Greece: Criminalizing solidarity. Syriza’s war on the movements

20160729_occupied_syriza_hq_ThessalonikiThe eviction of three occupied refugee shelters in Thessaloniki marks another episode in the Greek government’s war on grassroots solidarity efforts.

In the early morning of July 27, refugee families and supporters who were sleeping at Thessaloniki’s three occupied refugee shelters — Nikis, Orfanotrofeio and Hurriya — were woken up by police in riot gear. In a well-orchestrated police operation, hundreds of people were detained. Most occupants with refugee status were released, while some were transported to military-run refugee reception centers. The rest of the occupants, 74 people of more than a dozen different nationalities, were taken into police custody.

Immediately after Orfanotrofeio was evacuated, bulldozers marched in and demolished the building, an abandoned orphanage “donated” five years ago to the enterprising Greek Orthodox Church by a previous government. Under the rubble were buried tons of clothes, foodstuffs and medicine collected there by grassroots solidarity structures to be distributed to refugee families in need. Hours later, No Border Kitchen, an autonomous structure providing food to refugees in the island of Lesvos, was also forcefully evicted by the police. [Read More]

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Biblioteca Kaos squat facing eviction, Call for resistance


Biblioteca Kaos (Chaos Library) facing eviction on August 4th 2016
An invitation to resistance

Greetings comrades and friends.
Projects that are built from a position of confrontation and conflict travel through waters of constant change and innovation.
Since the beginning of Biblioteca Kaos, we knew that when you build an occupied space, you choose this possibility.
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Thessaloniki: Orfanotrofio evicted. Black & Red Call for transnational solidarity

20160727_Orfanotrofio_squat_evicted_3Since this morning (27/07) the cops have invaded 3 housing squats, which host refugees and immigrants, these are orfanotrofio, the one on Nikis boulvrd. and the recently squatted on C. Dill str. (Hurriya). 83 people were detained and there is information about over 75 arrests with the accusation of “civil peace disturbance”. The procedure of the demolition of Orfanotrofio has already started, while people who were in the building and were in need of medication were not allowed to take it. —- The refugees and immigrants are transferred to detention centers and the solidaries were dragged into police detention buildings and courts. Some time later comrades have clashed with the cops in front of the entrance of syriza’s office in Thessaloniki and occupied it. The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza’s election), anthimos (the metropolit, church’s highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries. Power reveal its teeth again and they are completely rotten, as the bankrupt world of state and bosses is. None of us is afraid of them. Our comrades through syriza’s office occupation demand the immediate release of all the arrested locals and migrants, the stoppage of the demolition of Orfanotrofio, cops out of our homes and lives. [Read More]

Thessaloniki: Squats raided and evicted

20160727_Orfanotrofio_squat_evicted_1In a move unprecedented in times of “democracy”, the Greek government raided and evicted today, 27 July in the early morning, three squats in the city of Thessaloniki, which were being used as shelter for refugees.
The message the left wing government wants to transmit is that there is no space for solidarity and self-managed responses to the ordeal of the refugees, only the state’s charity and the confinement, marginalisation and selective deportation carried out by a government that follows to the letter the criminal immigration policies of the EE.
The eviction comes only a couple of days after the end of the No Border Camp in Thessaloniki, which united thousands of activists from throughout the continent to protest these very policies.
One of the squats, Nikis, has been a long standing squat in Thessaloniki, which was opened up to refugee families with the onset of the refugee crisis. Another one, Orfanotrofeio, was (re)occupied last year with the express purpose of giving shelter to immigrant and refugees in a self-managed way. The third one was occupied only a few days ago in the very centre of the city for the same purpose.
Orfanotrofeio was evicted and immediately demolished. Under the rubble were buried tons of medicine, food, clothes and first necessity items that were destined for refugee families, as well as the occupants’ personal belongings. [Read More]

Utrecht: Squatters have lost the Kanaleneiland court case

71728On wednesday the 27th of july the judge decided about the eviction of 8 squatted buildings in Kanaleneiland. The demand of the squatters has been turned down. Starting from the 15th of September the police is licit to evict the buildings. The reason behind this verdict is not yet clear. However, during the courtcase it did was clear that the owner doesn’t benefit from eviction, as they don’t suffer any damage by the situation. “This is about a principle: the government of and coorperations in Utrecht agreed not to negotiate with squatters.” -the squatters.
The houses have been squatted in April out of protest against urban ‘renewal’ (destruction). The project in this area (kanaleneiland centrum) means 1100 social housing houses ( (: ) have been destroyed so far. They will be replaced by private renting and expensive houses for sale. Only 138 social renting houses have found a place is this… urban renewal. Squatter Rogier: “Urban destruction means the deportation of not-white residents to establish white enclaves.” [Read More]

