Showing posts with label philadelphia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philadelphia. Show all posts

13 May 2017


Sometimes I like things in private. There are records (and tapes) that I fucking adore and listen to with (alarming) frequency that I rarely talk about in the company of anyone outside of my most trusted friend circles. I'm not ashamed, per se, it's just that I don't think that most folks would get it, and discussing the brilliance of uncool things is sometimes a thankless why bother. Power pop. It's a tough one for some people, it's a deal breaker for others, but when delivered properly it can be pure perfection. The vocals, slightly out of whack on "No Remorse" and straining for that '60s gravel and drive that made EDDIE & THE HOT RODS so damn good even though you knew they were punks. You know what I mean? There's that thing that you can't really nail down but it's fukkn there, and this is why I don't talk about shit like this too often. But seriously, this four song demo is soooooo sick. "No Remorse" is clearly the creamer du jour, but feel "Let's Ride" kick in and it's almost like you are listening to the ancient groups that M.O.T.O. modeled their existence after (for real thoguh, the start of that track could almost be a rip of "All Night Vivarin Jag," which is the second best M.O.T.O. track ever...."Gonna Get Drunk Tonight" is obviously the first). My point is simply that this four song cassette by THE SMARTHEARTS is really fukkn good, and whether or not you want to admit that to your cool punk friends is entirely up to you. 

29 January 2017


You should check this out. I mean, everyone who likes hardcore should give this little creamer a listen. But you should pay particular attention if you play hardcore. This is not to say that non-hardcore players shouldn't pay attention. You should. Everyone who likes hardcore should give this little creamer a listen. But if you play hardcore, then I think these tracks will make you stiffen. Not like that. Like "whoa, what the fuck was that? how is that riff again?" and then players and non-players alike will marvel at the painful dirge "Handcuffed To A Pole" and if you are like me, you'll find yourself wondering if SOCIALITE would be better served as the best modern hardcore band or as the best dirty mid tempo noise/rock band. Because they could be either. See? Now you're stiff. Not like that. Like, alert. Everyone who likes hardcore should pay attention to this little creamer. Also, it looks really cool. 

31 October 2016


You can be "over" the noisy blown out punk thing if you want. Seriously. It's OK. How many times do you really want to hear tuneless bursts of distortion punctuated by high pitched "aaahhh! aaahhh!! aarrgghh!!" instead of choruses. I get it. We all do. I'm just saying are missing out. These Philadelphia mutants took off the fukkn roof at last spring's Manic Relapse (POLLEN and THE DARK were pretty much worth the entire price of admission), and this tape (released for their trip to the fest) is relentless. Five studio tracks in as many minutes, DBeat riffs struggling to keep up with the perhaps fastest the tupa-tupa I have ever heard. It's textbook, and it's awesome. Raw as fukk rehearsal recording on the flip - just in case you thought I was joking when I said they can deliver the goods live. This band is a monster.

29 October 2016


Criminally overlooked Philadelphia hardcore circe mid-00s. I only saw them a couple of times, but ENDLESS NIGHTMARE were a juggernaut in the flesh and this demo captures that fury. Breakneck crust with ScandiLeads and insistent vocals, it's all here, and it all holds up. I think the sheer speed and force of this band made them stand out at the time, and even more so in retrospect. Good shits.

26 August 2016


Meaty late'80s Philadelphia hardcore, BRICK HOUSE sound exactly like you think they should. In a different world, this band is playing reunion shows at east coast HC festivals and the boys are going wild, singing What's it gonna take for you to wise up // Don't put down our city, 'cause we've had enough (from "Suburban And Scared"). Four tracks, meaty and determined. Some of the bits are warbled, but the shit is 27 years old and has been (appropriately) partied on. Get it.

18 July 2016


Anyone who pays attention has likely heard about the recent passing of MISCHIEF BREW's Erik Petersen. His presence as a musician and a personality is impossible to overstate, and he will be missed terribly. MISCHIEF BREW played Berkeley last summer, and Karoline and I were for some stupid reason "too busy" or "too tired" to make it to the show. Whatever the excuse was, it seems beyond foolish today as I think about the gracious and understanding response from Erik when I wrote to say we wouldn't be seeing goes out to my Philadelphia friends, and especially for Denise (and the pugs!).

