Joan M. Fitzpatrick, 1950-2003

Updated May 7, 2004.

Picture of Joan Fitzpatrick The University of Washington Law School community is saddened by the loss of our friend and colleague, Joan Fitzpatrick who died on May 16, 2003. Our thoughts and sympathies extend to Joan's son Devin, to her family and to the many friends she had around the globe.

A member of our faculty since 1984, Professor Fitzpatrick was a brilliant teacher, internationally renowned scholar and an admired colleague. She dedicated her life to improving human rights around the world. We will all miss her powerful voice and presence.

As each of us tries to deal with this shocking news, we have encouraged members of our community to take time to talk with each other and to celebrate Joan's life and achievements. We hope that those of you reading this message will do the same as a first step toward healing our selves and continuing the work Joan so dedicated her life pursuing.

The Fitzpatrick family has not yet determined funeral arrangements or made memorial designations. As we learn of their wishes, we will communicate those details to you on this web page. The University of Washington Law School community held a memorial service on June 3, 2004.

---Dean Joe Knight

Education B.A. summa cum laude, History, 1972. Rice University. Phi Beta Kappa.
J.D. magna cum laude, 1975. Harvard Law School.
Diploma in Law, 1980. Oxford University.
University of
Washington Law School
Jeffrey & Susan Brotman Professor of Law, March 2000.
Professor, September 1985 to March 2000.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, July 1993 to June 1994.
Associate Professor, January 1984 to September 1985.
Courses Constitutional law, Federal courts, Human rights, Immigration law, International law, Refugee law
Other Employment Fundamentals of Human Rights, Oxford University/George Washington University Program in Human Rights, Oxford, 1996, 1998, 1999 & 2002.
Immigration Law, University of San Diego Program in Paris, 1997.
Immigration Law, University of San Diego Program in Mexico City, 1990.
Associate Professor of Law, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, July 1982 to January 1984.
Visiting Associate Professor of Law, University of Virginia, August 1982 to May 1983.
Assistant Professor of Law, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, August 1980 to July 1982.
Attorney, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, February 1977 to September 1979.
Trial attorney, Bureau of Competition, U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC, September 1975 to February 1977.
Bar Membership Bar of Massachusetts
Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States

Joan Fitzpatrick, ed. Human Rights Protection For Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, And Internally Displaced Persons: A Guide To International Mechanisms And Procedures (Transnational 2002).
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David Weissbrodt, Joan Fitzpatrick & Frank Newman, International Human Rights: Law, Policy, And Process (3d ed.  Anderson 2001) and with David Weissbrodt, Frank Newman, Marci Hoffman & Mary Rumsey. Selected International Human Rights Instruments And Bibliography For Research On International Human Rights Law (3d ed. Anderson 2001).
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Anne F. Bayefsky & Joan Fitzpatrick, eds. Human Rights And Forced Displacement (Martinus Nijhoff 2001). 
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Jordan J. Paust, Joan Fitzpatrick & Jon M. Van Dyke, International Law And Litigation In The U.S. (West Group 2000) and Documents Supplement (2000).
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Edited with Sandra Coliver, Paul Hoffman & Stephen Bowen, Secrecy And Liberty: National Security, Freedom Of Expression And Access To Information (Martinus Nijhoff 1999). 
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Human Rights In Crisis: The International System For Protecting Rights During States Of Emergency (University of Pennsylvania Press 1994).
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Chapters in Books Joan Fitzpatrick & Rafael Bonoan, Cessation of Refugee Protection, in Refugee Protection in International Law: UNHCR'S Global Consultations on International Protection (Erika Feller, Volker Turk & Frances Nicholson, eds. Cambridge University Press 2003). 
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Harmonized Subsidiary Protection in the European Union-A View from the United States, in Subsidiary Protection of Refugees in the European Union: Complementing the Geneva Convention (Daphne Bouteillet Paquet ed. Bruylant Publishers 2002).
Human Rights Fact-Finding, in The UN Human Rights Treaty System in the 21st Century (Anne F. Bayefsky, ed. Martinus Nijhoff 2000). 
