antifa notes (july 4, 2017) : international solidarity, anti-antifa +++

3rd Annual International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners on July 25, 2017

July 25, 2017 is the third ‘International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners’. NYC Antifa:

As the third annual July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners approaches, we find ourselves fighting the hydra of fascism and far-right ideology. While its many heads have distinct looks in different parts of the world, this beast spews the same venomous poison of nationalism and bigotry everywhere. It demonizes refugees and immigrants, stokes hatred for Muslims, and attacks LGBTQ and other oppressed groups who are fighting for liberation and their very lives.

The July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners originated in 2014 as the Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men being attacked by fascist football hooligans. Whether acting as individuals or as part of larger organized demonstrations, this is the kind of bravery and solidarity which defines antifascist actions against the forces of hate. Since the day of solidarity last year, we have seen this spirit all over the world—in Indonesia, Czech Republic, Brazil, Poland, England, Greece, the United States, France, Syria, Australia, Japan and all points in between.

Read more in English here; you can read translations of the call out im Deutschen, ελληνικά, français, Bahasa Indonesia and other languages here.

The Antifascists (documentary film)

The Antifascists is a new Swedish/Greek documentary ‘that takes us behind the masks of the militant groups called antifascists’.

It will hopefully be screening in Australia later in the year.

The Anti-Antifascists (lol)

Or: Bring all the crew mate it’s gonna be YUGE. Possibly the biggest Sydney has seen for this type of protest march.

On Saturday, July 1, Nick Folkes and the ‘Party for Freedom’ held a small rally in Newtown in order to whinge about ‘anti-fascists’. About 20-30 or so individuals attended the event, which consisted of marching the brief distance from Newtown railway station (chanting the usual inanities), then gathering outside Sergio Redegalli’s former studio (for more chanting), then standing around for an hour as puzzled locals went about their business. Peter Grace:

Apart from All The Usual Suspects, among those who bothered to rock up was Mark McDonald, the former leader of the short-lived neo-Nazi groupuscule ‘Squadron 88’. His presence was more welcome on Saturday than it was in July 2015, when he and geriatric bonehead Ross ‘The Skull’ May were kicked off the ‘patriot’ bus from Sydney to Melbourne for being ‘Nazis’. Among those who turned on the pair was Shermon ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’ Burgess who, since being kicked off Facebook, has now embraced, inter alia, Adolf Hitler and Flat Earthism. Still, the neo-Nazi pinhead was also presumably heartened by the PFF’s recent adoption of the ‘White GeNOcide’ meme, ably embodied by Folkes’ own marriage to an Asian woman (with whom he apparently has children) and the mixed-up confusion that is his young sidekick Toby Cook (below), whose commitment to White nationalism is unimpeded by his own non-European ancestry.

They’re a wEiRd mob!

*Oh yeah: neo-Nazis, White supremacists and AltRight geeks (‘Dingo Con’) also held a gathering in Sydney on the weekend to talk shite. Local neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell attended but Yanqui neo-Nazi Mike Peinovich did not. Note that former Labor leader Mark Latham is a YUGE fan of the neo-Nazi dogs. See also : Mark Latham is working with Rebel Media. Can he also work at the Daily Telegraph?, Jason Wilson, The Guardian, June 14, 2017.

Antifa … Not-Antifa

As noted previously, over the course of 2017 a number of fake ‘antifa’ social media accounts have emerged. Useful for conning the uninitiated, ignorant and naive, they’re also xclnt for spoonfeeding journalists drivel (cf. Andrew Bolt @ News and Michael Koziol @ Fairfax). In the United States, sadly, the fakery has resulted in one racist meathead shooting himself in the leg! Fake Event Mobilizes far-Right at Gettysburg; Militia Member Shoots Himself in Leg, It’s Going Down, July 1, 2017:

In the last two weeks, Alt-Right trolls have attempted to replay the events in Houston, Texas in June, where using over the top threats from fake antifa groups on social media, they galvanized a ‘counter-protest’ from the militia movement.

Moreover, it turned out that the people behind the trolling where also raking in thousands of dollars off of crowdfunding for the ‘counter-demonstration’ which drew several hundred and led to infighting between militia members and neo-Nazis. Seems like the Right has a business plan! Make a fake antifa group, make over the top threats, and then crowd fund money off of people that want to protest it.

