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Make blog magic happen with Netvibes Potions + new WordPress ingredient

Automate your WordPress blog to reach wider audiences and produce more content. It’s easy with our new WordPress Ingredient for Netvibes Potions.

Potions make it simple to automate actions from your Netvibes dashboard. When these 2 Triggers happen, then do X and Y Actions; otherwise, do Z. Consumers can take control of their apps and smart devices. Companies use Potions to automate their business decisions and respond immediately to market opportunities. (For detailed Potion instructions, please visit our Documentation page).

With our new WordPress Potion ingredient, you can mix-and-match your own Trigger(s) and Action(s) to make blogging magic happen, automatically. Here’s how it works.

New WordPress Ingredients:

Trigger: When I post something on my WordPress blog

Actions: Automatically share content on my WordPress blog

  • Post text on my WordPress blog
  • Post a photo
  • Post a link
  • Post a video
  • Post audio

Example Potions using the WordPress Trigger:

  • Article syndication: When I post something on my WordPress blog, then automatically share it on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Reddit.

  • Specific content sharing: If I post something on my WordPress blog AND the title includes “MyCompanyName”, then automatically share it on our company’s Facebook Page and email my team.

Example Potions using WordPress Actions:
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2017 UK General Election: What happened to Theresa May?

Netvibes Dashboards aggregate and analyze data to deliver real-time insights into markets, brands or any topic—including political elections!—in order to drive better decision-making. Over the past year, the Netvibes team has created custom dashboards to analyze the 2016 US Presidential Election and the 2017 French Presidential Election. Now it’s the United Kingdom’s turn.

Netvibes UK election dashboard

Netvibes answers your business Questions by delivering the sharpest Insights via the most efficient Outcomes. In this case:

Question: What happened to Theresa May in the 2017 UK election?

Insight: Analysis of online news and social data demonstrates a growing pro-Labour (anti-May) sentiment leading up to election day.

Outcome: This blog post (keep reading) 😉

Yesterday, June 8, voters in the UK went to the polls in a special snap election. Prime Minister Theresa May had called this election—which was originally scheduled for 2020—three years early in the hopes of gaining a stronger political mandate ahead of the looming “Brexit” discussions to sever the UK’s ties with the European Union. Although earlier polls had showed strong support for Mrs. May, the final results came as a bit of a shock. In the end, May’s Conservative party failed to achieve a majority in Parliament, causing a serious blow to May’s political power. Rival Jeremy Corbyn claimed victory for the Labour party.

As we learned from our analyses of the American and French presidential elections this past year, polls have often been wrong. However, Netvibes’ dashboard analysis shows that other metrics, such as #hashtags and social trends, can be more useful in predicting election outcomes.

The Netvibes 2017 UK Election dashboard analyzes a wide variety of election content online, including news, social media, polling data and more, to discover real-time election intelligence. Here are 3 insights from the dashboard that help explain what happened in the UK yesterday:

  1. Theresa May’s not showing up for the debate last week was a big deal.

As we see in the chart below, the largest number of UK Election mentions occurred on May 31, following the most-recent debate. While Mrs. May neglected to show up for this debate, her opponent Jeremy Corbyn did. UK voters clearly took notice of May’s absence.

Overall UK election mentions


  1. Following the May 31 debate, the top five Twitter authors by engagement were Pro-Labour.

Last month when Netvibes analyzed the top Twitter authors around the UK election, we found the authors tended to be conservative-leaning, as seen in this chart:

UK election - top Twitter authors last month

After the May 31 debate, however, we saw the pattern change. After that date, the top 5 most prolific Twitter writers on the UK Election were accounts with Pro-Labour stances.

UK election - top Twitter authors after May 31

In other words, we can see a pattern of growing pro-Labour sentiment leading up to the UK election. In retrospect, perhaps it shouldn’t have been a surprise that the Labour party performed so well among voters.