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The Role of Domestic Courts in Enforcing Human Rights Law, in Guide to International Human Rights Practice (Hurst Hannum ed., 3d ed. Transnational 1999). 
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States of Emergency in the Inter-American Human Rights System, in The Inter-American System of Human Rights (David Harris & Stephen Livingstone eds. Oxford University Press 1998). 
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Reviewed at 93 Am. J. Int'l Law 555 (1999).
Is the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees Obsolete?, in Immigration Admissions: The Search for Workable policies in Germany and the United States (K. Hailbronner, D. Martin & H. Motomura, eds. Berghahn Books 1997). 
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The Problem of Cultural Relativity Seen Through the Lens of International Standards Relating to the Death Penalty, in Contemporary International Law Issues: Conflicts and Convergence 324 (T.C.M. Asser Institute 1996). 
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International Crime Law, in Introduction to Transnational Legal Transactions (Marylin J. Raisch & Roberta I. Shaffer, eds. Oceana Publications 1995). 
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The Use of International Human Rights Norms to Combat Violence Against Women, in Human Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives (Rebecca Cook, ed. University of Pennsylvania Press 1994). 
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Protection Against Abuse of the Concept of "Emergency," in Human Rights: An Agenda For The Next Century (Louis Henkin & John Lawrence Hargrove, eds. American Society of International Law, 1994).
The Principle and Practice of Temporary Refuge: A Customary Norm Protecting Civilians Fleeing Internal Armed Conflict, in The New Asylum Seekers: Refugee Law in the 1980s (D. Martin, ed. 1988).  
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The Enforcement of Human Rights Law, in International Law Association, Report of Conference (1988).
Temporary Refuge and Central American Refugees, in In Defense of the Alien (1987).
Articles Speaking Law to Power: The War Against Terrorism and Human Rights, 14 European Journal of International Law 241-64 (2003).
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Rendition and Transfer in the War Against Terrorism: Guantanamo and Beyond, 25 Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review 457-92 (2003). 
Trafficking as a Human Rights Violation: The Complex Intersection of Legal Frameworks for Conceptualizing and Combating Trafficking," 24 Michigan Journal of International Law 1143-67 (2003).
Introduction to the Refugee Law Forum, 12 Pac. Rim Law & Pol. J.1 ( 2003).
Joan Fitzpatrick & Ron C. Slye, Republic of South Africa v. Grootbroom, Case No. CCT 11/00. 2000 (11) BCLR 1169. Constitutional Court of South Africa, October 4, 2000. Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign. Case No. CCT 8/02. at, Constitutional Court of South Africa, July 5, 2002. 97 Am. J. Int'l L. 669 (2003).
Read the article on Hein Online.  (UW Restricted)
Sovereignty, Territoriality, and the Rule of Law, 25 Hastings Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 303-40 (2002).
Terrorism and Migration, Paper for the ASIL Presidential Task Force on Terrorism, American Society of International Law, (October 2002),
Consular Rights and the Death Penalty After LeGrand, 96 Procs. Am. Soc'y Int'l L. 309 (2002).
The Unreality of International Law in the United States and the LaGrand Case, 27 Yale J. Int'l L. 423-33 (2002). 
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Jurisdiction of Military Commissions and the Ambiguous War on Terrorism, 96 Am. J. Int'l L. 345-54 (2002).
The Constitutional and International Invalidity of Military Commissions under the November 13, 2001 Military Order, 7 Bender's Immig. Bull. 7 (2002).
Current Issues in Cessation of Protection under Article 1C of the 1951 Refugee Convention and Article I.4 of the 1969 OAU Convention (April 2001), expert paper for the Global Consultations on International Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Taking Stock: The Refugee Convention at 50, 2001 World Refugee Survey 22.
Refugee Protection in the Twenty-First Century, 43 German YB Int'l L. 77 (2000).
The Post-Exclusion Phase: Extradition, Prosecution and Expulsion,, 12 Int'l J. Refugee L. 272-92 (2000) (Special Supplementary Issue co-edited by Joan Fitzpatrick).
Race, Immigration, and Legal Scholarship: A Response to Kevin Johnson, 2000 U. Ill. L. Rev. 603-11 (2000).
