Sites Unseen

"Here is an exhaustive roundup of Christian sites...The emphasis is on "alternative" Christian resources. There are enough surprises to draw you in and keep you engaged for hours."
Thank you, Dallas Morning News, for making us your website of the week!

Wecome to Sites Unseen. We scour the Internet so you don't have to. On this rather unwieldy page are surprisingly well-organized connections for you – to bloggers worth reading, networks and movements making a difference, and churches that won’t make you have to go into therapy. Among other things.

Sites Unseen was started nearly a decade ago by two college roommates dissatisfied by Christianity-as-usual, and looking to share a decidedly alternative take on what it means to be a friend of God in the way of Jesus. Since then, Mike has become an opti-mystic advocate of things indie and Jesusy, and Philip is, well, the worst atheist ever. They’ve lately been joined by Jonathan, who keeps them all in line.

10 years in, while many of the players of the alt.Christian milieu have changed, the focus of Sites Unseen remains the same: to provide off-the-beaten-path resources to the right-brained and left-out in Christ-shaped faith and spirituality; to share safe and generative resources for the faithful, seekers, doubters, and inquiring media types.

Sites Unseen is not for everyone, but we do appeal to: emergents, missional folk, house/simple/organic churchers, contemplatives, progressives, grace junkies, new monastic communitarians, burned-out ministers, wide-eyed nonprofit and justice workers, Jesus Movement alumni, charismatics and Pentecostals who color outside the lines, pissed-off agnostics wondering if all Christians have lost their minds, alt.worship liturgical maestros, Integral map-makers, anarchists, free-thinkers, and anyone who asks questions and seeks a deeper connection to the Divine Mystery that – we sense and hope – undergirds us all.

Pardon our dust. We’re hoping to renovate in a big way soon, pending a generous patron who will enable us to fully join the 21st century. In the meantime, you can donate toward our goal in whatever amount you’d like using the Paypal link below, if the Spirit so stirs in you.

Whoever you are, welcome – to the 8,000-links meta-directory Sites Unseen!

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Wild Goose Festival


Site Divisions

Exploring God
Contemplative: Union with God
God's New Deal: Lavish Grace
Persecuted Church Worldwide
Worship in Song
Arts Galore
Literary Magazines
Artists & Bands
Dance, Trance & Electronica
Music 'Zines, Labels, Stations & Revue
Humor & Satire
Design & Hosting
1099 Misc.
Kid's Sites
Other Sites of Note
Sexual Wholeness & Addiction Resources
Web Friends
Denominations, Religions, and Personal Spirituality
Culture & News
Postmodernity and Emerging Culture
News Across The Spectrum
Left Perspective
Right Perspective
The Center, Main Stream, Or What Have You
Africa News
Weird News
Dispatches from the Great Emergence
Magazines & Journals
PoMo Christian Webrags
Message Boards
Annual Gatherings/Conferences
Jesus in Postmodern Context: Media Reports
Whiz-Bang Cutting-Edge Postmodern "Ministries"
Educate Thyselves
Basic Education
Training/Apprenticeship Schools
Science & Faith
Scripture Online
Great Books Online
Important & Treasured Writings from Excellent Authors
Eclectic Christian Book Catalogs
Media & Publishing
Writers' Resources
Audio-Visual Madness
Jesus at Work Radical Christ-Centered Political Alternatives
Pax Christi
Denominational Peace Fellowships
Consistently Pro-Life
Christlike Compassion
Not For Sale
Simplicity and Holistic Living
Incredible Edible Sites
H20 for Life
Embodiments of Christ
Our Sisters In Christ
Our Brothers In Christ
New Covenant Counseling & Inner Healing
Prophetic! Revival! Pentecostal! Charismatic! Spirit-filled!
Celtic Christianity
Hebrew Roots/Messianic Jewish
Native American Tribal Ecclesia
Rainbow People/Hippies
Punk Monks
Bleeding Edge
Church History
Church History
Reformation General
The Chinese Church
Miscellaneous Church History
Uncommon Communities of Faith
United States
Relational "Home" Church Life
International Home Church Sites
Find a house church
Searchable home church registries
Articles About Home Church & Related
Church Planters and House Church Networks
Neo-Monastic Communities
Old-School Monks
Virtual Churches! Post Church?

Contemplative Revelation: Union with God in Christ

Metamorpha Online spiritual formation
Approaches To Prayer
Awakening to Numinous Joy Susan: Exploring the interior life, spirituality, and creativity
The Bede Griffiths Trust
Brother Tadhg Urban monk: 'Deep Spirituality' for all, not just the few
Center for Action and Contemplation with Richard Rohr
Center for Spiritual Development Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR
Centering From the Center podcast
Centering Prayer
Christ As Us "As I Am, so you are in this world": John and Linda Bunting
Christ In You Jim Fowler
Christ-Life Fellowship Warren Litzman
Christ Ministries
Christian Meditation Wikipedia article
Christian Mystic Meetups Cohort groups 'round the country
Christian Mystic Writings from Sojourn Community
Christian Mysticism Wikipedia article
Christian Mystics
Cloud of Witnesses
Communion With God Mark and Patti Virkler
Contemplative Fire
Contemplative Outreach Thomas Keating
Contemplative Prayer with William Meninger
The Contemplative Society with Cynthia Bourgeault
Contemplative Spirituality: A Guide Martha Ainsworth
DoxaSoma The integration of prayer, worship and physical movement
The Eckhart Society
Embrace of God The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina
FAITH Bruce Reyes-Chow: Pastor, Geek, Dad, Follower of Christ
Francois Fenelon Biography
Graham Cooke
Hermitary "Resources and Reflections on Hermits and Solitude": blogs, articles, books: interfaithóa very rich source!
Inner Explorations; see their Centering Prayer Retreat transcript here.
Jan Johnson Author and retreat host
Julian Meetings Find or host contemplative prayer gatherings in your area.
Kyrie"A site for those who seek to remain in that space between the outer and inner life."
Lectio Divina with the Benedictines
Lectio Divina For Dummies An insightful reflection by Bill Heroman
The Liberating Secret Christ Our Life Ministries
Lift Up Your Hearts Christian Spirituality Portal
Lion & Lamb Spiritual Guidance Ministries Since 1993
List of Christian mystics Wikipedia (seriously incomplete)
Living Stones a non-geographical christian contemplative community
Living Temples
Lost: Depths and Riches of Jesus Christ Many more mystic writings
Lovers of God Contemplative Poetry
The Mercy Site Contemplative prayer for evangelicals; particularly focuses on intersections between intercessory prayer, prophetic listening, and contemplative prayer
The Missing Cross to Purity Hall V. Worthington: a great Quaker source on enjoying the Kingdom of God in this life; includes major quotes from George Fox and other early Quakers
New Life Not Improved, But Replaced
Oasis Ministry with Kent Ira Groff
Peregrinatio Doug Jones, spiritual director for youth: "helping students discover truth for themselves"
Poetry of John of the Cross
Postmodern Deification: Theosis trumps Theurgy Carl McColman
Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence: downloadable pdf format
Praxis Resources for spiritual formation and contemplative living
Praxis Institute Studies in Inner Christianity
Prayerbuddy The community is listening: Daily digital divine office, as it is practiced in The Monastery of Christ in the Desert.
Praying Church On contemplative prayer
Renovare Bringing The Church To the Churches; Richard Foster
Revelation Reveals Jesus!
Sacred Journey of the Foolish Sage
Spiritual Directors International
Spiritual Formation Alliance
The Spiritual Guide by Miguel Molinos
Spiritual Letters by Francois Fenelon
Spirituality For All The Wrong Reasons by Eugene Peterson. An engaging challenge to much of the above material. Peterson's antipathy toward overt mysticism should be noted, however.
Solitude with God Sandra Rooney
Stillsong Hermitage Notes on Contemplative Prayer by Sister Laurel M. O'Neal, Camaldolese Benedictine, Lafayette, CA; sample: "What kind of experience was this for God?"
Taste Heaven Now
TheoCentriC Rich Vincent: "ravings of an amateur pastor, hack theologian, and wannabe mystic"
The Shack Read this today!
Three Temptations of Spiritual Formation Evan Howard, Christianity Today
Union Life Sovereign Grace, Union with God, and Preterism! What an eclectic mix.
Women's Voices: Jeanne Guyon
World Community for Christian Meditation with John Main
Writings of Teresa of Avila
Yearning for God Jan
(For much more, see Important and Treasured Writings From Excellent Authors)


God's New Deal & Lavish Grace

Abide In Christ
Abiding Life Ministries International
Acts 13 Ministries "Proclaiming the whole counsel of God"
Brent Bill Quaker Author
Christ Is All
Complete In Christ Cindy Galdal, NYC
Daniel Yordy The Jesus Secret
Deeper Into Christ How to be a Christian despite years of lessons
Desiring God Christian Hedonism
Divine Romantics "To encourage God-centerednessÖproclaiming Jesus as the object of our affections."
Enjoying God Sam Storms
The Father's Love Letter
Free 'N' Him
Freedom's Ring Recovery From Legalism, Moving in Unity
Grace Connexion Dr. Paul Fitzgerald
Grace Roots Joel B.
Grace for the Heart
Grace Fellowship International
Grace Life Ministries Lots of articles
Grace Ministries International Counseling and discipleship
GraceNet Martha Grace Reese: church growth and leadership
Grace Pages (archives here)
The Grace Project
Grace Walk Ministries Check out Steve McVey's blog
Graced Again E-newsletter
Hope In Christ
In Christ Teaching
In-Depth Studies on the wonderful nature of the New Covenant
Key Life Network with Steve Brown
Life In Jesus Ken and Cathie Page
Lifetime Guarantee With the Gillham family
Lisa Brookins
Live Life Abundantly Gerhard & Machtild Struckmann
Living By Grace David Kuykendall
Living Covenant
Living In Grace
Loving Grace Ministries Home of the "Let's Talk About Jesus" Radio Program - very rewarding.
New Covenant Living Columbus, OH
New Way Ministries Larry Crabb
People To People Classic Christianity
Real Life In Christ Sunday Morning @ Lubbock (TX) Bible Church
Recovering Legalists Ministries
Resting in Grace
Rowan Williams Archbishop of Canterbury
Searching Together for the riches of the New Covenant
The Shovel Surfin' On Life
Solo Christo Christ Alone
Sound of Grace John Reisenger message archive
Sound of the Bugle Tanswell and Portia Davidse, Cape Town, South Africa
Source Ministries Lewis Gregory
Sovereign Grace Publications
Talk Grace Discussion forum
Under Grace Living from the New Heart Jesus Gave You
We Can.Be The Beatitudes for Today's World, Dave Andrews

The Persecuted Church Worldwide

Amnesty International
Barnabus Fund Hope & aid for the persecuted church
BASIC For our "Brothers And Sisters In Chains"
Christian Freedom International
Christian Monitor
Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Human Rights Without Frontiers
International Christian Concern
Iranian Christians Advocacy and support for Iranian and Afghan Christians worldwide
Jubilee Campaign
North Korean Christians
Open Doors
Persecution Project
Prayer for The Persecuted Church
Prisoner Alert Pray and take direct action concerning those imprisoned in Jesus' name worldwide
Save Iraqi Christians Christian Solidarity International
Stand Today Solidarity and advocacy for the Persecuted Church
Voice of the Martyrs Canada
Voice of the Martyrs United States
Who Are Christians of Iraq?

Scripture Online

Ancient Hebrew Poetry
Hear The Voice Outstanding website for Scripture rendition project involving poets, pastors, musicians, authors & scholars
One Year Bible Blog Read the Bible in a narrative-chronological order!
Audiotreasure Audio Bibles in many languages including Hindi and Tagalong
Blogging the Bible With Slate's David Plotz; a cosmopolitan Jewish perspective
Crosswalk Parallel Bible Look up two translations at once.
Online Parallel Bible
Bible Gateway Includes several non-English translations
gen2rev Reading the Bible Without Additives in 100 Days
Bible Year Read through the Bible in a year ñ historically or narratively!
The Unbound Bible
Net Bible Translation With Apocrypha
Semantic Bible "Creating new applications of markup, web technology, and linguistic analysis to give fresh perspectives and open up new possibilities for using the Bible in the Digital Age"
Bible Map A global Bible atlas that harnesses Google Maps!
Blue Letter Bible Easy to use; several translations with study tools
Early Jewish Writings from Scripture to Apocalyptic writings to rabbinical works
Early Christian Writings the New Testament and more writings before AD 400
Open Scrolls Project The Dead Sea Scrolls in English
Bibles In Your Language Online, print, and audio bibles in 140 languages
Chronological Bible Storying A narrative approach to Scripture for oral learners
Oral Bible Network
The Books of the Bible A narrative, chronological Bible translation without chapter-and-verse!
The Cottonpatch New Testament!
Recovery Version New Testament
English Standard Version The new Reformed/conservative evangelical translation
Klingon Language Version No, this isn't a joke
Apocrypha and Bible in RSV
Postmodern Bible Commentary with Amos (by Dr Tim Bulkeley)
And Adam Knew Eve A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible
The Bible on the Poor Read all about it!
Mechon Mamre Hebrew, English and Aramaic translations of the Tanakh, plus the full Oral Law and MP3 recordings.
The Bible on the Poor Read all about it!
TanakhML Project Includes a fully cantillated Hebrew text, parallel Hebrew-English translation, verse structure analyzer and more. Very useful.
Ma'agar Sifrot haKodesh A full Hebrew (i.e., no English) text with links to relevant references in Rabbinic literature.
Arabic Bible
Greek Bible
The Schocken Bible A beautiful & poetic Jewish rendering of the Torah
Perseus Digital Library hosted by Tufts University. Transliterations and full texts of the Latin Vulgate and Greek NT here.
St. John's Bible A contemporary illuminated manuscript
Grown-Up Story Bible A narrative Bible work-in-progress by Bill Heroman
In The Bible? Sayings often attributed to Scripture...that aren't!
Bible Translations and Editions From New Testament Gateway
Resource Pages For Biblical Studies
Neil Booth's Bible Brief Wow. An impressive collection of online bibles in many languages.
Internet Sacred Text Archive Not just Judeo-Christian, but certainly that too.
You Version

Great Books Online

Christian Corps F.J. Hugel, Dorothy Sayers, Andrew Murray, Grubb, Muggeridge, C.S. Lewis, FF Bruce, Watchman Nee, Smith Wigglesworth, G.K. Chesterton & More
The Daily Scribe "Highest Quality Christian Writing"
Dimensions of Truth "A place to find God's Kingdom Pioneers" (MP3 downloads)
Electronic Books On House Church
Find Articles Over five million articles online; free and subscription sections
Hermitary "Resources and Reflections on Hermits and Solitude": blogs, articles, books: interfaithóa very rich source!
The Liberating Secret Jeanne Guyon, William Law, Norman Grubb, Walter Lanyon, Dan Stone
The Library of Christian Classics Also known as Christian Classics Ethernet Library
Living Temples Books Boehme, Law, Paxson, Murray, Grubb, Penn-Lewis, Pierson, and more
Making of America Original primary source documents from the University of Michigan
Neve Family Reading Guyon, Tozer, Nee, Sparks, Frank Viola, more
Online Friends (Quaker) Texts Margaret Fell, John Woolman, Robert Barclay, George Fox
Our Daily Blog Daily readings from Christian classics, from Euro-Kiwi Andrew Jones
Pass The Word Fenelon, Molinos, Guyon, Wm. Law (there is Shaker stuff here too)
Plough E-books WOW, 50 quality e-books FREE, courtesy of the Bruderhof Foundation
Project Gutenberg Over 5000 electronic texts
Questia This is a subscription site, but is worth mentioning as it has thousands of books and articles
Revival Library What it sounds like.
St. Pachomius Eastern Orthodox Library
Open Library Over a million full-text books
LibriVox 'Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain'
University of Pennsylvania 10,000+ books of all kinds
University of Virginia Electronic Text Center

Important and Treasured Writings From Excellent Authors

Shalom Auslander
T. Austin-Sparks
Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Simon Barrow
Karl Barth
Leonardo Boff
Walter Brueggemann
Bonhoeffer's Cell
Bonhoeffer Dot Org
Oswald Chambers
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin archives
de Chardin in Wikipedia
DAWN ebooks
A Persistent Peace autobiography of John Dear, S.J.
Annie Dillard
Jonathan Edwards
Vernard Eller
Jaques Ellul ...and more Ellul!
Good News Australia Writings Everyone from Norman Grubb, Dan Stone and Ruth Paxson to Henry Emerson Fosdick
Bede Griffiths
Norman Grubb
Inward Outward In the tradition of the Bruderhof Daily Dig, a daily online selection of excellent writing. From Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC.
Julian of Norwich
Soren Kierkegaard Dot Org by Dan Storm
Soren Kierkegaard on the Internet
Martin Luther King Jr.
Frank Laubach
Walter C. Lanyon Website
Best of Walter Lanyon
Madeline L'Engle's official site
C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis once again
Narnia Dot Org Memphis C.S. Lewis Society
George MacDonald
The Creation in Christ by George MacDonald, on the relationship between the Father and the Son: very thought-provoking!
Brennan Manning Great interview with him here.
Thomas Merton
Watchman Nee Living Stream Ministry
Leslie Newbigin
Henri Nouwen
Nick Page
Peace Pilgrim
Eugene Peterson
Leonard Ravenhill
Oscar Romero
Ziauddin Sardar London-based writer on Islamic topics
The Shelter Francis Schaeffer
Bakht Singh of India
Kyle Strobel
A.W. Tozer
A.W. Tozer
Evelyn Underhill Association
George Warnock via Temple Builders
John Wesley and Holiness literature
Dallas Willard
John Howard Yoder
For more excellent writing see Eclectic Christian Book Catalogs

Audio-Visual Madness

MP3s and Podcasts and Streaming 'Oh my!'
Homebrewed Christianity Podcast
30 Good Minutes Recorded broadcasts from The Chicago Sunday Evening Club (founded 1908): "Resources to Deepen Your Faith."
Allelon Audio with messages from Eugene Peterson, Dallas Willard, NT Wright, & Brian McLaren
Greg Boyd
The Cross and the Sword Greg Boyd's ground-breaking series questioning Christian's relationship to government
BBC Religion Audio Sunday archive
Steve Brown Etc. guessed it!
Tony Campolo on The Colbert Report.
Centering From The Center
Christian Audio Downloadable audio books from Dallas Willard, Brennan Manning, Lauren Winner, Brian McLaren and more (pay site--subscription)
Christian Classics Ethereal Library Audio Like their print counterpart , this site has some awesome classic MP3s
Christian Tape Ministry Audio messages from Sparks, Kaung, Fromke, Lambert, & more
Contemplative Outreach Northwest Lending Library What a great idea. For a low cost, you can join this lending library and get hard copies of teaching on deeper forms of prayer.
Conversatio Fide A Next-Wave Podcast
Dimensions of Truth "A place to find God's Kingdom Pioneers" (MP3 downloads)
The Drew Marshall Show "Canada's most listened-to spiritual talkback program"
The Electric Church Is this a joke?
E-Church Podcast with Tim Bendar
E-Merg Podcast
Emergent Village Podcast
Emergent Village Resources Archives: Presently has some Brueggeman and Wright
The Emerging Church Part One and The Emerging Church Part Two by Bob Abernethy and Kim Lawton in PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
Emerging Minister Audio Archives
Free Christian Audio Books Featuring some G.K. Chesterson, Sundar Singh, Leo Tolstoy and more
The God Journey "Christianity for the Rest of Us," Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings
God's Politics Interview with Jim Wallis
GodTube: Broadcast Him Godtube. GodTube?! I don't know how I feel about this, nosiree. But methinks many denizens could join the site and subvert it in the Jesus Way. What sayest thou?
Key Life Network with Steve Brown
The Kindlings Muse
The Kindness Movement
Mars Hill Audio A bimonthly 90 minute audio "magazine"
Mars Hill Bible Church Teaching with Rob Bell and Co.
Brian McLaren interview by Drew Marshall on September 3, 2005
Brian McLaren Podcast on Sierra Club radio
Mosaic Podcast with Erwin McManus and Co.
The Nick & Josh Podcast
Something Beautiful Podcast
Off-The-Map Media Center Free full-length Brian McLaren video clips
Out of Fellowship Craig Bob: "Christianity Outside The Church"
The Phoenix Journal
Bored-Again Christian Awesome music podcast
LibriVox 'Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain' Audio Podcasts Exploring the Issues Important to Responsive Christians
The Point BlogRadio and discussion
Post-Restorationist Radio Podcast portal for emerging Church of Christ-ers
Pray As You Go Daily prayer brought to us by some innovative UK Jesuits
Prayerbuddy The community is listening: Daily digital divine office, as it is practiced in The Monastery of Christ in the Desert.
PrayStation Podcast Daily prayer taken from the Liturgy of the Hours
Project Podcast
Regent Radio Featuring broadcasts by N.T. Wright, Larry Crabb, Dallas Willard, Eugene Peterson, Stanley Grenz, Gordon Fee, and more.
Religion and Violence An interfaith video-archived conference: Untangling the Roots of Conflict
Salem Gathering Podcasts
Sermon Index Obscure audio and favorites alike from A.W.Tozer, T. Austin Sparks, Corrie Ten Boom and Art Katz
Speaking of Faith "Public radio's national conversation about belief, meaning, ethics, and ideas."
Shane Hipps
Vineyard Central Podcast Feed
Derek Webb/Don Miller Chat Precisely what it sounds like. A one-time talk you can still download.
Meet Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove Mp3 Interview with one of the Rutba House redidents on WUNC radio
Wired Jesus

Relational "Home" Church Life:

95 Theses For Apostolic Reformation Bob Lund
The Abiding Place
Agape Anabaptist House Church of Christ
Ambassador Creative Expressions
And Then Life Happened Rich; Ontario
Awakening 1s
Believers Underground Network (New Zealand)
Beyond Church Walls
Beyond Protestantism Tom Lamb (NZ)
Charlie's Homepage
Chasing the Wild Goose Jon Dale
Christ In You Jim Fowler
A Christian Home Index of lots of House-Church supporting sitesóincluding this one!
Christian Tape Ministry Audio messages from Sparks, Kaung, Fromke, Lambert, & more
Christ-Life Fellowship Warren Litzman
Church in the House Tim Germain; see the DVD
Church of Liberty
Church Restoration Dan Hubbell
The Church Today
The Church Without Walls Gastonia, NC
Churchless Christian Philip Edwards; Auckland, New Zealand
Jake Colsen
Brent Davis Sparta, MO
Decompressing Faith Lily; OR
Denver House Church Conference Blog Bill Reed; see also his Youth and Family blog.
Disciple The Nations Home Church Site
The Early Church Clifford James
Eating and Drinking with Jesus Christ
Edge Home Church Networks New Zealand
Gene Edwards An experienced home church community planter/worker
Ekklesia Blog Wayne; Windsor, Ontario
El Shaddai R. A. Hanes Manakin
Emerging Life
Lindy Erin New York, NY
Escape From Churchianity
Every Christian a Minister and a Priest
Ex-Pastors' Page Stories, employment guide, and more
Expeditions Into Church Life The Journey Into Jesus Christ
Familyhood Church
Father's Hand
Fellership "Sharing the Lord with one another through conversation, meals and life." (Archives at Alice's Page.)
Fellowship of Believers (rather fundamentalist) Radio Show
Fellowship of the Mystery Some good articles...also some vehement rhetoric about certain issues, though, that we definitely don't track with...just so you know.
Following Jesus Christ from Colin Thompson, a brother from England
Food Recipes for home church meetings
Free House Church Resources Extremely conservative: God hates divorce; Hell as a place of torment; God's commands in the New Testament; etc.
Free Spirit Read "If Trees Could Talk"
Global House Church Network
The Glorious Church (Oneness Pentecostal/Baptismal Regeneration perspective)
God Divas Jody and Wendei
God Is Building His Church, Kathie & David Walters
The God Journey Audio Webcast by Brad Cummings and Wayne Jacobsen
Godgrown Mark Willis
Matt Gonzales
Healing Communities
HIS Life
Holon Farm
Home Church Dot Org
Home Church Network
House Church Australia
House Church Blog Roger Thorman
House Church Central
House Church New Zealand
House Church Resource
Housechurch South Africa
House Church Unplugged "All you need. Nothing you don't."
House Churches Australia!
House To House Tony Dale and company
In His Name
In Search of the Church "A journey, not a destination"
In Search of the Church Andy Zoppelt
Is This The way? Andrew in the Netherlands: From Knowledge to Wisdom
It's Not A Place
Jamfirs Oasis
Jesus Journey
Joyous Life
Kingdom Relations Bill Bremer; Colorado Springs, CO
Koinonia Blog Stephanie Bennett, Hal Miller and more!
Koinonia In Him Juli & Kenny
Lifestream Body Life, Wayne Jacobsen (Read his way-cool blog.)
Living In The Tree of Life
Living Truth Dan and Brenda Beaty
Living Waters with Hoseah Wu, Christian Chen, Stephen Kaung and others
Micro Church Australia
The Missional ChurchSteve & Trudi Bils, Omaha, NE; Trudi's archives here, as The History of the Underground Church.
Nehemiah's Wall Praying for Police Officers
House2House Stories
New Covenant Living Columbus, OH
New Testament ChurchPage
New Testament Ekklesia
New Testament Restoration Foundation
Next Reformation "Seeking to encourage New Testament communities worldwide"
Oikos Australia
Open Churches
Our Lord's Ekklesia Rich Amick
Out of the Shadows John W. Purcell
Pagan Christianity Frank Viola & George Barna
Paidion "Like A Little Child"
The Pilgrim Path Jack Gray
Post Scriptum Organic and Simple Church in Switzerland
Present Testimony Frank Viola
Prodigal God Frank Johnson
The Radical Pilgrim Tom Lamb
The Rebuilders Milt Rodriguez
Reformation Rumblings Buff Scott, Jr.
Relational Christianity
Remnant House Brittian Bullock, Vancouver, WA; Archives here and here.
Restoration Ministries Grand Junction, Colorado
Return To New Testament Principles Drew Costen
The Revelation Bob Emery
Revelation of the Lost Keys excellent online book and site by Kevin Paul
Revolution Blog
Sacred Cow Barbecue
Salt Sister Kat Brogdon
School of Christ Chip Brogden
Searching Together Jon Zens
Secret Temple David Mead
Seedsowers An excellent house church/deeper life publisher
Seekers of Christ Tom Finley
Jesus Has Left The Building Paul Vieira
Seeking The Old Paths
Servant Quarters Gayle Erwin
Simple Church 'Blog
Simple Church Europe
Simply Church Jon Daleówith a focus on the Kingdom of God
Spirit Riders
Spiritual Christianity
Squidoo On House Church I'm not even sure what "Squidoo" is. It's kind of like Wikipedia, but more commercial and without much of the content...?
Taken 4 Granted David Grant
Theses 2002
Third Day Churches Church in the Third Millennium
Toi Suis Moi Site d'edification et d'encouragement chretienne (Canada); includes links to 5 complete French Bibles
Tribal Church
Truth At Last Joe Machuta
Truth For Free (Formerly Prayer Shack)
Hungry for God Jim Braman
Unleashing the Church Dave Black
The Unveiling
Urban Ekklesia Jared Looney
Vicki's House Of Prayer
Paul Vieira; Archives here.
Thin Edge of the Wedge Bill Lollar; Wales, UK
Voices In the Wilderness Journal
A Disciple's Journey
A Revolutionary Gospel
Heather Goodman
Big Kid Kim Arlington, TX
Sarah Heroman "Earth's crammed with heaven."
Goody's Blog Arlington, TX
Cheryl's Treehouse Mableton, GA
Paul Ewing Buenos Aires, Argentina
Awaiting Rain Bill Huffhine, former pastor: "A spiritual voyagerÖthrough a purification of religionÖback to the simplicity of love."
Backyard Believers
Annette West Arlington, TX
Jenny Jeffries New Zealand
Jenny the Authorial Raleigh, NC
Weary Pilgrim Ron Cole
When the Church Was Young: The Scriptural Foundation for Church Life (in Chinese)
Who's Your Idol? Dawn; CO
Wikipedia On Home Church
A Wilderness Voice in Search of a City Michael Clark & George Davis (Many others excerpted, too!)
Marc van der Woude Holland
You Are All Brothers Ian Vincent of India

International Home Church Sites:

Hauskirche Germany
Hauskirchen Austria
Hauskirchen Switzerland
Iglesia En Casas Spanish language
Indehuizen Netherlands
Life Share Switzerland
Lukas 10 Germany
Ordos Nuevos Spanish language
Paradigm Shift Netherlands

Articles About Home Church & Related

Beijing House Church Pastors Forced to Cease Activity for Olympics The Christian Post
Going to Church by Staying at Home by Michael Alison Chandler and Arianne Aryanpur in The Washington Post
Seeking the living wordóin their living rooms LA Times
There's No Pulpit Like Home by Rita Healy and David Van Biema in Time Magazine
What Is An Organic Church? by Frank Viola: a clear, useful definition
Examining the House Church Movement The Kingdom Come; a critical view
The Professionalizing of the Clergy: At What Cost?
Christian Research Center Marks House Church Impact by Bill Dolack
The Megashift of the Worldwide Church Jim Rutz interview
More Kids Being Home Churched A satirical article from The Onion; it's more a satire of home schooling than anything, but contains some wise prophetic counsel
Frank Viola Pagan Christianity interview by Steve Eastman of Open Heaven
Ex-Pastor Is Glad He's Finally Embraced House Church by Steve Eastman
As Children And Slaves: Authority In The New Testament by Hal Miller
Characteristics of an Apostle by Gene Edwards
Interactive Preaching The Anabaptist Network
New Testament Eldership by Robert Banks
The House Church Movement by Loren Smith in Bermudas The Royal Gazette
The Institution-less Church from The Thinklings: a common-sense article offering some "balance"
House Church Trends index of House Church articles
House Churches Making A Comeback
Search For The Right Church Ends At Home by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times
Open House Church Articles from True Grace Ministries
Post-Congregational Christianity Very thought-provoking! "House Church" books
Home Churching or HIM Churching?
Return To New Testament Church Principles by Drew Costen
Where and How To Meet by Steadfast Shou
Home Grown Churches: Why some Christians never leave home to go to church by Craig Bird
Medical Doctors and the House Church Movement
Wildheart John Eldredge interview; includes thoughts on house church
The Starfish and the Spider and the Emerging House Churches from Tall Skinny Kiwi (Andrew Jones)
A Growing House Church Movement by Nate Krupp
Renewal Journal Special Issue on home church and community
True Church by John W. Kennedy
Another great article on sisters' freedom
House Churches, Home Churches, etc. (From a non-Christian Standpoint)
"The Superman Syndrome" article
Dominant Clergy Kenneth Sublett br> Missionary Tourism? A critique of short-term missions: "benevolent colonialism" vs. supporting indigenous work. Solution? "Americans have to give up control of a mission project and assume the role of humble servant."
Generationally Indigenous Churches
Why House Church?
Home Assemblies and Bible Basics (A kind of xenophobic Fundamentalist approach)
Church: Where The Home Is TC Online (SBC) (Ecuador)
Good Articles on Restoration
A Brief History of the House Church Movement (scroll down to page 5)
Why I Quit Church and Started Attending Love Feasts by Lynn Ridenhour. For your patriotic, apocalypic/remnant perspective on house churching, look no further.
Various House Church Articles "Prayer is always the starting point." John White
A Comprehensive Simple Church Resource Archive by Robert Grisham Overwhelms even us. It's HUGE!

