
Robert Vines 1921-2017

Scientist embodied early CSIRO values

Bob Vines was a CSIRO scientist for 45 years, and his gentlemanly manner and intellectual commitment reflected the organisation's values.

Robert (Bob) Vines was a gifted and charming individual, often hilarious and sometimes mischievous. As a CSIRO scientist of 45 years, he devoted his life to deep intellectual enquiry, something made possible by the professional values which were pervasive at CSIRO during his time there.

In his later years, Bob was referred to as "one of the last remaining gentlemen". His gentle demeanour, impeccable tweeds and collar and tie all reflected the earlier time in which he grew up.

Bob was born on February 25, 1921 in Melbourne, the son of Robert Ashley and Agnes Baird (nee Reeves) Vines. His early life was significantly shaped by his father's lifelong commitment to education; Ashley was the founding headmaster of the Scotch College Hawthorn Campus in 1921-22. Ashley's courage was a characteristic which Bob valued all his life – he had been seriously injured on the first day of the Gallipoli campaign in 1915.

Bob grew up in New Zealand, Adelaide and Melbourne, attending Scotch in 1938-9. He won a scholarship to the University of Melbourne and to Ormond College, where he resided for nine years and where he met his wife to be, the biochemist Vera Hanly.

Bob's working life began during World War II. In 1942, he was seriously burned in an explosion while undertaking some experiments on his own, late at night in the chemistry lab at Melbourne University. He spent six months in hospital.

Because of this event, he became known as an "expert in explosives" and was thus recruited for a position by Philip Bowden, the then head of the newly-established Lubricants and Bearings section of CSIR, Australia's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, later to become the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO.


Immediately after the war, Bob went to Oxford, supported by CSIR, to further his research. He was soon followed by Vera and they were married in Lincoln College Chapel in July, 1948. Bob had worked hard to complete much of his work before Vera arrived and so they set about exploring England together, the beginning of a very happy marriage. Their oldest son David was born in Oxford; he was followed by three other children: Robyn, Elizabeth and Richard.

Bob returned to Australia to work at Tribophysics in 1950. In 1954 he won a Fulbright Scholarship to go to MIT in Boston. He worked with the head of the Chemistry Department, Professor Frederick Keyes, for a period of eight months, studying the behaviour of inert gases at high temperatures.

After coming back to Australia, he worked on water conservation, studying how it might be possible to reduce the evaporation of water from a reservoir by spreading a thin molecular film of acetyl alcohol on top of the water. This led to many trips to the Umberumberka Reservoir, outside Broken Hill, often with family in tow. These visits cemented his love of the outback. His reputation as a witty storyteller grew from this time.

In 1960, Bob returned to Boston to work with Professor Keyes, this time for a full year in which they conducted experiments on the thermal conductivity of steam and published a set of "steam tables". The whole family accompanied Bob to Boston, and his children still have fond memories of camping in New England enjoying the wonderful autumn colours. Bob was subsequently offered a job at MIT, but returned to Australia because both he and Vera wanted to bring up their children as Australians.

In May 1962, Bob was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science at the University of Melbourne, on the basis of his wide range of publications. This was a significant recognition, at an early age, of the high quality of his work.

From 1964, Bob led a small bushfire research team that included the talented scientist David Packham. Together they entered into sustained collaborations with the Western Australian Forests Department, led by George Peet. In this work, they pioneered a control-burning technique that involved dropping incendiary devices out of a small plane at a time when the foliage was damp, so as to burn large tracts of forest without risk of the fire spreading.

Bob was referred to as 'one of the last remaining gentlemen'.

In 1972, Bob was invited to Canada to be an adviser to the Canadian Government on forest fire research. He spent a year there, with his family, establishing a Bush Fire Research Unit in Ottawa.

From the mid-1960s onwards, Bob became interested in why bushfires occur on a semi-regular basis. This led him to carry out research on whether it is possible to provide medium to long-range predictions of weather conditions, and to indicate when droughts and floods might occur. He did this work in collaboration with Edward George Bowen, CBE, FRS, a Welsh physicist who had moved to Australia as chief of the Division of Radiophysics at CSIRO, after making a major contribution to the development of radar technology during the war. Bob was able to apply Bowen's filtering-analysis techniques to meteorological data.

Bob believed that his weather work was of considerable economic significance, since the ability to predict droughts would make a difference both to farming practices and to the management of scarce water resources. His perspective was controversial, as many people believe that it is not possible to make long-term predictions of weather. However, Bob was not afraid of controversy. He published his last scientific paper on this subject in 2008, at the age of 87. He had by then published more than 100 scientific papers, spanning a 64-year period.

Bob had wide-ranging interests in music and the arts, and generously supported Vera's later-life exploits as an art historian, both in Australia and in Europe. He was a prodigious reader of all kinds of books.

His gentlemanly manner, shrewd intellect, ever-present humour and unfailing kindness will be affectionately remembered for a long time – as will his tilted tweed cap. He sought no fanfare and had no aspirations to greatness. He also remained overwhelmingly grateful for the life that he had led, right up to his death on March 23, in his 97th year, and particularly during the last two years which he spent at his beloved Anglesea.

Bob's cherished wife of 52 years, Vera predeceased him by 15 years. In the later years of his life, he enjoyed a deep friendship with Shirley Walpole, and with all the Walpole family.

Bob was the much-loved patriarch of his large family, which now runs to nine grandchildren and to two great-grandchildren. He was also a wise mentor to many people, and an inspiration to the very large number of people who counted him as a friend.

* Written with assistance from David, Robyn and Elizabeth.