Temporary Protection of Refugees: Elements of a Formalized Regime, 94 Am. J. Int'l L. 279-306 (2000). 
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The End of Protection: Legal Standards for Cessation of Refugee Status and Withdrawal of Temporary Protection, 13 Georgetown Immig. L.J. 343-81 (1999).
Joan Fitzpatrick & Katrina R. Kelly, Gendered Aspects of Migration: Law and the Female Migrant, 22 Hastings Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 47-112 (1998); reprinted at 20 Immig. & Nat'lity L. Rev. 57 (1999). 
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Deborah Anker, Joan Fitzpatrick & Andrew Shacknove, Crisis and Cure: A Reply to Hathaway/Neve and Schuck, 11 Harv. Human Rights J. 295-310 (1998). 
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Stealth UNIDROIT: Is USIA the Villain?, 31 N.Y. U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 47-77 (1998-99)
Articles cont'd The International Dimension of U.S. Refugee Law, 15 Berkeley J. Int'l L. 1-26 (1997).
The Gender Dimension of U.S. Immigration Policy, 9 Yale J. Law & Feminism 23-49 (1997).
The Preemptive and Interpretive Force of International Human Rights Law in State Courts, 90 Procs. Am. Soc. Int'l L. 262 (1996). Read the article (UW Restricted)
Revitalizing the 1951 Refugee Convention, 9 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 229-53 (1996). 
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Ethical Refugee Policy and the Moral Relevance of Numbers: Response to Adelman and Churgin, 30 Int'l Migration Rev. 325 (1996).
The Relevance of Customary International Norms to the Death Penalty in the United States, 25 Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 165-80 (1996).
Establishing Accountability for On-Going Human Rights Violations Through Litigation in U.S. Courts, 16 Whittier L. Rev. 439 (1995).
Joan Fitzpatrick & William McKay Bennett, A Lion in the Path? The Influence of International Law on the Immigration Policy of the United States, 70 Wash. L. Rev. 589-628 (1995); reprinted at 17 Immig. & Nat'lity L. Rev. 223 (1995-96). 
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Flight from Asylum: Trends Toward Temporary "Refuge" and Local Responses to Forced Migrations, 35 Va. J. Int'l L. 13-70 (1994); reprinted at 16 Immig. & Nat'lity L. Rev. 407 (1995) . 
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The Claim to Foreign Sovereign Immunity by Individuals Sued for International Human Rights Violations, 15 Whittier L. Rev. 464-70 (1994).
Race, Criminal Justice and the Death Penalty, 15 Whittier L. Rev. 912 (1994).
Articles con'td U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 15 Whittier L. Rev. 334 (1994).
The Future of the Alien Tort Claims Act of 1789: Lessons from In re Marcos Human Rights Litigation, 67 St. John's L. Rev. 491-521 (1993).
Joan Fitzpatrick & Alice Miller, International Standards on the Death Penalty: Shifting Discourse, 19 Brooklyn J. Int'l L. 273-366 (1993). 
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Reducing the FSIA Barrier to Human Rights Litigation - Is Amendment Necessary and Possible? 86 Procs. Am. Soc. Int'l L. 338 (1992). 
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Anne F. Bayefsky & Joan Fitzpatrick, International Human Rights in United States Courts: A Comparative Perspective, 14 Mich. J. Int'l L. 1-89 (1992).
Joan Fitzpatrick & Robert Pauw, Foreign Policy, Asylum and Discretion, 28 Willamette L. Rev. 751-71 (1992).
Proposed Reservations to the Convention Against Torture and Cruel, Inhuman, Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Remarks. 83 Procs. Am. Soc. Int'l L. 541 (1989). 
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The Impact of the Reagan Administration's International Population Policy on Human Rights Relating to Health and the Family, 20 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Politics 169-91 (1987). 
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International Law and the Influx of Aliens: Sanctuary and the Right to Exclude. Remarks. 80 Procs. Am. Soc. Int'l L. 102-107 (1986). 