For more house church sites, see the Church Planters and House Church Networks section.

Radical Christ-Centered Political Alternatives:

Do you think you need to be a status-quo "Republican" or "Democrat" or "Ignoramus" when it comes to politics? Heck no! Support real, organic, Christ-honoring alternatives. Some of the best we've found are right here.

Kingdom Now Repentance for nationalist idolatry
Jesus Radicals Biblical Christian Anarchy & Nonviolence
Ekklesia Project
Catholic Anarchy
An Invitation to Prayer Praying together for peace, justice, and reconciliation: The Church of England
Wikinomics and Mission from Tall Skinny Kiwi (Andrew Jones)
Jesus Is An Anarchist
Guns to Plowshares The Simple Way: Kensington, Philadelphia
Blue Christian on a Red Background Jon Trott, Jesus People USA, Chicago
John Howard Yoder World's foremost New Testament pacifist theologian
Koinonia Peace & Justice
Empire Remixed Politics and Theology: rethinking everything
Eucharism Eucharism is lifegiving life giving; includes Dignity Watch: monitoring Christian dictators and corporate colonists; and Exploit or Empower: how your purchases impact the poorest of the poor
Christian Soldier
Christian Anarchism The all-important Wikipedia definition.
The Missing Cross to Purity Hall V. Worthington: a great Quaker source on enjoying the Kingdom of God in this life; includes major quotes from George Fox and other early Quakers
Zero 28 Peace and Social Justice. Wherever. (Based in Ireland)
Catholic Many writings by Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, more.
Catholic More of the above; both have great writings on service and Christ-informed anarchy (See historical archives here)
Catholic Labor Network
Call To Renewal
Ekklesia News UK
Root & Branch Network UK
The Simple Way
Among The Ruins
Christian Communalism
Heal Our Land Unlicense your church as a tool of the state!
Social Movements Collection Over 10,000 original source items from U.S. & global radical polticial movements
Theocracy Watch
Rise Up International Blending the arts, humanitarian efforts, social activists, businesses and idealists into an agency of change
Proletariat Of God Chris Brenna; Minneapolis, MN
Prophetic Heretic Jason Barr
God's Politics Group 'blog with, of course, Jim Wallis
Blue Christian on a Red Background Jon Trott, Chicago, IL
J-Walking David Kuo: well worth reading!
Hopeful Daniel Daniel D. Farmer, Christian Pacifist, Hopeful Philosopher
Compassion in Politics

Pax Christi

Promoting the Peace of Christ in hearts and communities

War Is Not the Answer Friends Committee on National Legislation: "the largest peace lobby in Washington, DC: 65 years of Quaker Action"
Who Are Christians of Iraq?
Christian Peacemaker Teams In Iraq, Colombia, and more
CHIPS Christian International Peace Service, working for peace in Uganda
The Forgiveness Project
I Forgive Osama A provocative project to bring reconciliation and love
Christians Confess
Peaceworks Prayer and mediation
Peacemaker Ministries Hope for Christian conflict
Third Way Virtual Peace CafÈ: Mennonite Media
Clarion Journal of Spirituality and Justice
International Reconciliation Coalition
Peace School UK
Forgiveness Bruderhof forgiveness guide
The Missing Cross to Purity Hall V. Worthington: a great Quaker source on enjoying the Kingdom of God in this life; includes major quotes from George Fox and other early Quakers
Peace Church Radical Peace: "Peace Church is a way ot thinkingÖ"
Peace Guru Resources on Christian Non-violence; quotes from Tolstoy and others
Every Church a Peace Church
Bridgefolk Making peace between Mennonites and Roman Catholics!
Bridges Across the Divide Confronting the Powers That Be: A study guide to a couple of powerful books by Walter Wink promoting New Testament peace in a world of domination
Beatitudes Society
Learning to Forgive
Revolt Collective
LearnPeace "A site with an attitude:...the belief that nonviolence is better than violenceÖ"
Humane Borders
No To War
Just Peace
Catholic Social Teachings
CAAT Campaign Against Arms Trade
Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
United For Peace & Justice
Justice and Compassion
Send Judah First: A Pentecostal Perspective on Peace
Christian Nonresistance and Pacifism
Christian Pacifism Conflict of the Ages online book
Church & Peace
Justice Not Vengeance
Active Peacemaking
Colloquium On Violence & Religion
Bridge Builders Fourth Way Mediation
World Christian Frontiers
International Fellowship of Reconciliation Jump here for the US branch and here for the UK branch
Gutless Pacifist
Hip Hop Caucus "Make Hip Hop Not War"
Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
Preaching Peace
Colloquium on Violence and Religion Rene Girard's mimetic theory gets nitty-gritty
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Christian Conscientious Objection Resources & laws concerning military enlistment & abstention in the United States (secular site here)
Center On Conscience and War Resources for conscientious objectors to war and violence
Peace Coup
Veterans For Peace Repentance lived out
September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Desmond Tutu Peace Center
Romero Society "Finding the balance of those with and without"
Public Conversations
Jarrod Cochran Firefighter and Christian activist/speaker in Georgia, a.k.a Punk Pastor
The Carter Center Atlanta
Bruderhof Museum New York
Peaceful Societies A fascinating look at actual societies where conflict within the society and warfare with neighboring societies is close to zero.
A Force More Powerful Documentary & book exploring real-life nonviolent struggles, features 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action
Snowshoe Films
Circus 2 Iraq
The Cat's Dream
California Newsreel
Truth From A Heretic
Peace Convergence
Peace Magazine The award-winning publication with full-text archives from 1985
Lion & Lamb A site dedicated to stopping the merchandising of violence to children and finding nonviolent toy alternatives
Iraq Body Count Detailed, documented counts of the lives of masses and individuals claimed in this latest war making
The Lifeline Expedition A journey of friendship along the old transatlantic slave trade
Domini Socially responsible mutual funds
National Religious Campaign Against Torture
QUIT Quaker Initiative To End Torture
No 2 Torture
Peace Tax Fund Insofar as you have to pay them, stop paying taxes for war.
Center on Conscience
National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
International Peace Bureau
Witness for Peace
Nonviolence International
Resources For Peace
198 Methods of Nonviolent Action from the Albert Einstein Institute. Let's get practical!
Wink! A tension-and-violence-relieving game (apparently) played only by Friends (Quakers)...but revealed now to the world here.

Isaac/Ishmael Peace Initiatives

Can we pray that these will succeed?

B'Tselem Israeli information center for human rights in occupied territories
Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation
Jewish Voice For Peace
Not In My Name Seeking a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians
Sabeel Christian Palestinian Liberation Movement
Support Sanity Israel-Palestine peace fellowship and initiative

Denominational Peace Fellowships

Now to our ears, "denomination" rhymes with "abomination"; we'll be happy when the post-denominational transition is complete and we'll no longer have to worry about the human-created institutions that divide sisters and brothers in Christ. But insofar as they're going to be with us for another decade or two, you should see what is going on in these denominations with regards to honoring Jesus, our Prince of Peace. A lot of the nitty-gritty work of creative, non-violent engagement with the powers is going on in these fellowships. Support them.

Adventist Peace Fellowship
American Friends Service Committee
Anabaptist Network
Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Baptist Peace Fellowship UK
Catholic Peace Fellowship
Disciples Justice Action Network
Disciples Peace Fellowship
Episcopal Peace Fellowship "Peace is the Church's Business"
Friends United Meeting
Institute For Peace and Justice Catholic
Lutheran Peace Fellowship
Mennonite Central Committee
Mennonite Peace & Justice Support Network
Mennonite World Conference
Methodist Federation for Social Action
Methodists United For Peace With Justice
On Earth Peace Church of the Brethren
Orthodox Peace Fellowship of the Protection of the Mother of God
Pax Christi International Catholic Peace Movement; jump here for UK and here for US branches.
Ploughshares Canadian Council of Churches
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Religious Rehabilitation Group A group of Islamic scholars in Singapore determined "to provide religious instruction to those who have been detained and those under restriction orders." Their mission is "to rehabilitate detainees to refrain from committing criminal acts" and "to portray that Islam is a religion of peace and mercy."
Society Of Friends England

Consistently Pro-Life

What is "consistently pro-life," you might ask? Affirming life as God's gift in all situations. Resisting the the culture of death affirmed in abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, and war. Read on...

Consistent Life
A Consistent Life Ethic
A(nother) Consistent Life Ethic
A Consistent Pro-Life Ethic (Quaker; see also Wikipedia article)
Pro-life Quakers
Feminism & Nonviolence Studies
Feminists for Life
Mary Meehan Writings of a consistent-life veteran
No Violence Period.
Pro-Life With Christ A more traditional pro-life site, focusing on abortion. Extensive links.
Seamless Garment

Christlike Compassion

Homeless in America Sara Miles, The Food Pantry at St. Gregory of Nyssa Church, San Francisco
The Bible on the Poor Read all about it!
DOOR Network Discovering Opportunities for Outreach & Reflection in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Hollywood, Miami, & San Antonio
Community of Hope Homeless Shelter in Washington, DC
Children's Hope Chest for children suffering from HIV/AIDS
Everything Must Change Brian D. McLaren
Jacob's Well Nonprofit in downtown eastside, Vancouver, BC, Canada
On Journeying with those in Exile Journal of poserorprophet: Dan, Vancouver, BC, CanadaóWhat a thought-provoking blog!
International Rescue Committee
Taken 4 Granted David Grant
Turn Love Inside Out
Logos Communities Houston, TX
Make Affluence History
Make Poverty History
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries: "Compassion as a Lifestyle"
The Love Alliance
Resettle A holistic and realistic solution for Hurricane Katrina victims
Katrina Grace
Speak Pray for change, live for justice.
Ubuntu Education Fund for the Eastern Cape province in South Africa
Oasis Trust (UK)
EPath Bringing aid to the homeless
Justice and Compassion
The Center for Christian Social Holiness Nazarene
Oregon Center for Christian Values
Amos Trust Collective
Christian Aid
CoolPeopleCare Grand Rapids, MI
Association for a More Just Society Honduras
Love Without Agenda
One Life Revolution
Debt, AIDS, Trade: Africa
Save Darfur
Darfur Christian Action
Tear Fund
The Other Journal Hauerwas and Campolo and Wink, oh my! You don't want to miss this one.
Neighborhood Ministries Phoenix, AZ
John M. Perkins Foundation For Reconciliation and Development
Tony Campolo
Center For Action and Contemplation Richard Rohr
Center of Concern
Centrepoint Centrepoint, national charity for homeless youth in the UK
Unlimited Love Institute Altruism, Compassion, Service
Crosswalk America
The One Campaign
North American Association of Christians In Social Work
NY Faith & Justice
Samaritan's Purse International Relief
Alliance For Children Everywhere
Compassionate Reformed Theology Peter Ong's Interesting Website: "A humble testament of an unexpected minister."
Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
Compassion in Politics
Opportunity International Giving the poor a working chance: "Microfinance: the Solution to Global Poverty"
The Waiters Union West End, Brisbane, Australia
The Walnut Hills Fellowship Mr. Bart C., OH
Source for alienated young people in Minneapolis: Peter & Jessica Wohler; includes Fallout Arts Initiative
World Hunger and Poverty Scott Hughes, Hartford, CT
Word Made Flesh
Prevent Genocide
A World At Odds Conscience in a time of terror
Mercy Corps
Invisible Children
Ruth's Harvest Helping impoverished children physically and spiritually
Emmaus International
Argos Helping the rural poor obtain land
EFICOR Evangelical Fellowship of India Commision on Relief
Center For Social Holiness
Refugee Action
Feed the Minds
Immeasurably More Organizing, equipping, and leading Christian pilgrimages around the world
Global Exchange Reality Tours
Christian Appalachian Project
Servants Asia
St. Stephens Society with Jackie Pullinger, Hong Kong
Hope HIV African orphan aid group
Two And Two Makes Five Steven Nicholson's blog on Africa
The Ruckus Society
Advoc8, what happened to ye?
Serving Our World
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Alliance to End Homelessness
World Relief
Children's Hope Chest
New Life for Haiti
Wiser Earth "Toward a Just and Sustainable World Created by Community"
Global Issues Things that affect everyone
Seek Justice
Simple Gestures Love Your Neighbor 'blog
Idealist Action Without Borders
Christian Volunteering
Interaction American Council for Voluntary Internatonal Action
Volunteer Match
Cool People Care
Free World Web
Charity Navigator
Better World Links Wow, this "Norbert" guy puts us to shame with 30,000 links to his credit. Not "Christian" per se, and certainly more polarizingly political than we like to be; nonetheless there's some great material here.

Not For Sale

Despite popular belief, slavery is alive and well today--stronger than it's ever been. Nonetheless! Through heightened spiritual awareness and action, human trafficking could become a thing of the past. These friendships, coalitions and campaigns are on the front lines of bringing this dream for justice into reality.

Not For Sale Campaign A coordinated effort of abolitionist groups worldwide

Amazing Grace Film about William Wilberforce, 19th-century British abolitionist
Amnesty International On trafficking
Anti-Slavery Today's fight for tomorrow's freedom
Anti-Slavery UK abolition network
Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids (2004) a movie with the USA working title The Kids of Sonagachi>br> Call + Response Movie opening October 10, 2008, "exposing 27 million secrets"
Can Bush Fight Sex Trafficking Without His Administration? Harsh, eye-opening Op-Ed report, "The Justice Department, Blind to Slavery," from a real expert: John R. Miller; The New York Times
Clapham Sect Wikipedia on British social reformers of 200 years ago
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Commentary: Slavery alive and well in U.S. Glenn Beck, CNN
Commitee Contre l'Esclavage Moderne
Domestic Sex Trafficking in the U.S. ABC News
Free At Last Deann Alford in Christianity Today
F.R.E.E. international Find. Rescue. Embrace. Empower.
Free The Slaves
Freedom Firm
Freedom Network To empower trafficked and enslaved persons
Global Fund for Women hot topic: supports legalized prostitution
Go see 'Amazing Grace' Rebecca Hagelin, Heart Beat
How to Buy a Child in 10 Hours ABC Nightline
Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Southern California
Human Trafficking and the Internet Linda's Blog: Look Both Ways (Online Safety Consulting)
The Human Trafficking Scourge Council on Foreign Relations article
Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking Salvation Army National Headquarters
Innocence Atlanta
International Justice Mission Working to end contemporary slavery & sex trafficking
Interview of Israel Oyelumade, star of anti-slavery production "African Snow" Christian Today
Love 146 End child sex slavery & exploitation
Missional in Action: Atlanta Churches Take On Child Sex Traffickers PGF Outbox: "God, let our hearts break with what breaks your heart."
Musings Stories and Thoughts Sex Trafficking
NC Stop Human Trafficking
Nightlight Bangkok
One Voice to End Slavery
Polaris Project For a world without slavery
Scores Rescued from Trafficking BBC News
Slavery Around the Globe Today Slideshow from Beliefnet
Stop the Traffik People Shouldn't Be Bought and Sold
Prostitution Research & Education
Tales of student prostitutes rock France Guardian, UK
Time for the New Abolitionists Jim Wallis>br> TIP in AsiaTrafficking in Persons: Asia-specific anti-trafficking coalition
Trade The movie
Trade Review of the movie, by Rotten Tomatoes
UN appoints Steve Chalke (chair of Stop the Traffik) as special advisor on trafficking Christian Today

Simplicity and Holistic Living

Story of Stuff An excellent video, well worth watching
Cheap Ways ToÖ Cara Davis
Mustard Seed Associates Christine and Tom Sine
Alternatives For Simple Living
Bartimaeus Community Ministries A circle of mutual aid for non-traditional gospel ministry
Cultural Creatives Paul H. Ray, PhD, and Sherry Ruth Anderson, PhD: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World
Diamond-Cut Life Alison Wiley, Portland, OR: "Chiseling our consumption down to the core of happiness."
De-Motorize Your Soul Campaign: "a spirited foray into the post-oil era"
Mercola Premiere site for solid, reliable holistic health news and advice
Advent Conspiracy
Buy Nothing Christmas! "Where did I say that you should buy so much stuff to celebrate my birthday?"
Body Theology John Paul II and Benedict XVI
Radical Frugality
Ten Thousand Villages Fairly traded handicrafts from around the world.
Eternal Threads Indigenous fair-traded goods made by women worldwide
Radical Christian Network
Co-Op America Economic action for a just planet
Responsible Shopper Global research and action to stop corporate abuse
Faith and Money Network Encouraging "freedom from attachment to cultural values regarding money."
Veggie Oil & Bio Diesel Fascinating!
All Things Biodiesel
Year of Living Generously
Christian Healthcare Ministries An alternative to traditional "health insurance"
Naomi Klein Author of No Logo and The Shock Doctrine
Global Rich List How wealthy are you? Calculate your annual income here, and put it all in perspective. Check it out!
Rankings, Records, Countries of the World
Know More Corporation watch search engine
Our World is Not For Sale Stop corporate globalization. Take Action!

Incredible, Edible Sites

Agape Table
An Obsession with Food
Animal Vegetable Miracle the book! The movement! By Barbara Kingsolver
Bill McKibben
Bread For The World National & global food policy
Center for Rural America
Community Alliance with Family Farmers
Cricket Bread
Culinate Eat to Your Ideal
Daniel and Amanda's Weblog
Don't Eat Alone
Eat Local Challenge
Eat Well Guide
Eating Well A documentary film exploring Christian perspectives on factory farming
The Ecological Farming Association
Edible Communities
The Ethicurean Chew the right thing.
Factory Farm
Farmers Can Be Heroes
Feeding America Was Second Harvest; working within today's corrupt food system to liberate excess so others might simply live
Finding Balance Eating, Image, and Life
The Food Pantry Peace on Earth & Food for All; helpful guidelines here
Food and Faith PCUSA
Food First
Food Recipes for home gatherings
Food Routes
Food for Thought
Foodshed Planet
Food & Water Watch
Getcha Grub On
Heifer International "Ending hunger, Caring for the earth"
Local Harvest Find fresh tasty local food close to you!
The Meatrix
Michael Pollan
Mighty Foods
New American Dream
Northwest Local Mandi: an exploration of local food and community in the Pacific Northwest
Organic Consumers Association
Organic A to Z
Organic Schmorganic "Debunking the Myth of Organic"
Real Food Markets
Real Food Revival
The Revolution Starts at Home
Seeds of Change
Slow Food Movement (See also Slow Food USA and the Slow Food Wikipedia article)
Slow Food Nation
Sustainable Table
Take This Bread Sara Miles
True Food Network Calling attention to genetically modified foods
True Food
What Would Jesus Eat? with Lucas Land
Wild Fermentation
World Community Cookbooks from our friends, the Mennonites
World Hunger and Poverty Scott Hughes, Hartford, CT
World Hunger Relief Sustainable Agriculture & Hunger Relief
The World Institute of Slowness
U.S. Food Policy
ZAO Water Artesian well in North Carolina helping drill wells in developing nations

H20 for Life

1% For The Planet
Alliance For Democracy
ABC-TV News Report
African Boreholes
Ashoka's Youth Venture
Be Water Wise
Blood: Water Mission
Center For Environmental Law & Policy
Clean Water Action
Council of Canadians
Defending Water For Life In Maine
Delaware Riverkeeper
Do You Drink Water?
Earth Echo
Eshare Water
Fish Now Female
Food and Water Watch
Global Water Fund
Global Water Organization
Go Green Online
Green Grants
Holistic Moms Network
Infinite Energy
Inside the Bottle
International Rivers
Living Water International
Love Bottle
Mamma Manifesto
Milwaukee Riverkeeper
Mouth To Source
Mocha Club
National Environmental Education Foundation
National Environmental Education Week - 'Be Water Wise'
Nuba Water Project
Nubius Organics
Organic Consumers
Pacific Institute
Polaris Institute
Potomac Riverkeeper
Project Blue
Project Concern
Rainwater Harvesting For Drylands & Beyond
Rajendra Singh
Right To Water
San Diego Walk for Water
Save Our Springs Alliance
Sierra Club
Sprite Industries Inc.
Ten For 10
The Water Project
Take Back The Tap
Think Outside the Bottle
The Bottled Water Industry
United Nations Association Film Festival
Urban Semillas
Wastewater Works
Water Charity
Water For All
Waterkeeper Alliance
Water Voices
WaterAid Australia
WaterAid UK
Water Pure International
Whenever The Need
We Ministry
World Water Day
World Neighbors
Youth Venture and Wateraid


As we are called to be the church incarnated in community, many of us are realizing that there are practical as well as spiritual dimensions to being healthy community. Here are some of the best sites looking at community and economic development from a transformational perspective.

Bartimaeus Community Ministries A circle of mutual aid for non-traditional gospel ministry
Business as Mission Network
Cherokee investment company
Christians Supporting Community Organizing
Micah Network
Missions Moving Mountains Discipling For Development
Christian Community Development Association
Logos Communities Houston, TX
Ministry Marketing Coach Chris Forbes
Agora Space
Our World is Not For Sale Stop corporate globalization. Take Action!
Eucharism Eucharism is lifegiving; includes dignity watch: monitoring Christian dictators and corporate colonists; and exploit or empower: how your purchases impact the poorest of the poor
R. Paul Stevens, Marketplace Ministry Mentor
The John M. Perkins Foundation
The World Institute of Slowness
MEDA Microfinance
Kiva Microloans that change lives
New Urbanism Urban collective architecture
Right Reality Compassionate and productive business
Good Capital
Business Without Borders
Global Social Venture Competition
Fast Company Social Capitalist Awards
Collective Intelligence
Habitat For Humanity
We Can.Be People-centered business, Dave Andrews
7 Loaves Fair Trade Wholesale Initiatives
Fair Trade Federation
Fair Trade USA (See also their blog)
Traid Craft UK
Trade As One
Oxfam trade campaign
Equal Exchange
Cred Jewellery No blood diamonds here
Higher Grounds Trading A 100% fair trade, organic, fair trade company
Darren Rowse's 'pro' blog
Relational Tithe Global community committed to living in abundance toward each person in the world
Voice of Calvary Ministries, Inc. Jackson, Mississippi: inner city ministries, development: "a voice for the poor"
Cheap Ways To Cara Davis
Waves Community Development Resources: Mindanao, Philippines
Blessed Unrest An amazing book by Paul Hawken, with additional resources

The Creation In Christ

Thankfully, the "disposable earth" mindset (that had more to do with Western consumerism than authentic Christian faith) is disappearing, as believers are realizing that whether Jesus is returning next Thursday or not, He wants us to cherish and steward His Creation. Here are some of the lamentably few folks who are offering Christ-centered reflection on environmental problems and solutions.

Not One Sparrow A Christian voice for animal welfare
A Rocha Christians In Conservation
Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies
Care2 Groups Eco-conscious sharing
Christian Ecology Link
De-Motorize Your Soul Campaign: "a spirited foray into the post-oil era"
Small(er) "Making an impact by leaving less of one"
Restoring Eden Christians For Environmental Stewardship
North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology
Green Vineyard
Better Times Sustainable, Simple, & Frugal Living
Earth Care Caring for God's creation
Environmental Issues Network
Evangelical Climate Initiative (See New York Times article.)
Creation Care
Climate Stewards
Eco Justice Ministries
Earth Ministry
Saving God's Green Earth
Target Earth Serving the earth, serving the poor
Christians for the Mountains Serving the Appalachian region
Environmental Stewardship Commission with a focus on Minnesota
The Regeneration Project
National Council of Churches of Christ Eco-Justice Programs
New Community Project Anabaptists
Earthcare Witness with the Quakers
Quaker Green Concern
Catholic Conservation Center
Episcopal Ecological Network
Greening Spirit Canadian Anglicans
Canadian Forum on Religion & Ecology
Center for Ecozoic Studies
The John Ray Initiative
Evan and Nature
Nathan Styder a brother with a cool 'sustainable living' site: "Discovering practical sustainability through open discussion"
Local Harvest List of Farmers' Markets and Organic Food Storesóall local!
Food Not Lawns Turning yards into gardens
Nouslife Andii Bowsher; Durham, UK
How To Save The World
Veggie Oil & Bio Diesel Fascinating!
Biodiesel! We are soon going to devote an entire section to biodiesel. It is fantastic. It is a gift from Jesus to save the world.
Eastern Biodiesel Cooperative
Fried Fuel an excellent Creative Loafing article on biodiesel; a good first-stop to learn what has us so excited. (See here also)
All Things Biodiesel
World Changing
The Lazy Environmentalist
Tree Hugger
Plenty Magazine
Ecotheology Selections from Crosscurrents magazine
Earth 911 Locate recycling and other environmental initiatives in your community
Eco Cycle Recycle your life! Get ideas here.
Scorecard Community pollution information site
Green Festivals Parties with purpose
Green Press Initiative Helping publishers and authors create paper-use transformations that will conserve natural resources and preserve endangered forests
EcoMall Ecologically sound companies and products
Wiser Earth "Toward a Just and Sustainable World Created by Community"
Story of Stuff An excellent video, well worth watching

Our Sisters In Christ

It is a spiritual fact that women are free in Jesus Christ, and are free to express themselves in the Christian community, in family, and the world as a whole. Unfortunately, due to lack of attentiveness to the Spirit, and lack of context from the Scripture, many in the Christian world wish to minimize this freedom. We think this occurs at great expense to our sisters in the Lord, and we can no longer keep silent on the matter. Here are some resources that will benefit you, whether you are female or male.

