Fortnight of Fight against the evictions and in defense of free spaces.
From the Squatters Assembly of Barcelona we have organized this Fortnight of Fight in the street denunciating all that we have been doing in our daily one from squats, community and diverse collective centers. We have a new big wave of evictions of squats and community centers foreseen for next autumn. So we have the need to organize some days of fight that serve to assemble the maximum number of people around the reality of these squats and to take part, hereby, in the denunciation against the speculation and against the evictions of the free spaces. The spaces like Les Naus, Ateneo de Korneyà, la Kasa de la Muntanya, el Ateneo de Viladecans and La Rovira are under serious threat of eviction.
The journeys are already organized, and they will take place from September 26 to October 10. We attach the programming and the calendar of activities, from wich we want to make attention to the International Demonstration summoned for October 4 trough the streets of Barcelona.
This is basically a call to the mobilization of which we want to make you participate, especially to those of you that want to come to Barcelona and want to be present at the summons.