This time around, trolls using the page ‘Harrisburg Antifa’ alleged that antifascists would burn flags and urinate on the graves of Confederate soldiers. These outright lies were then picked up by the ‘journalists’ at Fox News and distributed as actual truth. This connection between Alt-Right trolls and Fox News is not new; just last week Fox reprinted an article written by a member of the Alt-Right who wrote a hit piece about IGD at

Interestingly enough however, in the lead up to the protest, Navy Jack, a mover and shaker within the far-Right Oath Keeper militia, called out the event as total make-believe in a tweet (see image on the top-right), which has since been deleted. Navy Jack also included the photos of the two people he believed were behind the fake event and called it #FakeNews.

Other members of the far-Right, such as Joe Biggs, who recently left InfoWars because of the #Pizzagate conspiracy, have stated publicly that the rise of such fake antifa accounts have hurt the far-Right who continues to take them seriously.


See also : He came to rally against a non-existent protest. Then he shot himself in the leg., Greg Hadley, The Sacramento Bee, July 2, 2017 | Antifa calls Gettysburg protest rumors ‘a complete fabrication’, Dustin B Levy, USA Today, June 30, 2017.

Vigilantes R Us

In Melbourne on the weekend a dozen or so members of private security company Asolate Security, in conjunction with various self-described ‘patriots’ from the Soldiers of Odin and a handful of other groupuscules, conducted brief forays into Southbank, apparently in order to stop African yoof from stealing Moomba showbags. Or something. The meatheads are active online as ‘A26A’.

See also : We must draw attention to the far right. Not to do so is a dangerous concession, Jason Wilson, The Guardian, June 29, 2017.

BONUS! Moscow Death Brigade!

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Australian Pride /// Flagwit Rally, June 25, 2017 : Recap

Above : A choice poster from the Carlton Gardens.

The Melton-based grouplet True Blue Crew (TBC) organised an ‘Australian Pride’ rally in Melbourne today; the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism in conjunction with No Room For Racism organised a counter-rally to oppose it.

In brief:

About 100 or so fascists (possibly fewer, and mostly familiar faces), assembled in Carlton Gardens at approximately 11am, near the corner of Victoria & Rathdowne streets, as did a larger counter-protest nearby (and closer to the intersection). Several hundred police were also present, separating the two groups and otherwise maintaining a presence in the Gardens. After half-an hour or so of milling about and shouting, the fascists made their way to the Gardens near the corner of Victoria & Nicholson streets. With several hundred police reinforcements, they then marched up Nicholson onto Spring street before assembling in front of the Parliament — the counter-rally tried to follow but was blocked by police and forced to approach Parliament up Bourke street, before again being blocked by a police line at the corner of Bourke & Spring streets.

For maybe 30 minutes or so the fascists chanted, sang an awful rendition of the STRAYAN anthem (stopping after the first verse — lol), while also being treated to some speechifying by United Patriots Front (UPF) fuehrer Blair ‘A picture of Adolf Hitler in every Australian classroom!’ Cottrell and his sidekick, Li’l Tommy Sewell. (On a brighter note, the patriotik dregs were also treated to ‘77%’ by The Herd, which was blasting from the counter-rally.) The fascists were then marched by police back the way they came, up Nicholson street and to the Gardens, at which point they dispersed. The counter-rally was blocked by police from returning to the Gardens and at some point police used pepper spray (near the corner of Russell & Lonsdale streets), which affected maybe 10 or more individuals.

Spotted at the fascist rally were members of TBC and UPF, obviously, Soldiers of Odin, and a handful of members of neo-Nazi grouplet Right Wing Resistance Australia. (Most who sported merch were wearing TBC gear, although a handful had UPF.) Notable for their absence was the Kekistani Army, with just one yoof sporting the flag. Finally, rather than retire to The Pumphouse as on previous occasions, a small group of fascists was escorted by police to Fed Square, where they were welcomed by Transport Bar.


Congratulations to police (I guess) on facilitating a fascist rally and march through Melbourne (and for pepper-spraying opponents — for medical advice, please see Black Cross Resilience); the size of the fascist crowd was approximately the same as it was 12 months ago, if not slightly smaller, with those present forming the core of extreme-right opinion in Melbourne. They were vocal, and cobbled together from every tinpot group in town and from further afield (principally Bendigo). Despite some frothing-at-the-mouth commentary by some TBC loons, there were no clashes between the two sides as far as I’m aware, with police being delegated the task of protecting the rally and march — which, with overwhelming force, they achieved. Finally, any possibility of halting a fascist march in future will likely depend on there being (many) more counter-protesters — a possibility, but one requiring a good deal of work.