Christians For Biblical Equality
God's Word To Women
Egalitarian Christian Alliance
CBE Scroll
Emerging Women
Convergence; archives under Emerging Women Leaders here.
Gender Justice and Churches of Christ Written by members of the Church of Christ movement but valuable for all of us.
God's View of a Woman by Frank Viola
Now Concerning a Woman's Role in the Church by Frank Viola (pdf)
Evangelical & Ecumenical Women's Caucus
Equality Depot Bookstore
Gender in Christ Part One and Part Two by Brenda Imus
The Hyphen House
Is It Okay To Call God "Mother"? A favorable consideration of the question from a conservative viewpoint
History's Women
Internet Women’s History Sourcebook (general)
Women & Gender in the New Testament World
Christian + Feminist A whole lotta resources, "dedicated to the proposition that faith and feminism are not mutually exclusive"
Christian Feminism

Our Brothers In Christ

Lest you think we don't care about menfolk, here are some resources we've found helpful in rediscovering our full identities as men in Christ

Band of Brothers Courage, Humility, Unity
Male Spirituality Men As Learners and Elders ("M.A.L.E.s," clever huh?). If you loved--or hated--Eldredge's "Wild At Heart," you should check out Richard Rohr's outfit.
New Canaan Society
Ransomed Heart John Eldredge
Church For Men David Murrow
Wild Man Eric Blauer; Spokane, WA

New Covenant Counseling & Inner Healing

New Way Ministries Larry Crabb
Elijah House John & Paula Sanford, Inner Healing
Theophostic "Beyond Tolerable Recovery": Complete Healing (see Christianity Today article)
Grace Ministries International
Faith Family Ministries
Avalon Counseling Oregon
Aslan's Place Prayer Ministry
The Healing Center Using seeing gifts to aid individuals in taking back their life, bringing in God's light
Religious Rehabilitation Group A group of Islamic scholars in Singapore determined "to provide religious instruction to those who have been detained and those under restriction orders." Their mission is "to rehabilitate detaineesÖto refrain from committing criminal acts" and "to portray that Islam is a religion of peace and mercy." A tall order!

Prophetic! Revival! Pentecostal! Charismatic! Spirit-filled!

Ministries, organizations, and personalities connected with the Azusa Street Revival of 1906, the charismatic renewal of the 1960s, the "Third Wave" movement coming from the Jesus Movement of the 1970s, or any of the wacky, wonderful, kitschy, beautiful expressions to emerge since.

When God Talks Back Tanya Luhrmann's anthropological study of Vineyard congregations, reflecting on their 'listening prayer' practices. See NPR interview.
Elijah List Prophetic encouragement list
Prophetic TV
Extreme Prophetic Patricia King
Next Reformation Network
The New Mystics John and Lily Crowder
El Dabar International A reputable African 'signs & wonders' ministry that gets a write-up by Andrew Jones
Not for Prophets Only by Keith Green
Prophetic Underground "The emergent prophetic in a postmodern world"
The Order of the Mustard Seed Count Zinzendorf's holy secret society lives! "True to Christ, Kind to people, Gospel to the nations"
The Heresy
Revelation of the Lost Keys An interactive online prophetic book by Kevin Paul
The Mercy Site Contemplative prayer for evangelicals; particularly focuses on intersections between intercessory prayer, prophetic listening, & contemplative prayer
Punk Monk Andy Freeman and Pete Grieg
Revival School & John the Baptist TV - Andrew Storm
Godspeak Prophetic school and list with a strong emphasis on the priesthood of all believers
Communion With God Mark and Patti Virkler (Practical teaching on lectio divina and listening for God's prophetic speaking.)
Wholeness Ministries Mike Evans
Awakening1s Ron & Karen Rohman
Art Katz Apostolic Community, Apocalypse, & Messianic perspective: a clear, unique voice
IHOP Network No, not the pancakes silly: International House of Prayer Network
The Parabola Exploring Christ as Reality
Sapphire Leadership Group with Arthur Burk (formerly Plumbline Ministries)
New Earth Tribe
Catch the Fire
Joel News
The Jesus Army
Trumpet Call
Healing Rooms
Christian Healing Ministries Francis and Judith MacNutt
Christ the King Spiritual Life Center
Disciple The Nations (Canada)
God Is Still Speaking
Open Heaven Ron & Barbara McGatlin
Lapstone Ministries Dreams & Interpretation Revival authors, history, and current
24-7 Prayer
Mantle Of Praise
Mountain of Worship South Carolina
Prayer For All People
Reformed & Embracing Spiritual Gifts "Experiential Calvinism": anti-cessationist
Apocalipsis Charismatic Chaos? Or Quenching the Spirit?
Shulamite Martha Kilpatrick
Bethel Church Redding, CA Bill Johnson
A Place Called Hope Miami, Florida
Joy Revolution Benjamin & Stephanie Dunn
Deeper Christian Life International
Miracle Valley Archives Documenting the life and ministry of Rev. A. A. Allen and Miracle Valley
Ancient Wells Includes 30-year PDF archive of Voice of Healing magazine!
BlogRodent Pentecostal Rumination & Review
Fighting to Stay Awake
In The Beginning
Jericho Ministry
The One Thing
In His Name
Provision International
Sing Around Your Throne Keith & Sanna Luker
Lamar Boschman
Lily Band
River of Life
Doug Addison
Greg Austin
Iris Ministries Heidi & Rolland Baker
Chip Brogden
Ken Brown
Arthur Burt
Wes & Stacey Campbell
Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda
Michael Clark
Pam Clark See also her blog
Randy Clark
Kim Clement
Bobby Conner
Graham Cooke
A Wilderness Voice
Paul Keith Davis
Jack Deere
Tammy Faye Enjoy your heavenly glory, sister!
Francis Frangipane
Jim Goll
Dudley Hall
The late Ruth Ward Heflin
SJ Hill Enjoying God
Elvis Iverson
John Paul Jackson
Bill Johnson
Bob Jones (not the university!)
Art Katz
Eddie & Susan Hyatt
Martha Kilpatrick
Andre Lefebvre
Roberts Liardon
Floyd & Sally McClung
John Moore
Ben Pasley
Robin Pasley
Larry Randolph
Mickey Robinson
Tri Robinson
David Robison Chesapeake, VA
John Scotland
Bob Sorge
Malcolm Smith
Enjoying God
Jack Taylor
Wade Taylor
Sandy Warner
Roger Whipp
Gary Wiens
Pneuma Foundation
Ruach (Breath of Life) Ministries
Society of Pentecostal Studies
Hollenweger Center for Pentecostal studies
Jesus Camp Controversial documentary examining the soul of children's Pentecostalism in the US
Signs, Wonders, and Spiritual Gifts One of the best, and most succinct, scriptural summations of signs, wonders, & spiritual gifts we've read.
Vineyard Papers Solid discussions on controversial issues like responding to criticism and the miraculous

For more Spirit-filled resources, see our Worship section

Celtic Christianity

"The Case For The Celtic Church" Scholarly article
Celtic Art and Cultures
Celtic Christianity
Celtic Christian Tunes
Celtic Spirituality notes by Dennis Doyle
David's Celtic Christianity Page
Firth's Celtic Scotland
Jordan Cooper's Celtic Resources
Monastic Ireland
Stuart's Celtic Christianity Page

Hebraic Roots/Messianic Jewish:

Messianic Literary Corner Grace-Oriented, New Covenant Messianic Jews
Messianic Freedom Association
Grace, Law & Sonship
Ariel Ministries
Messiah Revealed 300 prophecies from the Hebrew Scriptures examined
Temple Builders Hebrew Roots, George Warnock RealAudio
Ben Israel Messianic Apocalyptic Perspective & Apostolic Community: a clear, strong voice
Hebrew Streams Ancient Hebrew elements in the New Testament
Caspari Ministries
Christian Jew Foundation
I Am Bible Studies on the Law and the Believer
Saltshakers Messianic Community Love, Balance, Respect
Beth Chesed Messianic Congregation Tacoma, WA
Jerusalem Perspective Exploring the Jewish Background to the Life and Words of Jesus
Hebrew For Christians
Restoration Ministries Hebraic/ Prophetic
Hebraic Heritage Ministries International
Jews For Jesus
Recovering Hebrew Roots
Follow The Rabbi "Thinking Hebrew"
Messianic Messages
Azuza Messianc Worship Band
Lederer Messianic Jewish Catalog
Baruch Assembly New Orleans, LA
Congregation Beth Hallel, Roswell, GA
Yachad Ministries
Messianic Congregations of Grace
Messianic Congregation Finder
Mega Messianic Launch Site

Native American Tribal Ecclesia

Society for New Gatherings Ray & Liz Levesque
Broken Walls First Nations music
First Nations Monday
Healing The Land
Indigenous Messengers International Dr. Suuqiina (Inuit) & Rev. Qaumaniq (Cherokee) Suuqiina, Portland, TN
Three Feathers Gathering Richmond, VA
Wiconi International Hecel Lena Oyate Kin Nipi Kte
Yai Wanonabalewa: The Enemy God A Yanomamo Shaman's Story

Rainbow People/Hippies

Daosu Check out the Testimony of Michael Paulólong but very interesting!
Hippie Bible The Phat News of Mark
Hollywood Free Paper
Jesus Army UK
Jesus Movement Great Awakening
Jesus Movement Pamphlets and Tracts
Jesus Movement Webring
Jesus People History
Jesus People Webring
Lonnie Frisbee Controversial movie, and information site
Rainbow People

Punk Monks(Oh, you'll just have to see now, won't you!):

3 Children In The Fiery Furnace
Death To The World Children of the Burning Heart: Zine
Never Mind the Bibles A Theology of Punk: "An online book about the often overlooked spiritual aspect of punk rock."
The Pink Nun Not a "punk monk" per se, but I think she's definitely in good company here.
Punk Monk
The Punk Priest
Youth of the Apocalypse Monks John Marler and Andrew Wermuth: "We don't want a homogenized smiling American godÖ.We want to discover hard grueling reality."

Bleeding EdgePunk and Goth

Christian Goth The piano intro alone is worth clicking this link...
Glorious Undead London, England
Gothhammer Mike Perschon (See also here)
IHCOYC XPICTOC COTHP rockapologetix, Hungary. Subtitles are in Latin: 1 John 3:8, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil"; and this from Augustine: "You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until we find rest in You." Ohóand check out the music, too!
Nails Ft Worth, TX: "Taking the Gospel of Jesus to People Who Live Under the Stairs"
Revolution Churches Jay Bakker: Atlanta, Charlotte, and New York City
Underground Railroad The hub of some...genuinely strange fellowships and ministries!

Magazines & Journals

Affirmation & Critique
Body Life
Cabinet Magazine
Catapult Magazine
Christian Century
Christian Week Canada: "What on earth is God doing today?"
Christianity Formerly "Christianity + Renewal," England's answer to Christianity Today.
Christianity Today
Circle Six Magazine
Conversations Spiritual Formation Journal
Cultural Encounters
The Culture Beat
Eureka Street A publication of Jesuit Communications Australia
First Things
Geez Magazine
Good Magazine (and the company)
Image Journal of Arts and Religion
Kud-Logos Multilingual E-Journal on Faith and Culture; from Slovenia
New Pantagruel "Hymns in the Whorehouse" (archives): "...primarily a voice of Öpopulist, anti-liberalÖdissentÖ.the discipline of place." Fascinating!
Ode Magazine
The Other Journal Hauerwas and Campolo and Wink, oh my!
Plain Truth
Prism "America's Alternative Evangelical Voice": Evangelicals for Social Action
Relief Journal
Response from Seattle Pacific
Ruminate faith in Literature and Art
Salvo Magazine Science, Sex, Society: The Society of St. James
Sovereign Grace Magazine Archives up to Spring, 2003
Third Way The Christian world through modern eyes
Touchstone "A journal of mere Christianity"
Wittenburg Door Magazine Scathing Christian/religious satire
Wrecked For the Ordinary "We do not seek what is, but rather what should be"

PoMo Christian Webrags(As the modernist underpinnings & assumptions of Western society are crumbling, what are those who live by Jesus' life discovering? See these sites for healthy "deconstuction" and fresh vision):

The Shack is a must-read for friends of God in emerging culture. It's uncanny.
Wikiklesia Project Ecclesial publishing experiment. Volume 1, Voices from the Virtual world, is available. Get it now! All proceeds benefit the Not For Sale Campaign!
The Ooze Conversation For The Journey
Next Wave Magazine, a cornucopia of Christ-informed postmodern thought
The Porpoise-Diving Life A plucky and profound portal picking up where Purpose-Driven peters out
EmergANT II The skinny on the global emerging church, courtesy of Andrew Jones
Emerging Parents
The Church Then and Now
Spokane Emergent Cohort
Sustainable Faith
Wrestles with God Sometimes you love Godósometimes you fight himósometimes both: Andy
Emergent Village A generative missional conglomeration of perpendicular hypoteneuses. Nah, just kidding. These folks are great.
Emerging Church Dot Info from England
Clarion Journal of Spirituality and Justice
Communique Literary and arts journal
Catapult Magazine
Church and Postmodern Culture
Wikipedia On Emerging Church The ever-debated, always changing, open source "definition." (See also Theopedia's entry, which is at least consistently negative!)
Wikiverse and Free Dictionary Reflecting variations on the theme
Squidoo on emerging church. Apparently by some fellow named Andy Dragt, Grand Rapids, MI
Microclesia "Exploring the intersection of faith and technology": Really?
Next Reformation
Voices In The Wilderness Journal Older, but great articles
Death To The World by the Punk Monks
Geez Magazine
Future Shape of Church
The Embracing Church
Generous Orthodoxy A call for renewing the center
Wise Traveller
Wrecked For the Ordinary "We do not seek what is, but rather what should be."
Culture Is Not Optional
Kingdom Now 95 ground-breaking theses "to challenge nationalism in the churches"
Radical Church 95 more paradigm-shifting theses
Faithmaps Over 500 articles and links, Stephen Shields
316 Journal
Third Day Churches Church in the Third Millennium
Relational Christianity
House To House
Present Testimony Frank Viola
Spoke: Journal of Christ
The Heresy Find emerging, house church, Anabaptist and prophetic material and more on Leighton Tebay's eclectic site
Ginkworld John O Keefe
Giant Revolution
Christian Counterculture Gently post-Reformed dissent.
Wonder Cafe Canada
Zadok Journal Australia (archives here)
Shoot The Messenger Australia
Church Hacker
Reality Magazine New Zealand
Hedge Society
ReGeneration Quarterly Journal The late and lamented. Sigh.
Faithworks Another one bites the dust; all that's left here is the archives (well worth a look).
The Other Journal Hauerwas and Campolo and Wink, oh my!
Small Voices Journal
Greenbelt Insight (UK)
New Wineskins Emerging Church of Christ magazine
Boundless Webzine ...or is it?
Relevant Magazine
Thirst Magazine
Jesus Radicals Full-orbed Christian Anarchy
Anabaptism Today A quality publication by Anabaptists in Britain and Ireland
Journey With Jesus
Quaker Ranter
Stuff Happens A network for tertiary students, Melbourne, Australia
U2 Sermons
Sakamuyo Christian Fellowship Life and faith on the island of misfits
The Shovel Dang good and clearheaded: "Dig with me and uncover the joy of life and freedom that's been buried under piles of religious dirt." Note: the most recent entry is called the "Latest Scoop."
Ship of Fools "The Magazine of Christian Unrest"
Godspy "Faith at the Edge," Catholic p.o.v.
Spirituality Today Catholic perspective
Busted Halo Catholic perspective
Desert Wisdom "Gateway to Ancient Mystical Christianity" Eastern Orthodox perspective
Method X from Upper Room
XXX Church "The #1 Christian Porn Site"
Radical Christ Post-conservative angst.
Apostate Cafe
Emergent Southeast Southeastern US emerging voices
10 Questions For God
Wanderings of a Postmodern Pilgrim
Wibsite Faith
Leaving Fundamentalism
Spiritual Living
Phuture Serving The Second Reformation
Dechurched Surviving Christianity and its Opponents
Anne Lamott
Diana Butler Bass
Walter Brueggemann
Eric Michael Bryant
Winn Collier
Andy Crouch
Margaret Feinberg
Frederica Mathewes-Green
Stanley Grenz 1950-2005. He is now with Christ in Glory.
Thomas Hohstadt
Erwin Raphael McManus
DJ Chuang
Fischtank John Fischer
Becky Garrison Religious Satirist
Dan Gilliam
Shane Hipps
Andy Hunter
Todd Hunter
Rob Lacey 1962-2006
Brian McLaren
Jim McGuiggan
Jarrod McKenna
Jack Miles
Sara Miles
Don Miller (See also Don Miller Fans)
Ian Mobsby
Kary Oberunner
Doug Pagitt
John O'Donohue
John Perkins
Andrew Perriman
Anne Rice
Fleming Rutledge
Howard Snyder
Steve Stockman
Leonard Sweet
Barbara Brown Taylor
Phyllis Tickle
Matthew Paul Turner
Joel Vestal
TheoCentriC Rich Vincent: "ravings of an amateur pastor, hack theologian, and wannabe mystic"
Sheridan Voysey
Jessamyn West Quaker author
Dallas Willard
Rowan Williams Archbishop of Canterbury
Lauren Winner
Philip Yancey
Martin Zender
Heather Zydek
Fluid Tradition

For more whole-grain emerging goodness, see our Whiz-Bang Cutting-Edge Post-Modern "Ministries" section.

'Blogs (People's online journals, or "Weblogs." Updated regularly, ideally daily) for the Peeps, and other personal sites:

Aggregate Blogs:

Boar's Head Tavern Community 'blog
Blogs4God A Sites Unseen-like directory devoted to the Blogging Arts. Highly recommended.
The High Calling Blogs Christian professionals
RevGalBlogPals Women Pursuing or Discerning a Christian Vocation: women clergy, women church professionals, and women religious
Progressive Revival "Faith, Values, & Politics for the 21st Century," a Beliefnet blog
The Thinklings Jared, Mark, Phil, Bird, Bill
Voxtropolis A blogging cyber city