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Deborah Perluss & Joan F. Hartman *, Temporary Refuge: Emergence of a Customary Norm, 26 Va. J. Int'l L. 551-626 (1986). Read the article (UW Restricted)
Ted Stein: Recollections of a Friend and Colleague, 61 Wash. L. Rev. 940 (1986).
Enforcement of International Human Rights Law in State and Federal Courts in the United States, 7 Whittier L. Rev. 741-51 (1985). 
Derogation under Article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 7 Hum. Rts. Q. 89-131 (1985).
"Unusual" Punishment: The Domestic Effects of International Norms Restricting the Application of the Death Penalty, 52 U. Cin. L. Rev. 655-99 (1983).
Racial Vote Dilution and Separation of Powers: An Exploration of the Conflict Between the Judicial "Intent" and the Legislative "Results" Standards, 50 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 689-753 (1982). 
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Derogation from Human Rights Treaties in Public Emergencies-A Critique of Implementation by the European Commission and Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations, 22 Harv. Int'l L.J. 1-52 (1981). 
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Work in Progress

"The Human Rights of Migrants" in INTERNATIONAL LEGAL NORMS AND MIGRATION (T. Alexander Aleinikoff ed.).

Book Reviews Review of Carmen Tiburcio, The Human Rights of Aliens under International and Comparative Law, 36 Int'l Migration Rev. 1218 (2002).
Review of Christopher H. Pyle, Extradition, Politics, and Human Rights, 36 Int'l Migration Rev 259 (2002).
Review of Sigrun Skogly, The Human Rights Obligations of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, 96 Am. J. Int'l L. 501-504 (2002).
Review of Anna-Lena Svensson-McCarthy, The International Law of Human Rights and States of Exception: With Special Reference to the Travaux Preparatoires and Case-Law of the International Monitoring Organs, 93 Am. J. Int'l L. 987-88 (1999). Read the review (UW Restricted)
Review of Paul Weis, The Refugee Convention, 1951: The Travaux Preparatoires Analysed with a Commentary, 90 Am. J. Int'l L. 175-76 (1996). 
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Nothing But the Truth? Transitional Regimes Confront the Past (review of Impunity and Human Rights In International Law And Practice, Naomi Roht-Arriaza, ed.), 16 Mich. J. Int'l L. 713-26 (1995).
Review of William Schabas, The Abolition Of The Death Penalty In International Law, 88 Am. J. Int'l L. 182-84 (1994). 
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Review of Newman & Weissbrodt, International Human Rights: Law, Policy, and Process, 13 Hum Rts. Q. 144-46 (1991).
Review of States Of Emergency: Their Impact on Human Rights. A Comparative Study by the International Commission of Jurists, 6 Hum. Rts. Q. 125-32 (1984).
Court Briefs U.S. Supreme Court. Demore vs. Kim, No. 01-1491. Brief of Amici Curiae International Human Rights Organizations in Support of Respondent. Oct. 28, 2002. Westlaw: 2002 WL 31455515. LexisNexis: 2001 U.S. Briefs 1491. (Password required)
U.S. Supreme Court. Brzonkala vs. Morrison, U.S. vs. Morrison, Nos. 99-5, 99-29. Brief Amici Curiae on Behalf of International Law Scholars and Human Rights Experts in Support of Petitioners, Nov. 12, 1999. Westlaw: 1999 WL 1037253 . LexisNexis: 1999 U.S. Briefs 5. (Password required)
U.S. Supreme Court. U.S. vs. Alvarez-Machain, No. 91-712. Brief for Respondent Humberto Alvarez-Machain, March 4, 1992. Westlaw: 1992 WL 526163 . LexisNexis: 1991 U.S. Briefs 712. (Password required)
Editorials Human Rights, Big Business Intersect on WTO Stage (with Anita Ramasastry), Seattle Post Intelligencer, Nov. 28, 1999, at G1. Read the story
Our Obligations to the Kosovar Regufees, Seattle Times, April 16, 1999. Read the story
Letter to the Editor, GOP Convention - Can't Afford Another GOP Tax Cut, Seattle Times, Aug. 27, 1992, at A11.
Letter to the Editor, Punishing the Victims in Unwed Births, New York Times, Jan. 29, 1992, at A20.
