Squat ‘Het Paard’ in Amsterdam will be expropriated

The ‘Paard van Amstel’ is a squat opposite the councilhouse in Amsterdam. It has been squatted several times the last twenty years. The last eviction took place in july this year (see also http://squat.net/uk/news/horseherkraak160799.htmland older news at http://squat.net/uk/news). This eviction was ordered by the council. Four people were arrested and finally sentenced to one month in prison. The gable of the building was severely damaged by the container which carried the riotcops to the roof of the heavily barricaded building. A few days after the eviction the Amsterdam squattersmovement reacted with a renewed squat-action. This time we wouldn’t let them kick us out anymore! [Read More]

Unknown suspects ravaged departmentstore in Leipzig

Unknown suspects tried to set a departmentstore on fire during saturday night.The police told the public on sunday of broken windows and afew attepts to start fires inside the building. Following investigations there where no signs of looting. The amount of damadge was not known to the police. The youth also broke 13 windows on a nearby bank building.

The police was called by neighbours that noticed the 15-30 youth. Nobody could be arrested, as the suspects had disappeared by the time the police arrieved. The department store is located in Leipzig-Connewitz, Where the left orientated scene is based.

Wether or not there might be a connection between the incident and a peaceful demonstration of around 500 left-orientated youth that happened saturday evening in leipzig could not be told yet.The demonstration that was against the ban on demonstrations in Saalfeld in Thueringen proceeded peacefully!

12/10/1997 Berliner Zeitung

Old English booklet on Squat!net

Today we put an old booklet in the squat!net-archive. It is made for the London squatters conference in 1977 by Amsterdam squatters. The text is not perfect yet but we will make it better in the near future.

The url of the archive: http://squat.net/archiv

“Houses occupation- Liberation?”: http://squat.net/archiv/gb/london/index.html

The introduction:


This text was written for the London squatters conference on 15 may ’77, where groups from Amsterdam were invited. [Read More]

Social anger and protests lead to Copenhagen riots

The night between the 7th 8th November 1999 a lot of people got fed up with the racism of the Danish state.

At approximately 22.00 at the between the 7th and the 8th a group of second generation immigrants, punks and other people joined together at the old working-class neighbourhood of Nørrebro. As a reaction to the extradition of citizen of Turkish origin, whom have lived in Denmark all his life. The get-to-gether resulted in a riot which resulted in smashing windows of Banks, and other capitalist and multi- national corporations. After one and a half hour the police arrive at the scene, which put a lit on tempers for a while. After two hours, things exploded in virtual war in the streets of Nørrebro.

Finally the police reacted with heavy teargassing which resulted in people were forced to spread out over the neighbourhood.

The police arrested one man. They are holding him back for 11 days in isolation.

Protesters damage storefronts on Copenhagen street

Riots in Kopenhagen, from AP-Newsticker

Several dozen protesters smashed store windows on a downtown Copenhagen street, set two vehicles afire and threw rocks at police late Sunday night.

The incident took place in an immigrant neighborhood and reportedly was set off by the recent decision to expel a Turkish-born nationalized Dane who was convicted of a crime.

About 100 storefronts were smashed by rocks, iron bars and baseball bats.

At around 1 a.m. Monday, police were reestablishing control by their presence on Noerebrogade and nearby streets, but were not directly confronting the protesters, who generally ran away when authorities arrived on the scene.