2 Church Mice
A Cup of Rich
I Found What You Were Looking For Just Now Cincinnati, OH
A Modern Ancient
Aaron Klinefelter
Aaron Saufley
Achievable Ends Bill Kinnon, Canada
Accidental Blog Sarah
Accidental Procrastination Elliot Swan
Adam Ellis Adventures in Following Jesus
Adam Feldman
Addison Road "The TIGER BEAT of emerging church blogs"
Adrian's Warnock
Adventure Paul Cracknell
Adventures in Homemaking Alina Stefanescu
Aedificium Jay Larson
After the Future
AG Think Tank Promoting pastoral renewal
AJP's Blog
Alan Creech
Alan Mann
Alex Smart
All Said and Done Rebecca Matheson
Allan R. Bevere Cambridge, OH
America's Young Theologian Dan Morehead
Anabaptist Monk Tim Sean Youmans
Anamchara: The Website of Unknowing Carl McColman; Stone Mountain, GA: one of the finest blogs out there on mysticism and the spiritual life
Anchored in Burundi Kelley Johnson, Bujumbura, Burundi
Anchorite A Coptic Orthodox 'blog; Andrew Mitry; Washington, DC
Ancient Evangelical Future
Andrew Hubbard Canada
Andrew Jones
Andrew Martin
Andrew Perriman
Andrew Seely
Andrew Sullivan
Andy Goodlif
Anil Dash
Ann Pittman Austin, TX
Another Think Charles Lehardy
Anthony Bradley St. Louis, MO
Around the Lord's Table Kriston (Couchey)
Aun Estamos Vivos
Gary Roberts
Authentic Mission Andrew Kenny; Belfast, Northern Ireland
Awaiting Rain Bill Huffhine, former UMC pastor: "A spiritual voyager through a purification of religion back to the simplicity of love."
Awakening to Numinous Joy Susan
Awakening Mike Croghan, Washington, DC
Axe Grinder Jason Kranzusch; Jackson, MS
Backyard Believers
Backyard Missionaries Andrew "Hamo" Hamilton; Perth, Australia
Bald Blogger Phil in TX
Bald Man Blogging Cory Aldrich
Baptists Today Blogs Tony Cartledge
Barry Taylor See also Shuffle
Bart Campolo Archives here
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion; archives here.
Based on a True Story Nathan Colquhoun
Bear Witness to the Love of God in This World Ken Carter
The Beautiful Heresy Brian Smith; West Chester, OH; Archives here
Beauty and Depravity Eugene Cho; Seattle, WA (See news article about himhere.)
Being Church: Missionally Shaped Timothy Miekley
Being Free Todd Watkins; Amsterdam, Netherlands
A Believer's Journal Waterloo, IA
Believing Thomas Atlanta, GA
Ben Askew Sheffield, England
Ben Byerly's Blog Nairobi, Kenya
Ben Devries
Ben Witherington
Bene Diction Blogs On
Beyond Rivalry: A Girardian Blog; archives here.
Big Hair Preacher Tim Lucas
Bill Dahl
Bill Cummings Raleigh, NC
Bill Heroman Jacksonville, FL
Biscotti Brain
Bit of Smoke
Black Coffee Reflections
The Blackthorn Project
Blaine Hogan; archives here under Thoughts from Mars
Blind Beggar
The Blingdom of God Jeff Trexler
BLIP Isaac & Jason; Raleigh, NC
Blog In My Own Eye Keith Brenton; Little Rock, AR
Blue Christian on a Red Background Jon Trott, Jesus People USA, Chicago
Bob Carlton
Bob Hyatt
Bobblehead Jeff Jeff Ramsey
Bold Grace
Bonovox and Friends Raphael K. Barberg, an Orthodox deacon in the Buffalo police dept.
Book of Mev
Brackish Faith B.E. Wheatley
Brad Boyston
Breakfast Fires Alex Bryan
Brett Tilford
Bridget Jones Goes To Seminary Meg Jenista
J.R. Briggs
The Burnside Writers' Blog
Camel Bo
Camel's Nose
Can You Believe? Johan and Judy Maurer, American Quakers in Russia
Captain Sacrament Kyle Potter
Cara Davis; Baby blog here.
The Carnival in My Head Kathy Escobar
Cathy's Grace Notes
Cerulean Sanctum Dan Edelen; Cincinnati,OH
Change the Way You See The World Michelle Perry
Chaordic Journey Jeff Rhodes
Changing Worship
Charis Shalom
Charles Pharis; archives here.
Cheaper than Therapy Rick, Tampa, FL
Chet Harvey
Chilly Chilton Archives here and here.
Christians in Context: from Orthodoxy to Orthopraxy
Christi Krug
Christopher Dale Best Tulsa, OK
Church As Art Troy Bronsink, Atlanta, GA; Archives here.
Church Leadership Conversations Andy Rowell
Chrisendom Chris Tilling; Tubingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany (archives here.)
Christian Feminist
Chuck Warnock Confessions of a Small-Church Pastor
Church and Postmodern Culture A conversation hosted by James KA Smith and Baker Academic
Churchless Christian Philip Edwards; Auckland, New Zealand
Church Then and Now Eddie Gibbs & Kurt Frederickson, Archives here and here
The Wandering Observer Kim Petersen
Circular Thoughts
Circle Squared
City Business Church
Clay in His Hands Eija; Finland (Photos here; archives here. Clayton's Emergings Philip Clayton
Coffeebean Chronicles Chris
CollideOScope Joe Bumbulis, Waco, TX
Coloring Outside the Lines Denise Washington; Colorado Springs, CO
Communion of Hearts Artists in New York City
Community of Jesus
Compassion in Politics
Compassionate Justice Bob Scott
Confessional Christian Grixoni
Confessions of a Doubting Thomas Ricky Carvel, Edinburgh, Scotland
Conjectural Navel Gazing AngloBaptist
The Connexion Richard Hall, Wales
Consolation Champs
Consuming Jesus Paul Louis Metzger
Conversation at the Edge Helen Mildenhall
Cracked Pots Jose & Mayra Humphreys; Harlem, NY
Creatio ex Nihilo Don Heatley
Crispin Schroeder Kenner, LA
Crooked Shore
Crowbar Massage Eric Blauer; Spokane, WA
Crunchy Con Rod Dreher
Cyber Monk Steph, UK
Dale Fincher
Dan Brennan Faith Dance ñ an intriguing blog on cross-gender friendships in the Body of Christ
Dan Kimball Vintage Faith
Dan King Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dan Philips
Dan Wilt St. Stephen, New Brunswick
Daniel Hixon Gloria-Deo
Daniel's Journey
Daniel Renstrom
Darren Rowse Wondering why this one's not updated too much? Doncha know Darren is the ProBlogger?
Daryl and Charlene Dash
Dave Blakeslee
Dave Faulkner UK
Dave Ferguson
Dave Lynch Dingwall, UK; archives here.
Dave The Rave archives here.
Dave Wainscott archives here.
David Crowder
CharisMissional David Derbyshore
David Hopkins (archives here).
David Swanson Signs of Life
David Trigueros
David Wierzbicki
David Wilcox
Dead to My Flesh
Decompose Mike Duran, SoCal
Decompressing Faith Erin; Portland, OR
Denise Day Spenser
Dennis Baker
Derek Eidse
Desert Spirit's Fire!
Desiring Life Luke Brasel
A Desperate Kind of Faithful Chris L. Rice; Chicago, IL
Devilish Duck
DG Hollums The Life of a Cultural Architect
Diamond-Cut Life Alison Wiley, Portland, OR: "Chiseling our consumption down to the core of happiness." Archiveshere.
A "difference that makes a difference" Caroline Ramsey
Dirty Shame John in Colorado
Disaster Area Dave Paisley
Discombobula Sue from Melbourne, Australia
Dissecting the Divine
The Dive
DJ Chuang (See also Coast 2 Coast Move; archives here)
Dr. Platypus Darrell Pursiful, Macon, GA: "I'm a Baptist, but not a very good one."
Don Miller Portland, OR
Don Rogers TX; archives here.
Don't Eat Alone Milton, United church of Christ
Don't Call Me Veronica Tony Myles
Don't Stop Believing 'Why Living Like Jesus is Not Enough;' Mike Wittmer
Doug Hoag
Doug Pagitt Archives ñ are you ready? here and here and here. Goodness gracious Doug. We hope you like your new e-home, and decide to stick around a while!
Dream Awakener JR Woodward; Los Angeles, CA (archives here)
The Dreaming Revolutionary Don Davis
Drew Goodmason
Driftwood Heather Cracknell
Dual Ravens Patrick Oden; Archives here.
Dwight Friesen
Earl Barnett Atlanta, GA
Eric Michael Bryant Los Angeles, CA
The Eagle and Child Marc Vandersluy
Eclectic Jeremy Postal; Abbotsford, BC
Ecclesial Dreamer James Mills (Archives here)
Ed Freitas
Ed Stetzer
Ein Augenblick Daniel Hufeisen; Marburg, Germany; Archives here
Ekklesia Project
Elsewhere in Dreams
Emancipation of the Freed Tom Zawacki; Pasco, WA
Emergent Adventure Bobby Brewer; Scottsdale, AZ
Emergent Church & Culture Xanga blogring
Emerging Conservative Tom Hypes
Emergent Kiwi Steve Taylor
Emergent Village Archives here.
Emerging Christianity Peter Walker, Corvallis, OR
Emerging Pensees Mike Clawson; Yorkville, IL
Emerging Sideways
Empire Remixed
En Christo Ekaputra Tupamahu, Indonesia
Entering the Conversations Rex Hamilton
Eric Michael Bryant
Eric Swanson Louisville, CO; archives here
Erica Schemper
Erling Thu Bergen, Norway; archives here.
Evan Lauer
Evangelical Outpost Joe Carter
Everyday Liturgy with Thom Turner
Existential Christianity Timothy Neal; Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: "faithful Christianity in a faithless Christendom"
Existential Punk Adele Sakler; Richmond, VA
Experimental Theology Richard Beck; Abilene, TX
Christian Scharen
Faithfully Dangerous
Faithfully Liberal
Faithmaps Stephen Shields; archives here.
Faith and Theology
Fajita's Blog Chris Gonzalez; MN (archiveshere)
Fake Expressions of the Unknown
Familyhood Church
Fasting From TV: Feasting on Life David Jones and Betsy Whaley
Father Neo's White Rabbit
Father Steve Rice; archiveshere
The Feral Pastor Tim Thompson, Lutheran, Maplewood, MN: "Missional in a house church mode."
Fernando's Desk Fernando Gros
Filling My Patch of Sky Erin Straza
Finding Rhythm Zach Lind: "Holons emerge."
The Fish Wars Wendee Holtcamp
Fishers, Surfers and Casters Paul in Australia
For God's Sake, Shut Up! Brian Kaylor
Fors Clavigera James K.A. Smith
Floydville Doug Floyd; Archives here and here.
Fluctuating Certainty Karen Gerber, West Chicago, IL
For the Time Being Geoff Holsclaw, Chicago
Friendly Atheist Hemant Mehta
Forward! Frank Spencer; Savannah, GA
Freedom Log Frank Emanuel Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
GalliBlog Mark Galli, suburban Chicago
Gary Goodell Third Day Churches, San Diego, CA
Gathering In Light
Gavin Richardson
Gene Jennings Quest For a New Perspective
Gentle Fudge Sara: gypsy wanderer, United States
Gentle Wisdom Peter Kirk, UK: It looks like this one is true to its title!
Andrew C. Thomson
Geoff Bullock
TheGeoffRe(y)port Geoff Matheson, Australia
Gerrard Fess
Gideon Strauss
Ginkworld John O' Keefe; see also Emergent Evolution
Girl meets God
GLUE Mark DeYmaz
frequently asked questions Patrik Hagman; Pargas, Finland
God Is Not Elsewhere Gareth Higgins; Belfast, Ireland
koinonia Erik Ullestad, Des Moines, IA
The-God-Who-Speaks Blog of Brad Jersak, author of Can You Hear Me?
God-Hungry Jim Martin, Waco, TX
Godgrown Mark Willis
Godspace Christine Sine
God's Politics Jim Wallis & friends; archives here.
Going Sara 'blog by a fortysomething Episcopal church secretary
God Thoughts
Good Will Hinton "A conscientious objector in the culture war"
Good Word Editing Mark Goodyear, Kerrville, TX; archives here
Gospel of the Living Dead Kim Paffenroth, PhD: author of Zombie fiction.
Grace Head Trent Fuller
Grace Writer Jim Lee
Graham Doel Morecambe, Lancashire
Greg Adkins Knoxville, TN; archives @ Emerging Minister
Greg Burnett Charlotte, NC
Grounded and Rooted in Love Matt & Laura, Kittamaqundi Community Church
Groans from Within Kurt
Guitars and Theology Tim & Carrie Miller, Delaware
Gunnar Falk Beaverton, OR; archives here.
Guy Named Dave Dave Bruno
Hacking Christianity Jeremy Smith
Harp Strings April Stace
Headspace Lainie Petersen
Hear Him Andre & Mary-Anne Rabe; archives here
Sweet Indigo Helen Louise, UK: "I'm a liberal Christian Agnostic Universalist, meaning that I don't think I believe in God but if I do, he's nice."
Helen Mildenhall Love is the most excellent way.
The Heresy Leighton Tebay
Holiness Reeducation Greg Arthur
Holy Heteroclite Dave Wainscott on Church and Culture
Homebrewed Christianity Tripp Fuller
Homeless in America
Nova Initia "Fresh. Messy. Authentic. "
Hopeful Daniel Christian Pacifist, Common Christian Party
House Church Blog Roger Thorman
Pam Hogeweide Stumptown, OR
Hugh Halter Denver, CO
Hugo Schwyzer; archives here.
Humble Orthodoxy with Josh Harris. Yeah, the I Kissed Dating Goodbye guy. Why on earth am I linking him? I dunno; he blogs regularly, and its interesting to know what the Other is thinking sometimes.
Hungry & Thirsty John Lynch
Hypersync Bob Griffith
Ian McKenzie
Ian Mobsby London; archives here.
Ian Morgan Cron, author of Chasing Francis (St Francis Assisi)
... and she was Renee Alston
I wonder as I wander
iBlog Ryan Smith, IN
Adam Moore Waco, TX; Archives here and here.
Ill-legalism Rick Presley and Rachel Ramer; includes a blog by "Pastor Gamaliel: A satirical advice column for 'aspring Pharisees'"
Imgagined Reality
In Search of Kingdom Living
Indestructible Life with "Buck Eschaton"
Indie Davis Nashville, TN
Beams and Struts
Infinitely Vast Kelly, Houston
Internet Monk Michael Spencer also blogs at Jesus-Shaped Spirituality
Into the Desert
Into The Mystic Alex McManus
Invisible Sun Darren Friesen
Irregular Christian
Is This the way? Andrew in the Netherlands
J-Walking David Kuo
Jake Bouma
James Branum
Jason Boyett (See also his Relevant Blog)
Jason Clark Emergent UK; Jason's also blogging at Deep Church
Jason Evans
Jason Gore Raleigh, NC
Jason Things; archives here
Jason Zahariades
Jay Guin One in Christ
Jay Voorhees
Jazz Thelogian archives (More archives here and here)
Jeff Garrett Huntington, WV
Jeff Goins Pilgrimage of the Heart
Jeff Kuhn
Jeff Ramsey Raleigh, NC
Jeff Lam Joy Comes In the Morning
Jeff Reimer "Verbing weirds language"
Jeffrey Davis Hermitage, TN; Archives here.
Jen Lemen
Jendi Reiter
Jeremy Del Rio; archives here.
Jerod MacPherson
Jess's Journal Unitarian Universalist
Jesus and the End of Religion Lloyd
Jesus Creed Scot McKnight; Chicago, IL;
Jesus Manifesto Mark Van Steenwyk
Jesus Needs New PR Matthew Paul Turner
Jesus-Shaped Spirituality Michael Spencer also blogs at Internet Monk
theo|digital Chris Ridgeway, youth spiritual director, Great Commission Ministries
Jim Kastkeat Stop. And Breathe
Jim Palmer Nashville, TN; archiveshere
Jo Blogs Joanna Cruickshank; Melbourne, Australia
Jo Guldi San Francisco, CA
Joe Holda
John Frye Archives here; Grand Rapids, MI
Lyn Hallewell
John H. Armstrong of "Act 3"
John Jensen Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
John O'Hara Oakland, CA
John Smulo
Jolly Blogger David Wayne
Jonathan Bullock Sleevenotes 101
Jonathan Whittemore
Jonathan Herron Kent, OH
Jonathan Merritt
Jonathan Morgan; archives here
Johnathan Norman
Jonathan Stegall
Jonny Baker
Jordon Cooper
Josh Brown
Josh Lyon Toronto, Ontario
Joshua Case
The Journey Rick Ellis
Journeys In Between Matt Stone; archives here.
Julie Clawson One Hand Clapping: Yorkville, IL; formerly here.
Julie Unplugged
Just an Apprentice C.V., Mennonite pastor, engaged in "conversation with Orthodoxy," Lancaster, PA
Just the Roadie Brian Palmer
Justin McRoberts
Karey Swan
The Kedge Kevin Rains; Cincinnati, OH
Keeping Feet
Ken and Sarah Walker
Machines for Living Ken Archer; archives here.
Ken's Therapy Ken Storey
Kevin Powell
Kim Gentes
Kingdom Come Pastor Rod, Elk Grove Village, IL
Kingdom Grace, archives at Emerging Grace
Kingdom Living Matt Dabbs
Kingdom Praxis Eliacin Rosario-Cruz
Kneel In Wonder at Heaven Touching Earth Paul Sibley, UK
Knightopia Steve Knight Charlotte, NC
Kouya Kronicle
Kristian Vante
Kriston's Blog Kriston Couchey
Kyle Martin Canada
Kyle Mason Ontario, Canada
Kyle Mitchell "Living the contemplative lifeÖ(yeah right)"
Land In Love
The Land of the Ultra Rev
Laryn and Janel
Late Emerger Andrew Martin, Oxford, UK
Latina Liz Liz Rios; archives here
Laura's Writings
Leadership Jazz 2 Gabriel Chan
Leading Questions Ed Brenegar, Western NC
Leading with a Limp Matt Singley
Len Evans
Letters from Kamp Krusty Brant Hansen
Letters from the Perilous Realm
Let's Move to the Moon
Levellers Michael L. Westmoreland-White, Louisville, KY
Liam Byrnes Aberdeen, Scotland; archives here
Life to the Lees Gary Long, Houston, TX
Lilly's Pad Lilly Lewin Cincinnati, OH
Liveblog Christianity Today's blog
A Living Alternative Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Canada; Archives here and here
Living In Liminality
Living On Both Ends
Living Open Source
Living Spirituality Greg Laughery, L'Abri, Switzerland
Living the Resurrection
Living Theology
Living word by word American Lutheran Pastor Pam serving in Munich, Germany
Lizard Liz Creech
Logistics and Logos (Tommy) Preson Phillips
Looking for Questions Jason Barmer, Franklin, TN
Losing My Religion archives here
Lost Empires, Living Tribes Matt Rees; Oxford, UK
Blogs Hugh Hollowell (also, here)
Maggi Dawn "An Anglican priest thinking out loud about theology": Archives here.
Mainstream Baptist Dr. Bruce Prescott, Norman, OK
Making Disciples William T. Chaney Jr.
Malcolm Chamberlain Liverpool, UK
Mama Milton Lisa Wheeler Milton
Marc van der Woude Holland
Marcella's Musings UK
Margaret Feinberg Juneau, Alaska
The Margins Erika Carney Haub, South Central LA
Mark D. Johnson
Mark DeYmaz Little Rock, AK
Mark Lee
Mark Oestreicher
Mark O. Wilson Hayward, WI
Mark Scandrette author of Soul Graffiti: Making a Life in the Way of Jesus
Markus Holland!
Mark Powell Granite City, IL
Martin Scott
Matt Cleaver Dallas, TX
Matt Gallion
Matt Gonzales
Matt Milliner Princeton, NJ
Matt Nissen Vancouver, WA
Matt Smay
Matt Squared (Archives here)
Matt Wiebe
Matthew Glock
Matthew Lickona La Mesa, CA
Matthew Thomas
McCarty Musings
Melvin Bray Atlanta, GA; Archives here
A Mending Shift Jeromy, Folsom, CA
Mercy Blog Mike Farley; Wool, Dorset,UK
Mercy Not Sacrifice
The Merge Eric Wright; Dayton, OH
Merging Lanes
Merry Monk "May God bless the hell out of you!"
Metalepsis Bryan Lee; Naples, FL
Michael Bells Waterloo, Ontario
Michael Cline Recliner Ramblings
Michael Chad Visca Philippines; archives here and here and here (Whew!).
Michael Hildalgo Holland, MI
Michael Kruse Kansas City, MO (Archives here)
Michael Ryan Norton The Near
Michael Toy
Michelle Johnson
Michelle Wegner
Microclesia John La Grou; Lake Tahoe, CA
Mijomo Michael J. Moore (Another one of them emerging/reformed/charismatic fellas); Salt Lake City, UT
Mike Cope Preacher Mike
Mike Devries
Mike Goldsworthy Teaching Pastor, Parkcrest Christian Church, Long Beach, CA
Mike King YouthFront Ministries, suburban Kansas City; also Jacob's Well
Mike Leaptrott Augusta, GA
Mike Marqusee
Mike Rucker
Mike Todd; archives here.
The Mindful Mission Chicago
Miscellanies on the Gospel Rob Wilkerson; Athens, GA
Jonathan Brink, Folsom, CA
Monastic Mumblings
A Monk Living In The World
Monte Asbury Washington, IA
Mootblog; archives here
Mountain Masala Australia
Mrs. Metaphor
Much More of Jesus God's Grace: Tripp Campbell
Mudlark Tales Kathy; Suwanee, GA
Sparrow tracks Shawnalyne
Musings of a Postmodern Negro Anthony Smith (Archives here)
Musings of a Missional Madman Eric Mashley; Taylors, SC
Musings Over a Cuppa Coffee Pastor Ken Beres
The Hyphen House LK; Houston, TX ñ See also Married to a Feminist for "Egalitarian Marriage (How We Make it Work)"
My Commonplace Book "A beautifully modern expression of a centuries-old idea."
My Mystic Self Brian Foust, Boston, MA
My Righteous Indignation
MyQuest E. Scott Jones, Miami, OK
The Mystical Limpet Travis Greene, Durham, NC
Naked Aliens Paul Jensen, Pacific Northwest
Headphonaught's Nanolog Bill Stockwell, Motherwell, Scotland
Nascent Narratives Shane Tucker; Ireland
Nathan Colquhon Toronto
Nathan Mattox
Nee People Laura and Jim: Antiochian Orhtodox; Archives here
Neil Craigan
Neither Here Nor There Archives here
Nevermind the Bricolage Barry Taylor
Nexus Jesus
Axios Robert Lord, Episcopal priest, central FL
New Covenant Rusty Lopez
New Wineskins
The Next Level Samuel West; Houston, TX
Next Reformation Len Hjalmarson
Nick Loyd Everett, WA
Noisy Ragamuffin
Not in Kansas Angie Osborne; archives here
Not Whistling Dixie Don Hendricks, Sun Lakes, AZ
Nouslife Andii Bowsher, "a husband, a father, and a priest": Durham, UK
Novus Lumen Jeremy Bouma
Nu Church Bob Fisher
Of All the Liars Lisa: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Oikos Australia Organic Church
Olgy Gary
One Hand Clapping Julie Clawson, Yorkville, IL; formerly here.
Open Source Research Katharine Moody, Lancaster, UK, "a research blog about emerging Christian communities" ñ graduate student in Christianity and culture
Open Switch Ben Gray; Atlanta, GA
Ordinary Community Chris Marshall
Love God, Love Neighbor
O'Reilly Home Kyndra O'Reilly
Our Journey Rogier and Sophie Bos
Our Revolution Will Have Dancing Group 'blog
Out of Ur Hosted by Christianity Today's Leadership Journal
Outside Is Better
The Painted Prayerbook Word & Image & Faith
Paradoxology What a clever name.
Parchment and Pen Reclaiming the Mind, Michael Patton
The Parish Greg Horton of "The Parish" of Oklahoma City
Brian Schulenburg; Minneapolis, MN
Pass The Salt, Please Kris Barger; Bremen, GA
Pastor's Buzz Buzz Trexler
Pastor's Post Sandy Fitz
Patton Dodd, Colorado Springs, CO; archives here
Paul Baggaley Western Australia
Paul Fromont Thoughtful and deeply spiritual Anglican blog (New Zealand; with Alan Jamieson)
Paul Littleton
Paul Roberts UK
Paul Vieira Author of Jesus Has Left the Building; archives here
Paxton Family Adventures
A Peculiar Prophet Bishop Will Willimon (United Methodist), North Alabama
Per Christum Jonathan Bennett; archives here
Peregrinatio Doug Jones, spiritual director for youth: "helping students discover truth for themselves"
Ben Simpson: "theology, ethics, faithfulness"
Perth Anabaptist Nathan Hobby, Western Australia; see also his lit blog
Pete Rollins Dublin, Ireland; archives here
Peter J. Leithart
Philosophy Over Coffee Coffeepastor in the United Church of Christ
Pilgrim Guide Rob Robinson, Vancouver, WA; Archives here.
Pink Sneakers Sarah Louise; Pittsburgh, PA
Planet Telex Darren Wright Downunder; archives here.
PoMo Musings Adam Cleaveland; Princeton, NJ
Poop is Emergent Too
Poor Mad Peter's Journal is now at Red Wine and Garlic
Poser or Prophet Dan Oudshoorn
Vancouver, BC, CanadaóWhat a thought-provoking blog! Archives here.
Possession Slave
Post Bourgie
Post-Congregational Christianity Very thought-provoking!
Postmodern Pentecostal Mystic Chris Hooten
Postmodern Pilgrim
Potler Tribe Baltimore, MD
Pragmatically Charged Stephen P., Youth for Christ Director, Pittsburgh, PA
Presentsense Paul Renner
The Prior's Column Bede Thomas Mudge, OHC, Prior, Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY: spiritual director
Prodigal Kiwi(s) Blog Thoughtful & deeply spiritual Anglican blog (New Zealand; Paul Fromont and Alan Jamieson)
Progression of Faith Mike Leaptrott
Progressive Involvement John Petty
Proletariat Of God Chris Brenna; Minneapolis, MN
Promise and Peace Evan Curry
An Absolution Revolution Jason Barr
Provocative Church Bill Reichart, Vine Community Church, North Atlanta
Quaker Ranter Martin Kelley
RabboniÖwhich is to say, Master Lee Hodges; archives here and here.
Rachel Cunliffe NZ
Rachelle Mee-Chapman Seattle, WA; archives here
Stigen (The Path)
Mosiac Pastor Aaron Loy; Lincoln, NE
Ragamuffin Diva Claudia Mair Burney; Inkster, MI
Ragamuffin Soul Carlos Whitaker
Rain and the Rhinoceros R.O.Flyer
Random Cathy
Random Musings from a Doctor's Chair Alex Tang, Malaysia
Randy Bohlender Kansas City, MO; archives here.
Randy Mooney
Raw Edges "Weavings of a Lutheran Pietist Goth"
Raymond Fleming Lansing, MI
Mere Disciple Jeff Strong
Ross Gale Portland, OR
Real Live Preacher Gordon Atkinson
Real Soul Surfing Rob Woodrum, cartoonist
Rebel Pilgrim Joe Boyd of Apex (archives here and here)
Reclaiming the Mission David Fitch
The Red Herring
Reformissionary Steve McCoy
Regan Clem
Reignite Radical Emergent Unitarian Blog: Stephen Lingwood, bisexual, liberal, evangelical, Anabaptist, Jesus-lovin' Unitarian
Reimaginings Bill Colburn
ReIMAGINE Blog San Francisco, CA :
Relentless Grace Brian Baute
Remain Corey Hau
Rev22 Group 'blog
Reverend Mommy Theresa Coleman, the wonderful woman who alphabetized these blogs! A round of applause!
Revolt Towards
The Revolution Starts at Home
Rhett Smith
Rhizone Dispatches from the Next Christendom
Richard Hall Wales
Richard Mouw
Rick Marshall
Rob Brink
Robert Pooley
Roger Hiduks
Rose Marie Berger Washington, DC
Rude Truth Princeton, NJ
Theoprudence Matt Ritchie; Abilene, TX
Rupert's Blog
Rustin Smith Vox Dei Community, Kansas City
Rusty Hinges
Ryan Bell
Ryan Bolger Archives here.
Ryan Sharp San Francisco, CA
Ryan's Radio Ryan Hale
Sacred Journey Foolishsage
Sally Coleman
Sam Clark Carson City, MI
Sam Liu Archives here.
Sandy Hudson Amarillo, TX
Santos Popsicles
Sarah Laughed Sarah Dylan Breuer; Cambridge, MA
Sarcastic Lutheran "The cranky spirituality of a postmodern Gal. Emerging church ala Luther": Nadia Bolz-Weber; Denver, CO
Sarx Raphael
ScAtTeRbRaInEd "Unconventionally Yours": CJ Morack & Sunshyne
Scott Harris
Scott Hodge Chicago, IL (archives here and here.)
Scott Vawser
Shavings Off My Mind
Sean Palmer Redwood City, CA
See Through Faith Lorna; Finland; archives here
Brittian Bullock Vancouver, WA; archives here and here: author/singer/songwriter/social activist/good friend
Serenity Dawn Michelle; West Cape, South Africa
Seth Barnes Radical Living in a Comfortable World
Sets'n'Service Tony Stiff
Shannon Smith Raleigh, NC
Sharp Iron Christian Beyer
Shaun Groves Nashville, TN; archives here
Shawna R.B. Atteberry
She Hopes by Andie
Shepherd Follower Tallahassee, FL
Simply Church Jon Dale
Simply Missional Chris Marlow
Sivin Kit Malaysia
Slacktivist Fred Clark
Sleepless In Toronto Angela
Small Town Abbot Pastor Tim Snyder
Smooch the Blog Andy
Solar Crash Long Wong; Archives here and here.
SoMA Review "Society for Mutual Autopsy"
Some Strange Ideas John Chandler
Soul Gardeners Thomas Smith, Johannesburg, South Africa
Soul Pastor Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Sound and Silence
Soupablog Paul Soupiset
The Space Between my Ears Tyler Watson: "ed elli avea del cul fatto trombetta"
Spirit Farmer; archiveshere
Spiritual Politics
Square No More Paul Wyman, pastor, The Gathering, Salem, Massachusetts: engaged with Neo-Pagan culture
Steeler Dirt Freak Paul Oyler; Mercer, PA
Stephen Murray South Africa
Stephen Sizer
Steve McVey Douglasville, GA
Steve Wynkoop Wray, CO; archives here.
Stop and Breathe Jim K; Grand Rapids, MI Mark Crocker
Stopping Spot
Streets With Dwellings Lisa Samson
Subversive Influence Brother Maynard
Subversive Underground Keith Giles
Susan Isaacs
Tad Delay Little Rock, AR
The Sword Is Still Out Karen; TX
T Dad Tony Peterson; Nashville, TN
Tall Monastic Guy Do Justice. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly.
TallSkinnyKiwi Andrew Jones (NZ)
Tasmin Carter (archives: "How do you blog when your heart is breaking?"
Tatumweb BlogRodent: Pentecostal Rumination and Review
Tea with McNair C. McNair Wilson
Team Pyro The time-crunch morphing of Pyromaniac Phil Johnson: pithy Reformed angst. Santa Clarita, CA, and beyond
Ted Tschopp
Telling Secrets
Terra Nova
Theocentric Rich Vincent: "ravings of an amateur pastor, hack theologian, and wannabe mystic"
Theocity to Lovecity Kirk Bartha; Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Theolog Christian Century's 'blog
Theological Musings Steve Sensenig, Boone, NC
Theos Poiema Brad, Ann Arbor, MI
Thin Edge of the Wedge Bill Lollar; Wales, UK
Thin Places Roy Donkin; Goleta, CA
Thin Spaces Darren Davenport
Think Christian
Think Theology Luke Beraty
The Thinking Minority
This Is Not An Exit Aaron Boeke, U.S./Mexican border; Bipolar II
Thomas Knoll Freelance Apostle and Community Advocate
Thoughts from a small west Texas town "It's cooler by the lake": Chris Robey, Granbury, TX
Thoughts from Mars Blaine Hogan (archives); Blaine is now blogging here
Thoughts of Resurrection
Thoughts on the Move Graham Ripple, pastor, Lawrence, KS
Tim Abare
Tim Keel
Todd Hiestand Philadelphia, PA
Todd Littleton The Edge of the Inside: read this if you like to dig a bit below the surface of thingsÖ
Tom Davis
Tony Jones Minneapolis, MN
Traci Rowe Raleigh, NC
Tread Lightly on the Things of the Earth Mike James
Tribal Church Carol Howard Merritt
Tritone Life the Raley brothers
Turbulent Cleric Paul Martin
Twenty-First Century Reformation Brad Hightower; Artesia, CA
Two and Two Makes Five Steve Nicholson; Raleigh/Durham, NC
Twist137 Wyeast
The Ultra Rev
Transformission Brad Andrews, St. Louis, MO
Under the Green Hill Simon; Telford, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Under the Iceberg Sam Metcalf
Unfinished Christianity Virgil Vaduva; Dayton, OH
The Uprising
Dustin Bagby
Urban Army Gordon Cotterill
Urban Monk Brian Postlewait, Vancouver
Urban Onramps
Vanguard Bob Robinsion; Canton, OH
Velocity Dave Ferguson
Via Negativa Dave Bonta
Life from the Juniper Tree Greg Scandrett
Those Awake; Group 'blog; Dallas, TX (Archives here)
W. David Phillips
Wade Hodges
Wade Rockett
A Walk in My Yellow Boots
Wandering Gellimac Julia; Pasedena, CA; you should also check out Searching for the Yeti An unlikely-named relationship 'blog
The Way of Jesus
Way Out West Mark J Berry
Wayne Jacobsen
Wayne Park Bellingham, WA
We Can.Be The Beatitudes for Today's World, Dave Andrews
Weary Pilgrim Ron Cole
Web Confession
Weight Lifting? Malaysia
Weird Hippy
Wendy Cooper
Wes Roberts
What Canst Thou Say? Robin M
What Would Jesus Eat? with Lucas Land
Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies
Whisky Prajer Anabaptist
The Why Man Phil Wyman; Salem, MA
Why Not? Tim Hallman
Wild Faith Blog of the Grateful Bear: Darrell Grizzle, Marietta, GA
The Jedi Life Jon Zuck; Norfolk, VA
Wilderness Thoughts
Willful Grace Pam Ferguson, Granbury, TX
Wishing Doesn't Make It So A lifelong Seventh-day Adventist tries to make sense
Without A Map Amy M
Without Wax
revjohnhenson John Henson; Shreveport, LA (archives here)
Woodshavings Jimmy Chalmers, NC
Word of Mouth Iggy; Billings, MT
Words of Grace Joe Thorn
Rick Lord, Episcopal priest, VA
World Wide Neb Ben Bausili; OK
Worship and the Arts Paul Nethercott; Tokyo, Japan
Wrestling With God Carolyn Arends
Writing About Faith The integration of faith and writing
Jasen Ashdown
A Year of Grace Kris Day, toddler: "I now have 14 teeth and a new baby brother, Carter!"
Yearns & Groans Will, Episcopal priest, engaged to Matt
Zack Newsome
Zhook Kelly Nygren; Dallas, TX
Cat V Competitive Cyclist Theologue Gary Nebeker; Omaha, NE
Duncan MacLeod Queensland, Australia; archives here
Dust Covered St. Paul, MN
Integrate Pavi
Intentional Christian Community James Church; formerly here.
Kester Brewin
Shuck and Jive John Shuck
Steve Dustcircle Calumet City, IA
Toby Neal Gaylord,MI ("Sojourner"); archiveshere
Trevor Betchel Limature
Tantalizing If True

Blog ClassicsBlogs are normally envisioned as the stuff of ephermea; their value in their now-ness, their content worthless if not updated. But why must this be? Here are time-honored blogs that now rest, their snapshot of life intact.

Ahem Melissa Lathen
A Kingdom Space International 'Blog
Ancora Imparo Stephen Cochenor
Andrew Delic Canada
August's House Mel
Back of the North Wind An insightful blog by a "recovering fundamentalist" concerning the works of George MacDonald
Bad Habits The Emergent Abbey
Becoming Missional Jerry Frear; Central PA
Been There, Still There
Ben Dublow
Ben Harrell Muse
Blind Hog Press
Brhinoblog Brian King, Richmond, VA
Caroline Ingle Atlanta, GA
Chad Canipe with Christ in Glory
Chris Merritt (Archives here)
The Christian Cynic
Contemplative Activist
The Crimson Shadow Ben; IN
Curious Wonder
Dan Tshin
Daniel Robinson
David Fisher Archives here Darker Than Silence Anthony Barnhart
Demarkation Mark, Dallas, TX
The Doghouse Christopher MacDonald
Dorsey Marshall
Drive-Thru Society Phil; Fort Worth, TX
Ebert Blog
E-Church Tim Bendar
E-merging Daniel Payne, teacher in Korea
Enjoy Jesus Matthew Smith
Eric Evers
Every Voice a Sacred Voice Group 'blog
Examining Emergent A critical-but not overly mean-spirited-look at emerging churches
Exagorazo Memphis,TN
Funnelcake Conspiracy Dave Wentz; archives here.
The late, lamented Generous OrthodoxyThink Tank
Glasnost Mlasdinsky Centar Glasnost, Skopje, Macedonia: "A voice in the urban desert."
Harbinger Steve Bush
Grow Community
Healing Malchus
I Am Paradox Benjy Oliver; archives here.
Imitatio Christi
In Praise of Folly Steven Cleaver
In Rotation Jeremy Uriz; Lithia Springs, GA (See also his Chinese language blog here.)
Jacob's Lair Jacob in Iowa
Jen Leonard; Columbus, OH; Archives here
Jered's Blog
Joel Garver Assistant professor of philosophy, Philadelphia, PA
Jonathan Wright Mount Holly, NJ
Phaith of St. Phransus Jonathon Norman; Nashville, TN
Journey of a Ministry Man
Keith Drury
Lessons In-Habit
Life/Love/Freedom Rick Harris
Liquid Thinking
Live Life Abundantly Gerhard & Machtild Struckmann
Marc Davidson Oberlin, OH; archives here.
The Marginal Christian's Handbook
Mark Palmer The late, d. 2006. He is now with Christ in glory.
Martin Roth
Matt Lind Charlottesville, VA
Micah 6:8 Rose Mawhorter
Micah Girl
Michael Box
Mike Morrell retired Xanga blog
Ministry of Incompetence David Castor; Sydney, Australia
Mother Nature's Son? hOME, Oxford, UK
Mo(u)rning Guy
Nameless, Faceless Love International, Anonymous, Jesus-centered
Nate Sloan Religonate
Nile Gomez VA; archives here
Office Hour Thoughts Nathan McCorkindale: Altona, Manitoba, Canada
Parables Abigail Miller
Peter's Rants
Phyllisophie Phyllis is a "psychotherapist who has gone underground" under a different alias
Posido Vega
Postmodern Salvationist Bill Finley, a Salvation Army brother
Post-Rapture Radio Rev. Richard Lamblove (Rev. Russell Rathbun): what a great read!
Quiet Rhythms Chadwick Walenga
Reimagine Youth Ministry Community 'Blog
Roderick Garvin Charlotte, NC
(The Late) Robert Webber
Ryan Torma
Sabbatical Space Dan Allender; Bainbridge Island, WA
Sara Williams Amarillo, TX
Scott Baxter
Screwing for Viginity As in "Fighting for peace is like..." Group 'blog
The Searching Jared Williams
SeekingÖ Joshua Olsen, Kent, WA
Seth Irby
The Shadow Proves the Sunshine
Shannon Hopkins Austin, TX (Archives here)
Sojourn Stories Susie Albert Miller
Sound of the Bugle Tanswell and Portia Davidse
Soylent Green Nampa, ID
The Speckled Mind
Spiritually Lonely
Stacy Rogers Austin, TX
Still Emerging Elizabeth Potter; Grand Haven, MI
Take My Hand Natalie Stadnick; Atlanta, GA
Tawd Bell
The Tension is Here Curtis
Trudi Matthews
U-Church Adventures in Wonderland
Unregulated Female
Urban Ekklesia Jared Looney
Viewpoints, Visions and Values David Humphreys
Wandering Wonderer Tim; Chicago, IL
The Way of the Cross Chris Smith; Indianapolis, IN
What God Taught Me Today Lukeprog
What Would Jesus Do Next? group blog "telling stories about Jesus"
Wind Rumors Paul Young, author of The Shack
Window Seat Jasmin Morrell; archives here.
Wired Parish Blog Jay Kelly
Wonderings & Wanderings Tim Conder
World of Sven Manchester, UK: A Proper Cup of Tea
Worship Experience Jim MacDonald; Austin, TX
Xphiles Eric Evers; Baltimore, MD

Message Boards(Common communication for the Hoi Polloi--that's you and me): Big thanks to Wayne Maki for many of these links!

