Barcelona: okupaqueer near the beach

Thursday we squatted a huge palace in front of the sea in Montgat. The police came directly but we resited inside the house. We hope to stay at least a few months but an eviction could happen anytime. So we need your support : you’re welcome to come to the house anytime you want. The house is big and we need people to make it lively, to fix it, to organize all kind of queer activities…
This project is not-mixed queer, That wants to say only fag, dyke and trans.

See you soon.

okupaqueer [at] yahoo [dot] es

The okupaqueer group


Thonon, France: The train-train will survive on winter

This morning at 9 o’clock on the 14th of september, the trial against the “train-train” (a squat in Thonon) made by the Sncf (national society of railroad) for illegal occupation of buildings, change its date to the 28th of september on demand of the sncf’s lawyer in order to give our lawyer’s conclusion and to prepare his argumentation against it…

Moreover, the delay that we can legally get before the real trial is 2 months, and if we manage to have it, these 2 months will get us until the 28th of november… one month before the begining of the winter.

For people who don’t know the train-train, it’s a squat that began last winter, where some concerts took place, projections, discussions, etc. In a Beautiful town of Haute-Savoie with mountains, a lake, a conservative mayor…

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