんのお誕生月!柿原さんが用意したウカれたメガネでお祝いしちゃいます♪ 「声優あるある歌会」と題して、声優業界のあるあるを川柳や短歌で発表していきます。謎の新キャラ「柿まろ」の登場で天才的な川柳が誕生—―!? お見逃しなく☆ <出演> メインMC:浪川大輔 ゲスト:柿原徹也、江口拓也 【『パリピ!』ゲスト森久保祥太郎・谷山紀章】 #1.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/IJmxeq #2.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/AcD9M0 #3.本編はこちら https://goo.gl/GbjQY6 #1.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtNOuZNMPws&list;=PLt58s6shUq3PLF440j7_Dh0ahjxP9yKmd #2.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdUyy... #3.PVはこちら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0bli...
《当チャンネル関連声優》 梶裕貴/神谷浩史/小野大輔/宮野真守/鈴木達央/下野紘/杉田智和/岡本信彦/寺島拓篤/中村悠一/蒼井翔太/逢坂良太/福山潤/花江夏樹/浪川大輔/櫻井孝宏/小西克幸/谷山紀章/諏訪部順一/鈴村健一/鳥海浩輔/小野賢章/緑川光/日野聡/立花慎之介/柿原徹也/吉野裕行/豊永利行/内山昂輝/遊佐浩二/松岡禎丞/木村良平/代永翼/前野智昭etc 《当チャンネル関連ワード》 BL、キャラソン、イベント、ラジオ、ライブ、PV、ボイス、コント、アドリブ、アフレコ、アテレコ、朗読劇 関連動画 宮野真守×コント 『アゴリスインワンダーランド』が超絶面白いwww https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmisoMVmVzU 梶裕貴 鈴村健一に目隠しして放置!「これは。。ヤバイね。。。」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usGxQYNfWTc 男性俳優ナンバーワン 浪川大輔がぶっちゃける 声 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw4y1XOSWVg
Dramatic Voiceでは男性声優さんの甘いボイスを紹介しています(^^) もしよければチャンネル登録していただけると励みになります♪ 気になる男性声優さんが見つかったら、 ぜひCDなど買ってみてください♪ 《当チャンネルでボイスが聞ける声優》 ※敬称略 宮野真守、谷山紀章、下野紘、諏訪部順一、鈴村健一、鳥海浩輔、梶裕貴、鈴木達央、島﨑信長、平川大輔、代永翼、森久保祥太郎、前野智昭、松岡禎丞、木村良平、立花慎之介、花江夏樹、逢坂良太、吉野裕行、豊永利行、内山昂輝、遊佐浩二、杉田智和、中村悠一、神谷浩史、小野大輔、寺島拓篤、江口拓也、柿原徹也、日野聡、櫻井孝宏、浪川大輔、岡本信彦、福山潤、緑川光、小野賢章 BL、キャラソン、イベント、ラジオ、ライブ、PV、ボイス、コント、アドリブ、アフレコ、アテレコ、朗読劇
バンプレラボ 26 浪川大輔 バンプレラボ 26 バンプレラボ~俺たちバンプレ宣伝隊~#26【ゲスト:浪川大輔】 バンプレストのプライズ、一番くじ.
速攻Q&A;のコーナーですが浪川さんの回答が面白すぎますwwww チャンネル登録はコチラ⇒http://goo.gl/GiaBZP Twitter始めました!⇒https://twitter.com/haikyu_jyouhou 2014/09/21放送 第13回 パーソナリティ:日向翔陽役・村瀬歩、影山飛雄役・石川界人 ゲスト:及川徹役・浪川大輔 ゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚ ラジオ ハイキュー!!烏野高校放送部・通称ラジキュー!!を応援するチャンネルです。 パーソナリティの日向翔陽役・村瀬歩さんと影山飛雄役・石川界人さんのお二人をメインに、 気になる話題や面白い話題などを投稿していこうと思いますので、 チャンネル登録・グッドクリックお願いします(≧ω≦) 週刊少年ジャンプ「ハイキュー!!」公式サイト:http://www.j-haikyu.com/ TVアニメ「ハイキュー!!」公式サイト:www.j-haikyu.com/anime/ ゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚ ◎ハイキュー!!とは◎ 古舘春一による高校バレーボールを題材にした週刊少年ジャンプで連載中の漫画作品。 宮城県立烏野高校排球部のエースであった「小さな巨人」に憧れ、バレーボールを始めた小柄な少年・日向翔陽は、 類稀なる運動神経とバネを持っていたが、中学のバレー部には自分以外の部員がいなかった。 中学3年、やっとのことでメンバーを集めて出場した最初で最後の公式戦で、 日向は「コート上の王様」と呼ばれる天才セッター・影山飛雄に惨敗してしまう。 影山にリベンジをするべく、憧れの烏野高校排球部に入部した日向。 しかし烏野の体育館には、そ...