In any case, mAd props to every one who came out today to oppose the flagwits!

See also : Knife, knuckleduster confiscated as right-wing, anti-racism protesters clash in city, Alexandra Laskie, The Age, June 25, 2017 | ‘Australian Pride’ protesters face anti-racism protesters in Melbourne, SBS (AAP), June 25, 2017. Note that police had declared the CBD a designated area between the hours of 8am and 8pm today, giving them carte blanche to conduct searches.

Above : As noted, a handful of members of neo-Nazi groupuscule ‘Right Wing Resistance Australia’ were present. From L to R : Cleve Pepprell (?); ‘Sammy Chelsea’; James Lawrence; unknown. Note that one member of RWRAU, Ricky White, was arrested in September last year and charged with the arson of a church in Taree: I’ve no idea what’s become of his case. Finally, note that most neo-Nazis have too many smarts to wear their swastikas in public and for today’s performance the Nazi flag was replaced by the Australian.


At around 3.30–4pm today, a small group of TBC gronks, including their lvl boss Kane Miller, attended The Curtin Hotel opposite Victorian Trades Hall Council.

Upon entering the premises they proceeded to the bar, but were denied service, and left. As they did so the boys shouted something about ‘slanty-eyed c*nts’, and otherwise entertained pub-goers and passersby with abuse (‘f*cking dirty lefties’ etc., etc., etc.).

Props to the staff at The Curtin for showing the boys the door.

Otherwise, while they remain a very small group of racist meatheads, the fact that the TBC receives the nurturance and support of VicPol means incidents like this will become more likely … and the situation end in tears.

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The SUWA Show : June 2017 edition w jews against fascism

This month’s episode of ‘Floating Anarchy’ on The SUWA Show features an interview with Max Kaiser of local trouble-makers ‘Jews against fascism’. 5.30–6.30pm, Friday, June 23, 2017 on 3CR: 855AM or livestreaming on the 3CR website.

You can read more about Jews against fascism on their Facebook page; Max K’s podcast is called Mazel Tov Cocktail and you can listen to it here. For Max’s academic writings, see

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Australian Pride March / Flagwit Rally, Melbourne : June 25, 2017

Update (June 25, 2017) : See : Australian Pride /// Flagwit Rally, June 25, 2017 : Recap.

Next Sunday, June 25, Phillip Galea’s favourite patriotik gang the True Blue Crew (TBC) have organised a flagwit rally in Melbourne. (Note: that’s Phill at last year’s flagwit rally above.)

In response, the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism and No Room For Racism have organised a counter-rally.

So why are the TBC rallying?

According to the somewhat incoherent blurb which accompanies the Facebook event page, the flagwit rally in June last year was much victory, very success, so they wanna make it an annual affair. In terms of political content, the TBC claim that Australian nationalism and culture is under attack by leftists and other ‘traitors’, who must be crushed. As evidence of treasonous behaviour, they cite the the traitorous left’s desire to: ‘destroy’ Australia Day and ANZAC Day; increase immigration and allow refugees into the country; close the offshore concentration camps for asylum seekers and; enact the Safe Schools program. The chief problems facing Australia, according to the TBC, are the existence of African crime gangs and the threat of Muslim terrorism. Worse, both these subjects are — despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary — unable to be discussed in public because of ‘political correctness’.

To put it another way: the TBC flagwit rally is basically a particularly angwy Andrew Bolt blogpost come to life.

At this stage, it’s unclear if the fundamentalist Christian political party ‘Rise Up Australia’ will be attending (as they did last year), but presumably whatever remains of the United Patriots Front will attend, as will the Soldiers Of Odin, and numerous other little far right groupuscules, as well of course as a busload of TBC boys from Bendigo and Melton, and maybe even members of the Asolate Security Group, who knows?

PS. The Pumphouse Hotel (128 Nicholson St, Fitzroy) is likely to be the watering hole of choice for the dingbats after they’ve finished all their whinging and whining, thus maintaining the pub’s status as a fascist-friendly venue: boo!.

