historical materialism

La Historia Materiismo: Anton Pannekoek

Teksto de Anton Pannekoek verkita en 1919a kiu aperis en la nederlanda monata gazeto “La Nova Tempo”.

Marx: a radical critique - Alan Carter

Alan Carter's libertarian communist critique of Marxism as an ideology developed by a rising "managerial-technical" class that would replace the bourgeoisie as a new ruling class without altering in any fundamental way the exploitation of the proletariat. Carter attacks historical materialism, Marxist economics, Marxist sociology, Marx's theory of the state, and Marxist-Leninist politics (which he identifies as the form of politics advocated by Marx himself).

Ethnology, historical materialism and the dialectical method – Paul Kirchhoff

The world-renowned ethnologist—and former member of the KAPD—explains the basic principles of ethnology, i.e., “the study of classless primitive society”, in this series of lectures delivered at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1938-1939.

A People's History of the World - Chris Harman

From earliest human history to the Holy Roman Empire, from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, from the Industrial Revolution to the end of the millennium, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of history. It focuses on the development of technology, its impact on class structure and conflict, and shows how Marxism illuminates history in a way no other historical approach is capable of.

History & revolution: a revolutionary critique of historical materialism - Cornelius Castoriadis

History & revolution - Cornelius Castoriadis

Translation of a section from "Marxisme et Théorie Révolutionnaire" by Cornelius Castoriadis. Published as a pamphlet by Solidarity (London) in August 1971. Solidarity pamphlet no. 38.

The guignol in history - Amadeo Bordiga

In this 1953 article from the “Thread of Time” series, Amadeo Bordiga addresses the role of the great man or “man of destiny” in history, whose modern representatives he calls “Guignols” (grotesque puppets)—devoid of individuality, vacuous, two-dimensional receptacles for the cult of personality—from Napoleon to Eisenhower, and situates this phenomenon in the context of the historical materialist doctrine of Marx and Engels as expounded in the latter’s text, Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy.

The historical "invariance" of Marxism - Amadeo Bordiga

In these 26 theses presented at the Milan Meeting of the International Communist Party in 1952, Amadeo Bordiga sets forth his conception of the “invariance” of Marxism, utilizing colorful examples from the histories of religion, mythology, ideology and science as well as the class struggle, denouncing “modernizers” (he says they are worse than Stalinists) “weasel assumptions”, “foolish clichés”, “bourgeois prejudices”, “aberrations”, and “nonsense”, and everything that stands opposed to the “common doctrine of the party, uniform, monolithic, and invariable, to which we are all subordinated and bound, putting an end to all chattering and know-it-all discussions”.

History & revolution: Solidarity Discussion Bulletin 1 - Bob Potter and Maurice Brinton

History & revolution - Solidarity Discussion Bulletin 1

Bob Potter, a former member of Solidarity criticizes the Solidarity pamphlet 'History and Revolution' by 'Paul Cardan', and Cardan's treatment of Marx. Maurice Brinton responds.

An Introduction to historical materialism

An introduction to historical materialism. A basic outline of the materialist conception of history, examining questions such as Marx and determinism and what he saw as the fundamental motor of history. [Interpretation up for debate. meant only as an introduction].

History as creation - Cornelius Castoriadis

The black horse of famine

Castoriadis examines the interrelation between religious, Hegelian and Marxist philosophies of history, arguing that a true appreciation of human agency and historical empowerment is in fact incompatible with such theories.