- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 99364
In Amenas (Arabic: إن أمناس,‘In ’Amanās) is a town and commune in eastern Algeria, bordering with Libya. The town is located 30 kilometres (19 mi) west of the border. There is no border crossing in the area. The municipality had 7,385 inhabitants in 2008, up from 5.302 in 1998, with an annual growth rate of 3.4% According to the Algerian novelist Mouloud Mammeri the name is a Tuareg word which means "lieu des méharis" or "place of camel drivers."
The natural gas facility near the municipality was attacked by Islamist militants on 16 January 2013.
In Amenas has a hot desert climate (Köppen climate classification BWh). Summers are long and very hot with averages high temperatures over 40 °C (104 °F) during June, July and August. Winters remain warm and brief at daytime but nights can be quite cold, with averages low temperatures below 4 °C (39.2 °F) during January, the coolest month of the year. In Amenas averages annual rainfall of only 23.2 mm (0.91 in) as the town is located within the large central hyperarid core of the Sahara Desert. The sky is always clear over In Amenas throughout the year and the relative humidity is very low, especially during summer months.
Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms. The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years. Fossil fuels contain high percentages of carbon and include coal, petroleum and natural gas. Other more commonly used derivatives of fossil fuels include kerosene and propane. They range from volatile materials with low carbon:hydrogen ratios like methane, to liquid petroleum to nonvolatile materials composed of almost pure carbon, like anthracite coal. Methane can be found in hydrocarbon fields, alone, associated with oil, or in the form of methane clathrates. The theory that fossil fuels formed from the fossilized remains of dead plants by exposure to heat and pressure in the Earth's crust over millions of years (see biogenic theory) was first introduced by Georg Agricola in 1556 and later by Mikhail Lomonosov in the 18th century.
The Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2007 the primary sources of energy consisted of petroleum 36.0%, coal 27.4%, natural gas 23.0%, amounting to an 86.4% share for fossil fuels in primary energy consumption in the world. Non-fossil sources in 2006 included hydroelectric 6.3%, nuclear 8.5%, and others (geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, wood, waste) amounting to 0.9%. World energy consumption was growing about 2.3% per year.
Éric Zemmour (born August 31, 1958) is a French writer and political journalist, born in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis. Until 2009, he was a reporter for Le Figaro and has since had a column in Figaro Magazine. He has also appeared as a television personality on the shows On n'est pas couché on France 2 between 2006 and 2011, Ça se dispute on i>TÉLÉ between 2003 and 2014, and Z comme Zemmour on RTL since January 2010. Starting September 2011, he has hosted Zemmour et Naulleau, a weekly evening talk show on Paris Première, together with Éric Naulleau. His antiliberal and radical positions as well as the numerous controversies he has been involved in, are notorious in France.
Éric Zemmour was born in Montreuil (today in Seine-Saint-Denis) on August 31, 1958, to an Algerian family that came to Metropolitan France during the Algerian War. He identifies as a Jew of Berber origin, and above all as a French Jew. He grew up in Drancy and later in the Paris district of Château Rouge. The son of Roger Zemmour, a paramedic, and his wife Lucette, a housewife, he has said he admires his mother and grandmother: his father was often absent, and he was actually raised by women "who taught [him] to be a man."
Yahoo Inc. (styled as Yahoo!) is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. It is globally known for its Web portal, search engine Yahoo! Search, and related services, including Yahoo! Directory, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Groups, Yahoo! Answers, advertising, online mapping, video sharing, fantasy sports and its social media website. It is one of the most popular sites in the United States. According to third-party web analytics providers, Alexa and SimilarWeb, Yahoo! is the highest-read news and media website, with over 7 billion readers per month, being the fourth most visited website globally, as of June 2015. According to news sources, roughly 700 million people visit Yahoo websites every month. Yahoo itself claims it attracts "more than half a billion consumers every month in more than 30 languages."
Yahoo was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994 and was incorporated on March 1, 1995. Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive, serves as CEO and President of the company.