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antifa notes (june 13, 2017) : andrew bolt glitters edition


Reactionary commentator and convicted racist Andrew Bolt was a special guest at a book launch at Il Gambero restaurant in Carlton this time last week. Organised by a group called The Unhinged The Unshackled, the event was intended to promote a paean to Donald Trump penned by RMIT academic Steven Kates. Called The Art of the Impossible, ‘The entire book is comprised of blog posts on my own website: some of which were also then published on my shared website: www.catal[l]’

Sounds riveting.

In any case, prior to the launch two people accosted Bolt outside the restaurant, and one of them poured sparkles on his suit. This triggered Bolt, and there was a brief scuffle, captured on both CCTV and by a photojournalist. Or as Kates puts it on his blog: Violent thugs attack speaker at Art of the Impossible book launch. Thus far, Bolt himself has managed to squeeze out a mere 14 blog posts on the subject (and counting), the first titled ‘ON THE FASCISTS WHO ATTACKED ME’ (June 6): ‘Watch the fascist Left attack me and get clobbered. Luckily the cameras do not capture me kicking one between the legs.’

From here the story quickly snowballed into an heroic epic in which Bolt became an Antipodean Alt-Knight bravely battling the fascist anti-fascists with his bare fists (e.g.: Here’s A Thug’s-Eye View Of That Antifa Attack On Andrew Bolt, The Daily Caller, June 8, 2017; Watch Conservative Commentator Beat Down Leftist Thugs Attacking Him Over Trump Book, FrontPageMag, June 8, 2017; Thunder Down Under: Aussie Columnist Fights Off Antifa, National Review, June 8, 2017).

A writer unlikely to ever win a Walkley, in one post Bolt quotes ‘Melbourne Antifa’ as having assumed responsibility for the glitter-bombing on behalf of their ‘family’:

Of course, the one slight problem with this claim is that the Facebook page to which Bolt links — — is a fake account, created by one or another species of nazi troll. In fact, as I’ve noted previously, ‘Melbourne Antifa’ is one of several such accounts on Facebook and Twitter (a recent addition is ‘ANTIFA Toowoomba’: legit accounts are Antifascist Action Brisbane, Antifascism Tasmania, Anti Fascist Action Sydney and Melbourne Antifascist Info). Such trollery, especially when performed for a gormless reactionary like Bolt, often works, but not always: the nazi(s) trolling Socialist Alternative in Perth being a case in point (‘Fake’ anti-Semitic Socialist Alternative posters appear in Leederville, Natalie Richards, The West Australian, June 12, 2017). Rather, generally speaking, these fake accounts only manage to fool teenyboppers, the ignorant, and the naif … and occasionally professional trolls like Bolt (when it suits them). See : Houston Chronicle, KPRC Duped by Alt-Right Trolls Over Sam Houston Protest, Craig Malisow, Houston Press, June 1, 2017; Fake Antifa Twitter Accounts Are Trolling People And Spreading Misinformation, Craig Silverman, BuzzFeed, May 31, 2017 (‘This is part of a coordinated campaign to create fake accounts in an attempt to troll and discredit anti-fascist activists’).

See also : Andrew Bolt sprayed with dye and glitter by masked men outside Melbourne restaurant, ABC, June 6, 2017 | Some Dudes Tried To Glitter Bomb Andrew Bolt And It’s All On Camera, Rob Stott, Buzzfeed, June 7, 2017 | Andrew Bolt Got Glitter Bombed In Melbourne And Is Very Upset About It, Tom Clift, Junkee, June 7, 2017 | Andrew Bolt assault: Third man on the scene says he is ‘just a photographer’, Neelima Choahan, Liam Mannix, The Age, June 8, 2017.


Nazis have been a bit more active of late. Leaving aside the nipsters of Antipodean Resistance, their various attempts to gain publicity (pro-tip: try Bolt), and the wreckage of the zombie Aryan Nations, Combat 18 has been rearing its head again in WA. But more on that later … in the meantime, this article by Spencer Sunshine about ‘The Growing Alliance Between Neo-Nazis, Right Wing Paramilitaries and Trumpist Republicans’ in the US of A (Colorlines, June 9, 2017) is essential reading:

I have been following Far Right movements for more than a decade as a researcher and journalist. Over the past few months, I’ve seen an increase in the visibility of a new, violent, right-wing street protest movement that I call “Independent Trumpism.” It unites neo-Nazis, members of the alt-right, Patriot movement paramilitaries and Trumpist Republicans.

