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America, you elected a pig

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Donald Trump is a pig. This morning, true to form, like a dementia patient with a perpetual case of reverse Sundowner’s, Trump launched a vicious and misogynist Twitter attack ...

Trump to “bribe” moderate Senators to support health bill, then move bill right

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The Trump White House is planning to “bribe” moderate Republican Senators with money to fight the opium crisis, to get them to support the draconian Senate Obamacare repeal ...
Brian Karem Sarah Huckabee

Meet the courageous reporter who stood up to White House’s Sarah Huckabee yesterday

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Yesterday at the White House, Atlas shrugged. More specifically, Playboy correspondent Brian Karem told White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee where she could put her neo-fascist ...

Contribute to LGBT Members of Congress

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Progressive values have never been more under attack. Please join us in showing your pride in, and support for, LGBT members of Congress with a generous donation to each of them. We’ve ...

GOP Sen. McConnell’s childhood Polio therapy paid for by charity

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Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had polio as a child, and benefited in his recovery from the charity of the others. This is an interesting fact, as Vice President Pence ...
gop health care caucus

34% premium increase for older Americans under Senate GOP health care bill, with fewer benefits – per CBO

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The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Americans in their 60s could see a 34% increase in health insurance premiums under the Senate Republican health care bill. What’s ...

It’s time for the media to give Trump a time-out

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Donald Trump has again banned live coverage of today’s White House briefing. Every reporter should pick up their phone, turn on the video, and let Sean Spicer or Sarah Huckabee ...

This gorilla playing in his bath will restore your faith in, well, gorillas at least

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I give you a gorilla in a bath. You can thank me now. I cannot stress enough how important it is you watch this gorilla bathe-dancing to maniac. By @bobhagh ...
Sen Capito cancer constituents

Woman confronts GOP Sen. Capito over daughter’s cancer (video)

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A woman from West Virginia visited her Republican US Senator, Shelley Moore Capito, to talk about the Republican party’s efforts to repeal Obamacare, which would take insurance ...

Dear Media: If White House screws with you, screw back

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Donald Trump lives and dies by the mainstream media. Fox News may be Trump’s mistress, but CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times are his one true love. Trump is desperate ...
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