Shared several years ago on The Escape, this 2009 collaboration between Erik and GUIGNOL is one of my favorite MISCHIEF BREW related releases (though The Stone Operation probably takes the cake). 

At countless SUBHUMANS and CITIZEN FISH gigs over the years (we first crossed paths on the first SUBHUMANS reunion tour in 1998), Erik would talk about how he hoped he would get to see CULTURE SHOCK someday. Not only did he see them, but he shared the stage for "Civilization Street," a track famously covered by Erik over the years. I saw this video for the first time a few hours before Karoline called my from the CULTURE SHOCK tour to tell me about Erik's death. I watched the video several more times that evening. Mimicking Dick's hand and arm motions at the 0:22 mark...still makes me smile, even with tears in my eyes. 

Philadelphia, 2011
photo: Nick Vadala

05 February 2016


Shameless modern heavy metal from Philadelphia...there's nothing wrong with a killer blues based guitar lick, and if your vocalist can pull, off that gravelly swagger then by all means: let that flag fly, my man. I was struck immediately by this tape...I was supposed to be analyzing the latest international punk offerings and I was rocketed back to adolescence the moment I pressed play. It's like KYUSS without MELVINS, or PENTAGRAM without's timeless heavy metal music, loud and dirty.

04 January 2016


I often have a hard time describing or explaining what I "like" or what I'm "in to," because it really comes down to what I like at any particular moment, or what I happen to be in to right now. Well, right now I'm into TOSKA. Maybe there are more blasts that I would ask for, and maybe some of the technical guitar shit is not actually to my liking, but I popped this tape into the trusty Marantz PMD500 (yeah, my vintage Pioneer CT-F900 took a shit, much to my chagrin...and financial detriment) this weekend and it was what I wanted. Powerful. Heavy. Forceful. Bare. Determined. I like to feel like a bulldozer just fired up when I push play, and I like to feel like I need to keep looking over my shoulder as I turn up the volume...I like the sounds to threaten me, and I love when the sounds speak to me. Dark and bleak doesn't have to mean "extra reverb," sometimes you can pull that shit off by just being real.

He's always been kept running
Labor built his body to wear this pain as miles have built his mind to forget
But he does not mind dying here in a factory, in a shop
But he does not mind dying on a rail denied his due
Not numbed to his broken body, and not num,bed to his take home pay...

14 March 2015


Addictive from the first burst of guitar, HALDOL drench their three tracks in effects but keep the focus on the songs instead of the pedals. A certain DEAD AND GONE or THE VSS vibe (especially from the vocals) with a slightly more basic structure than either and the feeling that these kids ooze ferocity live. This demo is from 2014 - there are more recordings here and they are all very worth your while.

12 June 2014


This band was but a blip on the radar in the mid-'00s, but it was a pretty killer fukkn blip. Philadelphia based ripping low end hardcore leaning towards the crust end of the subgenre spectrum with simple (but effective) DBeat song structure, but it's really fast - and who doesn't like fast? There were people in this band that were in other really good bands.

04 June 2014


Do you ever listen to punk and think that maybe the people making the punk you are listening to know something that you don't? That's BAD ENERGY in a nutshell - this shit is smart and deliberate, there is not an accident to be found anywhere in these five tracks or the seven minutes that they occupy. Feisty, ass shaking, aggressive, punk as shit sounds from Philadelphia. These sounds that were made by people from other bands that you (should) care about, but that's not the important part here, the important part is that "Community Creeper DFC" is perhaps the greatest punk song I've heard in 2014. I mean, the year is not yet half over, but still....

04 September 2013


Rarely do bands ever sound more like their name than this Philadelphia outfit. Greasy, deranged, sleep deprived....desperate. LOT LIZARD deliver the most disgusting six minutes of your day, there might be some subtlety trapped in there somewhere but I can't seem to find it. This shit is ugly with a capital U, and four songs is simply not enough.