Two things set Independent Trumpism apart from usual right-wing politics. First, the group’s rallies are in support of the president, but are organized outside of the Republican Party structure. Second, mainstream Republicans are appearing alongside open White supremacists, especially at events billed as “Free Speech” marches …

See also : Confronting the Nationalists and Their Police: A Full Report from Portland on June 4, CrimethInc, June 6, 2017; Is there a neo-Nazi storm brewing in Trump country?, Lois Beckett, The Guardian, June 4, 2017 (‘Can national socialism, repackaged as ‘white identity’ politics, earn votes in rural counties that voted for Trump?’). More generally, see : It’s Going Down and Antifa International for news, views, and links to local organising.

Oh, and finally, I suppose I should also note the recent death of Bob Whitaker, Presidential candidate for the fascist American Freedom Party and author of the slogan ‘Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white’.


On June 11, a small group of local far-rightists gathered in Dandenong in order to discuss the establishment of a vigilante gang to protect the ‘burb from marauding African kidz. While this is not the first time that fascists and the far-right have openly discussed taking the law into their own hands — the Soldiers Of Odin were gamely compared by The Age to Guardian Angels, and the UPF once discussed covertly organising some Right Wing Death Squad Entertainment — the participation of an actual registered security organisation in the project is novel, as well as ambitious.

Spearheaded, seemingly, by a patriotik fella called Daniel Purton (who’s the leader of a nü gang called A26A), those at the meeting included ‘True Blue Crew’ lvl boss Kane Miller, some Soldiers Of Odin, and various other minor characters on the far right. Police kept an eye on things, as did members of a new security company called Asolate Security, who’ve expressed full support for the budding vigilante campaign. This seems rather odd behaviour for a licensed security company, but then we live in interesting times.

See also : Expect More Murders: Why the Radical Right Kills, Spencer Sunshine, truth-out, June 2, 2017.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Media, State / Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

From Portland to Penrith

Portland, Oregon, Friday:

Suspect in Portland double murder posted white supremacist material online, Jason Wilson, May 28, 2017:

Police in Portland, Oregon, have charged a white supremacist with a double murder and hate crimes, after he allegedly cut the throats of two passengers and stabbed another on a commuter train late on Friday afternoon.

According to police, while riding the MAX train in suburban north-east Portland, Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, began “yelling various remarks that would best be characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions.”

When fellow passengers attempted to intervene, Christian stabbed three of them. One man, 53-year-old Ricky John Best of Happy Valley, Oregon, died at the scene. Another, 23-year-old Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche of south-east Portland, was pronounced dead at a local hospital. A third, 21 year old Micah Fletcher, was treated for injuries that police said “are not expected to be life-threatening”.

A Pattern of Enabling Racist Violence, Rose City Antifa, May 27, 2017:

On Friday May 26th, a man on Portland public transit was reported to have yelled Islamophobic hate speech at two women, one in a hijab. He was confronted by other passengers, and now two of these people are dead, and another is in the hospital. White supremacist Jeremy Christian was arrested for the attack. Christian is well-known to anti-fascist activists in Portland, because he was recently seen at one of Joey Gibson’s free speech rallies.

Joey Gibson, a video blogger from Vancouver, WA, has already taken to Facebook to plead that people not “politicize” these deaths, well aware of how Portland is already long tired of his endless circus. The deaths are tragic, but the crime was always political. The attack occurred on the day before Ramadan. The islamophobic slurs that witnesses reported Christian yelled before the attack are no different than those used by Joey Gibson’s friends, the homophobic and xenophobic street preachers, seen around Portland screaming at immigrants and others. This is the rhetoric that Gibson defends under the banner of free speech. Jeremy Christian posted often and at length with threats of violence against anti-fascist activists. The victims of this crime were killed because they were standing up to hate speech. These are identical to threats that Gibson’s group and other associated far-right groups have made against those same activists.

See also : Portland deaths: Son who died trying to stop Muslim abuse ‘a hero’, BBC, May 28, 2017 | Tri Met Heroes GoFundMe fundraising campaign for the families of the deceased and injured.

Penrith, NSW, Sunday:

Anti-Islamic protest takes place in Penrith, Troy Dodds, the western weekender, May 28, 2017.

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Blogs are dead. Long live blogs!