The Ooze Forums
Recovering Evangelical Social network (actual forum)
Ship Of Fools Discussion Boards with "heaven," "purgatory," and "hell."
Church of Fools Forum
Shovel Shack
Talk Grace Discussion forum
Dropping Knowledge Generating and Distrubting Information
Radically Christian Cafe House church forums
Home Church Discussion List (archives here)
Quaker Forum
Arts & Faith

Jesus in Postmodern Context: Media Reports

Christianity, In 21st Century Clothes Lee Cowan, CBS Evening News
A force for good USA Today on the emerging church
Christianity's Image Problem TIME Magazine on unChristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons
House Churches Are More Satisfying to Attend Than Are Conventional Churches The Barna Group
Anne Lamott Profile by Kim Lawton in Religion & Ethics
Read the Spirit 187: Interview with Brian McLaren
Evangelical Author Puts Progressive Spin on Traditional Faith Washington Post, On Faith
Institutions and "Bad Faith" NextReformation
Beijing House Church Pastors Forced to Cease Activity for Olympics The Christian Post
Dreams of Faith Emergent/Post Modern: YouTube
Father, Son and Holy Rift LA Times: Chuck Smith Sr. and Chuck Smith Jr., CA
Living Room Liturgy ABC News
Disowning Conservative Politics, Evangelical Pastor Rattles Flock The New York Times on Greg Boyd
Christian communities try "whole-life faith" The Seattle Times
Hot Dogma: "Franks be to God!" Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Twist of Faith: Emergent Church experiences Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Seeking the living wordóin their living rooms LA Times
Atlanta's 11 Least Influential People by Andisheh Nouraee in Creative Loafing. My buddy Troy Bronsink pulls in at #6! Woo-hoo!
'Revolutionaries' find refuge in home churches Dayton Daily News
N.T.Wright On Faith, Washington Post
Grandpa John (Perkins) Christianity Today: Mentor to a generation of urban activists
The Unexpected Monks Boston Globe, February 3, 2008
New Monasticism in Wikipedia
Emerging Monasticism Christianity Today
Center Stage for a Pastor Where It's Rock That Usually Rules John Leland, New York Times
Can the Emerging Church (Brian McLaren) heal the wounds of Canadian Anglicans? Ottawa Citizen
The Ordinary Radicals A documentary
YouTube Emergent Church
Church uses drama to draw new crowd; pastors with tattoos Suzanne Sataline, The Wall Street Journal
Hitting the road on a mission of true faith Manchester Evening News
Getting Hip to Religion Dave Shiflett, Wall Street Journal
Runnin' Scared Punch-Drunk Church: Evangelicals find home in a Billyburg bar Village Voice
Monastic Evangelicals
One Punk Under God Mother Jones interview of Jay Bakker
Son of a Televangelist review of Sundance's One Punk Under God (Jay Bakker) in Slate
Revolution Church (Jay Bakker), which "only meets in bars" MTV
Preaching Revolution In These Times
PDF - Emergent Church Conference Explores What Movement Is, Isn't by Leslie Scanlon in The Presbyterian Outlook
Jesus Unplugged by Najeeb Hasan in Metro Santa Cruz
Hippie Shakeup: Christians were part of the 60's, too Wall Street Journal
Metrospirituality Jacklyn Pastrano
Evangelicals Debate the Meaning of 'Evangelical' by Michael Luo in The New York Times
Christian Communities Try "Whole-life Faith" by Janet I. Tu in The Seattle Times
Some Bling for Your Blog Widgets for your blog; New York Times
Journey To Find Community by Diane Reynolds in Carroll County Times
Emerging Church Trend Expands, Diversifies Journalist's resource from Religionlink
The Dude Is Back in the Building Sydney Morning Herald
Extremists For Love by Shane Claiborne in Sojourners. You have to register to look at this. (See a larger excerpt of his book, Irresistible Revolution, here)
The New Monastics by Jason Byassee in The Christian Century
The Evangelical Left Greg Boyd goes after the Religious Right; in the Daily Standard
The New Monasticism by Rob Mall. Christianity Today article about counter-cultural intentional communities in Durham, Philadelphia, and around the US
Contemporary Monasticism by Paul Chambers in Greenbelt Insight
The Christian Paradox by Bill McKibben in Harpers Magazine
Evangelical Leaders Join Global Warming Initiative by Laurie Goodstein in The New York Times
House Churches, Mission, and the Bible Jesus Creed (Orthodox)
The Emerging Church Part One and The Emerging Church Part Two by Bob Abernethy and Kim Lawton in PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly (See also the Brian McLaren interview)
Q & A With Brian McLaren in the Colorado Springs Gazette
Fire Without Brimstone An amusingly titled piece by Abigail Tucker of The Baltimore Sun
Church Bickering "Uncovered" Satire from ABC News Australia
The Emerging Conversation: Unabridged from Worship Leader Magazine
Rethinking "full-time ministry" in the light of 1 Corinthians 7 The Thin Edge
10 Questions for Brian McLaren by Terry L. Heaton in Donata Communications
In Evangelical World, A Liberal View Steps Up Alex Johnson in MSNBC
Brian McLaren in Time Magazine as one of the US's 25 "most prominent evangelicals"
New approaches to worship emerge The Boston Globe
Emerging model: A visit to Jacob's Well (Kansas City) The Christian Century
Replacing Rallies with Revivals A Review of Greg Boyd's The Myth of a Christian Nation by James K.A. Smith in Christianity Today
The Emergent Matrix: A New Kind of Church? Christian Century article by Scott Bader-Saye
Christian Party Animals A article about the 24/7 Prayer folks. Note: Contains some rather, er, explicit language. "The primary difference between the average Ibiza clubber and a 24/7 missionary is what gets them off."
The Emergent Mystique Whoa-hoa! A broadening corner of alternative Christendom actually warrants a Christianity Today cover story in late 2004.
Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked A Beliefnet interview with Tony Campolo
Christian Contrarian by Jean Bethke Elshtain; Time Magazine profile of Stanley Hauerwas
On Relevant and Cameron Strang. USA Today Article
Hip New Churches Pray To The Beat of A Different Drummer New York Times Article (you have to register to read it)
The New Generation Gap New York Times Article (you have to register to read it)
Generation Mother Jones
Emergent Evangelism Brian McLaren and Dwayne Litfin; Christianity Today
Church Remixed For Postmodern Culture? Adventist News Network story about Australian SDA church/conference
Listening For God: Lectio Divina A Christianity Today interview with Tony Jones
All God's Children New York Times
PDF - The Strategy We Pursue by Brian McLaren; A presentation to the Billy Graham Evangelism Roundtable
What Bono has to say about church
Cultural Christianity by Lambert Dolphin; a pretty interesting article
Churchless Christianity: A Move of God?
Ancient Faith In A Postmodern World Marcia Ford
Pastor Mark Packs 'Em In On Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church. By Janet I. Tu in The Seattle Times
Christianity In Chains? by Brian Kaller in the Twin Cities Pulse
The Starfish & The Spider: A Social Networking Experiment Advisor Garage
Pentecostal Evangel Interview of Earl Creps
By Faith On emerging churches, like All Souls Fellowship
Theology at the Rim of a Broken Wheel Bruce Cockburn and Christian Faith in a Postmodern World
Toward A Theological Understanding of Postmodernism Daniel J. Adams
"Vival": What Every Church Needs!
"Christi-Anarchy" Shoot The Messenger
Anarchy and Christianity Fine Print Magazine
Seattle Times article on Native American Church & Soularize
Church Architecture by Leonard Sweet
Reflections Arising From Alternative Services and Communities
Emerging Church Notes of Stuart Murray
Jesus: The Green Man of the Bible Richard Thomas: a message given at the Pagan Federation International Conference
The Antimoderns Christianity Today
The Riddle of our Postmodern Culture Christianity Today
Alternative Worship Indiana Wesleyan University
5 Recent Worship Trends Indiana Wesleyan University
Pastors For Hire by Roger Upton: "The pastor-for-hire is a man-made deviationÖ"
The New Theologians
Post-conservative Evangelicals Greet the Postmodern Age
Mercy Seat's punk service rocks the basement at St. Paul's Twin Cities Daily Planet
Truth and Suffering Premise Magazine
Condemning The Unsafe Structure of Modernity Premise
Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Postmodernism
Edgy Church Breaks Old Rules, Insists On New Ones Satirical article from Lark News
Frightened Black Family Flees PoMo Church An even funnier piece from The Holy Observer
Taking Their Faith, but not Their Politics, to the People The New York Times, June 1, 2008
The Emerging Church and Its Critics First Things Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life, May 14, 2008


Here you can find a pretty decent church. Made of flawed people certainly, but working to overcome flawed premises. What is "decent" IOHO (In Our Humble Opinion)s? Well, a church where knowing Jesus is the central focus, where grace is lived and where authenticity is cherished. And, hopefully, where fully participatory body life and community can grow. We realize that this is a tall order and we certainly haven't visited all of these churches to be able to personally endorse them. However, we've been around the block a few times (putting in about 10 denominations between the two of us), so we've sifted through the ones that look like a nightmare even on the Web.

Find A House Church: Many of these sites have articles and content; some are simply "yellow page"-like entries. Since most house churches don't name themselves, they're linked here by city.

Canberra, Australia
An Anabaptist in Perth, Australia (archives)
Bournemouth, England
Chigwell, England
Adliswil, Switzerland (related to Manfred Haller)
Calgary Network of Home Churches Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Alaska Appears to no longer exist, but the webpage is still useful.
Arkadelphia House Church Arkadelphia, AR
Chandler, AZ
Phoenix Area House Churches 2.0 Phoenix, AZ
New Springs A Community Of Home Churches, Central CA
San Diego, CA Third Day Churches, Gary Goodell
Brothers and Sisters in Jacksonville, FL Meet-up
Jacksonville, FL Chris Pridham, Simple Church
Marietta, GA Break Bread Ministries
Atlanta, GA
Tampa Underground Network Tampa, FL
Southern U.S.
Lewiston-Auburn, ME
Salem, MA
Liberty, MO The Church of Liberty: "No Steeple, Just People"
Wellspring Church Charlotte, NC "experiment"
Layman Theology James G., Alexandria, VA
In His Presence NY
New York, NY Bronx Fellowship of Christ
Oxford, OH Veritas Church
Cincinnati, OH Vineyard
Philadelphia, PA Donald Graves, spiritual entrepreneur
House 2 House Dallas, OR
Clarksville, TN The Way Home Fellowship: New Millenium Churching
The Woodlands, TX The Centrality and Supremacy of Jesus Christ: David D. Flowers
Virginia Home Church Network

Find a Home Church Anywhere in the World--Searchable Home Church Registries:

Home Church Network
House Church Central
Directory of Simple Churches in the UK
Church Life Neighborhood Communities Around 25 worldwide. I (Mike) live in one.

Post Church?

As finding and forming faith continues to morph in the 21st century, we're becoming aware of a phenomenon that has always been with us: Christians, both passionate and puzzled, who are moving beyond existing church structures of any kind. Dubbed "basement church" and "subconscious church" by some and "de-churched" by others, here is a concise but significant collection of sites exploring this reality.

Letters From Leavers An open-source forum to share your leaving story
Spirited Exchanges New Zealand
Spirited Exchanges UK
A Churchless Faith (unrelated) blog
Jon's Post-Church Journey
Mystery Messiah Ursa Smaller
Signs and Wonders (See also here)
Leaving Church A memoir by Barbara Brown Taylor (reviews here and here)
Leaving Church A 'blog musing by Andrew Jones
Beyond Church Walls
De-Conversion "Resources for skeptical, de-converting, or former Christians"
Holy Blasphemy
Revolution in Jesusland Zack Exley in DC
X-ATI Guy A blog by and for those seeking healing from Bill Gothard's "ATI" organization, a particularly virulent form of Christian fundamentalism

Virtual Churches!

Church of Fools "The world's first 3D online church." Really.
St. Pixels
The First Church of Cyberspace
Alpha Church "A full online Christian global church"
i Church A virtual church that is part of the Church of England, Diocese of Oxford. E-monasticism!
'Net Church A virtual church that is part of the Church of England, Diocese of Huddersfield
The WebChurch The WorldWide Virtual Church from Scotland

Uncommon Communities of Faith


Kilimanjaro House of Prayer Kilimanjaro, Africa
Mars Hill Cafe Sydney, Australia
Cafe Church Sydney, Australia
North Rocks Community Church Sydney, Australia
Small Boat Big Sea Sydney, Australia
Space for God Sydney, Australia
Cafe Church Melbourne, Australia
Collins St Baptist ChurchMelbourne, Australia
Connection Croydon, Victoria, Australia
Northern Community Church of Christ Australia
Kippax Uniting Church Canberra, Australia
Emerging Melbourne Australia Authentic Christian Lifestyle, the Netherlands
LivingRoom Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hold This Space Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
Cityside Baptist Auckland, New Zealand
Opawa Baptist Church Christchurch, NZ
Cell Inc New Zealand
Cession Auckland, New Zealand
Sanctuary Vineyard Karori, Wellington, NZ
Fig Tree Catholic Worker Hammarkullen, Sweden
21CC Dumfermline, Scotland: new worship for a new age
Ikon Belfast, Northern Ireland
CORE Church City Outreach through Renewal and Evangelism: St. Catherine's Church, Dublin, Ireland
Pub Church Cardiff, Wales, UK
International House of Prayer Prague, Czech Republic
Crossroads Church, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Crossroads Church, The Hague, Netherlands
Kraftwerk Germany
Jesus Freaks International Germany
St Andreas & St Martin Lutheran Churches Harsum, Germany
Brandstifter Vineyard Filstal in Germany with Claudia & Marcus Hausner
Bread & Roses Community Hamburg, Germany (Brot & Rosen) St. Peter's In London; very pomo!
Grace London, England
Moot @ St. Matthews, Westminster, England
London Centre for Spirituality London, England
Xtreme Worship Birmingham, England
Sanctus Manchester, England
Unity Church Manchester, England br> MayBe Oxford, England
Parish Church of St. Mary's Godmanchester, England
Home An experimental Christian community in Oxford, UK: "spiritual seekers sharing spiritual practices" (blog here)
St. Luke's Church West Holloway, England
B1 Church without Walls Birmingham, England
The Othona Community Bradwell-on-Sea, England
Bristol Vineyard Bristol, England
Foundation Bristol, England
Christ (Pub) Church Brighton, England
The Garden Brighton, England
Zac's Place--a Church for Ragamuffins (in England), supported by Exousia Trust and endorsed by Archbishop Rowan Williams
Dream Re-imagining church: Liverpool and Haydock, England
Ambient Wonder Norwich, UK
Visions York, England
Transcendence: An Ancient Future Mass York, England
Saint Thomas' Church Sheffield, England
Engage Sheffield, England
Vineyard Church Sutton, Surrey, England
Holy Ones Bournemouth, UK
Chigwell Christian Fellowship UK
Chelmsford South Deanery Essex, England
Folly's End Church Croyden, Surrey, UK
Guildford Community Church Guildford, Surrey UK
Holy Joes Victoria, England
Open Heaven
The Coventry Vineyard
Mosaic Church Leeds, UK
Church on the Corner London, UK
Revelation Church London, UK
Glorious Undead Church, London
Holy Trinity Brompton London
The Grace Project London
London Mennonite Center
St. Helens Baptist Church Merseyside, London, UK
New Community London, UK
St. Peter's Church Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK
Churches Together in Felixstowe Felixstowe, UK
Holy Trinity Ripon, UK
Safe Space Telford, UK
St. Cuthbert's Wrose, UK
New Providence Community Church Nassau, Bahamas
Succat Hallel House of Praise Jerusalem
New Creation Church Singapore


Abbotsford Vineyard Church Abbotsford, BC
The Bridge Kamploops, British Columbia
Canadian Memorial Church Vancouver, BC
Central United Church Calgary, Alberta
Community of Hope Edmonton, Alberta
Curieux? Montreal
Ecclesia X Ottawa, Ontario
The Story Sarnia, Ontario
Freedomize Freedomize, Toronto
Freeway Hamilton, Ontario
Friends Langley Vineyard Langley, BC
Heartland Fellowship Chilliwack , BC
Hills Church Thornhill, ON
Grace Fellowship
The King's Bridge Calgary, Alberta
The Meeting House Oakville & Ancaster, ON
National House of Prayer Canada
New Heights Church Mission, BC
New Life Church Kelowna, BC
Next Church Kingston, Ontario
Nexus Abbotsford, BC
Ottawa Mennonite Church Ottawa, Ontario
Freedom Vineyard Ottawa, Ontario
Richview Baptist Church Etobicoke, ON
Saanich Vineyard Saanichton, BC
Saint Benedict's Table Winnipeg, MB
Sanctuary Toronto; "A place of refuge, where people who are poor or excluded are particularly valued."
St. James and the Refinery Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Sol Edmonton, Alberta
TILT Toronto
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Toronto
Un'ed.i.ted spirituality Calgary, Alberta
High Point Community ChurchVictoria, BC
Waves Community An Anabaptist Peace Community in Vancouver, British Columbia
Westside Gathering Church @ Home, Montreal
Westside King's Church Calgary, Alberta
Whistler Community Church
Vineyard Montreal Montreal, Canada
St Croix VineyardNew Brunswick, Canada

United States Churches :


Faith & Justice Churches A Sojourners directory
Friends (Quaker) Meeting Directory
Global Vineyard Church Finder
Grace-Centered Messianic Congregations
Houses of Prayer Worldwide

Contemplative OutreachBirmingham, AL
Disciples Fellowship Birmingham, AL
Birmingham Cohort Conversations in Christ
Calvary FellowshipShoals, AL
Capstone Tuscaloosa, AL
Father's Glory Fellowship Andalusia, AL
People of Mars Hill Mobile, AL

The GroveLowell, AR
Quapaw Quarter UMC Little Rock, AR
Indian Hills Church North Little Rock, AR

Genesis Church Phoenix, AZ
Andre House Phoenix, AZ
communitasphx Phoenix, AZ
Community Church of Joy Glendale, AZ
Trinity Mennonite Church Glendale, AZ
Scottsdale Congregational United Church Of Christ Scottsdale, AZ
The Bridge Tempe, AZ
Praxis Church Tempe, AZ
New Covenant Bible Fellowship Tempe, AZ
Beginnings Church Tucson, AZ
Villagers Tuscon, AZ
Damascus Road Tuscon, AZ
Aldea Spiritual Community Tuczon, AZ

Solano Community Church Albany, CA
Anaheim Vineyard Anaheim, CA
Mercy Center Auburn, CA
Barstow Free MethodistBarstow, CA
Regeneration Berkeley, CA
New Church at Berkeley, CA
The Quest College ministry of Bel Air Presbyterian Church, Bel Air, CA
The Fields Carlsbad, CA
Shelter Concord, CA
Crossroads Covenant Church Concord, CA
Rock Harbor Costa Mesa, CA
Flipside Church Cucamonga, CA: Acts 17:6
The River Cupertino, CA
All Peoples Church Diamond Bar, CA
The Grove Community Church Fresno, CA
Saint Benedict Catholic Worker Fresno, CA
Third Day Fellowship Fresno, CA
EPIC Church Fullerton, CA
Hollywood Seventh-day Adventist Church Hollywood, CA
Seabreeze Church Huntington Beach, CA
God's House Huntington Beach, CA
Cambridge Drive Community Church Goleta, CA
Grace Church of Marin Kentfield, Marin County, CA
Village Presbyterian Church Ladera Ranch, CA
Mission Gathering La Jolla, CA
18-20 Somethings Long Beach, CA; formerly 5950
Grace College Community Long Beach, CA
Asbury UMC Livermore, CA
Tribe Los Angeles, CA
Kairos Los Angeles, CA
Mosaic Los Angeles, CA
The Quest Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles Catholic Worker Los Angeles, CA
Oakland Catholic Worker Oakland, CA
The Highway Palo Alto, CA
Peninsula Bible Church, Palo Alto, CA
First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto, CA

Fully Alive Redwood Shore, CA
Manna Church Riverside, CA
Bridgeway Christian Church Rocklin, CA
Roseville House of Prayer Roseville, CA
Common Union San Diego, CA: Urban Monastic
Grace Community Church San Diego, CA
Third Day Churches San Diego, CA
Flood San Diego, CA
Kaleo Fellowship of Christ San Diego, CA
The Resolved San Diego, CA
Existence Church San Diego, CA; has partnered with San Diego Church here
Upper Room Community Church Chula Vista/San Diego, CA
Reimagine San Francisco, CA
Glide Memorial United Methodist Church San Francisco, CA
Church of the Sojourners San Francisco, CA
Punk Monk San Francisco, CA
Second WindSan Francisco, CA
St. Gregory of Nyssa San Francisco, CA
Temonos Catholic Worker San Francisco, CA
Mission Bay Community Church San Francisco, CA
City Church San Francisco, CA
pace e bene Nonviolence Service, Oakland, CA
Bay Marin Community Church San Rafael, CA
Trinity Presbyterian San Luis Obispo, CA
The Movement San Marcos, CA
Santa Barbara Community Church Santa Barbara, CA
Vintage Faith Church Santa Cruz, CA
Christian Life Center Santa Cruz, CA
Calvary Chapel Rancho Santo Margarita, CA (home of Safe Harbor)
Risen ChurchSanta Monica, CA
Catholic Worker Farm Sheep Ranch, CA
Great Exchange Church Sunnvale, CA
Life Covenant Church Torrance, CA
Vineyard Extreme Torrance, CA
Ojai Emerging Art Community Ventura, CA
Copperhill Church Valencia, CA
The Church At Matthew's House Vista, CA
Sandals Church 3 Locations in Southern California
New Springs A community of home churches Central CA

Aurora Alliance Aurora, CO
Origins Community Boulder, CO
The Refuge Broomfield, CO
Grace Fellowship Cortez, CO
Scum of the Earth Church Denver, CO
The Next Level Church Denver, CO
Tribe of Jesus Denver, CO
Church in the city Denver, CO
Pathways Church Denver, CO
St John's Episcopal Cathedral Denver, CO
Issachar Community Denver, CO
Fellowship Denver, CO
House for All Sinners and Saints; meets all over Denver, CO
The Rock Fort Collins, CO
Everyday Joe's A coffeehouse in Fort Collins, CO
Timberline Oldtown Church Fort Collins, CO
Adullam Littleton, CO
The Edge Littleton, CO
Blue Sky Church Loveland, CO
Cool River Church Superior, CO
The Journey Church Westminster, CO

Stanwich Congregational Church Greenwich, CT
Case Mountain Community Church Manchester, CT
Church of the Redeemer New Haven, CT

Seekers Church Washington, DC (See related communities here)
Eighth Day Faith Community Washington, DC
National Community Church Washington, DC
New Community Church Washington, DC
Church of the Epiphany Washington, DC
St Paul's Parish Washington DC

Eastpoint Community Church Newark, DE

South Lake Presbyterian Clermont, FL Convergence Crestview, FL
Crossway Church Debary, FL
Eastgate Christian Fellowship Panama City Beach, FL
First Presbyterian of Eustis Eustis, FL
Compass Point Lakeland, FL
Vintage Worship Gathering Lake Park, FL
The Missio DeiSt Petersburg, FL
Relevant Church Tampa, FL
H2O Church Orlando, FL

Church on the Street Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Saints Lithia Springs/Atlanta, GA
Trinity Vineyard Midtown; Atlanta, GA
Open Door Community Atlanta, GA (See excellent article here.)
IF Coffeehouse Little Five Points; Atlanta, GA
International House of Prayer Atlanta Atlanta, GA
Passion For Jesus Atlanta, GA
St. Paul's Presbyterian Atlanta, GA
St. Paul's United Methodist Atlanta, GA
The Cathedral of St. Philip Atlanta, GA
Church of St AndrewSandy Springs (Atlanta), GA
Atlanta Julian Meeting A discussion/practice group for contemplative Christian spiritual formation
Atlanta Emergence A confluence of emerging church voices in the area
FCS Urban Ministries
Gentle Spirit Christian Church Atlanta, GA
Midtown Church Atlanta, GA
Break Bread MinistriesMarietta, GA
Athens Vineyard Athens, GA
All Souls Fellowship Decatur, GA
Veritas Decatur, GA
Holy Trinity Parish Decatur, GA
The Well Caffeinated Worship, Douglasville, GA
Congregation Beth Hallel Roswell, GA

Trinity Fellowship International Kailua-Kona, HI
Imago Dei Christian Community Pearl City, HI

Heartland House of Prayer Council Bluffs, IA
Wind & Fire Hiawatha, IA
Vineyard Community Church Iowa City, IA
First Congregational United Church of Christ Waterloo, IA

Vineyard Boise, ID
Moscow Christian Life Center Moscow, ID

Church X Orland Park, IL
Bethel New Life, Inc Chicago, IL
Wicker Park Grace Chicago, IL
River City Community Church Chicago, IL
Church of Jesus Christ, Reconciler Chicago, IL
Life on the Vine Chicago, IL
Sojourn Chicago, IL
Relevance Church Chicago, IL
Uptown Baptist Church Chicago, IL
IHOP Chicago Chicago, IL
Chicago Prayer Furnace Chicago, IL
The New Community Chicago, IL
Best Church of God An actual satirical church in Chicago, IL, run by comedians. Worship grounds or mission field? You decide!
First Church of the Living Dead Decatur, IL
Third Baptist Church thirdspeople; Granite City, IL
Restoration Ministires Harvey, IL
Fusion Church Lake Zurich, IL
Grace Gathering Carol Stream, IL
Plow Creek Mennonite Church Tiskwila, IL
Community Church of Wilmette Wilmette, IL
Sanctuary 1010 Woodridge, IL

Living Room Columbus, IN
NorthWinds Church Evansville, IN
Ecclesia Christian Church Evansville, IN
Come 2 Go Fort Wayne, IN
The Pointe Church Fort Wayne, IN
Fellowship Missionary Church Fort Wayne, IN
Dwelling Place Indianapolis, IN
Common Ground Christian Church Indianapolis, IN
Englewood Christian Church Indianapolis, IN
Morning Star Indianapolis, IN
Redeemer Indianapolis, IN
Holy Family House South Bend, IN

Church of the Resurrection Leawood, KS
Southminster PresbyterianPrairie Village, KS

