Rick Perry gets Sarah Palin’s help against GOPs Kay Bailey Hutchison

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Sarah Palin’s on the GOP campaign trail. Palin’s giving Texas Governor Rick Perry help by showing up at his event held in Cypress, Texas (a Houston suburb) on Super Bowl Sunday. According to the Austin American Statesman, Palin is supporting a man – Perry – against the legendary Kay Bailey Hutchison in the March GOP Primary.

That should be a wake-up call to women in politics: Sarah Palin does not support a woman, even if she’s in the GOP and unless she’s a Couch Potato Conservative. But even then, there’s no evidence that Sarah Palin will go the extra mile for a woman conservative candidate.

Sarah Palin’s backing of Governor Rick Perry will be a sign of her pattern for the future: Republican men get her help; Republican women gain her wrath.

No word on Palin’s use of her hand; she’s wasn’t getting paid this time:

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