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Factory magazine
tiflopontikas magazine
Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση Αγώνα Κατοίκων Τούμπας

Τελευταίες αφίσες

Να επιτεθούμε στην κοινότητα του έθνους

2016-05-19 - Να επιτεθούμε στην κοινότητα του έθνους

Τα χαρτιά σας παρακαλώ;

2016-02-26 - Τα χαρτιά σας παρακαλώ;

Αλληλεγγύη στον ολικό αρνητή στράτευσης Μ. Τόλη

2016-02-20 - Αλληλεγγύη στον ολικό αρνητή στράτευσης Μ. Τόλη

Να μποκάρουμε την έκδοση των 5 αγωνιζόμενων φοιτητών στις ιταλικές αρχές

2015-12-07 - Να μποκάρουμε την έκδοση των 5 αγωνιζόμενων φοιτητών στις ιταλικές αρχές

3 ημέρες για την έκφραση & τη δημιουργία

2015-12-03 - 3 ημέρες για την έκφραση & τη δημιουργία

Dj set & Gin n' juice

2015-10-30 - Dj set & Gin n' juice



The abandoned factory of Yfanet was occupied at 20/3/2004. The squat was the result of needs and fermentations, which derived after the June 2003 summit and all the actions that took place against it and also the solidarity movement for the 7 arrested and hunger strikers. Therefore several groups together with individuals who desired to act in a more collective, competitive, and autonomous ways, through new and more dynamic structures, decided after assemblies and conversations to squat the factory.

The occupation of the old factory is an actual answer towards the irrationality of the metropolis, where people are packed in block of buildings, the public areas are deserted, open spaces are turn into parking areas and deserted factories turn into museums and entertainment centers, selling cultural events. The choice of squatting diverts the meaning of private space and alters it to public, open and alive.

Squatting as an act is a moment of deliberation but as something that lasts, is the re-appropriation of stolen space and time, an experiment through which we will reinvent in a collective way the revolutionary procedures, which will allow us to move organized and competitive towards the existing, a space, who will give birth to companionship and trust relations, hence we will move in a creative way towards the misery both of the alienated society and of ourselves. It also means, leaving an everyday life against the reality of money and the hierarchical-authoritarian of the system.

Through everything we do, we try to reach one step closer to the overthrow, to the collectivizing of our denials and of our dreams.



