
Anews podcast – episode 19, July 10, 2017

  • Posted on: 10 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 19 for July 10th. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Editorial - Fame and Hiding
TOTW - Don't get Trolled!
A101 question: Would anarchists support either a democratic capitalist government or an authoritarian communist government?

Call For Submissions - Anarchist Housekeeping: Collective Living Under Capitalism

  • Posted on: 10 July 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Mo Karnage

4 years ago I had an idea for an anthology I wanted to put together. I wanted to create a work that would serve as a how to, or how to not, for people intersted in creating or moving into an anarchist collective house or community. I was discouraged from the project by criticism regarding my own mistakes when it came to collective living. 4 years later and I am not living in a collective, but the project still interests me, and still seems to be something that could give voice to many people as well as help people avoid making mistakes like mine or other people’s. My own failures and mistakes in collective living are just part of why I think this project is important, and I do not think will hinder my ability as an editor. I have a strong background in writing and editing. I have one self published book, and have published probably a dozen zines over the years.

TFSRadio: Confronting the suit & tie White Nationalists in TN

  • Posted on: 10 July 2017
  • By: Bursts

Download This Episode

Nashville Anti Racist Action about the upcoming American Renaissance Conference in Burns, Tennessee from July 28th to 30th, 2017. AmRen, as it's called, is a yearly conference that sprange from Jared Taylor's suit and tie nazi thinktank journal by the same title and is being held on state land in Tennessee and anti-racists plan to make the "white identitarians" uncomfortable to say the least. For the hour we talk about anti-racist organizing in the South, about the upcoming "Unite The Right" convergence in Charlottesville, Virginia and more. Here's the fedbook page for Nashville ARA, and here's another state-wide coalition in Tennessee, TARN.

12th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair

  • Posted on: 9 July 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

We are pleased to announce the twelfth annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, located on unceded Coast Salish Territory in Victoria, British Columbia.
The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists, with participants from all over North America and beyond. Events include book and information tables, workshops, readings, films, presentations, and much more! Get involved! Please get in touch with proposals for workshops and tables by August 15st, 2017. Late proposals will be considered but may not be included promotional material.

J20: Call for an International Week of Solidarity, July 20-27, 2017

  • Posted on: 5 July 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Crimethinc:

We are calling for a Week of Solidarity with the J20 defendants from July 20 to 27, 2017. July 20 marks six months from the initial actions and arrests during Donald Trump’s inauguration, and on July 27, a motion to dismiss the charges will be argued in court. The case has finally begun to receive the media attention it warrants; with this court date approaching and the cases underway, this is a crucial time for a second Week of Solidarity. Send reportbacks, photographs, and inquiries to

Anarchy Radio 07-04-2017

  • Posted on: 4 July 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Shooting sprees, environmentalism at point zero, daily op-eds on no
confidence in govt. India choking, China becoming a desert, Siberian fires
visible from space. Urban noise = bad health. The Brilliant with Bellamy
(episode 50) and Abe Cabrera (episode 49): ITS losing its "luster," nihilists
in retreat? Brain-eating amoebas in Louisiana. plague in New Mexico.
Action news.