浪川大輔さんはやはり天才でした…宮野真守さんも理解の範疇を超えるその表現方法は、人間国宝と同等、或いはそれ以上の高度な表現技法・洗練された感性が産み落とした産物に違いありません… ともあれ、一度ご視聴下さい。その全てが分かります笑 ガッチャマンクラウズRadio~インサイト~第7回より GATCHAMAN CROWDS insight 公式サイト http://www.ntv.co.jp/GC_insight/ 宮野真守 公式ホームページ http://miyanomamoru.com/ 宮野真守 公式ブログ http://miyanomamoru-blog.com/ 浪川大輔 公式ホームページ http://kiramune.jp/artist/namikawa/ 浪川大輔 公式ブログ http://ameblo.jp/namikawa--daisuke/
Event buổi tối của Haikyu!! năm 2015 Đây là part seiyuu lồng tiếng của Oikawa Toru - CV: Namikawa Daisuke
Daisuke Namikawa does the voice of Hisoka in Hunter x Hunter, but did you know he's also voiced other popular characters in Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Haikyuu! Honorable Mentions: Hunter x Hunter as Hisoka Haikyuu as Oikawa Tooru Tokyo Ghoul as Arima Kishou Fairy Tail as Jellal Fernandes One Punch Man as Doctor Genus One Piece as Kid Eustass Bleach as Ulquiorra Schiffer
This is Just latest videoclip, and this time with Daisuke Namikawa. Plz, rate and comment. Special thanks to Layann at Livejournal and Irving from Messenger. I don't anything, all the rights go straight to their respective owners.
featuring, yui makino as princess sakura,miyu irino as syaoran,maki as mokona,daisuke namikawa as fay,sorry i don't remember korogane's seiyuu's name :-)
►Backup your Mac or PC Trial: https://goo.gl/mPYSih ►You Want More? Subscribe: http://goo.gl/ksDlNQ ►Most Popular Videos: http://goo.gl/OQf1ns ►Video Schedule : https://goo.gl/oVfZBN ►New Videos: https://goo.gl/O5cHt2 ► https://twitter.com/TuzoAnime3 ►Song: [Dubstep] - Insan3Lik3 - Feel Alive (feat. Charlotte Haining) [Monstercat Release] (192kbit) Top 10 Namikawa, Daisuke Voice Acting Roles #01 Hisoka Votes: 8,299 #02 Ulquiorra Cifer Votes: 5,625 #03 Fai D. Flourite Votes: 2,351 #04 Jellal Fernandes Votes: 1,891 #05 Shouta Kazehaya Votes: 1,711 #06 Tooru Oikawa votes: 1,607 #07 Kei Kurono Votes: 1,579 #08 North Italy Votes: 1,068 #09 Yuu Narukami Votes: 1,016 #10 Van Hohenheim Votes: 879 #11 Yashiro Isana Votes: 746 #12 Mystogan Votes: 715 #13 Rokurou Okajima Votes: 71...
Namikawa Daisuke as Narukami Yu Morikubo Showtaro as Hanamura Yosuke I just translate a bit just for reference, it is not necessarily precise. Namakawa Daisuke segment. (They need to act according to the theme and role given to them.) 0:12 ND: Eh, we're doing lovey dovey? Lovey dovey? For real? (the closer meaning to this is to get intimate between men) 1:12 ND: Here we go. The setting this time we will be a banchou (gang leader) and fuku banchou (vice leader) who's a siscon (sister complex). 2:22 ND: Somehow, shall we have a confrontation? MS: Let's have a battle a bit.. ND: Let's do it. Whose little sister is more cute. 4:03 ND: Somehow, after we exchange our drink...and eat the cabbage, I...more than my little sister...about fuku banchou...I like you more. If we eat the cabbage, ...
