Leeds: National Squatters Meeting – 9-10 February 2008

So we are inviting people involved in all squatted autonomous spaces around the UK to meet and discuss the squatting situation and some preparation for the days of action in April. The idea for this meeting is inspired by the recent international meeting in Dijon.

Some of the ideas of what could be discussed at this meeting are…
- Building a stronger network between the squats/Autonomous spaces throughout the UK.
- Initial planning for the days of action.
- The repression and resistance facing Autonomous spaces in the UK.
- How we can make better use of Autonomous spaces in terms of connecting them to issues such as increased surveillance, housing problems, gentrification and the fundamental issue of who owns and controls our land, space and lives.
- The impact of non squatted Autonomous spaces on the squatting movement.
- Breaking out of the “squatting scene”.
- The impact of drugs on the movement.

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Sevilla (Spain): Police Winkle Out Stubborn Squatters

Dec. 1st, 2007

It took teams of policemen and fire-fighters nearly 38 hours to remove two squatters from an underground refuge at the end of a tunnel underneath the Casas Viejas building in the Macarena district close to Sevilla city centre that has been earmarked for conversion into residential properties and a community centre.

Iván Díaz, a 28 year old geography lecturer at Sevilla university, lasted 36 hours, but was finally removed at 7.30pm yesterday evening. His fellow protester, Agustín, who is a builder and carpenter, held out for an an extra hour and a half.

The two men had taken refuge in a small cave at the end of a tunnel built over the last twelve months to resist eviction, and had padlocked themselves to concrete blocks in the wall behind an armour-plated door.

A similar siege in London a few years ago was brought to an end after police decided to dig an alternative tunnel, which took several days.

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