Quest Community Lexington, KY
St. Patrick's Church Lexington, KY
The Ashram/Communality Lexington, KY
Justicelist Lexington, KY
Highland Baptist Church Louisville, KY
Jeff Street Baptist Community Louisville, KY
Jefferson Street Baptist Center Louisville, KY
Covenant Community Church Louisville, KY
The Journey Owensboro, KY

Northminster Church Monroe, LA
Common Ground Community Shreveport, LA

North Church Amherst, MA
High Rock Arlington, MA
Haley House Boston, MA
The Crossing Boston, MA
Common Cathedral Boston, MA
Mosaic Boston, MA
Park Street Church Boston, MA
Boston Vineyard Boston, MA
Harbor Of Hope Chelmsford, MA
St. Nicholas Mission Malden, Everett, Revere, Chelsea and Winthop, MA
The Gathering Salem, MA

Baltimore Emergent Cohort Baltimore, MD
Jonah House Baltimore, MD
Church in Bethesda Bethesda, MD
Kittamaqundi Community Church Columbia, MD
The Journey Eldersburg, MD
Maryland International House of Prayer Frederick, MD
Cornerstone Fellowship Frederick, MD
Friends In Christ Greenbelt, MD
The Corridor Glen Burnie, MD: between Washington, BC and Baltimore
Hebron Mennonite Church Hagerstown, MD
St. Mark's Highland, MD
Soul Horizon Owings Mills, MD
New Song Urban Ministries Sandtown, MD
Cedar Ridge Community Church Spencerville, MD

Pathway Community Church Newport, ME
Alt-Church Lewiston-Auburn, ME
Missio Dei Portland, ME

Frontline Ann Arbor, MI
Mission Christ Ann Arbor, MI
Vineyard Church Ann Arbor, MI
Watermark Church Grand Haven, MI
Mars Hill Bible Church Grandville, MI
The Branch Grand Rapids, MI
Emergent West Michigan Grand Rapids, MI
Real Church Hamtramck, MI
Manna? Holland, MI
Riverview Holt, MI
Water's Edge Hudsonville, MI
Jenison Christian Church Hudsonville, MI
Westwinds Church Jackson, MI
Threads Church Kalamazoo, MI
CrossWinds Church, Godwin Heights, MI
The Bridge Church Pontiac, MI
Bella Vista Church Rockford, MI
Genesis Royal Oak, MI
Crossroads Community Church South Lyon, MI

Micah Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing; Crookston, MN
The River Farmington, MN
Solomon's Porch Minneapolis, MN (Watch video on S.P. by Allen KCM)
Church of the Open Door Minneapolis, MN
Spirit Garage Minneapolis, MN
Missio Dei Minneapolis, MN
Mercy Seat Minneapolis, MN
Sanctuary Covenant Church Minneapolis, MN
Woodland Hills Church Minneapolis, MN
Westminster Presbetyrian Church Minneapolis, MN
House of Mercy St. Paul, MN
Vineyard Community St Paul, MN
Winona Catholic Worker House Winona, MN

City Lights Church St. Louis, MO
The Journey St. Louis, MO
Gateway House of Prayer St. Louis, MO
New City St. Louis, MO
Mercy Road Fellowship St. Peters, MO
The Core Springfield, MO
New Life Church Springfield, MO
Springfield Vineyard Springfield, MO
Jacob's Well Kansas City, MO
Broadway Church Kansas City, MO
24-7 Prayer USA Kansas City, MO
Refuge Black Walnut, MO
Genesis Church Eureka, MO
Christ Triumphant Lee's Summit, MO
Lifepoint Ozark, MO
Matthias' Lot St. Charles, MO
Mystery Church Webb City, MO
On Tap of Green Tree Church in Webster Grove, MO

The Journey Jackson, MS
Mendenhall Bible Church Mendenhall, MS

Circle of Mercy Asheville, NC
Jubilee! Community Asheville, NC
Avalon Grove Celtic Christian Church Weaverville, NC
Life FellowshipBurlington, NC
24-7 Charlotte, NC
Warehouse 242 Charlotte, NC
Threshold Church Charlotte, NC
Kinetic Church Charlotte, NC
Mosaic Church Charlotte, NC
Wellspring Church Charlotte, NC
Renovatus "A church for people under renovation" in Charlotte, NC
Revolution Church Charlotte, NC
River's Edge Davidson, NC
Rutba House New Monasticism, Durham, NC
Emmaus Way Durham, NC
Harmony Church Greenville, NC
Beloved Community Center Greensboro, NC
Deep River Friends High Point, NC
Church of the Outer Banks Kill Devil Hills, NC
Well of Hope Pineville, NC
Church in the Woods Raleigh, NC
Homestar Fellowship Raleigh, NC
Vintage 21 Raleigh, NC
Madonna House Raleigh, NC
Visio Dei Raleigh, NC
Raleigh Mennonite ChurchRaleigh, NC
Triad Emerging Emerging cohort; Triad, NC
Sojourners Wake Forest, NC
Home Moravian Church Winston-Salem, NC

Core Community Omaha, NE
Countryside Community Church Coram Deo Omaha, NE
Intercessors of the Lamb Contemplative Formation Community Omaha, NE

Liquid Church Basking Ridge, NJ
Sacred Heart Church Camden, NJ
Crosspointings Fellowship Palmyra, NJ
Princeton Church Pennington, NJ

Manchester Christian Church Manchester, NH

Cottonwood Church Albuquerque, NM
All Angels Albuquerque, NM

Apex House Church Network Las Vegas, NV

Artisan Church Rochester, NY
St. Francis Farm Lacona, NY
Three Village Church Long Island, NY
Contemplative Outreach Orange County, NY
Transmission New York, NY
The Haven New York, NY
Bronx Fellowship of Christ New York, NY
Church on Avenue D New York, NY
Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship New York, NY
All Angels New York, NY
Church at Trash Bar Brooklyn Vineyard, North Brooklyn, NY
Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims Brooklyn, NY
Resurection ChurchBrooklyn, NY
Village Church Greenwich Village, New York, NY
Trinity Church Wall Street, New York, NY
Apostles Church New York, NY
Revolution Church New York, NY
Contemplative Outreach New York, NY
Radical Living NYC New York, NY
Christ the King Spiritual Life Center Episcopal, Greenwich, NY
True North Port Jefferson Station, NY
Christ ChurchRye, NY
Sojourn Syracuse, NY
NYC Emergent Village Cohort
Terra Nova Troy, NY
Visible Church Warwick, NY

Fairlawn-West Church Akron, OH
Vanguard Church Canton, OH
Vineyard Central Cincinnati (Norwood), OH
Vineyard Westside Cincinnati, OH
Church of the Redeemer Cincinnati, OH
The Walnut Hills Fellowship Cincinnati, OH
Central Ohio Emergent Cohort This one I guess is somewhere in central OH
Contemplative Outreach Ohio Cleveland Heights, OH
Joshua House Columbus, OH Vineyard
The Quest Columbus, OH
Grace Central Columbus, OH
Xenos Fellowship Columbus, OH
Ginghamsburg Church Ginghamsburg, OH
Catalyst Church Kent, OH
New Song Church Orange Village, OH
Marion Christian Center Marion, OH
Veritas Community of Home Churches Oxford, OH
Christ's Community Price Hill, OH Lake Ridge Church Willoughby, OH
Mission House Zanesville, OH

Fusion Church Oklahoma City, OK
Cornerstone Baptist Church Enid, OK
Covenant Life Assembly Moore, OK
Rivendell Fellowship Tulsa,OK
Snowhill Baptist Church Tuttle, OK
Jacob's Well Norman, OK
Agora Tulsa, OK

St. John Bosco House Eugene, OR
Contemplative Ministries of the Pacific Northwest Lake Oswego, OR
Anawim Christian Community Portland, OR: "a community of the homeless and mentally ill"
Red Sea Church Portland, OR
Home PDX Portland, Oregon
Imago Dei Community Portland, OR
Evergreen Community Portland, OR
Skate Church Portland, OR
The Bridge Portland, OR
Reedwood Friends Church Portland, OR
The Table Portland, OR
Pearl Church Portland OR
Saints Peter and Paul Episcopal Portland, OR
Loving God Fellowship Salem, OR
Contemplative Outreach Northwest

Fountain Park Cranberry Twp, PA
Discovery Christian Church Cranberry Twp, PA
The Well Feasterville, PA
The Vineyard Guild Glenshaw, PA
Veritas Lancaster, PA
RenewLandsville, PA
Voice of the Bride McKeesport, PA
Altar House of Prayer Meadville, PA
The Simple Way Philadelphia, PA
Circle of Hope Philadelphia, PA
New Jerusalem Now Philadelphia, PA
Liberti Philadelphia, PA
Epiphany Fellowship Philadelphia, PA
Shalom House Philadelphia, PA
The Barn Allentown, PA: "a community that welcomes heaven to touch earth"
The Open Door Pittsburgh, PA
Hot Metal Bridge Church Pittsburgh, PA
Koinos Church Reading, PA
Brandywine Peace Community Swarthmore, PA
Central Schwenkfelder Worcester, PA
Desert Road Fellowship Wyomissing, PA
Calvin Presbyterian Zelienople ,PA

Christ Church (Evangelical Covenant) East Greenwich, RI
Renaissance Church Providence, RI

Downtown Community Fellowship Clemson, SC
Mountain of Worship Columbia, SC
Radius Lexington, SC
Seacoast Vineyard Church Myrtle Beach, SC

Mercy Church Sioux Falls, SD

The Meadow Alcoa, TN
Antioch United Methodist Church Antioch, TN
IKON Community Clarkesville, TN
Collegedale Church Collegedale, TN
First Presbyterian ChurchElizabethton, TN
Tri Cities House of Prayer Johnson City, TN
Encounter Christ Memphis, TN
Knoxville Life Church Knoxville, TN
The Journey at Ecclesia Franklin, TN
Matthew's Table Lebanon, TN
Mosaic Nashville, TN
Emergent Cohort Nashville, TN

Highland Church of Christ Abilene, TX
The Pinnacle Amarillo, TX
Mosaic Arlington Arlington, TX
Church of Conscious Harmony Austin, TX
The Well Austin, TX
Journey Imperfect Faith Community Austin, TX
Mosaic 5619 Austin, TX
Soma Austin Community Church Austin, TX
Genesis 2K Austin, TX
Gateway Church Austin, TX
Trinity UMC Austin, TX
Prince of Peace Carrollton, TX
The Door Dallas, TX
Farmer's Branch Church of Christ Dallas, TX
Journey Dallas, TX
Providence Community Church Dallas, TX
Cell of Peace Dallas, TX
St. Aidan's Abbey Dallas, TX
The River Center Monthly Meeting Dallas/Fort-Worth, TX
Canterbury Episcopal Dallas, TX
Casa Linda United Methodist Dallas, TX
College Life Denton, TX
EucatastropheFort Worth, TX
Sonday House Fellowship Fredericksburg, TX
Terranova Georgetown, TX
Village Church Highland Village, TX
Casa Juan Diego Houston, TX
Ecclesia Church Houston, TX
Awakenings Houston, TX
Deliverance Bible Church Hurst, TX
Kaleo Houston, TX
Irving Bible Church Irving, TX
CityView Church Keller, TX
Providence Church Little Elm, TX
HOPP House of Prayer Pearland, TX
Providence Community Church Plano, TX
Covenant Baptist Church San Antonio, TX
Mosaic Seguin, TX
Emergent Waco Waco, TX
Church Under the Bridge Waco, TX
University Baptist Waco, TX
The Vista Community Church Williamson County and Bell County, TX

New Song Presbyterian Salt Lake City, UT
Mountain Vineyard Christian Fellowship Park City, UT

Dulles Community Church Aldie, VA
Culpeper House Arlington, VA
Holy Grounds Arlington, VA
Urban Abbey of St. George's Episcopal Church Arlington, VA
Convergence Community ChurchArlington, VA
New Life Campus Fellowship Blacksburg, VA
Clear River Church Centreville, VA
Evergreen Community Church Charlottesville, VA
Portico Church Charlottesville, VA
Church of the Apostles Fairfax, VA
Freedom Life Church Hampton, VA
Rivendell Gathering Richmond, VA
Three Feathers Gathering Richmond, VA
Common Table, Vienna, VA
Church of the Holy Comforter Vienna, VA

Oikos Fellowship Bellingham, WA
Roosevelt Community Church Bellingham, WA
Seed Church Bothell, WA
The Journey Bothell, WA
Bartimaeus Community Bremerton, WA
Seaside Church Bremerton, WA
Edmonds House of Prayer Edmonds, WA
Beloved Edmonds, WA
Contemplative Outreach Northwest
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Lynnwood, WA
The Rock Church Lynnwood, WA
Real Life Church Maple Valley, WA
Northview Community Church Mill Creek, WA
Pathways Church Mill Creek, WA
Emmaus Road Church Newcastle, WA
Antioch Bible Church Redmond, WA
Harambee Church Renton, WA
Church of the Apostles Seattle, WA
Fremont Abbey Seattle, WA
Seattle Vineyard Seattle, WA
Mosaic Seattle, WA
Quest Seattle, WA
Rachelle Mee-Chapman Seattle, WA; archives here.
St Mark's Episcopal Cathedral Seattle, WA
Bethany Presbyterian Church Seattle, WA
Green Lake Presbyterian Church Seattle, WA
Seattle Mennonite Church Seattle, WA
Vineyard Community Church Shoreline, WA
Jacob's Well Spokane, WA
The Porch Spokane, WA
Vintage Faith Community Spokane, WA
Latah Valley PresbyterianSpokane, WA
Holy Trinity Church Spokane, WA
Soma Tacoma, WA
ZOE Livable Church Tacoma, WA
All Saints Church Queen Anne, WA

The Journey Community Madison, WI
City Church Madison, WI
Epikos Milwaukee, WI
Mercy Hill Milwaukee, WI
Living Bible Church Oostburg, WI
Watershed Stoughton, WI
Immanuel Church West Bend, WI

Norway Avenue Church Huntington, WV
Bethlehem Farm Pence Springs, WV

Neo-Monastic Communities (Live-in communities with "rules for life," the "new monasticism" is all the rage. See this Christianity Today cover story and this Christian Century story for more):

New Monasticism in Wikipedia
Urban Abbey Episcopal: Arlington, Virginia
Guns to Plowshares The Simple Way: Kensington, Philadelphia
Alleluia Community Ecumenical; Augusta, GA
Community of Communities Soon to be a thorough-going directory of new monastic communities, much like this section of! Hopefully they'll also connect us to groups without websites....(See following entry.)
DC Area Community of Communities Looks like an early example of the above.
The Community of Sant'Egidio Rome, since 1968
Friends of Saint Stephen Nazarene: Historic Order Recovered
L'Abri Fellowship International Evangelical communities and study centers in Europe, Asia, and America, founded by Francis Schaeffer
New Creation Christian Community Evangelical: "Home of the Jesus Army"
The Unexpected Monks "Evangelicals uneasy with megachurch religion"
Bruderhof Anabaptist
Salem Community Evangelical
Koinonia Partners Americus, GA
L'Arche Canada Ecumenical, outreach to disabled
Brothers and Sisters of Charity Catholic integrated community; Berryville, AK
Taize Ecumenical; France
Hutterian Brethren Anabaptist
Jubilee Partners Ecumenical; Comer, Georgia
Lindisfarne Community Ithaca, NY
The Holy Island of Lindisfarne Celtic
Marygate Celtic
Iona Celtic
Corrymeela Community Northern Ireland; Celtic
Northumbria Community Celtic
Prayerbuddy The community is listening: Daily digital divine office, as it is practiced in The Monastery of Christ in the Desert.
Rachelle Mee-Chapman Seattle, WA; archives here.
Order of the Mustard Seed A global order
Seekers Church Washington, DC
Common Ground Community Shreveport, LA
The Open Door Community Atlanta, GA; Catholic Worker/post-denominational
The Simple Way Philadelphia, PA
Missio Dei Minneapolis, MN
The Rutba House Durham, NC
Transfiguration Community Chris Kan
Church of the Sojourners San Francisco, CA
Oak Grove Abbey Austin, TX
St. Aidan's Abbey Dallas, TX
Shalom Mission Communities An association of mostly-Mennonite communities
Elim Communities Holland
The Mile Project Worthing, West Sussex, UK
Communities Directory Many more listings courtesy of Jesus Army UK (Note: Neither they nor we expressly endorse all of them. You should always check out what you're getting into when you're considering living in community, especially when it's with fellow Christians. Christians can be crazy sometimes.)
Jesus People USA Chicago, IL
Intentional Living Vancouver, BC, Canada
New Way of Being Church
P.A.P.A. Festival People Against Poverty and Apathy: "about two hours from Chicago in rural Illinois"
Catholic Worker community list A valuable list of "all the Catholic Worker communities that we know about"
Catholic Worker Home Page (unofficial)
The Catholic Worker Movement (official)

Old-School Monks Yes, we think our Reformation brethren and sistren were onto something when they agreed that Jesus-followers should all live consecrated lives, without division between monks and monk-nots. Lest we think we've got it all together, though, we must say that monastaries and convents contain some amazing people and resources for fellowship with God and community. Far from exhaustive, here are some of the monastaries, convents, and retreat grounds that we've noticed.

Emmanuel House Retreat and Study Center
Joseph House Manchester, NH
Faith Family House Blue Ridge, GA
Holy Cross Monastery West Park, NY, on the west bank of the Hudson River
Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing (Or "MICAH") Crookston, MN
Oak Glen Yucaipa, CA
Mercy Center Retreat and Conference Center, Auburn, CA
Madonna House Combermere, Ontario, Canada
Ben Lomond Quaker Center near Santa Cruz, CA
Benetvision Sister Joan Chittister
The Augustinian Nuns New Lenox, IL
Third Order Society of Saints Francis
Order of Ecumenical Franciscans
The Abbey of Gethsemani Trappist, KY
Nuns and Monks of New Skete Cambridge, NY
St. Benedict's Monastery Snowmass, CO; Cistercian
St. Paul's Monastery St. Paul, MN; Benedictine
Monastery of the Holy Spirit Conyers, GA ; Cistercian
Belmont Abbey Belmont, NC; Benedictine
Mepkin Abbey SC; Cistercian
Episcopal House of Prayer Collegeville, MN
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Graymoor, Garrison, NY
Monastery of Christ in the Desert Abiquiu, NM (Catholic monks)
Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert Blanco, NM (Catholic nuns)
Novy Drur Czech Republic (An interesting community with minimalist architecture--see here.)
Prince of Peace Abbey Oceanside, CA; Benedictine
New Camildoli Hermitage Big Sur, CA
Saint Andrew's Abbey Valymero, CA: Nihil Amori Christi Praeponere
Reflections Garden Staffordshire, England
Weston Priory Vermont; Benedictine
Balamand Monastery Lebanon
The Abbey of St. Peter of Solesmes Solesmes, France
Boundary Waters Experience Edina, MN
Hermitary "Resources and Reflections on Hermits and Solitude": blogs, articles, books: interfaithóa very rich source!
Stillsong Hermitage Sister Laurel M. O'Neal, Camaldolese Benedictine, Lafayette, CA
Idaho Dominicans
Immeasurably More Organizing, equipping, and leading Christian pilgrimages around the world
Quiet Garden Find "places of hospitality and prayer" worldwide
The Retreat Association Find retreat centers across the UK
Christian Retreats
Find the Divine Retreat centers worldwide

Co-Housing (Community life that paves a middle ground between living in a neighborhood and living in common. Not necessarily Christian per se, but maybe worth looking into if you’re interested in community-oriented house church or neo-monastic life):

Anarchist Communitarian Network
Bartimaeus Community A Christian CoHousing community
Canadian CoHousing Network Replete with international links
The CoHousing Network
Ecovillage Network of the Americas 100% sustainable living
Federation of Egalitarian Communities
Intentional Communities
Intentional Living 'Blog about living in common in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Multihousing Church Planting
New Zealand CoHousing Network

Annual Gatherings/Conferences (Fun and Enlightening stuff to go to if you have the time and $$):

Training the Church to reach the Unreached People Groups Institute of Intercultural Studies, held annually in April-May for 8 weeks
The Evolving Church Oakville, ON, Canada
Jubilee Pittsburgh, PA
P.A.P.A. Festival People Against Poverty and Apathy: "about two hours from Chicago in rural Illinois"
Christian Family Conference Farmville, VA
Living Waters Conventions Penmaenmawr, N. Wales, UK
National Workshop on Christian Unity April 27-30, 2009; Phoenix, AZ
Nation of the Underground Conference Church for marginal culture
Jesus Day Graham Kendrick
Image Journal's Glen Workshop
Greenbelt Festival England
Catalyst Yawn. A big-box conference in Atlanta. They have some good speakers, though.
Black Stump Festival Australia
Creation Fest
Cornerstone Festival (See the survival guide)
Freakstock Festival Germany
Purple Door Music Festival
Soul Survivor

Arts Galore

Abbey of the Arts Christine Valters Paintner, Ph.D.
Communique Literary and arts journal
Image Journal of Arts and Religion
Area 15 Community "Area 15 is about art."
International Arts Movement
Cleave Media critique
Space Between Arts
Confessions of a Superhero film
Cultural Creatives
The Kindlings Muse
Matson Duncan Artists for community
Metaphilm Saavy, clever, insightful
Pneumanaut Studio Hot Rod Art
Risen Magazine
Source for alienated young people in Minneapolis: Peter & Jessica Wohler; includes Fallout Arts Initiative
Thunderstruck Putting the pop! back into pop culture: "a truck stop for the soul."
Idol Chatter Nicole Symmonds & Beliefnet
The Christian Imagination Faith, Art, Music, Culture, and Creativity
A Gathering of the Tribes
Textural Arts and Reviews
Christians In The Visual Arts
Creative Paradox Arts
Go Show & Tell A Ministry of Arts
Jesus Painter
Imago Arts
Outcast Press
Freedom Art Project
LightShedder Poetry
Asian Christian Art Association
Post Secret A nervy collaborative art project, featuring never-before-revealed secrets. Discretion is advised.
Godsecret A site similar to the one above, focusing on "spiritual" secrets. So far, so good.
Fallout Gallery Minneapolis, MN
Christians In Theatre Arts
Cocoa Lounge African-American women in the arts
Ambassador Creative Expressions
Episcopal Church In the Visual Arts
The Refinery Arts & Spirit Centre; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dunamis Arts
2115 Taft Houston, TX; an art gallery and concert venue
Abbey of the Arts
The Painted Prayerbook Word & Image & Faith
Poasis Artists Collective Canada
Looking Closer Truth, Beauty, and Meaning in the Arts - Jeffrey Overstreet
The Film Talk Jett Loe & Gareth Higgins
Arts Centre Group UK
Sacred Ink Tattoos South African Edition 2008: features, music, clay
Tom Gray potter/writer
Eric Hurtgen
Carter Mason The mysterious actor himself.
Owen Egerton Author of How Best to Avoid Dying
Howard Finster The late-great Georgia (USA) folk artist
Makoto Fujimura
Cornelis Monsma Expressionistic painter: "Contemporary Christian art without a religious aftertaste."
Barry Moser & Pennyroyal
Michael Noyes Calligraphy Art Plaques
Hardy Loeffler
Rob Pepper
Kevissimo official site for Kevin Rolly
Inklings Jenny Jeffries, New Zealand
Faithful-lee Yours Peggy Lee
Holly Sharp San Francisco, CA
Out of the Box Productions
The Green Man
The Work of the People
Hollywood Jesus Pop culture from a spiritual perspective
Film Chat With Peter Chattaway
Church of the Masses
Damah Film Festival
Vertical Hold Alternative Christian animation
Maurice Broaddus The "sinister minister," horror writer, and film critic extraordinaire
Dick Staub Faith and Culture writer
Eric David film review
Damaris Culture Watch
Midspoint Gallery
Prayer House Art
Heidi Ludwig Studio
Mel Andrews
Ungraven Image Judy Rey Wasserman
James Janknegt Vector Park Flash animation by Patrick Smith
Pete Gall Visual artist
Arts and Faith


Please, someone tell us if this section is a good idea or the worst notion we've ever had. We try to only list unique or "edgy" comedians of a Christ-based bent. I suppose time will tell...

Burt Rosenberg Mystic comedian-at-large
Marty Daniels "Clean, smart, funny" is his tagline; socially progressive Christian comedian
Laugh Out Loud Ministries Matt Reeve
Rhett&Link: video, audio, hilario
Larry Weaver Entertainment

Artists & Bands

5 and 2
16 Horsepower
Aaron Niequist
Aaron Strumpel
Alison Krauss + Union Station
Alli Rogers
Andrew Peterson
Andre Lefebvre
Arvo Part
Band of Horses
Beth Wacomekeck
Bob Dylan
Bill Mallonee
Binky and the Misfit Mimes
Bodies of Water
Brian Doerksen
Brooke Fraser
Andy Park
Dan Wilt
Brooks Williams
Bruce Cockburn
Burlap to Cashmere The late, lamented Latin outfit.
Carrie Newcomer The Geography of Light
Charlie Dodrill
The Choir
Craig Hultgren
Chris Rice
Chris Slaten Intricate folk material...great sound & songwriting.
The Cobalt Season
Dana Cunningham
Daniel Amos
Daniel Johnston
David Bazan ("Pedro The Lion" fansite here).
David Ruis
David Wilcox
Delirious (Fansite here.)
Denison Witmer Great free songs at Happy Birthday Denison
Derek Webb (Fansite here.)
Devon Leesley
Don Francisco
Don and Christine Potter
Enter The Worship Circle Earthy and live; good stuff. The book by Ben Pasley's not bad, either.
Ester Drang
Eugene IV Starving Artist
Everyday Liturgy Thoughts for the other six days
Fleming and John You have to check these guys of the most talented and original groups on the planet.
The Fray
Future of Forestry
Geoff Bullock
Evensong Rising
Half Handed Cloud
Harp 46
Heather Kropf
Isaac Everett
Iron and Wine
Janet Murphy
Jeff Crawford Something for Everyone
Jes Karper
John Belt Instrumental "soaking" music
Johnny Cash (See The Man Comes Around )
John Michael Talbot
JoAnne McFatter
John Taverner
Josh Garrels
Jason Upton
John Janzen Former Winnipeg Vineyard worship standard now brings his funky sound to Japan! Download some of his free MP3s, then buy his album.
Jimmy Eat World See drummer Zach Lind's blog
Joseph Arthur
Joy Electric
Keith Green
Kevin Prosch
Kim Gentes Phoenix, AZ
Kyle Knapp
Lauryn Hill
Logistics and Logos (Tommy) Preson Phillips
Lost and Found Pioneers of the "speed wood" sound, this Lutheran duo is a trip!
Mark Heard
Mary's Den
Matisyahu Sweetest Hasidic Jewish reggae you've ever heard!
Matthew Donovan
Matthew Smith
Mennofolk Music with prophetic conscience
Michael Card (Good interview here)
Miranda Stone
Moby Moby's 'blog is always fun to read.
Mute Math
Phil Keaggy
Nathan Peterson Band
Nickel Creek
Over The Rhine
Pierce Pettis
Project 86 Rap-core that quotes Scripture and Noam Chomsky. Ya gotta love 'em!
Psalters A "nomadic tribe of psalters walking in the footsteps of ancients past...united in one voice against the oppression within and without."
Ray Boltz
The Redding Brothers
Rich Mullins tribute page
Rita Springer
Robbie Seay Band
Roger Flyer - for 2012, check here
Ron Block Great bluegrass from a great brother!
Rosie Thomas
San Antonio Vocal Arts Ensemble
Sara Groves
Seth Irby Mike's best friend, and singer-songwriter extraordinaire. Check out his free MP3s.
Sam Phillips
Sean Dietrich
Sherri Youngward
Sierra Hull
Sigur Ros If you haven't heard these haunting crooners from Iceland, you are missing out on one of life's most sublime experiences.
Sinead O' Connor
Soul Junk
Spoken Groove Peter Nevland & Paul Finley
Tree By Leaf
Spirit Garage It's a band! Its a church! Woo!
Second Shift
Sufjan Stevens
The Innocence Mission
The Lighthouse Band
The Listening
The Lost Dogs Legendary group
Third Day Boys from our home town done good.
Tim Sean
To Write Love On Her Arms
Troy Bronsink
The Violet Burning
Tyler James
U2 (See also @U2)
Waterdeep awesome folk, funkadelic, jam band sound.
Yndi Halda The Heavens Will Fall!
Young Hungry Lions Edgy "prophetic" worship

WorshipThe dance of the Trinity and Creation in Song

Ancient-Future Worship Robert Webber
Worship Planet Music for soaking in God's presence; includes free downloads. Hymns More Hymns
Cyber Hymnal
Changing Worship
Hot Worship Lots of free MP3s, and links galore
Christian Guitar Guitar Tabs
Day's End worship Tracks
Song Query Search Engine for worship Whole Hearted Worship "Sing-to-able" worship albums
Phuture Worship
Africana Worship
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Everyday Liturgy.
New Liturgical Movement
Undignified Labs
Vineyard Music Fansite
Worship Together
Worship Order all kinds of worship if fails you.
Worship Artist
Worship and the Arts with a focus on Japan
What Sites Unseen is for scouring the Web for alternative Christianity, is for all things worship. Which for me is a little heavy-handed-ly mainstream/institutional at times (see articles, f'r instance, decrying the idea of simple and open churches), but a faithful record of where worship is going in non-alt. circles these days.

