

Russian interference in Trump's US election win is fantasy

Last month the Washington Post published an 8000 word article detailing the Russian interference in the US Presidential election

According to the Post, in political terms "Russia's interference was the crime of the century, an unprecedented and largely successful destabilizing attack on American democracy."

Interesting as the article was, there was one crucial piece missing: What exactly did the Russians do to enable Donald Trump to win the election?

Searching many articles on this subject I've found that this crucial detail is always missing.

The Washington Post article skates around the subject.

It tells us that in August 2016 President Obama received a CIA report drawn from sources deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin's direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.


We are told that the intelligence captured Putin's specific instructions on the operation's audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.

The Post says at that point, the outlines of the Russian assault on the U.S. election were increasingly apparent. Hackers with ties to Russian intelligence services had been rummaging through Democratic Party computer networks, as well as some Republican systems, for more than a year.

In July, the FBI had opened an investigation of contacts between Russian officials and Trump associates. And on July 22, nearly 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee were dumped online by WikiLeaks.

So if you accept this, Russians were trying to find out what was going on inside the Democratic and Republican parties and WikiLeaks published confidential emails.

But at the same time in 2016 legitimate US campaigners were spending hundreds of millions of dollars seeking to have their candidate elected. They could operate in any way they chose, use television advertising, friendly media outlets, party networks, committed campaigners and social media to further their cause.

They could also seek to "rummage" through their opposition's files or gain intelligence from disloyal Democratic or Republican party members.

According to the Post, concerns about Russian interference had gathered throughout the summer. Experts had begun to see "a troubling pattern of propaganda in which fictitious news stories, assumed to be generated by Moscow, proliferated across social-media platforms."

Are these experts serious?

It seems to me that Americans themselves are well able to generate fictitious news stories.

A few nutters might believe that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex ring being run out of a pizzeria in Washington but surely most Americans recognised this malicious fantasy for what it was.

Why should Russian sourced stories – if they indeed occurred – be any more influential than US generated stories, including the false claims from the candidates themselves?

How could it be that amidst all the multi-million dollar campaigning, planted Russian stories manipulated the vote?

Or could it be that the American masses were privately tuned in to Sputnik, or RT and getting their voting running instructions from the Russian networks?

Did the Russian stories gain more coverage and traction than, for example, the Trump pussy-grabbing tape? Were the voters trawling through the WikiLeaks emails and being shocked and horrified by the Clinton revelations?

I very much doubt it.

The voters - and those who didn't vote - were getting their information in the usual way, influenced by their personal experiences, their prejudices, their exchanges with friends and neighbours, their social media reading and of course the US mass media.

There are other disturbing aspects to the Post article.

It states: "The FBI had detected suspected Russian attempts to penetrate election systems in 21 states, and at least one senior White House official assumed that Moscow would try all 50, officials said. Some officials believed the attempts were meant to be detected to unnerve the Americans. The patchwork nature of the United States' 3000 or so voting jurisdictions would make it hard for Russia to swing the outcome, but Moscow could still sow chaos."

"We turned to other scenarios" the Russians might attempt, said Michael Daniel, who was cybersecurity co-ordinator at the White House, "such as disrupting the voter rolls, deleting every 10th voter [from registries] or flipping two digits in everybody's address."

So it's "suspected" Russian attempts and "assumed" attempts and even imaginary scenarios that we must grapple with.

Now we all agree that security agencies must keep a lookout for threats and possible threats but there should be a clear distinction between what we can imagine might be and what has actually happened.

Americans may be persuaded that Putin interfered in their election because they know that this is precisely what their government has done in the past.

Time Magazine famously boasted in 1996 of the US government's role in getting Boris Yeltsin elected Russian President with its cover story, "Yanks to the Rescue: The Secret Story of how American Advisers Helped Yeltsin Win."

That isn't the only example. Dov Levin, a post-doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University has documented 81 instances where the US has sought to influence the outcome of presidential elections in other countries, and that doesn't include the coups and military interventions the US has supported.

In this day and age respectable media outlets must be sceptical, particularly when publishing the views of anonymous agents.

Here it is wise to remember the misleading New York Times' 2001 and 2002 articles that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that helped bolster the case for the illegal invasion of Iraq.

I have no doubt that Putin has paid much attention to the US election and might well have favoured Trump to win.

But the suggestion that Clinton lost because of Russian interference is pure fantasyland.