Let just imagine that the Grand King Trashkawa sing this XD Lâu lâu đổi gió tí ^^ Gekka no Shirabe - Giai điệu trăng tàn (Original: Game Soundtrack: KANAZAKURA NO CHIGIRI) CV: Namikawa Daisuke (浪川大輔) Lyrics & Music: Sudou Naoya Kanji lyrics: https://mojim.com/twy107930x7x2.htm =Pictures are not involved= --------------------------------------------------------------- Own nothing but sub and trans --------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS A FREE SUB, JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT. NOT USE FOR PERSONAL OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ================================= Page: https://www.facebook.com/yoruzenTG
From the second musical of Hunter x Hunter. Disclaimer: I didn't videotape it nor did I at the subtitles.
Same Anime Character voice Actress with Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!!) CV : Daisuke Namikawa was As known as seiyuu of - Oikawa Toru (Haikyuu!!) - Ulquiorra (Bleach) - Jelal Fernandes (Fairy Tail) - Italy (Hetalia) And much more ! ► DISCLAIMER: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use & for purposes: such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute That Might Otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational staff or use tips the balance in Behalf of fair use. I do not own anything here, I do not own the song or any of the anime used in this video Leave a like and Subscribe if u enjoy my video ohh don't forget to share it :3 Thx For watching !
And so the awesome Kousaka-san takes the stage... 8D (The guy is a wonder, he voices both Estonia and Greece in addition to Prussia...) Taken from: Hetalia Seiyuu Event 2010 Song: Mein Gott Sung by: Atsushi Kousaka (高坂篤志) Subs: I have no idea, but it's not me. Other people in the video: Daisuke Namikawa, Hiroki Yasumoto, Aki Kanada and Jun Konno. If it wasn't already obvious, I OWN NOTHING!
Two seiyuu (voice actor/actress) that already voice together the same anime, voicing together again in another same anime... Watch part 3/three here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjOG8xx5lqg Watch part 1/one here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptbwjMVO0Tc Watch my top 15 male seiyuu here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MN3wjia4C8 And here’s the part 2 & yeah i know that the female & male-female pairings aren’t as many as the male pairings since most of them i knew were the male pairings… Enjoy... ______________________________________________________________ The seiyuu’s pairings : - Shinichiro Miki - Romi Park - Junichi Suwabe - Masakazu Morita - Katsuyuki Konishi - Toshiyuki Morikawa - Sayaka Ohara - Shizuka Itou - Toshiyuki Morikawa - Ryotaro Okiayu - Ryotaro Okiayu - ...
Two seiyuu (voice actor/actress) that already voice together the same anime, voicing together again in another same anime... Watch part 1/two here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptbwjMVO0Tc Watch part 2/one here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zINY4_wjb2M Watch my top 15 male seiyuu here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MN3wjia4C8 So sorry for a long postpone…have been quite busy & also searching for the seiyuu’s pairings…i still had some that i haven’t put it in this video, might do it in part 4 but quite later so be patient :))) but i’m surprised i had at least more than 2 female pairings in here… Enjoy… ____________________________________________________________________ The seiyuu’s pairings : - Yuichi Nakamura - Saori Hayami - Katsuyuki Konishi - Hikaru Midorikawa - Ju...
[2014.09.21]하이큐!! 카라스노 고교 방송부 13화 Guest_나미카와 다이스케 번역&싱크 by 문지 음원다운 : http://radibrary.tistory.com/17414 공식 홈페이지 : http://www.j-haikyu.com/anime/radio/ (오역수정)8분 13초-15초 '키시오상'입니다 37분 43초 - 괄호 안에 '복귀 하려나'가 아니라 '통곡 하려나'입니다 43분 10초 - 127점이 아니라 147점입니다
◆ '16.12.21 <概要>に追記アリ ◆ 【重要】なお知らせがあります。お手数ですが当チャンネル(kuruKURU70104000)の概要をご覧ください。 浪川大輔さまのCVを集めてみました!
