Barcelona: Okupaqueer has been evicted in february 2005

Hi everybody, squatters, queers, and the others

As i still receive lots of mails concerning a queer squat in Barcelone, i have to publish, with 7 months of delay, this news :
In Barcelone, the group called okupaqueer, that finally squatted a big house in Montgat (on the seaside, near to Barcelone) from september 04 to february 05, does not exist anymore, since the eviction.
So don’t send messages to the email box cause you’ll never get any answer.
I used to forward all the messages i get about accomodation, people searching for a place to stay, to queeruption 8, but now that this meeting is over, and that there is not any group that seems to be involved anymore here about queer & squat, i don’t know what to answer.

Bye bye and good luck.




Call for solidarity from Amsterdam / Holland

On Friday July 14th 2005, ten people had to appear in the court of Amsterdam. They were prosecuted because of their participation in actions against the eviction of six squats in Amsterdam. Eight of them were already locked up since the evictions on Tuesday May 31st. That day around 70 people gathered in front of the Rokin squat in the center of Amsterdam. They made barricades on the street, set them on fire and blocked all traffic for hours. When the riotpolice arrived people started to attack them with stones, bottles and paintbombs. The clash on the streets went on for an hour, the eviction for five hours.
Two of the ten people that had to appear in court, were declared innocent ; seven people were convicted for 6 weeks prison (exactly the time they had spend inside already, so they were released the next day) ; and one woman got sentenced for 5 months, so she still has to spend 3 ½ months in prison ! When arrested a molotov cocktail was found on her body. Though nobody threw a molotov and there is no film or photograph footage from the police, she is convicted of throwing a molotov cocktail. All the accusations are based on the article of “public violence from a organised group”, with variations in : walking between the barricades, throwing water on police officers, throwing with objects like speaker boxes, empty beer cans, bread, molotov cocktails, fruit, a red coffee cup, bricks and pillows. During the court case the judge and the officer of justice made some remarkable political statements, that are very uncommon in dutch court. They compared the situation with “city guerrilla” because there were actions in a organised way that crossed the boundaries of violence.

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Cape Town, South Africa: No land! No house! No vote!

Cape Town, July 2005 – The Cape Town collective of Indymedia South Africa has made a ‘video newsletter’ about recent housing struggles in the city. This 35 minute production features footage of recent housing protests and interviews with community activists from Vrygrond, Delft, QQ section and Kwezi Park talking about housing issues and current issues. It is produced in order to give activists from elsewhere insight into the current struggles in Cape Town. [Read More]