The IndependentOvjeren akaunt


News, comment and features from The Independent.

Vrijeme pridruživanja: listopad 2008.


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  1. prije 2 sata

    The senior Labour figures now eating their words about Jeremy Corbyn

  2. prije 2 sata

    This is who might be the next Tory leader

  3. prije 2 sata

    How UK rappers helped Corbyn swing that essential youth vote

  4. prije 3 sata

    The Sopranos anecdote which proves James Gandolfini was the nicest man in Hollywood

  5. prije 3 sata

    Chelsea Manning reveals why she leaked secret military documents

  6. prije 3 sata
  7. prije 3 sata

    What Theresa May said outside No 10 – and what she really meant

  8. prije 3 sata

    Ed Sheeran song 'Shape of You' hits one billion streams on Spotify

  9. prije 3 sata

    Everyone should read what JK Rowling has to say about Theresa May

  10. prije 3 sata

    PTA chairwoman who stole £35k of school fundraising money spared jail because of her son

  11. prije 3 sata

    Taylor Swift appears to respond to Katy Perry comments in the most petty way possible

  12. prije 3 sata

    Theresa May failed to gain a majority because she grossly misunderstood the 'will of the people'

  13. prije 3 sata
  14. prije 3 sata

    These are the five things we have learned from the general election

  15. prije 3 sata

    Brexit diminished our stature in the world – and now Theresa May has made things much worse

  16. prije 3 sata
  17. prije 3 sata

    All the big beasts who have lost their seats

  18. prije 3 sata

    Taylor Swift just stole Katy Perry's thunder in a huge way

  19. prije 3 sata

    This guy placed a jaw-dropping bet thinking the Tories couldn't lose - he was wrong

  20. prije 4 sata

    The late night hosts have torn into James Comey's testimony

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