07 July 2013


Ned mailed me one of these stunners a couple of months ago, and I dare say that I've listened to THE BROOD more than just about any other band new or old since its arrival. They take hooks and anthemic Oi! tinged punk and make it more aggressive and sinister than I can possible explain. A lot of that rage is from Ned's vocals, though the relentless pace has a lot to do with the tension and the guitar is unhinged, even when sneaking melodic leads in between choppy riffs steeped in chorus. This demo is passionate and real, and in an overwhelming sea of new bands and new trends and new next big things, THE BROOD is important.

20 April 2012


I've often praised the power of a well crafted mix tape, and Toon Disasters is exactly that. Excellent combination of deep cuts (10,000 HURTS, OCEAN ZOO, RED SCARE, RUGGED EDGE) thrown together into the mix with whole releases from Canadian shitpunks GROUPOEM, Florida's unsung STEVIE STILETTO, VIXEN (the true gem on the tape is this five track slab from '83 - killer female fronted NWOBHM styled jams from Hawaii) and more independent metal/punk from Philadelphia's BLACKTASK. Throw in rippers from WRETCHED, VICE SQUAD, STIGMA and CAPITALIST ALIENATION with a couple of burners from '80s christian band UNDERCOVER that will almost make you wonder if it's worth looking into the world of religious "punk," and you have one bad ass 90 minute tape. Good job, and enjoy.

03 September 2011


OPT OUT shared a dust laden basement in Philadelphia with these crushers earlier this year, and while the demo might not live up to their live power, these eight songs are the bulldozer that is about to wreck your morning (or afternoon). Bass heavy breakneck hardcore with the unhinged feeling of early the Swedish attack without the trite aping of the sound (and riffs) - a gutteral attack from four dudes with a pedigree spanning three decades...I think the appropriate term is "lifers." A vibe is a hard thing to create on a short punk demo, but STOCKPILE manage to make me feel like this music exists because it needs these sounds are not optional. The vocals are harsh and the riffs are excellent - so two of my requirements have been met, and rest assured that all other requirements are met (or exceeded) on this 13 minute banger. Enjoy your weekend.

12 July 2011


NO SANCTUARY was active in Philadelphia during the mid/late '00s, forging their path with a pigeon hole defying version of DIY punk. To describe them lazily, NO SANCTUARY play modern anarcho punk, moody, dark, often led by the bass guitar, with a style unmistakably shaped by American basement punk shows. While their style is truly their own, you will still hear snippets that reference certain bands (new and old) contained in these jerky rhythms and dissonant guitars.  The mostly instrumental "Satellites" is the standout track, with searing, choppy guitars that owe as much to primitive black metal as they do to angular punk, and the gruff vocal delivery on "We Refuse To Sing" would put these kids right in line with any number of second wave UK bands while the brooding pace of "Multiply" harkens to the darker goth side of anarcho without eschewing the punk roots. This tape is not pretty, the anger and frustration are as evident as the passion for the music, and that's what makes it beautiful. I got these songs from the guitarist years ago (thanks Brad), but just recently came across a cassette version (thanks Peter) and am happy to share it here.

07 July 2011


It was more than ten years ago when Karoline and I stopped by Martin's place in Chicago and he blasted these tunes for us. He dubbed them off as he did, and made an impromptu cover of sorts (pictured above), packaged the whole thing in a 7" sleeve and we were on our way, suddenly hip to this insanely killer new queer hardcore band. The demo recordings on this tape are pre-vinyl versions of tunes that would later wind up on their self titled 7" and 12", including a few tunes ("Man To Man," "Limp Wrist vs. Dr. Laura," [cut off by a too damn short tape!] "OD'd On Pop" and one more I can't seem to identify) with no vocals. There is a nearly constant track of guitar feedback present through most of these songs that I fukkn love - makes me wish that the vinyl version of "Brotherhood" had this much noise going on. I've had the pleasure of driving LIMP WRIST on tour twice, with two different guitarists, and can honestly say that I've never seen a bad show - raw, pissed, and saucy, even in their early days. This tape comes complete with false starts and fuckups that were absent on the Don't Knock It Till You Try It demo that featured six of these sixteen tracks. The flip side is full of songs from the recording session that became the first two records, and I threw them into the folder in case there are still some fools out there who have missed out. Crucial hardcore, no matter who is in the band or who they choose to fukk, but more importantly, it's crucial hardcore that addresses (or confronts) the awkward homophobia (and sex phobia in general) prevalent in punk and hardcore even to this day. LIMP WRIST are fun, but it's serious fun...and it rules.