Utrecht: Squatters trying to resquat a house

Today a group of squatter tried to resquat an unused building in utrecht. The first cop that arrived told the officer of duty that they went to the building because they got a phone call from the squatters, saying that they (the squatters) squatted the building. The officer of duty replied that this was not the case: they got a phone call from a neighbor that there were burglars. Coincidentally, a call concerning burglary is a reason to enter a house, a call explaining a squat is not. Was this miscommunication?
The cops found an empty window, called the anti-squat company (who was doing a very good job) to come and accuse everyone inside of burglary, so the cops could ‘lawfully’ remove them. When the anti-squat company came, the squatters went out by themselves. There were no arrests or fines. We will see what happens to the building now… [Read More]



From Ill Will Editions

“[B]eneath the surface of that idea – that truism, black lives matter – is an unsettling challenge. What would it mean to create a world, or at least a space, where that actually was true?” [1]

A Cop-Free Zone in Carbondale 

On Friday night a couple dozen folks converged on the local autonomous infoshop in Carbondale, IL for an illegal dance party in the street. In addition to locals, cars arrived from Bloomington, Chicago, and St. Louis to participate. The plan was to throw an unpermitted street party with free food and loud music, and as things progressed and energy rose, to block off the street and visibly polarize the space against state violence with large handmade banners declaring it a cop-free zone.

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Ljubljana: Massive graffiti on Autonomous Factory ROG

The Rog Factory is a squat in Ljubljana, Slovenia, occupied since 2006. During June it resisted a brutal eviction by the municipality and a neo-nazi-shit attack during the night. [Read More]

Athens: Responsibility claim for the execution of mafioso Habibi in June

201606_Athens_execution_mafioso_HabibiWe take the responsibility for the execution of mafioso Habibi, who for years now was in the forefront of violent incidents towards residents and regulars in the area of Exarhia, culminating in the murderous attack on three comrades of the occupied social centre VOX, last month. The paranoid character of this specific individual and the ruthless violence he inflicted at the slightest provocation, rendered him a potential serial killer, the fear and terror of the area. The bullying, the theft and stabbings that were included in the repertoire of his daily presence in Exarhia square, gave him the space to pretend to be the leader who (allegedly) no one could dispute. With the strength of a herd of cannibals that surrounded him, but also with the backup of the mafia and police, he acted undisturbed selling drugs and terrorizing the neighbourhood, which was defenceless and unable to deal with him, subjugated to his power and silenced. [Read More]

Utrecht: Squatters protest against gentrification – New house squatted on Kanaleneiland

201604_Monnetlaan_kanaleneiland_UtrechtWednesday July 13, there is a court case in Utrecht about the squatted houses on Monnetlaan. The buildings were squated in April out of protest against the gentrification of Kanaleneiland. Everyone who has affinity with this story, or is interested in the courtcase, is welcome to witness the courtcase itself. The squatters and supporters will be in front of the courthouse from 8.30, the courtcase itself begins at 9 o’ clock.
Utrecht is finishing a large scale gentrification project that has wiped out 9500 social houses. Kanaleneiland Centrum is one of these projects, where 1100 sociale houses have been demolished. This project is now ending, the squatted have occupied the building which will be the last to be renovated. [Read More]

Germany: Berliners defy massive siege by police defending Rigaer 94 and autonomous revolution from market gentrification

rigaer-9418Rigaer 94 occupied center in Berlin symbolizes the struggle for a practical alternative to rampant insane predator capitalism. Police complained that more than 120 officers were injured on Saturday (one had a bruise on his arm) and some 86 demonstrators were violently arrested during popular defence in the German capital which mercenary police complained was ‘the most aggressive and violent resistance in the last five years’.

see also: Berlin: Rigaer 94 Action Day

Berlin state propaganda officials said in a statement Sunday that evil leftist protesters threw bottles, cobble stones and fireworks at the, attacking officers in full protective riot gear and hurt them with fists and kicks.

They declined to say how many brave demonstrators were hurt by the 1000’s of ‘overzealous’ fully armed hysterical police on overtime double-pay. The day’s headlines went planetwide on commercial media ..”Anarchist terrorists hurt over 120 nice innocent Policemen’‘. [Read More]

Oslo: Regarding the recent evictions


We in Vestbredden knows there have been questions and a need for an update from our international supporters, after the recent evictions in our street. A lot of supporters have been asking weither Vestbredden is evicted or not, it is important to keep the facts clear and as no international newspapers wishes to cover our struggle ; we must be our own media. There have also been lies about chemical weapons in the evicted spaces.

In the last two months, the entire Hauskvartalet as a whole has been squatted in protest against the sales prospect. The previously evicted Hausmannsgate 42 was re-squatted along with Brenneriveien 1 aka Hausmannsplatz.
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