Alt.Worship (Probably the most Postmodern Christian Phenom anywhere this side of Punk Monks; Neo-Liturgical Fun):

Alternative Worship Dot Org
All Saints Company Worship consulting from the innovative founders of St. Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco
Small Fire
Small Ritual
Jonny Baker's "Worship Tricks"
Worship Cafe
The Divine Hours Vineyard Church, Ann Arbor, MI
The Open Office from "the artists formerly known as Vaux" (see their earlier sitehere).
Sidedoor Alternative Worship in Christchurch, New Zealand
The Work of the People
60 Ideas For Creative Worship
Hold This Space Synod of Victoria and Tasmania: Alternative worship experiment
The Bigger Picture Service Archives
The Cube online worship installation Fresh Worship from Grace
Future Shape of Church
Sacred Space
Sue Wallace
Alt.Worship Collective
Proost Plenty of excellent alt.worship resources
Digital Monastery
Gathering Songs from Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis, MN
Hip Hop Ministry
The Divine Hours Phyllis Tickle's guide to the ancient practice of fixed-Hour prayer online
The Divine Hours of Lent Phyllis Tickle
Moravian Daily Text
The Painted Prayerbook Word & Image & Faith
The Online "Book" of Common Prayer
Online Retreat from Creighton University's Collaborative Ministry Office. "An experience of God's Grace in the midst of our busy lives."
Transforming Worship Anglican
Liturgy New Zealand
Liturgica Orthodox & More
One Small Barking Dog
Molten Meditation
Veriditas Labyrinth
Posido Vega
Embody Design
Greg Atkinson
Pray As You Go Daily prayer brought to us by some innovative UK Jesuits
Alternative Worship Discussion Group

Dance, Trance & Electronica

Club Worship
Christian Raves
Fuse Factory Great folks from Switzerland
IHCOYC XPICTOC COTHP rockapologetix, Hungary. Subtitles are in Latin: 1 John 3:8, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil"; and this from Augustine: "You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until we find rest in You." Ohóand check out the music, too!
Platform 5 Lausanne, Switzerland
SoundClick artist: Abbess Electronica, dance beats

Music 'Zines, Labels, Stations and Revue

Ancient Faith Radio Orthodox Church in America, NY
Vagrant Cafe
Disc Revolt
Stereo Subversion Meaningful Culture Exists
Bored-Again Christian Awesome music podcast
Heaven Reigns Anonymous free downloads (tracks), books, and CDs
Patrol Magazine
Rad Rockers
Paste Music "Go beyond pop culture;" Lotsa cool free MP3s "Grace, Love & Mercy" Now available
Downhere Free Download of Wide-Eyed and Mystified
Vaulting Sky
I (heart) Music
The New Conspirators
Alternative Tentacles Records
Rounder Records
Hard Music Magazine
Jamendo10,000 albums!
Phantom Tollbooth
Remnant Culture
Pandora Quite simply, the best internet radio station we've encountered. Their Music Genome Project has to be experienced to be believed.
Soma FM
Sub Pop
Radio Magnetic
Sanctuary Radio Station
3wk Underground Radio Station
Pure Volume Hosts thousands of bands and artists; you never know what you're going to get.
Radio Paradise "Eclectic online rock radio"
The Night Watch Streaming worship music
Winds of Praise Streaming worship music
True Tunes
Indie Heaven All kindsa indie Christian music.
Independent Bands And more.
Indie Vision Music Sense a trend?
Alternative Addiction The same, though not all "Christian"
Celtic Christian Tunes
Restoration Project
Jade Tree
Asthmatic Kitty Records
Sounds Are Active
Blue Renaissance Music
Indie Community
Music For Missions Helping new artists, funding a new reality. Good stuff.
N Soul
Potter Street Records
Pop Vox Music
Remnant Records
7 Spin Music
Barsuk Records
Solid State Records
Sounds Familyre Records
Tooth N Nail Records
Grrr Records
Lujo Records
Noisetrade A peer-to-peer music marketing concept by Derek Webb
Rock Rebel
CCM from 'Contemporary Christian Music' to 'Christ Community Music,' the 400-lb leviathan of music's cheesiest met its demise in 2008. As Patrol puts it.

Humor & Satire

God Trumps Courtesty The New Humanist
Stuff Christians Like
iGod The most amazing AI (artificial intelligence) chat with "God"! It's like prayer should be...a real conversation with a sarcastic deity! OK, maybe not, need to check it out.
Genesis, The Rollout from McSweeny's
The Gospel of Supply-Side Jesus An online comic by Al Franken and Don Simpson; a must-read! The Ongoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus
The Holy Observer
Ill-legalism Rick Presley and Rachel Ramer; includes a blog by "Pastor Gamaliel: A satirical advice column for 'aspiring Pharisees'"
Pontius' Puddle
League of Inveterate Poets
Theophilus Comic Strip
Sheep Comics
Cartoon Church Dave Walker
Deacon & Usher
Wittenburg Door Magazine Scathing Christian/religious satire magazine
Best Church of God An actual satirical church in Chicago, IL, run by comedians. Well-stocked website.
Landover Baptist Christian satire at its most poignant.
Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian.
Fundamentalists Say The Darnedest Things These are real quotes, y'all.
Church Sign Generator Do-it-yourself humor--much more here
Lark News
The Wibsite
Do-It-Yourself Impressive Theological Constructs Impress the folks back home with your extensive (but incomprehensible) spiritual knowledge.
The Bentinel Family-friendly news satire
The Chortler
Date To Save Dating to save people from Hell
Ze Frank Not "Christian" but definitely can blame the guys at Highway Video for introducing this one to us!
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Intelligent design lampoon
Sackcloth and Ashes
Virtual Church of the Blind Chihuahua Oh my.
Mr. Deity Warning: These can be offensive
Angus Day "The lectionary comic"
Sheep Trax
New Life Parody Videos Good, clean fun.
The Brick Testament The Bible in Lego form (Warning: Not for everyone!)
Abston Church of Christ A Lego congregation
Priest Idol It's real! Those wacky UK-ers.
Emergent Collector Cards Okay, this is more "inside joke" than straight up "humor," but if you want to see "emerging church" lampoon itself, click here.
The Onion not Christian and certainly offensive at times, but we have to mention it
The Spoof
Ridiculopahty Another mainstream/secular faux news site
The Uncylopedia Wiki open-source humor fun!

Kids' Sites

In a way, I hope kids under 15 are never on this site. Manoman. But if you know any kids who want decent, non-patronizing, websites of faith to browse, well...these might be it. We admit it: We could use some help in this area. So, children (and child-like) of the world, unite! And send us your suggestions.

Godly Play Foundation (See also their blog)
Godly Play Resources
Faith At Home Including Godly Play
What Is Godly Play?
Need Him
Kid's Ranch
Global Gang
Bible Rhymes

Other Sites of Note (The Best of the Rest):

Silouan A great East Orthodox website
The National Security Archive George Washington University
Friendly Atheist Hemant Mehta: Delighful!
The Christian Vision Project Christianity Today's ambitious plan to become "A counterculture for the common good."
The Good Seed
LightShedder Unique poetry
Explore Faith
Welcome Kliner Genealogy
Ed Cyzewski:Freelance Writer
Available Light Online
Green Pastures Ministry
Lifestream Teaching Ministries
Sword and Spirit
Teknia "Yes, you can learn Biblical Greek and Hebrew"
Presence An intriguing blend of eschatology, contemplative faith, and justice. Highly recommended!
Ravi Zacharias Apologetics, so to speak
A Christian Thinktank
Missional Apologetics
Tekton Apologetics
Be Thinking If you're into the whole "apologetics" thing, this is a pretty well put-together site
Lambert Dolphin's Library An intriguing, massive site from an older brother
The Da Vinci Challenge A Da Vinci Code-debunking site set up by the film producers in the name of a fair hearing for all
Peter Kreeft
Dave Nevins
Vandruff HQ Acts 17:11; Dean and Laura Vandruff
Need Him
Jesus Journey
Son Seeker
The Ranch Encouragement for adults to put their faith in Christ
2 Ways 2 Live
I Am Second
Web Evangelism Tony Whittaker, a really nice guy!
Comparative Religion Ernest Valea
Christ The Tao David Marshall
Scholar's Corner Jefferis Kent Peterson
The Intelligent Christian Faith for Mensa types...innnteresting. They have some good articles about women & Christianity, though.
Kairos Spiritual Formation Alex Tang
Lord's Supper Eating and Drinking with Jesus Christ
The Lord's Supper
Spirit Home A cornucopia of topics, Lutheran perspective
Spirit Restoration Manfred Schreyer
Dan Allender
Jason Boyett
Calvin Miller
Larry Shallenberger
Walter Wangerin Jr.
For Our Lord Jesus Christ Directory
Prayer Garden
Ransom Fellowship Denis and Margie Haack
Peculiar People
Global Radio Outreach
Bible History Online
Gospel For Asia
Christian Roommates Moving somewhere and need a roommate? While we can't vouch for the "saved-ness" (or whatever) of each person on the service, maybe you can find a decent roomie here. Fellowship, yee-haw!
Christian House-Sitters See above.
Karl Thornley's "Christian Links and Resource Directory." Kinda like ours, but British.

Sexual Wholeness & Addiction Resources

Pure Intimacy
Pure Desire
Stone Gate
For the Bible Tells Me So Award-Winning Film on how Christians deal with having a gay child
XXX Church
The Marriage Bed
The Pink Nun Purity that will make you blush!
Road To Forgiveness
Blazing Grace
Setting Captives Free
Be Broken
Pure Online
JC's Girls Girls Girls Situated toward those in the adult entertainment industry, particularly women
Christian Recovery Forums

Church Planters & House Church Networks

Gene Edwards and friends, Church Planters/Workers
Wolfgang Simson
New Churches House Church Planting Access to a ton of research
Frank Viola at
Greenhouse Organic Church Planting
House Church Network Association
DAWN Simple Church
Walk This Way Mexico
Global Opportunities Planting indigenous churches, Bob Emery
Hope Builders
Simple Church Planting from The Well
Tribal Church Planting
Good News For The Nations House Church Planting in India
House Churches Australia!
House Church New Zealand
Edge Home Church Networks New Zealand
Cariboo House Church Network Canada
Oikos Australian House Church Planting
Crushed Grapes Frank Smith
Simple Church Joseph and Valerie Cartwright
Church At Home Planting Newsletter
Harvest NETwork
Church Without Walls International Home Church Network
Milpitas Bible Fellowship CA
Pacific Parks A house church network in the Gold Coast, Australia area
Restoration Ministries Relational Priorities of the 1st Century Church
Robert Fitts "Simple Church"
Chuck Tooman
House Church Web Pages
Summit Fellowships Oregon and Washington
Simple Churches Doing Missions Don Davis, The Dreaming Revolutionary
Sojourners Network North Carolina (archives here.)
Vineyard Central Cincinnati, Ohio network of house churches
World Missions with a home church emphasis
"Full Time" church planters?
New Testament Missionary Union
Simple Church e-Books Church planting resources including The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church by Roland Allen

Whiz-Bang PoMo Ministry

Disclaimer: Just so you know: Coming from a tradition that cherishes the reality of the priesthood of all believers, we are not necessarily endorsing all the sites contained herein. Don't get us wrong--we really love what most of these folks are doing. A few, however, seem to be just more marketing and "target audience" tools. (Don't worry. We're not talking about your site. Just that other guy's. :) )

We realize that this goes against the grain of the prevailing paradigm, but We don't need specially targeted and branded ministry! We need to love God and neighbor, to do justice, love mergy, and walk humbly with the divine. As a generation, in an unfolding mileu, we have crucial need for creative and visionary leadership. If this is you, we welcome your voice here.

Emerging Culture/Emerging Church Resources by Earl Creps of the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary - Truly exhaustive!
The Alban Institute
Amahoro Africa
Association of Exchanged Life Ministries
Auxano Church Consulting Group
Bresee Institute for Metro MinistriesKansas City
Christ and Pop Culture
Once a Youth PastorÖ
Peregrinatio Doug Jones, spiritual director for youth: "helping students discover truth for themselves"
A conversation on church
Convergence; archives under Emerging Women Leaders here.
Church Planting Movements free booklet from International Mission Board
Emergent Village
Emerging Spirit United Church of Canada, Gaye Sharpe
EveryWhereChurch "A flexible template for simple relational churches."
Faith & Justice Churches Sojourners
Grace Urban Ministries (GUM) San Francisco
The Humble Walk Micah 6:8: for "churchless" Christians, burned-out or just plain weary of pointless ministry: Berrien County, MI
Reinventing the Adventist Wheel Emerging Adventism
Emergent UK
About Face OH: "Welcome to the new thing God is doing."
Emergent Deutschland
Het Network Dutch emerging church network
The Free Believers Network Darin Hufford
Red del Camino Latin America
Latino Leadership Circle
Emerging Women
Center For Emerging Female Leadership
Emerging Leadership Initiative
International Rescue Committee
Micah Network
The New Monasticism in Durham's Walltown (NC) Divinity Online
Church of the Nations
Deep Shift Coordinating the "Everything Must Change" tour featuring Brian McLaren. Not to be confused with a similarly-pronounced phrase.
Mosaix Multi-ethnic Church Planting Network
Society For Kingdom Living Todd Hunter
Next Leadership Association "Calling the next generation of leaders"
Off-The-Map Seattle-based church planting/evangelism
Doable Evangelism
Deep Church A (virtual) community of practice for church planters
Withreach Holistic city reaching, post-"outreach"
Ex-Pastors' Page Stories, employment guide, and more
World Student Christian Federation Geneva, Switzerland
Yale Center For Faith & Culture
The Project on Lived Theology University of Virginia
Training the Church to reach the Unreached People Groups Institute of Intercultural Studies
Faith In Public Life
Imago Christi Spiritual formation from Church Resource Ministries
Open Church Transitioning from a "closed" church environment to a community-building, open church
Future Church Idea Factory: Future Church
New Churches Church Planting Resources Online; tons of links
National Workshop on Christian Unity April 27-30, 2009; Phoenix, AZ
Chronological Bible Storying A narrative approach to Scripture for oral learners
Future Church Thomas Hohstadt
Oasis Exploring Christian Faith
DAWN Disciple A Whole Nation
DAWN Emerging Generations
Dawn Europe
Luke 18 Project Planting 'prayer furnaces'
Church Multiplication Associates
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Postmodern Preaching
Resonate Christ & Canada
For Ministry
Backyard Missionaries
Q Ideas
ARE A Renewal Enterprise
Mission Year in Atlanta, Oakland, Chicago and Philadelphia
Urban Expression Creative Church Planting in the Inner City
Urban Seed
Urban Army Gordon Cotterill
Missions Moving Mountains Discipling For Development
Servants Asia
Covenant toward an Anglican covenant
Resource Church Planting UK-based training
Faith House Manhattan Interfaith
Craddock Center Cherry Log, GA
Dove Christian Fellowship International
International Mission Board For Western South Africa
Student Christian Movement "Radical, inclusive, challenging, aware"
Mission Alive
CRM Leaders
Comeback Churches
Soul Journey From Radio Bible Class
Fulcrum renewing the evangelical (=conservative) centre of Anglicanism
John Mark Ministries
Forge Mission Training Australia
Big is the New Small
Doin' The Stuff John Wimber Messages
Alliance For Saturation Church Planting
Underground Railroad International network of "underground ministries"
Mychurch A Christian social networking platform
The Veritas Forum
Gospel and Our Culture Network (See also UK)
New Church Initiatives
Sent Church Journal of Missional Church Resources
Act 3
Church Relevance
Global Church Advancement
Church Planting Village Brought to you by NAMB
Ministry Marketing Coach Chris Forbes
Top Five
GBOD The United Methodist Church's General Board of Discipleship
Center for Cultural Leadership
Antioch Network
Emerging Scholars Network
Epiphaneia Network
Serve! Magazine with Steve Sjogren
Abiding Life Ministries
Spirit Connect Church-planting initiatives
Christian Associates International Europe
Leadership Network
Missional Church Center for Parish Development
Missional Church Network
Friend of Missional
The Missional Church
Mission Frontiers
Damaris Trust
Deepsight Trust
Ivy Jungle
Fresh Ministry
Homiletics Online
Rev Magazine
Echo Hub
Son's Life
White Fields UK
Velocity Culture Resources for innovative leadership ethos
Focus UK
Easum Bandy & Associates
Present Testimony Frank Viola
Rediscovering Church Geoff Manderville
Counter Culture UK
Mentor and Multiply
Todd Rhoades "Here to support ministry people"
Revitalize Your Church Mark Wilson; encouraging churches in small towns and rural communities
Re-Church Love mercy, do justice, walk humbly
Relevant Network
The Crowded House Sheffield, England
Connecxians German church planting
Meet Factory
Jesus The Radical Pastor John Frye
Healthy Church UK
Simply Bridges
Connection Point
Voice of Calvary Ministries, Inc. Jackson, Mississippi: inner city ministries
Young Seekers
Youth Specialties
Way To Live
Pastor 2 Youth Free materials galore
Tribal Generation (Brazil)
Urban Youth Workers Institute
Conversations on the Fringe
Lutheran World Federation Youth Blog
Soul Shepherds Children's Ministry For A Changing World
CPYU Center For Parent-Youth Understanding
Passageway Youth site of Billy Graham Evangelistic Ministries
Cross-Culture Youth Michael Chad Visca, Philippines; archives here and here and here (Whew!).
Kurt Johnston Lake Forest, CA
Radical Living in a Comfortable World Seth Barnes
Uth Pastor Ryan Nielsen
Tom Sopwith Vancouver, BC
Church of Ireland Youth Development
Theocity to Lovecity Kirk Bartha; Calgary, Alberta,Canada
Rock the World World Youth Mission Alliance
Zondervan Church Source Internet Portal
Signs and Wonders Scanning for future faith
Practicing Our Faith
Resourcing Christianity
Connect Europe Connecting emerging leaders for God's purposes in Europe
Youthworks Connecting you to weeklong youth mission trips
David Nasser Outreach
Church Innovations
Mennonite Mission Network
Anglican Church Planting Initiatives
Fresh Expressions UK Anglicans and Methodists together
Start the Week Paul Bayes & Rachel Jordan; Church of England
Encounters On The Edge
Gathering The Next Generation An Episcopal PoMo ministry
Incarnate Network UK Baptist Church network
Next Scribe "The network IS the church." A pOmO Catholic idea from the Monestary of Christ in the Desert
Celtic Anabaptist Communion
Orchard Group Planting new kinds of churches in New York and New England. "Christian Churches" denomination.
Spectrum Magazine Another Adventist resource
Convergent Friends Emerging Quakers
Emergent Nazarenes
Nazerene Cohorts
Methomergent (See also the Emerging Worship Initiative)
Remain Episcopal
Presbymergent (See also the Emerging Worship Initiative)
Presbyterian Global Fellowship
Ancient-Future Catholic
Seeds of Hope Uniting Church church planting, Australia
Postmodern Outreach Brought to you by the Southern Baptist Convention
Kingdom Rain with the Vineyard
Transforming Church ELCA SE Synod
Watershed Online Integrating Spirit and Learning

Web Friends

These are saints from various parts of Christ's Body that, though they're not "home church" or "emerging" or what have you, thought it seemly to link to little ol' us. "How pleasant and how good it is, for brothers to dwell together in unity!" Viva la unity! Here they are.

Judith Ann Photography One of the Atlanta-area's premiere personal/commercial photographers.
034 EFI Wicked-cool innovative car components, from Javad Shadzi
Guerilla PR
Creation Step
Ask The Computer Lady Elizabeth Boston
SEM Director Search Marketing Automation Software
Paradigm Construction Services
Revival Bar This looks like a bar all rightóa pretty high-class place!óbut I don't see any revival happening here!
Raleigh Relationship Coaching
The Tribe Student Ministry at First Baptist Church, Madisonville, Tennessee
The Rabid FUN-damentalist
New Testament Psychological Institute
Pulp 7 Storypaper
LINK Houston
Furches Family Ministries
Journal of Inquiry & Faith Ecumenical
The Latter Rain Page
In The Beloved Plymouth Brethren writings
New Christian UK Brian Johnson
What Is The Gospel?
Evangelistic Tackle Box
Troy Brooks
The Rational Radical Oh my. Some rather blunt protest: Blast the Right by Jack Clark
Public Christian Mebbe a bit on the side of politics-as-usual for our tastes, but a necessary corrective, wethinks.
Liberals Like Christ
Crossleft Podcast
Healing and Vision
Youth For Christ Greater Vancouver
Christian Computer Game Review
Bab's Place
Never Thirsty
Christian Medical and Dental Students Association
Gospel Revolution
Bible Studies For Growth In God
Savior Of All
The Infinite Grace Community
Sigler Ministries
Universal Salvation? "To facilitate informed discussion between orthodox Christians on the contentious matter of universalism;" based on a book from Eerdmans/Paternoster
Thomas Talbott
Martin Zender
Kingdom, Sonship, and Overcomer Links Pretty exhaustive. Interesting material.
Free Christians Australia
Mission 2 Go Adventure travel, Xian-style!
Light of the World Ministries
After Him Website for men
Team Swap "Swapping Our Lives For Christ Daily"
Journal For Biblical Accuracy in Greek and English
Sonshine FM Missional Radio Perth, Australia
Grace Church Roseville, MN
Johnson City Praise and Worship Church Johnson City, TN
John Stevenson Bible Studies
Spiritual Survival Kathleen Palker
Chinese Evangelical Church San Diego, CA
24-7 Jesus Church Owensboro, KY
Down on the Mall Ministry and Music; Washington, DC
Christ Charismatic Liturgical Church Idaho Falls, ID
Austin Love Ministries Austin, TX
Beth Chesed Messianic Congregation Tacoma, WA
Crossroads Church Decatur, TX
Y'alls Youth Group Calvert City, KY
Faith Community Church Fredericksburg, PA
Voidspace Exploring spirituality and esoteria; some decent stuff here on Watchman Nee and Christian mystics
Antipas Ministries Apocalyptic end-times stuff with a social conscience.
Babylon The Great Is Falling A very interesting site.
IT Club Learn Italian!
Crossmap Comics
Professor J.B. Wyatt
Todd Phillips
Dan Lal
Living Hope in Jesus
Art Gallery Worldwide
Relevant Bible Teaching Brent Barnett
Billy Graham Billy Graham Evangelistic Ministries
Faith Greeting Cards
Within His Grace fundraising
The New Spiritual Formation Wowie-zowie, a heresy-hunting website has found little 'ol us as worthy of "bewaring." I suppose we should feel honored.

Basic Education

The Underground History of American Education A must-read!
Children Come First Olgy Gary
Natural Learning
Paths of Learning
Learn In Freedom
Teach Peace Teaching peace to children
Education Revolution Resources
El Hogar Educator Spanish homeschooling site by my friends the Richardsons, who are like the homeschool gurus of Mexico or something.

Training/Apprenticeship Schools

You know, Jesus apprenticed twelve followers, Paul apprenticed six (Who were they? You might wonder. Click here for more info), and we still think that apprenticeship to Christ in a natural environment is the best way to raise up workers in the Reign of God. Of course, there are a lot of different perspectives and expectations concerning "spiritual education" and in any event, we've listed our favorite schools here. You'll notice that many of them are unaccredited, and even the ones that are are fairly unorthoprax in their structure. This is by design, and we feel you will get the most rewarding educational experience through such a venue.

Friends School of the Spirit
Servant Leadership School
Tierra Nueva The People's Seminary
Center for Spiritual Development Portland, OR
Training the Church to reach the Unreached People Groups Institute of Intercultural Studies
Christos Center For Spiritual Formation
Contemplative Society Victoria, BC, Canada
Disseminary "Wisdom Wants to be Free"
Seminary Off the Street
Word and World Alt.Seminary in Greensboro, NC & throughout
Anvil Trust Radical Theological Training (England). Alpha's hard-core older brother.
Mars Hill Graduate School
Wagner Leadership Institute CO
Vineyard Leadership Institute
Education For Justice
Christian Leadership University Distance Learning
New Wine, New Wineskins: Institute for the Theology of Culture
Leader U
School of the Seasons
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary
The Forge Greenwood, VA (Was Iron Works.)
Form UK & Ireland
Urban Anabaptist Center for Leadership
Insight Intensive Study of Global History and Theology
Global Awakening Global Church Planting Trips with Randy Clark
Nehemiah Ministry Internationals School Summer Training GA
Iris Ministries Heidi and Rolland Baker, minister to orphans in Mozambique
Nieu Communities
Vineyard School of Discipleship Kelowna, Candada; Birmingham, England; Cape Town, South Africa; Zurich, Switzerland; Boise, USA
Workshop Applied Christian Studies UK
Seattle Pacific MFA Program A low-residency Creative Writing program; beginning August 2005!
Benissa School of Ministry Benissa, Spain
Brehm Center For Worship, Theology, and the Arts
University of the Poor
Educating Christians 'blog
PDF - The History of Seminaries and Accreditation by Dr. Gary S. Greig


Theology, whew! I O.D.'d on its heady portents when part of one of the "brainier" denominations years back. The seemingly endless self-referential quality of it, and the pride and narrowness to which it was held, really turned me off from the pursuit altogether. In intervening years, I've realized that "theology" is not necessarily a dirty word. Its best definition is one offered by Henri Nouwen (who said in turn that it came from ancient Christian sources), meaning "union with God in prayer." If theology can have a contemplative dimension, and if it can be a bringing of people together for open discussion leading to Christ, our truth, I'm all for it. Here you will see theology sites of a dizzying array of perspectives, and some of the best sites, which deliberately foster dialogue on what it means to be part of the Story of God. So, don't overload your brain at the expense of your spirit, but, if you're of a mind to...enjoy.