  1. 20 March 2004 Squat of Fabrika Yfanet.
  2. 16 April 2004 Demonstatration at Toumpa because of the seal of the door of the squat from the National Bank.
  3. 29 April 2004 Manifestation for the history and the labor struggles of Ifanet.
  4. 21 May 2004 Manifestation “Striner and Nitche: the limits of the annihilation” from the library group.
  5. 28 May 2004 Manifestation for the presentation of the newsletter of the de-information about the immigrants from the indymedia of Thessaloniki.
  6. 04 June 2004 Manifestation for the Zanon (self-administered factory at Argentina) from Anares.
  7. 19-21 June 2004 “3 days for 3 months”, public spaces and city-prison with presentation of related literature, discussion, concerts and screenings.
  8. 24 June 2004 Participation at the squat of the offices foe the Olympic Games.
  9. 14 July 2004 Intervention-screening at the Navarinou square against the police-ridden, the labor accidents and the Olympic Games.
  10. 11-12 October 2004 Manifestation, discussion and screening about the mental health and the state institutes from a physiatrist.
  11. 16-17 October 2004 “5 years Black Cat”, pan-Hellenic meeting of purlieus, manifestations and concerts.
  12. 21 October 2004 Demonstration against the national unity. (200 participants).
  13. 13 November 2004 “Israeli anarchists against the wall”, presentation, screening and discussion.
  14. 19 November 2004 “Before the end” theatrical play about the body slavery and the sexual violence.
  15. 26 November 2004 “The society of the spectacle today”, manifestation from the ‘hotel of the strangers’.
  16. Middle of December “Little earlier” theatrical plays.
  17. 19 December 2004 Squat of the Macedonian news agency in solidarity to the one arrested about the events at the police station of St. Panteleimon.
  18. 24 February 2005 “Bio-policy, authority, knowledge: a reading of the work of Fucco” from the library group.
  19. 30 March 2005 Demonstration against the nationalistic pogroms (250 participants).
  20. 13 April 2005 Bike-demonstration organized by an initiative from some people of the squat.
  21. 16 April 2005 “1 year Fabrika Yfanet”, multi-actions, screenings, theatrical plays, presentations and concerts.
  22. 28 May 2005 “How Robert Zucco has been derailed”, theatrical play from the antibiotic group.
  23. 09 June 2005 Demonstration against the nationalistic fiesta of the town prefect about the anniversary of Alexander’s the Great birth.
  24. June 2005 Participation into the solidarity actions for the hunger striker Bahoz.
  25. 09 September 2005 Intervention at the M. Lazariston against the plans of creation of a museum of modern art at Yfanet.
  26. 29 October 2005 Hip-hop concerts.
  27. 5-6 November 2005 “Towards a mutant society”, 2 days of discussions and screenings from the children of test-tubes.
  28. 11 November 2005 Attack with paints against the French institute in solidarity to the malcontented of the French suburbs.
  29. 11-12 November 2005 “Self-organized filming: the collective AK – KRAAK”.
  30. 26 November 2005 Presentation of the book ‘the invisibles’ from Nanni Balestrini, discussion about the Italian antagonistic movement.
  31. 18 February 2006 Demonstration against the conference of LAOS (450 participants).
  32. 28 March 2006 Attack and destruction of the offices of the fascist and patriotic alliance (200 participants).
  33. 8 April 2006 Conference of Ochra Speirochaiti at Kamara for the 2 years of the squat.
  34. 12 May 2006 Manifestation with John Tamtakos for the 70 years from the rebellion of the tobacco workers at 1936.
  35. 20 May 2006 Manifestation for the precarity with Franco Berardi Bifo.
  36. 06 June 2006 Attack and demonstration against the offices of the cement factory Titan for the death of 2 workers (150 participants).
  37. 22 June 2006 Manifestation against the national myths from the newspaper of the labor power.
  38. 06 July 2006 Metropolitan summer with sports and diving at Yfanet.
  39. 09 September 2006 Attack from 100 people with eggs, garbage and potato bombs at the State Museum of Modern Art that wants to move to Yfanet.
  40. 19 November 2006 Demonstration at Amarynthos against the rape of a 16 years old Bulgarian girl (130 participants).
  41. 27 November-3 December 2006 1st Documentary Festival at Ifanet.
  42. 02 December 2006 Presentation of the book “The completed work of Bakounin” from the library group.
  43. 05 December 2006 Demonstration in solidarity to the emigrants (500 participants).
  44. 09 December 2006 Participation to the pan-Hellenic demonstration in solidarity to the emigrants in Athens from the anarchist coordination (600 participants).
  45. 19 January 2007 Squat of the law association for the arrested and hunger strikers of the demonstration of the social forum in Athens at 16 may 2006.
  46. 03 February 2007 Pan-Hellenic assembly of different groups about the biotechnology and the mutants. Manifestations and presentations about the mines of Chalkidike, about the Underwater road of Thessaloniki, about the dam of Aracthos river, about the diversion of the river Achelloos, about the electricity factory at Ptolemaida and the greenscare at USA.
  47. 03 March 2007 Assembly of the pan-Hellenic coordination for the solidarity to the emigrants, manifestations, screenings and discussions – theatrical play ‘the certificate’ of Nikolai Erdman from the theatrical group of the emigrants of Thessaloniki.
  48. 29 March 2007 Manifestation against the underwater road of Thessaloniki from the pirates of the coastland.
  49. 30 March 2007 Bike demonstration against the underwater road of Thessaloniki from the pirates of the coastland and the podilatistas (200 participants).
  50. 31 March 2007 Demonstration against the underwater road of Thessaloniki from the pirates of the coastland (300 participants).
  51. 03 April 2007 Motor-driven solidarity demonstration to the imprisonment center of the emigrants (100 participants).
  52. 27 April 2007 Bike demonstration from the podilatistas (200 participants).
  53. 01 May 2007 Demonstration against the precarity (350 participants).
  54. 18 May 2007 Participation to the pan-Hellenic solidarity demonstration to the emigrants at Patra (400 participants).
  55. 24 May-03 June 2007 11 days festival with discussions, manifestations, screenings and concerts for the 3 years of the Yfanet squat.
    • Self-organized social centers – suppression- defense.
    • 1st screening of a self-organized film.
    • “Unlocking Kleidona” Presentation of the surrealistic group of Athens.
    • Informing and discussion about the suppression and the defense of the Ungdomshuset squat at Copenhagen.
    • Presentation of the play “the closet: a rehearsal of rebellion”.
    • “How we understood it” Screening of a video from the squat of Villa Amalias.
    • Manifestation about “Daily problems in a collective and its interrelation with the general liberating procedure” from the housing collective of the Yfanet squat.
    • “Treasure hunting” a documentary about the metal mines of the North Chalkidike.
    • Discussion about: The nation, the anti-imperialism and the competitive movement.
    • “Notes for the memory” an audiovisual play.
    • Theatrical play “the uncle Paparos” the Buffonata group of Villa Amalias squat.
    • Manifestation of the liberal infant school EL PASO DAY.
  56. 31 May 2007 Solidarity demonstration for the 3 years squat of Yfanet (800 participants).
  57. 18-21 August 2007 Participation to the demonstrations for the assassinated Nigerian Tony Onoua.
  58. 25 October 2007 Interference against the school national parades at 150 schools of Thessaloniki.
  59. 04 November 2007 Motor-driven demonstration to the Diavata prison with the Terra Incognita squat, the purlieu of Philosophy department ant the Delta squat (250 participants).
  60. 09 November 2007 Manifestation and documentary about DIY.
  61. 12-16 November 2007 2nd Documentary Festival.


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