
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis popularized the phrase “laboratories of democracy”: “(T)o describe how a ‘state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.’” Cities and towns also experiment with policy novelties – serving as even smaller laboratories. For…


Sometimes a notion or a concept can seem insightful upon its initial articulation, but after additional consideration it seems rather vapid or out of touch with reality. For example, published in the December 2016 edition of “Christianity Today” is a column titled “Christianity Without An Adjective”. On the surface, such a goal seems laudable as…


 Republicans hold majorities in both houses of Congress and a Republican sits in the White House. Yet there is still delay and gridlock in the attempt to repeal and replace liar-nObamaCare. Part of the problem is that, once again, Republicans are far too easily manipulated by Democrats’ class warfare mantra of “benefit cuts for the…


The old idiom is “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” Which means don’t “turn on someone that has supported you.” The Republican Party – is far too often the Stupid Party. They far too often turn the old idiom on its head – and feed the hands that bite them. They dump tons of…


Government cutting special deals for special friends – is always obnoxious, obnoxiously bad policy. It takes a lot of money from innocent, unwitting citizens – and hands it to politically-connected cronies. It warps functioning marketplaces – when governments place their massive thumbs upon the scales to tilt the system. We’ve just narrowly escaped the Barack…


The United States has spent the last four decades – “free trading” away millions of domestic jobs to everywhere else on the planet. Whether accidental or intentional on our part – the gigs left. It was intentional on the part of all the world’s other governments. They aren’t nearly as free trade-y as we are…


H.R. 1215 – the bill to nationalize tort law – is back.  Which is bad news – and makes even less sense than the last time it was under consideration. It came up in mid-June, but was pulled – for exactly the right reason.  Tort law is the many states’ domain – so this bill…