
The Public Sector Informant

Coach at work: 'Do I really need strategic friends in high places to advance at work?'

We put your workplace woes to an executive coach.

I seem to have been tarred with the "talent" brush at work, which means I get good work and my agency spent a lot of money developing me. I like work and think I have a lot to offer (my staff tell me I do) but, from what I observe, promotions seem to depend on buddying up with people I don't like or respect.

The received wisdom seems to be that the need for friends in high places intensifies as you go up the food chain. I don't want to turn into a husk of my former self just to get the corner office. Does this mean I'm condemned forever to middle management?

The coach

A professor of organisational behaviour at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Jeffrey Pfeffer, says building relationships with people for "instrumental purposes" is both morally sound and necessary to your promotion prospects. I'm not all on-board with his conclusions, but the point is you'll need to reach your own. While good connections will generally decide a race between two fairly evenly matched candidates, the line between savvy networking and purely transactional manoeuvring can be a tricky navigation for people who value human connection; for people, that is, who are human.

In personal relationships, integrity wins you the kind of reciprocal obligation that can stand the weight of illness, divorce and ageing disgracefully. Even the most authentic personal relationships have a level of "tit for tat" going on: I'll do you the honour of standing up to your bad habits if you'll hold my hand when I'm feeling lonely.

Integrity in your professional relationships speaks a different dialect. In that dialect, strategic rather than accidental befriending is not only fine, but a sign by which the ambitious recognise each other. So here are some guidelines.


One: Don't expect to strike up a sponsorship in the way you'd strike up a social relationship. Some canny planning about where you want to go and who can help you get there will be needed, along with a certain stomach for awkwardness.

Two: Seek out relationships with people you admire, want to be like, or with whom you have something in common or a genuine rapport. Start from genuine affinity, and winnow the field according to who can step you towards your career goals.

Three: Offer your senior colleague/sponsor value in the area where your mutual interest is. Infrequently (every half-year is plenty), you could send them a link to a conference that may be of interest; or to a journal article that continues a larger conversation you're having.

You might also read (with a grain of salt) Pfeffer's candid book on succeeding at work, the aptly named Power. He argues that the point of sponsorship is eventually to "cash in" by making a specific request: for an introduction, a recommendation or even a role. Sponsorship is transactional, and it gets around the notorious limits of recruitment processes. There is no correlation – none – between interview performance and excelling on the job, and a sponsor's nod can offer a panel a lot of assurance that Ms Confident and Assured isn't actually a sociopath with a genius for manipulation.

In the twilight of their career, people often think about legacy: what and who they'll leave behind them. Those twilit sponsor types find a lot of reward in helping promising colleagues up the career ladder; it feels like service, and sometimes it really is. If it's not, they won't know – but the staff of their proteges sure will.

So now I'd like to get off my pragmatic low horse to make some observations about the future of work, and declare without nuance that the kind of politicking that tends to ease in seniority is both the cause and the effect of dysfunctional organisations. As Peter Senge notes, promotion by sponsorship undermines merit, disenfranchises the workplace majority (the uncelebrated backbone of the enterprise) and damages productivity by lowering morale and disrupting collaboration.

Unless they are expert in leadership or very self-aware (they know and correct for their own biases), senior sponsors tend to choose mentees based on their own image. In hierarchical organisations, this predicts the victory of the confident over the able. No one knows the merits of the leader better than the led, and this truth sits uncomfortably beside sponsorship and "talent management" approaches.

Coaching you:

Let's turn this around to you and your staff, and see what we can see. As always, a culture of frequent feedback (upwards, downwards, sideways) will go a long way to dispel the stupefying charisma of favouritism, if it exists in your team.

You might ask yourself: who are my team favourites/problem children? What is it about them I value/dislike, and what biases might I be bringing to bear? What highly specific requests and suggestions could I make to each team member so they know to do better/be different? What does my team think needs to change about my leadership style?

Having "a lot to offer" rates as low-quality feedback – it doesn't contain enough detail about what you're doing well and poorly – so probe for specifics from your people until you have something to go on.

Coaching your staff:

If you want to up the challenge, start asking questions like these of your direct reports so they can get going on the never-over project of learning how to build a culture of collaboration in their own current or future teams.

This will work best (create a coaching culture in your team) if you tell your people what you're doing – "I'm learning how to use coaching questions; bear with me if this feels a bit clunky. It would be great if you would also have a go at these questions with your own people. We can talk about this at the team meeting and share happy endings as well as horror stories."

Last word:

There's a reason why the freezing denizens of certain dramas are always bleeding, sobbing or dead. If you want to see the results of alliances made solely in the interests of power, I'd recommend watching Game of Thrones. In which winter – and the level of human compromise that leaves you with no hand worth holding – are always coming.

Jacqueline Jago is an executive coach and the principal of Bloom Coaching & Consulting. Send your questions to