And the prize for worst article about #July18 goes to…

Super accurate reportage from the Hun.

There has now been extensive media coverage about Saturday’s events, almost all of it rubbish. There was stiff competition, but Andrew Jefferson’s article in the Herald Sun by takes the cake for sheer factual inaccuracy.

Jefferson faithfully reports the police line, even when (as he concedes here), he could see with his own eyes that it was untrue:

In an article full of howlers, Jefferson describes the forces arrayed against Reclaim Australia and the United Patriots Front as simply “Socialist anarchists”, and then he seemingly negotiates some kind of mega merger of the United Patriots Front, the Australian Defense League and the Patriots Defense League Australia to give us this amazing insight:

The Reclaim Australia protest was later boosted by the arrival of about 60 people from splinter group the Patriot Defence League, including many from interstate.

I expect bias, distortion, lies and propaganda from the Herald Sun, but Jefferson’s article just smacks of sheer laziness.

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