Eric Zemmour parle de l'Algerie(In Amenas) et du Mali Eric Zemmour parle de l'Algerie(In Amenas) et du MaliEric Zemmour parle de l'Algerie(In Amenas) et du Mali Eric Zemmour parle de l'Algerie(In Amenas) et du Mali Eric Zemmour parle de l'intervention Francais au Mali orchestree par le president de la Republique Francois Hollande. C'est sur i Tele. Il s'exprime egalement sur l'algerie algerie et des la prise d'otage par les terroristes d"AQMI, dont le bilan est sanglant.
el omda & boudjemàa
Algérie In Amenas Armée Maroc Armée algérienne vs armée marocaine Maroc vs Algérie Algérie Maroc Tunisie Algérien Guerre d'Algérie 2013 2012 ALLAH maroc tunisie tariq ramadan saoudi palestine mohamed bouteflika lybie usmh mca ennahartv ennahar سوريا syrie rafaa156 dz مصر العراق لبنان تونس fln الجزائر ليبيا المغرب iraq algerieNow bundes42 Sanyol1 ALGERIAGOVV TheHannibal31 Dirac1Dirac siglito1 rokiiii02 tonyfox21 patchika1978 meriemdz1 jiji309 nassimalg82 nessma الجيش الجزائري
Prime immagini TV (Al Arabia) provenienti dal sito di Tiguentourine( In Amenas )dopo il blitz delle forze speciali algerine contro la katiba del narco-terrorista Mokhtar Belmokhtar http://www.alarabiya.net/
https://www.facebook.com/DJIHAZ?ref_type=bookmark 16 JANUARY 2013 سنة بعد الحادثة الإرهابية في تيقنتورين إنمناس التلفزة الوطنية في حصة خاصة
Établissement National de la Navigation Aérienne. المؤسسة الوطنية للملاحة الجوية
“Tilaco” es el retrato del patrimonio intangible de una pequeña comunidad que se abre espacio entre las montañas del Estado de Querétaro, y que por el contrario de su tamaño, cuenta con un gran acervo cultural, el cual nos muestra un sincretismo perfectamente identificable en sus calles, costumbres, tradiciones y desde luego, en sus habitantes. Así mismo, es una plática con aquel viejo que nos saluda desde el porche de su casa, y a lo lejos, se escucha un huapango. Es también un rato de amenas charlas frente al fuego, las estrellas como techo y la espesura del bosque cubierto de una densa neblina como si el cielo y la tierra fuesen uno. Diferentes voces, diferentes recuerdos que se anudan en un nombre: Tilaco. Lugar de tradiciones, sitio de identidad; de aquel saber que se vuelve un bie...
A melhor época para subir até o famoso Pico do Corcovado em Ubatuba, São Paulo é durante os meses de inverno, entre julho e agosto. Temperaturas mais amenas, dias com maior visibilidade e com um grau menor de chuvas do que durante os meses de verão. Sempre faça a aventura acompanhando de um guia. Como este clipe mostra, o clima por lá pode mudar rapidamente durante as seis horas de trilha. The best time for climbing the famous Corcovado Peak in Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil are the winter months of July and August. The air is cooler and clearer, and rain is far less prevalent than in the summer months. Always take a guide, because as this clip shows, the weather can change extremely quickly on the 6 hour ascent.
Los Grupos del TAOM (Templarri Antiquus Ordo Misticus, que significa del latín Ancestral y Mística Orden de los Caballeros Templarios, el Secretum Templi, la linea de los Templarios Iniciados de San Bernardo), realiza reuniones de charlas sobre la verdadera historia de los Templarios país, por país, continente por continente. Algunas veces, hay la posibilidad de ingresar a la Orden y pasa cada una década y dura algo así como 2 o 3 años la selección de aspirante al ingreso. Luego la Orden del Temple, que es una sociedad secreta, desaparece del que hacer dime público. Quienes perteneces a esta Orden, la original, no lo que vemos por internet de neotemplarismo que nada saben sobre el origen del conocimiento de los Templarios, sus identidades son secretas y aunque siempre hay algún miembro rea...
NOUS FORMACIONES,C/ SIERRA DE GUDAR 3, 50015,ZARAGOZA. TELEFONO 876169853 http://bit.ly/academiaingles http://bit.ly/academiasingleszaragoza Aprende idiomas en Academias Ingles Zaragoza-Academias Zaragoza-Noûs formaciones con profesores nativos. Te GARANTIZAMOS el EXITO!! Academia en Zaragoza Noûs formaciones es una innovadora y práctica academia de estudios. Un lugar donde los alumnos asisten a clase y pueden contar con la profesionalidad de los profesores. Una experiencia educativa única a tu alcance, que te brindadá todas las herramientas formativas para que puedas aprobar cualquiera de los siguientes niveles: Oposiciones, Acceso a la Universidad, Ciclos Formativos y Graduado en ESO. Además, contamos con clases de apoyo para primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y selectividad. Academi...