We observed similar patterns during the 2016 US and 2017 French elections. The overall number of mentions seemed to be less important than growth trends leading up to the election. For instance, in the United States, the Vice-Presidential candidates with the most mentions were Marco Rubio (Republican) and Elizabeth Warren (Democrat). However, the VP candidates with the fastest-growing mentions were Mike Pence (who was ultimately named Trump’s VP) and Tim Kaine (was won the VP nod for the Democrats). For a full analysis of the US Vice-Presidential candidates, please read our blog.

In the 2017 French election, the candidates who increased their hashtag shares before the first voting round also increased their results vs. expected poll numbers. For the full analysis, please read our blog.


  1. Reddit had a higher share of voice than normal, and all the top conversations were pro-Labour.

This chart shows us the online domains that generated the most UK Election mentions in the past 30 days. Twitter, unsurprisingly, is #1. Reddit has a strong showing in Second Place.

UK election - top mentions by domain

When we look at the most popular UK Election-related posts on Reddit over the past 30 days, we see that all the top conversations were Pro-Labour.

UK election - top Reddit posts and comments


Thus, it appears that engagement patterns on Reddit, especially leading up to voting day, can be a good indicator of election outcomes.

You can visit Netvibes’ Election Dashboard and explore the data for yourself at Be sure to join us again for insights around the next election. France’s legislative elections begin Sunday, June 11.

To learn more about Dashboard Intelligence for Business, please contact us for a free demo.


Written by Kim Terca and Garrett Flanagan of Netvibes. Any opinions expressed are our own, not our employer’s.

Analytics are based on a wide variety of online sources collected by the Netvibes dashboard, including news publications, blogs, videos and social media. To see all sources, please visit the Dashboard Tab titled “Sources.”

Netvibes’ Election dashboard is meant to provide a neutral analysis of available election data. It should not be considered an official statement by Netvibes, Inc. or Dassault Systèmes.

New Potion Ingredient: Automate your Medium Page with Netvibes

Medium is a popular social blogging platform that people and businesses use to read, write and share ideas. Today we have added new Medium Ingredient to Netvibes Potions, so you can automate your Medium page and accomplish more with the platform–directly from your Netvibes dashboard.

With Potions, available for all Netvibes Dashboards, you can easily automate your business or take control of your digital life. You pick the Trigger(s) and Action(s) you want to automate, and Netvibes does the rest. Program your own interactions between devices, apps and data and put the Internet of Things to work for you. (For Potion instructions, please visit our Documentation page).

New Medium Ingredients
Trigger: When I publish a new post on Medium
Action: Post an article on Medium

Example Potions you can create with the Medium “Trigger”:

Article syndication: When I publish a new post on Medium, then automatically share the link on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Reddit.

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Automate Twitter with Netvibes Potions: Now with Lists

Twitter Lists are now supported by Netvibes Potions, enabling you to automate interactions across your social media, other apps and devices. For example, you can automatically add people to a Twitter List based on keywords they tweet. Here’s how Twitter List Potions work.

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Try Netvibes VIP free for 14 days

Netvibes Dashboard Intelligence helps consumers, professionals and teams to monitor and act on the most important information that impacts them online. If you’re new to dashboarding, now is the perfect time to try Netvibes. Beginning today, everyone who creates a new account at will automatically receive a free trial of Netvibes VIP for 14 days.

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Netvibes is now fully integrated into the Dassault Systemes 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Since Netvibes was acquired by our parent company Dassault Systemes in 2012, our engineering team has worked diligently to continue building new technical innovations on the dashboard, as well as collaborate toward complete integration with Dassault Systemes’. Today we are excited to announce a major milestone: all new Netvibes technology now works natively on the 3DDashboard. Future innovations in Netvibes Dashboard Intelligence will be immediately synced and available for 3DEXPERIENCE users, as well as our Netvibes dashboard users.

