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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
July 6, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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Sabotaging Putin-Trump Diplomacy Serves U.S. War Interests and Democrats’ Electoral Strategy

Democratic leaders have positioned themselves to portray just about any concession from the U.S president in bilateral talks with the Russian president as a corrupt payoff.


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Thank You, Twitter (Video)

Okay, it’s abundantly clear that President Trump is extremely unpresidential, particularly when it comes to his tweets.
Peter Dejong / AP

Syria’s Alleged Sarin-Gas Attack: Questioning a Flawed Investigation

The head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Ahmet Üzümcü (pictured), should resign over his role in the production of a biased report.
A/V Booth

In the first of a two-part conversation, the two intellectuals discuss the shift in the U.S. and U.K. in the late 1970s toward neoliberalism, an ideology that Chomsky says claims to increase freedom while actually increasing tyranny.

In this week’s “Scheer Intelligence,” host and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer interviews author Rebecca Carroll about how her background influences her writing and the intersection of race and class. [Transcript added.]

Trump Administration Backs Texas Voter ID Law in Court

The White House wants the courts to uphold voter ID restrictions in Texas that opponents call discriminatory.

Study Concludes That Climate Change Will Worsen U.S. Poverty

Climate change, left unchecked, is expected to make the U.S. poorer and more unequal. (Pictured: A house in New Orleans destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.)

Trump’s Health Care and the Politics of Disposability

The right’s politics are as vicious as ever, but they also present a unique opportunity.

Trump’s Poland Speech Draws Criticism for ‘Disturbing’ Undertones

In a speech at the site of the Warsaw Uprising Monument on Thursday, the president proclaimed that “the fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.”



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U.S-China-North Korea Tensions Increase Threat of Global Nuclear War

A potentially catastrophic endgame is playing out between bellicose North Korea and the pugnacious U.S. regime.

France Will Ban the Sale of Cars That Use Gasoline or Diesel by 2040

Environment minister Nicolas Hulot (pictured) announces the decision as part of a renewed commitment to the Paris climate accord.

Two Impulsive Leaders Fan the Global Flames

President Trump’s public alignment with Saudi Arabian King Salman in his anti-Iran campaign could engulf the Middle East in a new global crisis.

Hobby Lobby Fined $3 Million for Smuggling Religious Artifacts From Iraq

The home crafts chain imported more than 5,500 Iraqi artifacts that were intentionally mislabeled, federal prosecutors say.

Here’s How Donald Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes

Last year, then-candidate Trump sold two condos at a steep discount to his son Eric (pictured). But he doesn’t appear to be on the hook for gift taxes.



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Germany Sets a Record, Producing 35 Percent of Its Electricity With Renewables

More than a third of German electricity this year has come from wind, solar, biomass and hydro—but the country still has a long way to go when it comes to clean energy.

Trump’s Man With a Plan ... to Suppress the Vote Nationwide

Kris Kobach, Kansas’ anti-immigrant secretary of state, is the operational leader of the president’s newly launched commission to investigate fraudulent voting.

G-20 Urged to End Public Subsidies of All Dirty Fuels by 2020

A new report reveals that public financing by the world’s wealthiest governments belies their nations’ stated commitments to the Paris climate goals.

Kim Jong Un Vows North Korea’s Nukes Will Stay Off the Negotiating Table

Analysts say Kim’s government believes nuclear weapons are key to its own survival and could be used to wrest concessions from the United States.

Russia-China Relationship Is Growing Closer, and That Could Hurt U.S. National Security

Global power is being shifted by Sino-Russian rapprochement, a development largely caused by American actions.