Ilha dos encantos manuseados pela natureza que tanto deixa apaixonado quem por lá passa. Uma inigualável tonalidade verdejante em perfeita harmonia com o mar. São Miguel é um paraíso de temperaturas amenas que flutua nos mares do atlântico; um prazer visual que faria um cego arrepiar-se e um espantalho espantar-se; um eco transformado em simpatia; a paixão de quem procura amar e a suavidade das teclas de um piano que precisa de ser tocado. PS: Porque a beleza natural desta Ilha merece. Trabalho amador filmado com uma Sony Handycam HDR-Cx220 durante 2 meses e editado no Sony Vegas pro 12.
NOUS FORMACIONES,C/ SIERRA DE GUDAR 3, 50015,ZARAGOZA. TELEFONO 876169853 http://bit.ly/academiaingles http://bit.ly/academiasingleszaragoza Aprende idiomas en Academias Ingles Zaragoza-Academias Zaragoza-Noûs formaciones con profesores nativos. Te GARANTIZAMOS el EXITO!! Academia en Zaragoza Noûs formaciones es una innovadora y práctica academia de estudios. Un lugar donde los alumnos asisten a clase y pueden contar con la profesionalidad de los profesores. Una experiencia educativa única a tu alcance, que te brindadá todas las herramientas formativas para que puedas aprobar cualquiera de los siguientes niveles: Oposiciones, Acceso a la Universidad, Ciclos Formativos y Graduado en ESO. Además, contamos con clases de apoyo para primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y selectividad. Academi...
Depuis les camps du Nord-Mali jusqu'à la base de Tiguentourine, voici les révélations d'une opération menée de longue date par les hommes de Belmokhtar. L'infographie interactive se base sur des extraits exclusifs du rapport d'enquête demandé par la Présidence. Yannick Sanchez
Innlegg ved Jannicke Hilland, konserndirektør i Statoil. Produsert av Kulturoperatørene og film- og fjensynsstudenter ved Infomedia.
The recent Al-Qaida attack on a natural gas facility and subsequent hostage situation in Algeria, represents some of the extreme dangers Oil and Gas workers face 365 days a year. Militants stormed the Tigantourine natural gas facility near In Amenas with dozens of people killed. Tragically when Algerian military forces stormed the facility, more fatalities were caused. This dramatic hostage siege has prompted reaction by all Oil and Gas companies in the region, prompting some to review the situation and consider safer areas of operation. But for those companies and workers who face these risks, how can the oil and gas companies manage such risk and protect their personnel? Manouchehr Takin, senior petroleum upstream analyst with the Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES) in London, told ...
https://www.expedia.com/Honolulu.d1488.Destination-Travel-Guides Welcome to Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. Stationed on the island of Oahu, Honolulu is ready to show you surf and sun like you’ve never seen before. Whether you’re here to live the life of a beach bum or want to explore the city’s lush tropical surroundings, you’ll find everything you’re looking for on your Honolulu tour. Hawaii had a pretty explosive inception—Diamond Head Crater, also called Leahi, started life as an active volcano. Don’t worry; it’s since gone dormant, which means you can climb to the rim and take in a truly brilliant view of the coast. Head back down to the water and go paddleboarding or swimming; “Honolulu” means “sheltered bay,” and the beachfront here lives up to its name: It’s calm and sheltered y...
In this travel video travel guide to Malaysia, I travel to Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur, and to Terangganu, the country's second-largest city. I start off my trip by exploring Kenyir Lake, located just west of Terangganu, which is actually the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia (it's the size of Singapore). I head to the far end of the lake by speedboat to go trekking into the hilly jungle where I come across a school of hungry fish waiting for eager tourists like myself to provide them with a cheap snack. I then head back on the lake to explore the many islands that call this lake home. Next, I head back onto the water -- this time onto the ocean -- to do a little squid jigging as part of the first annual Terengganu International Squid Jigging Fest. Squid jigging, for thos...