Having previously surveyed Journals & Zines and so on and so on, I’m now updating my blog links …

dead and/or resting:

a-films (–2014)
After The Greek Riots / Occupied London [see : libcom]
angry news from around the world (–2012)
Angry White Kid [see : Falling Into Incandescence]
Amor Y Resistencia (–2010)
“Black Flame: the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism” (–2015) [see also : anarchist notes (april 25, 2017) : IWA-AIT, Michael Schmidt +++]
CrimethInc Far East Blog
Cruz Negra Anarquista de Venezuela (–2009) [see also : Cruz Negra Anaquista en Contra Info]
Fires Never Extinguished (–2012; A journal of the Phoenix Class War Council)
Mike Boda
Molly’s Blog (–2015)
Orthodox Anarchist [see : daniel sieradski]
Our War
RAG/revolutionary anarchafeminist group (–2014)
riot porn (–2007)
run amok (–2011)
The Boulevardier
the disillusioned kid (–2015)
this is our job
Truth, Reason & Liberty (–2012)

still kicking:

Anarchist Writers
אנרכיסטים נגד הגדר Anarchists Against The Wall [Facebook]
Anarchy Alive! [Facebook]
Aragorn! blog
Avtonom [ENG]
Bombs & Shields (?) [see also : In Our Hearts]
FIRE To The Prisons (–2011) >>> Fire to the Prisons
John Kinsella >>> Mutually Said: Poets Vegan Anarchist Pacifist [A blog shared between poets John Kinsella and Tracy Ryan]
Mickey Z
Mujeres Creando
Old Punks Never Die! [2014: Currently Under Reconstruction]
Rad Geek People’s Daily
Revolution By The Book [see also : AK Press]
Robert Graham’s Anarchism Weblog
rob’s revolting
sketchy thoughts [see also : Kersplebedeb]
three way fight
void network


DISACCORDS — ‘An anarchist news blotter following events in Oceania & South East Asia.’
everyone can do something — ‘Resources, provocations and practical things for action, ‘cos the world doesn’t just get better / stop getting worse on its own.’
Insurrection News — ‘news, counter-information & incitement from the global front lines of anti-capitalist insurrection & social war.’
It’s Going Down — ‘a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements.’
Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group — ‘Statements and opinions from the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group.’

Posted in Anarchism, Art, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , | 2 Comments

The SUWA Show : May 2017 edition w Dr Jason Wilson on #AltRight

On this month’s edition of ‘Floating Anarchy’ on The SUWA Show (5.30pm /// Friday, May 26 /// 3CR /// 855AM or livestreaming) Dr Cam Smith & I chat w Dr Jason Wilson (The Guardian) about the Alt Right, the far right, fascism, irony and more.

See : Hiding in plain sight: how the ‘alt-right’ is weaponizing irony to spread fascism, Jason Wilson, The Guardian, May 23, 2017 (Experts say the ‘alt-right’ have stormed mainstream consciousness by using ‘humor’ and ambiguity as tactics to wrong-foot their opponents) | Media Manipulation and Disinformation Online, Data & Society, May 15, 2017 | Kill All Normies, Andrea Nagle, Zero Books (2017) | The New Man of 4chan, Andrea Nagle, The Baffler, No.30, March 2016 | Who are the new jihadis?, Oliver Roy, The Guardian, April 13, 2017 (Biographies of ‘homegrown’ European terrorists show they are violent nihilists who adopt Islam, rather than religious fundamentalists who turn to violence).

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Media, State / Politics | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

journals & zines : may 2017 update

i thought i may as well update the links to journals & zines i’ve chucked up on the blog. many of these are anarchist or otherwise radical; others liberal &/or left: some are lost, a few are found. at some point, i’ll prolly go thru the rest of the links, many of which are similarly gone, but which otherwise remind me that i’ve been blogging for freaking ages/far too long nao …

dead &/or resting:

A Murder of Crows [2006–2007]
Abolishing the Borders from Below [–2010]
aduki [–2012?]
Alternative Press Review [–2010?]
Black Star Review [?]
clamor [1999–2006]
Collective Action Notes [–2009]
D!ssent [2014?]
Do Or Die [1992-2003]
Eat The State [?]
FIRE To The Prisons [–2011]
Green Anarchy [2000–2009]
Harbinger [–2003]
ideas & action [1982–1997]
Incendio! [?]
Killing King Abacus [2004?]
Last Hours [2003–2010]
Linchpin [–2013?]
Multinational Monitor [–2009?]
Mutiny [–2014]
Mute [–2013]
Race Traitor [–2005]
SchNEWS [1994–2014]
shift magazine [2007–2012]
The Commoner [–2012]
The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest [–2014]
The Northeastern Anarchist [–2011]
turbulence [–2010]
venomous butterfly publications
zine library [?]