As luck would have it, LIMP WRIST are playing this week in San Francisco. Coincidence, of course. Tonight at The Big Gay Warehouse (look it up) with LIVID, PERMANENT RUIN and NO STATIK, and tomorrow at El Rio (21+, sorry kids) with BRILLIANT COLORS and DRAPETOMANIA. After that they hit the West Coast, and then it's off to Brasil. I'm sure they will have a gay old time.
LIMP WRIST in Providence, 2006. Photo by Karoline, in case you didn't click on the link at the beginning of the post, you should do it now.

15 May 2011


I was fortunate to see the second SICKOIDS show in April, and I was sufficiently floored. They have clearly spent some serious time studying the guitar tones of the '80s greats, and have managed to combine classic Midwest hardcore and UK anarcho punk into one magical tone that shines through even on this rough demo recording. The SICKOIDS' sound lands nearby - with elements of legendary US hardcore colliding with modern melody and an approach clearly rooted in UK punk (PENI is heavily represented in most aspects of this recording, even the US hardcore bits). The players here are top notch (members of WITCH HUNT, DIRECT CONTROL, GOVERNMENT WARNING and CRACKS, among others), but previous bands be damned when I heard this shit, and this demo just serves to make me excited for future vinyl releases. 

I did a little maintenance today, fixing some posts from the early days of The Escape. I was recently with a friend who had downloaded the MALICE demo from this site, and I was struck by how shit it sounded...I've gotten (a little) better at this since I started, and that demo deserves proper treatment. Thus, MALICE has been re-ripped and re-zipped for your downloading and listening pleasure. You will also find repairs to the broken links for two other early posts, T.V.O.D. and FARCE

10 December 2010


This week's comp is pretty far removed from most of the Friday posts you may be used to, and your ears will be all the better for it. Released in 1984 by Warpt Records (Maryland) and Masking Tapes (Santa Cruz, California), this comp covers all the US hardcore bases (CHRONIC DISORDER, HOMO PICNIC, PUBLIC ENEMA, DROOLING IDIOTS, CANCEROUS GROWTH) and intersperses weird electro punk (PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE, ASBESTOS ROCKPYLE) and proto-college rock (early CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN, RUMPUS CHRIST, ARCATA BOYS CHOIR). There are also a couple of interesting dark wave tunes, some total noise, and live jams from THE DEAD MILKMEN. No song titles were provided, and no information on any of the bands was included. The tape flows well, and while everything here might not be for you, there is certainly enough variety and high enough quality to keep most punks interested.

12 September 2010


I realize that this might be a tough sell for a lot of folks who stop by The Escape, but I assure you that if you take the leap, you will be rewarded with wonderful tunes. This tape came to me courtesy of Terminal Escape visitors (like yourself) who also happen to be friends, and it falls well outside of the rather narrow musical parameters that I have set up here (though that was not my intent at the outset - it just kinda happened that way because I'm into punk) but GUIGNOL & MISCHIEF BREW define their own parameters on this release, so preconceptions be damned. Fight Dirty is a fucking party on wheels - equal parts Old West soundtrack, Gypsy fireside brawls, Eastern European horn ensemble, THE POGUES on steroids and a smattering of THEY MIGHT BE exists on a whole different plane, and that plane is way more fun than the one we are currently spending our time on. 

Also - I saw DEVIATED INSTINCT Saturday night and was pretty floored. Only stayed for a few songs since I'm a grown up and have to get up early to go to work (which doesn't necessarily make me an might make me working class, or perhaps just an idiot, the jury is still out) but I STRONGLY encourage punks on the West Coast to go see these fools - shit was amazing. Sunday in San Francisco, hopefully I'll stay for the whole thing!