More info about travel to Turkey: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/turkey Konya is one of the oldest, most conservative, and religious cities in the world. It's the home of 13th-century Muslim philosopher Mevlana, whose followers whirl in a meditative trance. At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
Vlog in KL Bird Park, Islamic Arts Museum and Malaysia Meetup on our honeymoon to the East! Buy my Hoojab scarf: http://www.pearl-daisy.com Subscribe to me and make my day! http://bit.ly/SubscribeAmenakin I upload NEW VIDEOS every Wednesday and Saturday! Find me on Instagram @pearldaisyltd and Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pearldaisy What is a Hoojab?: http://bit.ly/AmenakinWhatisHoojab Tutorial for how I usually wrap my Hoojab: http://bit.ly/AmenakinSignatureHoojab My store: http://www.pearl-daisy.com Twitter @pearldaisyltd My blog: http://www.pearldaisyblog.com A little bit about me: Hello there, I'm Amena! On my channel you'll find videos on Beauty, Lifestyle and Style! That means everything from Makeup and skincare, Hijab (or Hoojab) tutorials, to general styling, Vlogs, skit...
When I think of the most under-rated countries to visit in SE Asia Malaysia comes to mind. With a rich culture and diversity - unlike any other nation in Southeast Asia - there is something for everyone. Some of my favorite places to visit in Malaysia include Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Penang and the Cameron Highlands. The following is a top attractions travel guide for the best things to do in Malaysia: GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbac...
Welcome to Houston, Texas, one of the largest cities in the United States. Once an outpost in the Old West, Houston is now a down-to-earth metropolis, boasting a tremendous shipping and energy industry, as well as plenty of culture. Kick off your Houston tour at Discovery Green, a 12-acre park tucked beneath the city’s skyscrapers. You’ll find public art and plenty of space to picnic or go for walks. Houstoners take pride in their various parks, museums, and open spaces, like the Houston Arboretum, where you can go birdwatching, learn about green living, and hike the trails to explore local wildlife. Speaking of exploring, your Houston sightseeing should include a trip to the USS Texas., This battleship served in two World Wars and now stands guard as a museum on the Buffalo Bayou. H...
A Vlog in Dubai - our trip is ending! Me husband and I reflect on our time travelling and enjoy the last few days in Dubai! Buy my Hoojab scarf: http://www.pearl-daisy.com Subscribe to me and make my day! http://bit.ly/SubscribeAmenakin I upload NEW VIDEOS every Wednesday and Saturday! Find me on Instagram @pearldaisyltd and Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pearldaisy What is a Hoojab?: http://bit.ly/AmenakinWhatisHoojab Tutorial for how I usually wrap my Hoojab: http://bit.ly/AmenakinSignatureHoojab My store: http://www.pearl-daisy.com Twitter @pearldaisyltd My blog: http://www.pearldaisyblog.com A little bit about me: Hello there, I'm Amena! On my channel you'll find videos on Beauty, Lifestyle and Style! That means everything from Makeup and skincare, Hijab (or Hoojab) tutorials, ...
Thumbs up for more Vlogs :o) In this video, we roam the streets of Konya in search of Mevlana Rumi and Shams. Dhikr recitation by Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad (aka Tim Winter), of Cambridge, UK. Donate to the Cambridge Mosque! http://www.cambridgemosqueproject.org/donate/ "Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby the pleasure of Allah, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise" - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). All of the Hoojabs (headscarves) I'm wearing in this video are from http://www.pearl-daisy.com Follow me on Instagram @amenaofficial Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pearldaisy Twitter @pearldaisyltd Blog http://www.pearldaisyblog.com Sign up to our newsletter on http://www.pearl-daisy.com
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My husband and I are on our Honeymoon in the East, starting with Malaysia, then going to Singapore and Dubai! Buy my Hoojab scarf: http://www.pearl-daisy.com Subscribe to me and make my day! http://bit.ly/SubscribeAmenakin I upload NEW VIDEOS every Wednesday and Saturday! Find me on Instagram @pearldaisyltd and Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pearldaisy What is a Hoojab?: http://bit.ly/AmenakinWhatisHoojab Tutorial for how I usually wrap my Hoojab: http://bit.ly/AmenakinSignatureHoojab My store: http://www.pearl-daisy.com Twitter @pearldaisyltd My blog: http://www.pearldaisyblog.com A little bit about me: Hello there, I'm Amena! On my channel you'll find videos on Beauty, Lifestyle and Style! That means everything from Makeup and skincare, Hijab (or Hoojab) tutorials, to general s...