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How #hashtags are influencing elections: Insights from the US and French elections

In the corporate world, marketers measure hashtags on social media to gauge the success of their campaigns. We wondered: are hashtags effectively influencing the political realm? Can we predict the outcome of presidential races by analyzing hashtag performance? A new analysis using Netvibes Dashboard Intelligence says yes. #hashtags are definitely influencing elections. By looking at hashtag trends over time, we see that the fastest-growing hashtags tend to correlate with winning elections—both in the US as well as France. Here’s what we found:

Netvibes dashboard: 2017 France elections

Last year we designed a custom Netvibes dashboard to track and analyze the 2016 US Presidential election. For 2017 we are analyzing the French presidential race: you can see the live dashboard here and read the insights on our French Election blog.
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New for VIPs: Flag articles and record opinions with SmartTagging

For only $2/month, our Netvibes VIPs enjoy special dashboard features, including:

  • Priority support – Have a question or need help? Just ask.
  • Universal search – Easily find anything on your dashboard using our powerful search functionality.
  • Tracked Topics – Automatically stay informed about topics that are important to you.
  • Unlimited Potions – Control interactions between all your IoT devices and apps, without limit.

Today we have more good news for VIPs: you can now use SmartTagging to add your own custom tags and opinions to any article on the dashboard. For example, you can flag articles to read later, classify important articles together, mark items as “Threats” or “Opportunities” or anything else you like.

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Expanded Twitter analytics: Measure the success of your social outreach campaigns

With Social Analytics (available for Netvibes Premium dashboards), you can easily explore your social data and generate custom charts in just a few clicks. Answer questions like: What is being said about my brand online? Do people like our new product?

Today we have added new Twitter analytic functions to Netvibes, enabling you to measure more metrics and better understand what is being said and shared, by whom, about any topic.

Universal Search is now more powerful than ever for slicing data and discovering valuable insights. With our new enhancements for Twitter, you can now filter out Tweets and analyze the relationship between tweets, retweets and replies to help improve your social strategy.

This is particularly useful for drilling down into your audiences, so you can get more info about the resonance of Tweets and perform more accurate searches. For instance, you can easily analyze your campaign performance and compare Owned Media (your own corporate Twitter accounts) versus Earned Media (organic tweets generated by other users).

In addition, Twitter conversations are now beautifully showcased in a new design for Netvibes’ easy-to-use native reader.

Here are some sample questions you can easily answer with your Netvibes Premium dashboard in a few clicks:
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Keep everyone informed: Send custom Pushmail reports in response to any trigger

Available for Enterprises and Teams, Netvibes Pushmails are automated email reports that you can send to anyone, on any schedule, using the exact graphs and information you want to include. You can design unlimited Pushmails to keep teams informed about brand mentions and other metrics, send an automatic monthly report to clients, and much more.

Today we are pleased to announce that Pushmails are now supported by Netvibes Potions, delivering even more customization options to help you keep everyone informed, 24/7/365.

Netvibes Potions allow you automate custom interactions from the dashboard–for example: If these 2 things happen, then do X; otherwise, do Y and Z. (To learn more about Potions, visit our documentation page.)

Now that Pushmails are a supported “Action” for Potions, you can schedule Pushmails to be sent in response to any Potion trigger. You can schedule Pushmails to go out at a specific time, in response to apps or data, or only when a data trend erupts. For example:

  • Reports-on-Demand: When Client A sends me an email that includes keywords “numbers this week,” then automatically send the “Weekly Client A” Pushmail report.
  • Report-when-Metric-is-achieved: When our social media campaign reaches its target goal, automatically send a Pushmail report to the team.
  • Report-when-Data-trends: When our website traffic declines for 2 weeks in a row, automatically send me a Pushmail report analyzing our top web traffic sources.

Potions with Pushmail feature a new dashboard wizard, delivering even more control over the content and style of your email reports. You can easily add or remove articles, apps and dashboard tabs to your Pushmail. You can also change the colors and styling, as well as easily change the order of any the content you’ve chosen to include in any Pushmail.

Learn more about Pushmails on our website, or read a real customer case study. For questions or a free demo, please contact us.