Initiative 120 - Should Abortion Laws be Reversed? - Yes, Seattle Times, October 13, 1991, at A17
News Stories
Bush Looks to '42 Case to Justify Military Tribunals for Terrorism, Seattle Times, December 5, 2001 (quoting Fitzpatrick on Ex parte Quirin). Read the story
Immigration Law Leaves Gay, Lesbian Couples No Place to Call "Home," Seattle Times, October 26, 1998 (quoting Fitzpatrick on immigration law). Read the story
Law Profs Differ on High-Court Pang Review, Seattle Times, October 24, 1997 (quoting Fitzpatrick on whether the U.S. Supreme Court will agree an appeal dealing with the Martin Pang case). Read the story
Brazil's Intent Not Clear to Court Here, Seattle Times, August 1, 1997 (quoting Fitzpatrick on the Brazil Supreme Court's ruling on the extradition of Martin Pang). Read the story
Brazil "Willing" to Deal on Pang; U.S. Seeks Way Around Ruling, Seattle Times, March 2, 1996 (quoting Fitzpatrick on extradition issues). Read the story
Awards Jeffrey & Susan Brotman Endowed Professorship, University of Washington, 2000.
Horowitz Lecturer for Teaching Excellence, 1991-92, University of Washington School of Law.
Spencer Short Award for Excellence in Scholarship, 1994-95, University of Washington School of Law.
University of Washington Law School Foundation Scholar, 1995-97.
Professor of the Year, 1985-86, 1987-88, University of Washington School of Law.
Professional Activities Member, Board of Editors, American Journal of International Law; Deak Prize Committee, 2002; Nominating Committee, 2002-2003.
Vice President, Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute, Washington, D.C.; Editorial Board, PAIL book series.
Member, Editorial Board, Refugee and Human Rights Series, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Member, Executive Council, American Society of International Law, 1988 to 1991; Nominations Committee, 1992; Steering Committee for Human Rights in a Post Cold War World, 1993; Chair, Book Awards Committee, 2000-2001.
Rapporteur, Enforcement of Human Rights Law Committee, International Law Association, 1985 to 1990.
Member, Human Rights Committee and Refugee Law Committee, American Branch of the International Law Association.
Member, Executive Committee of the Immigration Law Section, Association of American Law Schools, 1987-88.
Member, Board of Directors, Amnesty International USA, June 1984 to 1989; Vice-Chair, 1986-1988. Member, AI Borderline Committee, 1989-1991. Member, AI Standing Committee on Mandate, 1992-96, Chair 1996-98.
Member, Legal Advisory Council, Center for Justice and Accountability, San Francisco.
Consultant, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Global Consultations on Refugee Protection
Participant, German-American Project on Migration and Refugee Policies, American Academy of Arts and Sciences and German-American Academic Council Foundation, 1994-95.
Member, Working Group of Experts on the Exclusion Clauses of the Refugee Convention, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 1997-99.
Pro Bono Litigation Concerning Human Rights, Refugees and the Death Penalty, on Behalf of Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Lectures and Panel Presentations "The International Criminal Court: Problems and Perspectives," Frank Church Symposium on International Affairs, Idaho State University, Pocatello, February 2003.
"Trafficking as a Human Rights Violation: The Complex Intersection of Legal Frameworks for Conceptualizing and Combating Trafficking," Globalization, Justice, and the Trafficking of Women and Children Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, October 2002.
"Speaking Law to Power: The War Against Terrorism and Human Rights," University of Michigan-EJIL Symposium, Ann Arbor, October 2002. View symposium agenda
"EU Asylum Harmonization and U.S. Asylum Policy," Association of American Law Schools Immigration Workshop, New Orleans, May 2002.
"Human Rights of Migrants," International Organization for Migration-Migration Policy Institute, Expert Meeting on International Legal Norms and Migration, Geneva, May 2002.
"The Death Penalty and the Conduct of Foreign Affairs by the United States," Amnesty International annual general meeting, Seattle, April 2002.
"Civil Liberties and Homeland Security," 2002 Fulbright Foreign Student Seminar, U.S. Department of State and Institute of International Education, Seattle, April 2002.