still kicking:

325 /// Anarchist Studies /// Anarcho-Syndicalist Review /// Anarchy /// Arena /// Aufheben /// b o r d e r l a n d s /// Breakdown Press /// Capital & Class /// Chain Reaction /// Columbia Journalism Review /// counterpunch /// Direct Action [?] /// Dissident Voice /// Dollars & Sense /// Earth First! Journal /// El Libertario /// Fifth Estate /// Freedom Fight /// Foucault Studies /// Going Down Swinging /// Le Monde diplomatique /// Links /// MAXIMUMROCKNROLL /// Monthly Review /// New Internationalist /// New Left Review /// New Matilda /// New Politics /// NOT BORED! [?] /// Organise! /// Overland /// Prickly Paradigm /// Profane Existence /// Quarterly Essay /// Radical Philosophy /// Rebel Press /// slingshot /// Smearcasters /// Social Alternatives /// Social Anarchism [?] /// The Baffler /// The Indypendent /// The International Journal of INCLUSIVE DEMOCRACY /// The Monthly /// Upping The Anti /// Upside Down World /// Urban 75 /// Wildcat /// WW4 Report /// Z Magazine


MORTAR : ‘Mortar is the theoretical journal of Common Cause.’
Perspectives on Anarchist Theory : publication of the Institute for Anarchist Studies (US).
Rolling Thunder : CrimethInc’s semi-regular glossy.
The Anarchist Library : heaps of @ stuffs.

Posted in Anarchism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics | 1 Comment

antifa notes (may 23, 2017) : The Three Stooges (United Patriots Front) Go To Court +++

The Three Stooges

The Three Stooges — Blair Cottrell, Neil Erikson and Chris Shortis — made a brief appearance in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court today for a contest mention. The three have been charged with four offences — serious religious vilification, defacing property, willful damage and behaving in an offensive manner in public — following a UPF publicity stunt outside Bendigo council offices in October 2015. The circus returns to court on September 4.

According to Ben Hillier, more than 50 people attended court in order to support the trio, while another few dozen protested in opposition outside the court. The Five Flag General dominated proceedings outside, while inside Neil Erikson demanded Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Police Commissioner Graham Ashton be subpoenaed to appear. Last week, his co-accused, Blair Cottrell, called upon his followers to be prepared to stage an occupation of the court room in the event that they were found guilty. A very odd proposal, given that it was a contest mention, and one which begs the question: stupid, or just plain liar? In any case, beheading a dummy is a big step up from attempting to decapitate his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend, so fair play.

See : Comedy Company at the Magistrates’ Court as fascists wait for hearing, Ben Hillier, Red Flag, May 23, 207 | Punches thrown as supporters of far-right group clash with protesters outside Melbourne court, 9news/AAP. May 23, 2017.

Snakes On A Plane? Boneheads On A Train!

In a rare sighting, two boneheads were spotted on a train on the Ballarat line yesterday. (It’s unknown if the bones have any relation to the bones spotted in Ballarat back in March.)

Fakes and AltReich Creeps

As mentioned previously, there’s been a few fake antifa accounts created recently. Recent entrants include Brisbane Antifa (Twitter), Hobart Antifa (Facebook), Melbourne Antifa (Facebook), Sydney Antifa (Facebook/Twitter).

Fair dinkum accounts are : Antifascist Action Brisbane /// Antifascism Tasmania /// Anti Fascist Action Sydney /// Melbourne Antifascist Info.

STRAYA follows Yanqui fashions, and the AltReich trend is no exception, from Breitbart to Proud Boys to various patriotik deformations. One bizarr0 publication, called, features the musings of former hemp crusader Ryan Fletcher. For reasons best known to himself (possibly because of one too many knocks to the head?), of late Ryan has dropped HEMP for Hitler.


See also : Hiding in plain sight: how the ‘alt-right’ is weaponizing irony to spread fascism, Jason Wilson, The Guardian, May 23, 2017 (Experts say the ‘alt-right’ have stormed mainstream consciousness by using ‘humor’ and ambiguity as tactics to wrong-foot their opponents).

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