Amsterdam: E-mail action against eviction of the ‘Kalenderpanden’ Entrepotdok



IMPORTANT: SEND A COPY (CC) OF THIS EMAIL TO THE RESPONSIBLE PERSONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Rob [dot] Sardeman [at] dwa [dot] amsterdam [dot] nl (Cultural Department) jraschew [at] bestuursdienst [dot] amsterdam [dot] nl (personal secretary of the mayor) [Read More]

Berlin: Solidarios con Itoiz’ actions

24 Jan. 2000


Today, Monday 24th of January 00, the direct action group SOLIDARIOS CON ITOIZ (Basque Country) did an action on the worldwide famous Brandenburg gate in Berlin – against the itoiz reservoir project and for criticizing th e penalty of 5 years of prison that 8 of their comrades got for another peaceful and public direct action. At 11 o’clock in the morning seven activist stepped on top of a lateral roof of the building using a 9 m ladder. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Squatters from Entrepotdok squat part of the City Hall

Today, about 60 people squatted a part of the City Hall in Amsterdam. This part used to be a police office.

The squatters are going to use it as an informationpoint about the ‘Kalenderpanden’ at the Entrepotdok in Amsterdam.

The council threathens to evict the squatters and sell the site to a project developer.

More information about the ‘Kalenderpanden’:


Squatters barricade the house of the mayor of Amsterdam

Today 40 squatters barricaded the the mayor’s residence. They did this by screwing a big board on the door. On the board was a summary of a letter to the council. The council of Amsterdam wants to evict the squatted warehouses at the Entrepotdok and sell the land to ‘BAM’ building company. The buildingcompany has plans for making 47 luxury apartments.

On 29.1 there will be a demonstration against these plans. 14.00h Westermarkt square.

Sleepingplaces via entrepot [at] dds [dot] nl

Milleniums-Squat in Muenster (Germany)

About 50 left radicals, anarchists and alternative people made a Millenium squat in Muenster. They occupied in the night of 31.12.99/1.1.2000 an old school building to protest the destroying of old houses and to make the building a left selforganized social center for cultural and alternative activities. Until now the police keeps quiet and the squat could become a success.