"Constitutional and International Law Issues Raised by the November 13, 2001 Military Order," University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, March 2002.
"Terrorism and Human Rights," hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Washington, D.C., March 2002.
"Consular Rights and the Death Penalty after LaGrand," American Society of International Law annual meeting, Washington, D.C., March 2002.
"Sovereignty, Territoriality, and the Rule of Law," Hastings Law School, San Francisco, February 2002.
"Detention Issues after September 11," Association of American Law Schools annual meeting, New Orleans, January 2002.
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"Harmonized Subsidiary Protection in the European Union: A View from the United States," Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, November 2001.
Daniel Bodansky, Joan Fitzpatrick & Stewart Jay, "America's Response to Terrorism," University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, October 2001.
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"Cessation of Refugee Protection," Global Consultations on International Protection, UNHCR and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Lisbon, May 2001.
"Protection for Internally Displaced Persons by International Human Rights Mechanisms," Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., April 2001.
"The Relevance of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement to the Individual Complaints Mechanisms of Human Rights Treaties in the United Nations Systems," UN/Brookings Institute Colloquy on Internal Displacement, Vienna, September 2000.
Consultation on Human Rights Protection for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Internally Displaced Persons, Chair and Organizer, Oxford University, July 2000.
"Cessation of Refugee Status and Temporary Protection: Contemporary Issues," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC, June 2000 and UNHCR, Geneva, July 2000.
"The External Effects of the Emerging EU Refugee Regime on Asylum in the United States," International Studies Association, Los Angeles, March 2000 and International Law Conference, Association of American Law Schools, San Antonio, May 2000.
"Realizing International Human Rights," University of Washington School of Law, dedication of the Brotman Professorship, Seattle, March 2000. 
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Joan Fitzpatrick & Alan Lai, "Chinese Immigrants," KCTS Connects, February 2000. 
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"Human Rights and Refugees," Harvard Law School, December 1999.
"Return Following Denial of Asylum or Termination of Temporary Protection," Christ Church College, Oxford, July 1999.
"The Post-Exclusion  Phase," Consultation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, March 1999.
"Cessation of Temporary Protection," Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration, March 1999.
"International Human Rights in U.S. Litigation and Immigration Law," Aspen Institute Seminar, Wye Woods, MD, November 1998.
"Contemporary Trends in Refugee Policy," Chicago-Kent Law School, October, 1998.
Participant in Study on the Exclusion Clauses of the Refugee Convention, Wolfson College, Oxford, June 1998.
"Human Rights and Forced Displacement: Converging Standards," Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, May 1998.
Chair, Panel on Separation of Powers in Immigration Law, Association of American Law Schools Immigration Law Section Conference, Berkeley, May 1998.
"Legal Standards Relating to Cessation of Refugee Protection and Safe Repatriation," Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, February 1998.
"Human Rights Fact-Finding," Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, June 1997.
Temporary Protection: Elements of Formalization, Consultation by United Nations High  Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, May 1997.
"Human Rights Litigation Against Individuals," Whittier Law School, April 1997.
"Recent Developments in U.S. Immigration Policy," University of Victoria, March 1997.
"Gendered Aspects of Migration," Yale Law School, November 1996.
"Crisis and Controversy in Immigration Policy," University of Washington Saturday Seminar Program, November 1996.
"The Use of International Human Rights Law in Immigration and Refugee Cases," Aspen Institute Seminar for Judges, Wye Woods, MD, October 1996.
"The International Dimension of U.S. Refugee Law," Boalt Hall School of Law, Berkeley, March 1996.
"The Interpretive and Pre-Emptive Force of International Human Rights Law in State Courts," American Society of International Law annual meeting, Washington, DC, March 1996.
"Recent Developments in Asylum Law," Northwest Regional Immigration Seminar, Seattle, February 1996.
"After Beijing: Implementing Women's Human Rights," University of Michigan Law School, November 1995.
"The Ethics of Refugee Policy: Diminution of Focus on the Individual Refugee," Center for Migration Studies Conference on Ethics and Migration Policy, Georgetown University, September 1995.
