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Perth pie thrower fined $3600 following Qantas stunt

The Perth man who shoved a pie in Qantas boss Alan Joyce's face over gay marriage 'propaganda' has been fined $3600 following the highly publicised stunt back in May.

Tony David Overheu appeared in Perth Magistrates Court on Friday afternoon where he pleaded guilty to charges of trespassing at the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, damage to a microphone, common assault and giving false details to police.

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Qantas boss responds to a pie being shoved in his face

Alan Joyce says having a pie shoved in his face was 'a new experience'.

He was fined a total of $3600 and was granted a spent conviction.

The 67-year-old was caught on film emerging from behind a curtain at a business breakfast event on May 9 at the hotel, at which Mr Joyce was delivering a speech.

He was filmed hitting Mr Joyce in the face with a lemon meringue pie and then casually walking off stage into the arms of security officers who held him until police arrived.

In the aftermath of the stunt, Overheu said he had carried out the act to stand up to "corporate bullying" which promoted marriage equality. 


Overheu, a father of three, said he wanted to bring attention to what he called a "theme of corporate bullying", referring to a recent sex-same marriage campaign Qantas supports which has the tag line, "until we all belong".

The airline has the initiative - which encourages customers to order one of 250,000 specially-commissioned rings - printed on its boarding passes. 

"Qantas is insulting many staff and passengers with their boarding pass propaganda," he said at the time. 

"Middle Australia rejects corporate bullying aimed at social engineering."

He did, in the interim, send an email apologising for his actions to Mr Joyce after his wife was "at his throat" over his actions. 

"I've sent an email to Alan Joyce... offering an unreserved apology this morning," he said.

"My wife is hammering me over the head."

But his remorse didn't prevent a lifetime ban on flying with the Australian airline being imposed on Overheu.

A spokesman for the airline confirmed the ban will prohibit him from travelling on flights operated by Qantas, Jetstar or any partner airline, such as Emirates.

In court on Friday, Overheu's lawyer Tom Percy QC said his client's actions on the day were foolish and a "gross error of judgment."

The court heard that when he was arrested by police, Overheu gave them the name Tony Davies.

The police prosecutor said Overheu had carried out the offences "due to differences of political beliefs."

Mr Percy said Overheu had in recent years been left frustrated by "people in higher places making political statements."

"In a gross error of judgment he thought he'd make his point of view in a very public way," Mr Percy said.

"It was a foolish error of judgment.

"He simply made his way to the area...he was never questioned by anyone.

"He brought it on himself.

"He has expressed significant remorse." 

Mr Percy said his client, who ran a handyman business on a part-time basis, had been asked to step down from the committee at his local church in light of the incident.

"He's taken (that) very hard," Mr Percy said.

Police had earlier told the court they were not opposed to a spent conviction order being made.