現行まで追いついた~浪川大輔の出下ネタです。今更だけど下ネタ苦手な人はバック推奨です。まぁ、4回まで聴いて苦手とかカマトトぶってんじゃねーよという話ですが。 8月中にあげておこうとしてるものがどう考えても今のペースじゃ無理だわと焦っている状態です。夏休みの宿題とか最初の1週間か最後の1週間にまとめてやるタイプだったからなーしゃあないな。
【BL神回】鈴村健一&浪川大輔の今じゃ聞けないギリギリトーク! #2 男性声優大好き!BL作品大好き!同じ仲間と共有したいです♪ 高評価~応援コメントなど待ってるよ~! 何度も聞いてもにやけちゃう私です♪
マヨナカ生テレビ The GOLDENにて・・・ 初めは真面目でしたが、だんだんおかしくなってきて・・・ パーソナリティ:浪川 大輔さん ゲスト:関智 一さん 小清水 亜美さん シュタゲverはこちら http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P-zXJ1qnpE&feature;=channel_video_title
Game: Resident Evil 6 (2012) Platform: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC Publisher: CAPCOM Developer: Capcom Leon Kennedy – Toshiyuki Morikawa Helena Harper – Mayumi Sako Chris Redfield – Hiroki Touchi Piers Nivans – Shuhei Sakaguchi Jake Muller - Namikawa Daisuke Sherry Birkin - Maaya Sakamoto Ada Wong – Junko Minagawa President Adam Benford – Katsuhiko Sasaki Derek C. Simmons – Takayuki Sugo Ingrid Hunnigan – Yu Sugimoto
Namikawa Daisuke as Narukami Yu Morikubo Showtaro as Hanamura Yosuke I just translate a bit just for reference, it is not necessarily precise. Namakawa Daisuke segment. (They need to act according to the theme and role given to them.) 0:12 ND: Eh, we're doing lovey dovey? Lovey dovey? For real? (the closer meaning to this is to get intimate between men) 1:12 ND: Here we go. The setting this time we will be a banchou (gang leader) and fuku banchou (vice leader) who's a siscon (sister complex). 2:22 ND: Somehow, shall we have a confrontation? MS: Let's have a battle a bit.. ND: Let's do it. Whose little sister is more cute. 4:03 ND: Somehow, after we exchange our drink...and eat the cabbage, I...more than my little sister...about fuku banchou...I like you more. If we eat the cabbage, ...
Daisuke Namikawa does the voice of Hisoka in Hunter x Hunter, but did you know he's also voiced other popular characters in Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Haikyuu! Honorable Mentions: Hunter x Hunter as Hisoka Haikyuu as Oikawa Tooru Tokyo Ghoul as Arima Kishou Fairy Tail as Jellal Fernandes One Punch Man as Doctor Genus One Piece as Kid Eustass Bleach as Ulquiorra Schiffer
Event buổi tối của Haikyu!! năm 2015 Đây là part seiyuu lồng tiếng của Oikawa Toru - CV: Namikawa Daisuke
He's Asuma Kousuke. A actor who plays as Oikawa Tooru on Hyper Projection Performance Haikyuu!! How adorable he is~ PLEASE READ. If you have received a mail by me, pls do not reupload to any streaming site or anywhere since the link isn't mine. EDITED: Someone uploading the full stage with eng sub on VK. You can check this in here https://vk.com/video-39367230_456239044 The link that I sent to you is already subbed by September Sub. Since so many users ask me for the link, here you can download it http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid;=793990&showfiles;=1 There's 4 videos, The Stage, Solo Interview, Group Interview and Current Call. The stage and current call are already subbed, the others maybe not. Thank you and happy watching~
Name: BLEACH "B" STATION Season: 3rd, Volume 2. Seiyuu: Namikawa Daisuke (Ulquiorra Cifer) Interview by Morita Masakazu (Kurosaki Ichigo). © The productors and the seiyuus. © BLEACH belongs to Kubo Tite.
Name: BLEACH "B" STATION Season: 3rd, Volume 2. Seiyuu: Namikawa Daisuke (Ulquiorra Cifer) Interview by Morita Masakazu (Kurosaki Ichigo). © The productors and the seiyuus. © BLEACH belongs to Kubo Tite.
Fukuyama Jun, Hirakawa Daisuke, Nakamura Chie and Nakahara Mai answer questions about their characters in Gankutsuou. ©walkerplus, Déclic Images Demandez moi si vous voulez la vidéo sous-titrée en f
featuring, yui makino as princess sakura,miyu irino as syaoran,maki as mokona,daisuke namikawa as fay,sorry i don't remember korogane's seiyuu's name :-)