"Cultural Relativity and the Death Penalty," Third Joint Conference of the American Society of International Law and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht, The Hague, July 1995.
"The Karadzic Cases: Establishing Accountability for On-Going Gross Human Rights Violations Through Litigation in U.S. Courts," University of Minnesota Law School, May 1995.
"The Influence of International Law on U.S. Immigration Policy," Washington Law Review Symposium, Seattle, May 1995.
"Is the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees Obsolete?," American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, MA, March 1995.
"Flight from Asylum," University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, January 1995.
"U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: The Problem of Reservations," International Women's Rights Action Watch, New York, January 1995.
"Europe's New Immigration Restrictions: Prudence or Xenophobia?," International Law Weekend, New York, October 1994.
"The Asylum Adjudication System in the United States: Current Problems, Proposed 'Cures' and the Immigration Backlash," American Association of Law Libraries annual meeting, Seattle, July 1994.
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"Asylum, Temporary Refuge and Safe Zones," American Association of Law Libraries annual meeting, Seattle, July 1994.
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"International Criminal Litigation," in Transnational Legal Transactions (Oceana 1994), American Association of Law Libraries Institute on Transnational Legal Transactions, Seattle, July 1994. 
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"Establishing Accountability for On-Going Gross Human Rights Violations Through Litigation in U.S. Courts," Whittier Law School, Los Angeles, July 1994.
"Temporary Refuge in an Era of Tightening Restrictions on Access to Political Asylum," Association of American Law Schools Immigration Law Workshop, Albuquerque, June 1994.
"The Problematic Relevancy of International Norms to the Death Penalty in the United States," University of Georgia, March 1994.
"U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women," Whittier Law School, June 1993.
"Shifting International Discourse on the Abolition of the Death Penalty," Whittier Law School, June 1993.
"Sovereign Immunity for Individual Foreign Officials and Its Effect on Litigation under the Alien Tort Claims Act and the Torture Victims Protection Act," Whittier Law School, June 1993.
"World Conference on Human Rights," in Promoting World Peace Through Law, Washington State Bar Association continuing legal education program, Seattle, May 1993. 
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"The Future of the Alien Tort Claims Act," St. John's Law School, March 1993.
"Litigating International Law Issues in the 1990s," Association of American Law Schools annual meeting, San Francisco, January 1993.
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"Son of Sam Laws and the First Amendment," University of Washington School of Law continuing legal education program, December 1992.
Law, Literature and Film, University of Washington School of Law continuing legal education program, December 1992. 
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Lectures and Panel Presentations cont'd "Immigration Problems of Foreign Students and Visitors," Regional Conference of National Association of Foreign Student Advisers, Bend, OR, October 1992.
"Issues of Professional Responsibility and Ineffective Assistance of Counsel for Criminal Defense Attorneys Representing Alien Clients," in Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions, University of Washington School of Law continuing legal education program, Seattle, October 1992. 
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"The Changing Role of the Federal Courts and Its Impact on Poverty Law," keynote speech, Evergreen Legal Services annual conference, Seabeck, WA, June 1992.
"Sovereignty and Human Rights in Immigration Law," in Promoting World Peace Through Law, Washington State Bar Association continuing legal education program, Seattle, May 1992. 
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"The Changing Role of the Federal Courts in an Era of Divided Government: Its Implications for Legal Education," Horowitz Lecture, University of Washington School of Law, May 1992. 
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"Reducing the FSIA Barrier to Human Rights Litigation: Is Amendment Necessary and Possible?," American Society of International Law annual meeting, Washington, DC, April 1992.
"Setting Standards for Protection of Human Rights during States of Emergency, Queen's University, Belfast, April 1991.
"U.S. Asylum and Immigration Law," University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, March 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1995.
"Emergency Powers, Conference on Human Rights in Constitutional and Statutory Development in Bulgaria," Sofia, January 1991.
:New Debate over Affirmative Action," Western Washington University, May 1990.
"Barriers to Invoking Human Rights Law in the U.S. Courts," ALI-ABA Training Program, Washington, DC, November 1989.
"Ratification of Human Rights Treaties," United Nations Association Conference, Seattle, October 1989.
