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Malcolm Turnbull must take on Tony Abbott over renewables

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In a world of short-term, opportunistic, populist politics, politicians easily ignore the so-called "vision thing". Responding to issues day by day, they easily put aside longer-term strategic considerations - indeed, often compounding the magnitude and severity of the policy challenge.

Not working to a strategic end game, essentially just patching up rather than solving, results in the policy task becoming so big that any change soon becomes a large and politically difficult one.

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What Abbott could learn from Gillard

As former PM Tony Abbott continues to criticise his party, more are heaping criticism on him. Perhaps he should take some advice from fellow former PM Julia Gillard.

Climate change is a glaring example of this; politicians have played short-term politics to the point at which they have made it politically very difficult to move substantially forward when, in terms of the science, the world may already be past a tipping point.

What's more, it is now personal, Abbott v Turnbull, and the stakes are very high; the next election outcome is at risk, as households and industries get eaten by rapidly rising power prices and face the mounting probability of blackouts.

This issue has been left to drift for so long and the politics have become so toxic, that, short of price controls and gas reservations, there are no quick fixes. It is going to take years to roll out additional baseload capacity, irrespective of whether it is coal fired, hydro, or affordable, dispatchable or renewable.

Ironically, populism would normally have driven a significant and sensible response as, importantly, this is one issue where the voters have been leading the politicians, as many polls, and the rush to household solar, have demonstrated. Even with all the uncertainty caused by sustained attacks on carbon pricing, on the renewables industry, and their poorly managed introduction, this is still the case.


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's lot is entirely of his own making. He seized the leadership from Tony Abbott with huge expectations that he would govern strategically, and in the national interest, including on the big neglected issues, such as climate, tax, productivity, innovation, and so on, only to allow himself to be be controlled by a small conservative rump in his party.

Abbott is now seizing on this vulnerability. He, unfortunately, believes that he won his election on carbon pricing, rather than simply because the voters had had enough of Rudd/Gillard/Rudd.

He is attempting to create the impression that he can jettison our Paris commitments, that he can control electricity prices, and that he would fund and build a new ultra supercritical coal-fired power station.

Abbott is driven only by personal ambition and revenge. He is prepared to trash our international standing a la Paris, and create and exploit disunity in the Liberal Party for his personal ends. I didn't see any evidence of his recently acquired religious zeal for "direction" or for the party's grassroots throughout his time as a minister or as leader.

Apart from anything else, his first budget was a disaster, in large part because he just dropped the concepts of a co-payment for Medicare, university fees and huge cuts in payments to the states for education and health without any overarching narrative, or any broader policy detail. It reeked of arrogance as if, somehow, voters would just accept a "greater good", and cop it sweet.

Moreover, as opposition leader, Abbott elevated negativism to an art form, so it was a big ask for voters suddenly to accept his credentials as a reformer. He wants them now to accept that he is the champion of low priced energy, when his attempt to close down the renewables industry saw investment fall by about 80 to 90 per cent, and about 15,000 jobs squandered.

But, equally, the renewables industry has also been its own worst enemy, by exaggerating the cost and emissions advantages of sun and wind, without acknowledging and costing backup from coal, or open cycle gas.

Chief Scientist Alan Finkel has correctly recommended, and the government has agreed, that the focus must be on "dispatchable power", where the backup/storage is also recognised and costed. Indeed, I suggest, and declaring an interest in the development of effective storage, that the government should go further and insist on retrofitting existing wind and solar farms with storage.

Turnbull must delineate, and be prepared to fight for, the national benefit in a low carbon future and industrial structure. He must call Abbott out on his opportunism and misrepresentation.

Unfortunately, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's promise of "bipartisanship" is more a wedge than a genuine commitment. Turnbull should call him out, too.

They should both support the Finkel proposal for a clean energy target, and perhaps a climate commission - a significant, independent, well-funded institution - to oversee and manage the transition from now on beyond politics.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader. He has business interests in the renewables sector.