Lectures and Panel Presentations cont'd "The Ethical Imperatives of the Judge in Human Rights Litigation," Purdue University, September 1989.
"Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child," American Society of International Law, Chicago, April 1989.
"Proposed Reservations to the Convention Against Torture," American Society of International Law, Chicago, April 1989.
"Immigration Law after IRCA and Asylum after Cardoza-Fonseca," Washington Law School Foundation continuing legal education program, Seattle, March 1988.
"A Primer on Critical Legal Studies," National Association of Women Judges annual conference, Seattle, October 1987.
"International Law and Juvenile Execution," America Bar Association annual meeting, San Francisco, August 1987.
"Enforcement of International Law in the Courts of the United States," in The International Court of Justice and the Resolution of Armed Conflict: Nicaragua v. United States of America, Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, May 1987.
View the Gallagher Law Library catalog record
"United States Population Policy and the Right to Health as a Human Right," New York University, April 1987.
"The Anti-Discrimination Provisions of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act," Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, April 1987.
"Temporary Refuge and Central American Refugees," 10th Annual Legal Conference of the Center for Migration Studies, Washington, DC, March 1987.
"International Law and Influx of Aliens: Sanctuary and the Right to Exclude," American Society of International Law annual meeting, Washington, DC, April 1986.
"The Principle and Practice of Temporary Refuge," University of Virginia Sokol Colloquium, April 1986.
Lectures and Panel Presentations cont'd "Libya, War Powers and the Presidency," Today's Constitution Conference, Seattle, June 1986.
"The Substance and Process of International Protection of Human Rights: Disappearances," University of Washington Extension, April 1986.
"Standard-Setting in International Rights: Major Treaties and the Customary Law Process," in International Protection of Human Rights, University of Washington School of Law continuing legal education program, Seattle, March 1985. 
View the Gallagher Law Library catalog record
"Humanitarian Aspects of International Law," Immigration Skills Seminar, Seattle-King County Bar Association, Seattle, February 1985.
"The International Court of Justice," Washington State Bar  Association convention, Vancouver, BC, September 1984.
"Domestic Enforcement of Customary Human Rights Law," Loyola Law School, Chicago, June 1984; George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC, September 1984; Golden Gate Law School, San Francisco, December 1984; Whittier Law School, Los Angeles, April 1985; American Bar Association Training Conference, New York University Law School, New York, April 1985; Northeastern Law School, Boston, June 1985.
"The European Convention on Human Rights," University of Cincinnati College of Law, October 1980.
University of Washington Service Law School Dean Search Committee, 1999-2000 and 1989.
Chair, Conflict of Financial Interest Advisory Committee, 1995-97.
Chair, Ethics Law Committee, 1996-97; Member, 1995-96.
Acting Vice Provost, September 1994 to December 1994.
Faculty Council on Faculty Affairs, 1992-94.
Chair, Distinguished Teaching Awards Committee, 1993; Member, 1992.
Faculty Senate, 1987-89.
Chair, Hearing Committee, Adjudication Panel, 1985-86; Member 1986-88.
Obituaries & Tributes Joan Fitzpatrick Human Rights Conference, Feb. 27-29, 2004, at the University of Cincinnati Law School, in conjunction with Amnesty International USA Legal Network's biannual meeting.
Roland L. Hjorth, "Joan Fitzpatrick: In Memoriam," 78 Washington Law Review 973-75 (2003).
Elizabeth J. Kane, "In Memory of Joan Fitzpatrick: A Former Student's Perspective," 78 Washington Law Review 977-79 (2003).
Daniel Bodansky, "Joan Fitzpatrick (1950-2003)," 97 Am. J. Int'l L. 656 (2003).
The Guardian (UK), May 23, 2003, by Irene Khan, Secretary-General of Amnesty International,,3604,961726,00.html. Reprinted at 78 Washington Law Review 981-83 (2003). 
The Seattle Times, May 23, 2003, 
Comments upon Prof. Fitzpatrick's installation as the Jeffrey & Susan Brotman Professor of Law, March 2000.

* Some of Professor Fitzpatrick's earliest scholarship was published under the name Joan F. Hartman.

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