Bridges Across the Divide Confronting the Powers That Be: A study guide to a couple of powerful books by Walter Wink promoting New Testament peace in a world of domination
Blogalogue Debates about Faith: David Klinghoffer and Jim Wallis
Compassionate Reformed Theology Peter Ong's Interesting Website
LeRon Shults: New Ph.D. Program in Religion, Society and Ethics Christiansand, Norway
Open Source Theology
Medieval Mysticism from Medieval Church, An Internet Resource for Studying the Church of the Middle Ages, by Robert Bradshaw
Online Journal of Public Theology
TheologyWeb Campus (virtual): We debate theologyóseriously!
Quodlibet Journal
The Crisis in the Local Church UK Apologetics (cessationist, anti-denominationalist, "leadership crisis")
Common Theology
Clarion Journal of Spirituality and Justice
Undeception Stephen Douglas
EuangelionNew Testament Studies
Kenosis "An apologetic with over 100 links for understanding, defending and advancing the Biblical, orthodox view of our Lord's glorious humility."
Exploring Our Matrix Dr. James F. McGrath, Butler University
Empire Remixed Politics and Theology: rethinking everything
"The Lord Shall Have Them in Derision": Comedy in the Bible Peter Heinegg, Antigonish Review 133
Faithquest The quest for authentic faith
Presence An intriguing blend of eschatology, contemplative faith, and justice. Highly recommended!
Industrial Theology A Theology of Work
Journal of Scriptural Reasoning Forum Interfaith: Jewish, Christian, & Muslim
Center for Justice & Reconciliation Point Loma Nazarene University
Narrative Theology Wikipedia
The Oxford Centre for Religion & Public Life
Exploring Faith on the Web
Midrash Rob's Blog
Old Testament Gateway
New Testament Gateway An award-winning scholarly directory of many things NT (See 'blog here.)
Saving Paradise Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Parker; a must-read biblical studies & church history book that turns everything you thought about heaven & earth inside-out!
New Testament Perspectives Matthew D. Montonini
Faith and Theology
Postmodern Deification: Theosis trumps Theurgy Carl McColman
The Social Agenda Catholic social doctrine
Generous Orthodoxy A call for renewing the center
The New Testament Round Table Mark Owens, Aberdeen, Scotland
The Missing Cross to Purity Hall V. Worthington: a great Quaker source on enjoying the Kingdom of God in this life; includes major quotes from George Fox and other early Quakers
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture An ambitious 28-volume set comprising salient writings of the "patristic fathers" on Scripture, from AD 95 to the 8th century.
Parchment and Pen Reclaiming the Mind, a theology blog by Michael Patton, Reclaiming the Mind Ministries
Theologians without Borders Oxymoron: "Baptist" and "without borders"???
Metanoia Commentaries on the Gospel of Thomas
Into His Own Wow. An amazing reservoir of the social-cultural-historical world of Jesus and first-century Palestine. We're amazed that this resource is free.
The Paul Page With an emphasis on the "new perspective"
The NT Wright Page
Open Source Research Katharine Moody, Lancaster, UK, graduate student in Christianity and culture
Real Clear Theology Blog Eric Svendsen
Theological Musings Steve Sensenig, Boone, NC
Christian Scholars A cornicopia of personal scholars' links
James K.A. Smith A leading proponent of "radical orthodoxy."
René Girard and Mimetic Theory
Cornerstone Forum
Colloquium On Violence & Religion
Michael Bird
Ben Witherington
Radical Orthodoxy
Deep Church
Ars Disputandi Online journal for the philosophy of religion
Basic Theology "Definitions, articles, and forums with a nice evangelical slant"
Body Theology
Living Theology
Progressive Theology "A Christian alternative to the religious right"
Simon Barrow Consultant on theology and society
Journal for Christian Theological Research
Theos A UK theology think tank
Vital Theology
Theological Horizons
Theology Today
Liberation Theology Resources
Monergism If you want pre-Barthian Calvinism, here's your place
Holy Skin and Bone Kevin Corcoran
Bibliographies for Theology William Harmless
Anabaptist History and Theology (See this too)
Peace Church Bible Study
En Christo Ekaputra Tupamahu, Indonesia: "This blog is intended to provoke discussions on theological issues."
Direction Journal Mennonite Brethren
Quaker Bible Study with Ben Richmond
Theology Web
Why God Why? Exploring Christ's atonement, theodicy (that's the problem of evil), etc...
Pneuma Journal
Pneuma Foundation
Preaching Peace
Pro-Ecclesia Journal
Conversations Journal
In-Depth Studies
On the Road to Emmaus Theological meditations and musings
Open Theism Information
Cultural Encounters
Prof. John Stackhouse's Weblog
The Sacred Victim Vindicated Exploring a biblical spirituality of peace
Searching Together Journal
Christian Ethics Today
Bible Research
CafÈ Apocalypsis Alan S. Bandy: Biblical Studies with a special emphasis on the Book of Revelation
Theology Online
Pauline Theology Dr. David B. Capes, Houston Baptist University
Paul and Scripture Society of Biblical Literature seminar
American Academy of Religion
Society Of Biblical Literature
Emerging Scholars Network
Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research
Dr. Michael J. Gorman
ARAS Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism
Spirituality Today A Dominican Internet Journal of Spirituality
Last Seminary
Resource Pages For Biblical Studies
Religion Online Over 5,200 full-text scholarly pieces (not all "Christian") online.
Theological Research Exchange Network 10,000 Thesis/Dissertation titles available here!
Computer-Assisted Theology Holy bibliographies, Batman!
Theological Journal Index If you really want to get exhaustive with it.
Directory of Open Access Journals Over 2,000 journals available


I've resisted such a section for a long time because eschatology ("the study of last things") can be such a divisive--not to mention corny--subject. But when I see eschatology playing such a huge role in everything, from science to spirituality to global politics, I realize that a sane discourse about the Christian story's understanding of "the end" (and what comes after!) is so needed. It affects our image of God, what we drive, and how (even if!) we vote. So, don't expect this section to be a democracy; Please, don't submit your Left Behind fansites for consideration. :) I'll be hand-picking some sites that, while I may not be in 100% agreement with them, raise textual, contextual, and spiritual issues we need to face as we rethink last things and new beginnings for the 21st century.

Presence An intriguing blend of eschatology, contemplative faith, and justice. Highly recommended!
Undeception Stephen Douglas
Unfinished Christianity Virgil Vaduva; Dayton, OH
All Included Sovereign Grace, Union with God, and Preterism! What an eclectic mix.
Welcome to the Future Wikia Futurology; Feature article (="Exemplary Article") Human Mind Projecthere.
The Preterist Archive Eschatological perspective of early church-era fulfillment of bible prophecy
Idealist Archive Todd Dennis, Archive Curator: "Former Futurist and Preterist pastor; now Idealist"
Planet Preterist
Historicist Eschatological perspective of historical fulfillment of bible prophecy
TIME Article featuring NT Wright dealing with Heaven and the end of the world


Unlike theology, there is absolutely nothing even remotely salvageable from philosophy. (Wink-wink) So don't even try. Okay, well, if you're an egghead who wants to approach "postmodernism" from a more intellectual standpoint (and maybe toss around terms like "post-structuralism," "neo-foundationalism," and "critical realism" at the next night out with the boys), then go ahead, by all means: Read on. No really, don't let us stop you.

Erratic Impact
Center For Critical Realism
Website For Critical Realism
The Polanyi Society
Foucault Studies
Michael Foucalt Info
The Foucault Society
Dallas Willard Philosophy
Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything Frank Visser, one of the earliest and most prolific critics of the theories of Ken Wilber. Lots of fun, but not light reading. Want to try to salvage something from this?
Faithmaps Philosophy Links We can't compete with Stephen Shields here, so we aren't even going to try.

Science & Faith

Many perspectives; have fun, think, and don't hurt yourselves

Access Research Network Science, technology and society from an intelligent design perspective
American Scientific Affiliation Many articles here.
An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution
Beyond the Firmament
Brian Swimme
Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Intelligent design lampoon
Christians in Science
Science and the Spirit Pentecostal Perspectives on the Science/Religion Dialogue
Counterbalance New views on complex issues.
The Creation of an Evolutionist Mike Beidler: My journey from young-earth creationism to evolutionary creationism
Ooparts (out of place artifacts) & Ancient High TechnologyóEvidence of Noah's Flood? Classic young earth site: evidence that dinosaurs still exist; worldwide flood; etc.
Discovery Institute
James Gregory public lectures on Science and Religion University of St Andrews, Scotland
Evolution & Creation Seminar A Cal State Fullerton syllabus
Evangelical Creation by Denis O. Lamoureux
Faith & Reason Ministries
Faraday Institute of Science & Religion
God and Science: The Death and Rebirth of Theism Full-length book
Green Flame
Intelligent Design The Future
Intelligent Design Network
IDEA Center
John Polkinhorne
John Templeton Foundation
Kenneth R. Miller
Metanexus Institute
Michael Behe
Quintessence of Dust
Outside the Box Cliff Martin
Reasons To Believe Hugh Ross
Perspectives on Theistic Evolution
Science & Faith by Dr. Robert J. Schneider
Science & Spirit
Science and Christian Belief
International Society for Science and Religion
Thank God for Evolution by Michael Dowd
The New Atlantis Technology, bioethics and the like
Talk Origins
The Evolution of Truth
Theistic Evolution: One Christian's Perspective
Uncommon Descent
Understanding Evolution from Berkeley
William Dembski
Zygon Center for Religion and Science


Acceleration Studies Foundation
Ananda Marga Gurukula
Anticipating the Future Introductory course from the University of Arizona
Association of Professional Futurists
Bimillennial Press
Bruce McCluggage
Catherine Wessinger
Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University
Center For Strategic Futurist Thinking
Challenge Network Forum
Christian Futures Network
Christian Futuring
Club of Amsterdam
Club of Rome
Co-Intelligence Institute
Communities of the Future
Context Institute
European Futurists Conference
Faith Popcorn
Fast Company Futures and Business
Foresight International
Foresight Nanotech Institute
Foresight Styles Assessment
Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future Boston University
Foundation of the Future
Frank Spencer
Futura Wiki
Future Church Thomas Hohstadt
Futures Education & Research Network
Futurist Guy
Future Hi
Future Me Send an email to yourselfÖin the future
Future Map
The Futures Foundation
Futures Journal
Glen Hiemstra
Global Change
Horizon at UNC
Idea Logical Company
Infinite Futures
Institute For Global Futures
Institute for the Future of the Book
Institute for the Future
International Futurist
James Canton
James Robertson
Jay Gary
Joseph Coates
Journal of Futures Studies
The Long Now
Millennium Project
Orion Magazine
Prout College
Ray & Terry's Longeivity Products Wanna live forever?
Retro Future
M. Rex Miller (Interviews here and here)
Rudolf J. Siebert
Shaping Tomorrow
Stephen Sizer Blog here
Tales of Future Past
University of Swinburne Foresight Degree Programs
Wizard Academy
World Future Society
World Futures Studies Federation
World Network of Religious Futurists Exploring the future of religion (appropriately enough)

Postmodernity & Emerging Culture

Emergent Chrisianity Meetup Groups Find an Emergent Christianity Meetup Group near you
On Journeying with those in Exile Journal of poserorprophet: Dan, Vancouver, BC, CanadaóWhat a thought-provoking blog!
PomoWorld A postmodern social network
Postmodern Village
Wikipedia Open-source fount of knowledge...maybe even a little wisdom.
The Wickionary An open-source dictionary! Very nice.
Scared Sacred Documentary by Velcrow Ripper
Afterlife Jonathan Clark: Whoa! Creepy, and beautiful at the same time. You have to see this!
Ad Hoc: A Divine Comedy An online photo-essay by Herman Krieger
Weirdsmobile; has a particularly great writing critique service.
Creative Class From the folks who brought us Cluetrain
Clare W. Graves "Emergent, Cyclical Levels of Existence" viewpoint on human maturity
Alternatives Magazine Resources for cultural creativity
Terry Heaton's PoMo Blog Christ and Pop Culture
Exit Mundi A collection of end-of-the-world scenarios...yay!
Spark-Online "e-consciousness" popular journal
Pop Matters International magazine of cultural criticism
Earthlight Magazine Spirituality and ecology
Cool Hunting 'Cause we all know pomo is about cool, right?
Muslim Futures Network
Think Halal 'blog
Islamicate 'blog
Islam Is Peace
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Jewish Peace Fellowship
Synagogue 3000 (See also their Synablog and Synagogue 2000)
Religion & Society Shawn Landres; Los Angeles, CA
Open Source Judaism
Orthodox Anarchist
Deep South Jewish Voice
Nextbook A new read on Jewish culture
The Onion Dome: Orthodox News with a Twist
Council for a Parliament of the WorldÌs Religions
Network of Spiritual Progressives
Burning Man
Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
Douglas Coupland The experimental author who also coined the term "Generation X," Coupland is the veritable embodiment of this zeitgeist
Opaque Dining in the Dark
Generation Terrorists Pop Culture Quotes
Creative Quotations
Spirituality & Practice
Ken Wilber
Open Source Research Katharine Moody, Lancaster, UK, graduate student in Christianity and culture
Integral Naked
Creation Spirituality
Matthew Fox
Wisdom University
Daniel Helminiak
Mythic Journeys
What Is Enlightenment?
The Empty Bell
Mastery Foundation
Ebbflux Machine Text
Our Postmodern Life
Everything Postmodern Postmodern enthusiast boasts comprehensive least 'till 2004. Maybe then he decided that the web is postmodern, or something. I wonder what year I'll pass out from chronicling everything "alternative" and "Christian"?
Thinkingland Postmodern intersections with culture
Metroactive San Francisco Bay-area Zine
Laugh Lab Scholarly Study of Humor!
Kurzweil AI Technological trends that will change the future
The Chaordic Alliance
The Thread of Gold: Jane Carole Anderson's 20-year journey through the Local Church of Witness Lee
Little Games Anthony Foster
Unseen Magazine
Voidspace Spirituality
Quilted Conspiracy
Center For Digital Storytelling
Watch global population grow!
Small Pieces A Unified Field Theory of the Web
Postmodern Culture Magazine John Hopkins U WebJournal
Approaches to PoMo from Georgetown
Postmodernism University of Colorado
Critical Theory and PoMo Thought
The Untimely Past Bibliographies galore
Bureaucrash Just to be fair, the libertarian antithesis to AdBusters
Compassionate Reformed Theology Peter Ong's Interesting Website
Clare W. Graves "Emergent, Cyclical Levels of Existence" viewpoint on human maturity

Eclectic Christian Book Catalogs

Seedsowers Keeping in print many classics and radical new stuff
Brad Jersak, author of Can You Hear Me? - one of the best books on "hearing from God" out there
Union Life Books read "Basking In His Presence"!
Three Brothers Books Classic books on the Deeper Life
Archives Bookshop Pasadena, CA
Hearts & Minds Books Pittsburgh, PA - check out the BookNotes for updates
Jon Zens Books
Equality Depot Christians for Biblical Equality bookstore
Gospel of the Living Dead Kim Paffenroth; Zombie fiction.
Alibris Rare books
The Universal Digital Library at Carnegie Mellon University Million Book Collection with mirror sites in China and India
Abe Books Used, rare and out of print
Booksense Get books online. Locally.
Credence Cassettes Get some Thomas Merton tapes
Hermitary "Resources and Reflections on Hermits and Solitude": blogs, articles, books: interfaithóa very rich source!
Humble Walk Resources: books & websites
Medieval Mysticism from Medieval Church, An Internet Resource for Studying the Church of the Middle Ages, by Robert Bradshaw
Potters House Books
Quaker Books of Friends General Conference
Booktown Man, do they have pre-20th century authors!
Loome Antiquarian and Theological Books
Better World Books Buy Used Books to Fund Literacy Worldwide
Century One Bookstore Archaeology, Biblical Studies, Dead Sea Scrolls, Religion: "The First Century's Biggest Bookstore"
Cross Life Books Grace, Classic Christianity, & Etc...
Dove Booksellers Allen Park, MI
Eighth Day Books All of C.S. Lewis's books, church history
Ekklesia Project Recommended Reading
Eurobooks Distributing radical Christian literature throughout Europe
Gospel Literature Service India Writings of Bakht Singh and John W. Kennedy
Rare Christian Books ...what the title implies
Pendleburys Bookshop London, UK
Searching Together Online Bookstore
Scroll Publishing
Sigler Press Mifflintown, PA
Metanoia Radical Discipleship Book Service (UK)
Christian Literature Crusade
Social Movements Collection Over 10,000 original source items from U.S. & global radical polticial movements "House Church" books
Pilkington & Sons Books
Stream 247 UK
Windows Booksellers Eugene, OR
Windows Booksellers Portland, OR
Archives Bookshop California
Wipf and Stock Publishers
Christian Book Distributors Your final stop if all else here fails

Books and Authors

The Shack Our fiction pick of the year. This spiritually exploratory novel was too hot for the CBA Market! Read and find out why.
Jesus Wants to Save Christians Rob Bell
Saving Paradise Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Parker; a must-read biblical studies & church history book that turns everything you thought about heaven & earth inside-out!
Mere Disciple Jeff Strong
unChristian David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons: "Christianity has an image problem." Groundbreaking research: a must read!
The Reason for God Tim Keller
Lord Save Us from Your Followers The Movie. Have a look at the Free Preview!
Wikiklesia Project Our nonfiction pick of the summer. An ecclesial publishing experiment featuring more voices than you can shake a stick at. Get Volume One now! All proceeds benefit the Not For Sale Campaign!

Bruxy Cavey Author of The End of Religion
Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds Tom Davis
Ian Morgan Cron Author of Chasing Francis
Brad Jersak Author of Can You Hear Me?: Tuning In to the God Who Speaks and editor of Stricken by God: Nonviolent Identification & the Victory of Christ
Gospel of the Living Dead Kim Paffenroth; Zombie fiction.
The Year of Living Biblically A.J.Jacobs
Divine Nobodies Jim Palmer
Pagan Christianity Frank Viola & George Barna: Pagan origins for most of what we identify as Christianity.
Rethinking Islam Ziauddin Sardar
Saving Erasmus Steven Cleaver
Consuming Jesus Paul Louis Metzger
The Manga Bibleby Siku (a big black British Christian bloke!); highly approved of by Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury (check out his review here)
The Porpoise-Diving Life Bill Dahl. This is not a book yet, but it should be! Publishers take note!
Rapture Ready! Daniel Radosh; subtitle Adventures in the Parallel Universe of Christian Pop Culture
Death By Suburb Dave Goetz
Spirit Is Deeper than Flesh Traces of Eternity in a Physical World by Philip E Long ñ complete book!
Auralia's Colors Jeffrey Overstreet
Distinctly Welcoming Richard Sudsworth
Sex God Rob Bell
The Forgotten Ways Alan Hirsch
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture An ambitious 28-volume set comprising salient writings of the "patristic fathers" on Scripture, from AD 95 to the 8th century.
Punk Monk Andy Freeman and Pete Grieg
A Networked Conspiracy Bill Kinnon
Bryan Kaylor Author of For God's Sake, Shut Up!
Submerge John Hayes
Jesus Unplugged Bert Gary
Half Life Die Already, How I Died and Lived to Tell About It Mark Steele
Vintage Jesus Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears
Surprise Me God Terry Esau
Tony Jones Author of The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier
John and Lily Crowder author of The New Mystics
Gracious Christianity Douglas Jacobsen and Rodney J. Sawatsky
My Beautiful Idol Pete Gall
Karen Sloan author of Flirting With Monasticism
Kester Brewin author of Signs of Emergence
The Great Giveaway David Fitch
Owen Egerton author of How Best to Avoid Dying
Ann Kroeker author of The Contemplative Mom
Jesus Has Left The Building Paul Vieira
Four Souls Journeyers in search of an epic life
Stumbling Toward Faith Renee Alston
Everyday Apocalypse David Dark
An Evening In Ephesus Bob Emery; a great early church novel
The Future Church
David Gregory author of The Rest of the Gospel, a life-giving book on union with Christ.
What's So Amazing About Grace Visual Edition by Yancey
The Land of Many Names Steve Maltz; An intricate look at contemporary Israeli history from a Christian perspective
Pardoned or Paroled? by Jeff Peterson
John Fischer
Kary Oberbrunner
Matthew Paul Turner
Living Under Jacob's Ladder Poetry by Grey Mariposa
Feasting on Books Book Reviews
When the Church Was Young: The Scriptural Foundation for Church Life (in Chinese)
Yai Wanonabalewa: The Enemy God A Yanomamo Shaman's Story
It's a Dance: Moving with the Holy Spirit Patrick Oden

Media & Publishing

Radical Grace A forum for great writings and young writers, hosted by Don Milam of Destiny Image
Faith In Fiction hosted by "Dave," a major publishing house editor who gives us an inside view
Ampelon Publishing
Authentic Media Includes Paternoster & STL
Baker Books
Barclay Press
Bimillennial Press
Brazos Press
Christian Fellowship Publishers Watchman Nee and Stephen Kaung
Destiny Image
Doulos Christou Press
Down To Earth Publishing
Emersion Books
Family Room Media Thirst: Church Outside The Walls
Good Catch Local churches telling their stories
The Grace Well Publishing His Incomparible Deeds
Green Press Initiative Publishers! Let these folks help you create paper-use transformations that will conserve natural resources and preserve endangered forests
Herald Press
Leadership Network Books
Likewise Books
New Society Publishers
David Gregory Books
Pandora Press
Paraclete Press
Prepare the Way Publishers The Krupps
Relevant Books
Relevant Media Group
SPCK Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge; 300+ year British publisher
Sure Foundation DeVern Fromke's publishing house
Three Brothers Books
When Religion Meets New Media Dr. Heidi Campbell (researcher) & Lauren Gross (research assistant)
Windblown Media
Wipf and Stock Publishers

Writers' Resources

Faith In Fiction
Burnside Writers Collective
Children Come First Olgy Gary
Chip Blog: Publishing insights and resources from an industry pro
Daniel Literary Group
Guide to Grammar and Writing from the late Charles Darling.
Hearts & Minds Books BookNotes
Understanding Evangelical Media
You Can Write An awesome nonfiction writer's resource Thinkmap Visual thesaurus
United States Copyright and Trademark Office
The Review Revolution: Improving Culture through Kvetching Jana Riess on YA fiction
Writer Beware
Science Fiction Writers Of America
Quotes Blog Growing Wise On The Words of Others
Association of Writers & Writer's Programs
Ausburg Fortress Blog
ABA American Bookseller's Association
CBA Christian Bookseller's Association
RBTE Religious Bookseller's Trade Exhibit It's mainline and high church, baby!
The Writers' Guild of America
Evangelical Christian Publishers Association
National Novel Writing Month
Script-O-Rama Many film scripts posted online
Ed Cyzewski, Freelance Writer
My Writer's Group Mick Silva
Author Intrusion Lisa Samson
Critical Mass National Book Critics Circle
From Where I Sit Michael Hyatt, President & CEO of Thomas Nelson
Dan McCracken of Barclay Press
Carlos Aleman Awesome children's book writer
J. Mark Bertrand
Ed Cyzewski
Christine A. Scheller
Confessions Of A Christian Writer Pat Loomis
Sally Stuart of the Christian Writers' Market
Fallible Katy McKenna
Idle Musings of a Bookseller
Zondervan Blog
DJ's Book Rants Some purty good book reviews. A shame this blog seems to be inactive.
The Millions
Beneath the Cover
Indispensable Writing Resources

Design, Multimedia & Hosting

SharpSeven Design Create Something New (designers of Jesus for President)
Stellar Design
Creative Crate
Prarie Fusion
Cleave Design from the talented Adam Cleaveland
Debi Warford
Andy Knight
Cre8 Design
Amplified Creative
Judith Ann Photography
Get Kinetic
Pixel Grazer
Swing From the Rafters Jared Swafford
Wisely Woven
John Paul Voys
Truth In Advertising Mike Dollinger
Nick Page
One Small Barking Dog
Highway Video
Worship House
Praying Madness Scott Kosman
Creative Forge Andre Lefebvre
Azotus Cafe
Triad Design
Five Stone
Relevant Solutions
Heal Your Church Website Teaching, rebuking, correcting & training in righteous web design.
Church Marketing Sucks
Orthodox Photos
Orthodox Icon Gallery
So Cal Websites
Christian Templates Online


Star Dumb Clothing
Relevant Wear
The Blingdom of God Jeff Trexler
Ephraim Clothing
Faveur Fashion
Flaunt Faith
GraceHead Clothing Oh my gosh, these slogans are awesome! Can someone help this brother out with design?
One Truth
Bee Ye Glad Threads Handmade indie apparel by Allison Moseley
Choson Clothes
Moby clothing store
Polyascko2 Religion + Style
Simple Letter
Something Sacred
Holy Ghost Tees
Threadless Some uncanny open-source designs
Believer's Wear A "Christian apparel" review 'blog.
What's Our Clothing Company? Help these guys get started!
Ten Thousand Villages Fairly traded handicrafts from around the world.
No Sweat Apparel 100% sweatshop-free, fair trade apparel...we can't think of any kind of clothing more "Christian" than this!
American Apparel The same as above, shirts manufactured in non-horrible conditions
Behind the Label A closer look at the global clothing industry. Updated regularly.
Scripts Footwear Sweatshop-free shoes with a message.
True Light Christian Store
Eternal Threads Indigenous fair-traded goods made by women worldwide

ComicsMike likes 'em paper, Phil likes 'em web! See for yourself what feeds the obsession:

The Gospel of Supply-Side Jesus An online comic by Al Franken and Don Simpson; a must-read!
Comiclopedia "An illustrated compendium of over 6,000 international comics artists" brought to you by the European antiquarian comic shop, Lambiek.
Comic Book Resources
Comics Reporter
Confessions of a Superhero
Top Shelf Comix Blog
The Comics Journal Yes, even comics have their snob press. And here it is.
Ain't It Cool News
Flaming Carrot Bob Burden's Flaming Carrot & Mysterymen. Ingenious surrealist social commentary
The Anomalies! High-quality fumetti (photo comic).
Antihero Comics by David Hopkins
The Beat The News Blog of Comics Culture by Heidi MacDonald
Boneville Jeff Smith's Bone
Parable: A Comic Anthology
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The official Mirage Studios site (Good fansites can be seen here and here.)
NakedPastor David Hayward is "a pastor trapped inside an artist's body."
Scott McCloud His official site. Brilliant Stuff, a must-read for any culture aficionado
Marked Graphic Novel Steve Ross
Neil Gaiman
Peter David
Pulp Hope Paul Pope
Real Soul Surfing Rob Woodrum, cartoonist
Superhero Faith Ever wonder what faith affiliation Superman, the Hulk, or Booster Gold has? Look no further!
Superhero Songs
Home Star Runner Quality entertainment from Georgia.
Holy Cow! by Dean Rankine
Rabbi Encounters by the above Rob Woodrum
The Hulk Library
The Webcomic List A semi-definitive list of online comics that makes Sites Unseen look like a bunch of pikers! Nearly 20,000 links and growing.

News Across The Spectrum

Global Voices International blog news aggregate
The Smoking Gun Authentic declassified documents from local, state & federal levels. Good research.

Left Perspective:

Aedificium Jay Larsonóexceptionally thoughtful, and thought-provoking!
Alternative News With focus on Israel
Alternative Press Review
Al Jazeera I honestly don't know where to place the independent news of the Arab world; most USAmericans would consider them "left"...which I think is weird, but whatever.
Anarchy A Journal Of Desire Armed
AntiWar News
Between The Lines
The Bible on the Poor Read all about it!
Bridges Across the Divide Confronting the Powers That Be: A study guide to a couple of powerful books by Walter Wink promoting New Testament peace in a world of domination
Buzzflash Updated a ton.
Stop Consuming The Campaign to End Consumer Christianity
CounterPunch Counterpunch
Daily Kos
Democracy Now
DisInfo Disinformation.Com: You are being lied to
Enrager Libertarian resource for Britain
Global Jewish News
Wired News: Forty Strangers in a Virtual Room Talk About Religion
Forward Jewish news
Howard Zinn
Indy Media Independent Media Center
Infoshop Your anarchist news source
In These Times
Atlantic Monthly
The Evangelical LeftGreg Boyd goes after the Religious Right; in the Daily Standard
Huffington Post
Ekklesia News
Project Censored
Z Magazine
Common Dreams
Guerrilla News Network
Marxist News
Media Matters
Michael Moore
The Nation
Mother Jones
New Internationalist
The Progressive
The Rational Radical Oh my. Some rather blunt protest: Blast the Right by Jack Clark
Crisis Papers
The New Republic
Oregon Center for Christian Values
Yes! Magazine
F.A.I.R. Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting
Religious Left
Reignite Radical Emergent Unitarian Blog: Stephen Lingwood, bisexual, liberal, evangelical, Anabaptist, Jesus-lovin' Unitarian
Socialist Review
Street Prophets
Take The Red Pill
Tom Dispatch
TNN Transnational News Navigator
Village Voice
Electronic Intifada
International Responsibilities Taskforce Lots of indie information on Haiti, Israel-Palestine, Iraq,Cuba, War on Terror, et al
NewPages Alternative Newsweekly Guide
Transitions Online
Washington Monthly
Alternative Press Index
Utne Reader

Right Perspective

American Conservative
American Spectator
Cato Institute
Center For Security Policy
The Christian Index
Defend Democracy
Drudge Report
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Fox News
Free Liberal Classical Libertarianism
Freedom News Daily
Jerusalem Post
Media Research Center
National Interest
National Review
The New American
Institute For The Study of Religion in Politics
Frontpage Magazine
Human Events
The Rutheford Institute
The Public Interest
Reason Magazine With comics creator Peter Bagge!
Right Wing News
Oh, That Liberal Media A conservative-counterpoint watchdog group
US News & World Report
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
World Net Daily
World & I
World Magazine Conservative Christian perspective
World Views World Mag's 'blog
Worthynews Ditto
Y Net News Israel news

The Center, Main Stream, Or What Have You

FARK User-submitted (and commentated) news links
Google News
The Economist
The Independent
NPR National Public Radio, a website? Who knew?
The Oxford Centre for Religion & Public Life
The Week
The Phoenix Journal
New York Times
Washington Post
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Foreign Affairs
Flying Inkpot's World News Links
International Press Association
World-Newspapers Every Newspaper (Online) On Earth
A Peculiar Prophet Bishop Will Willimon, North Alabama
Get Religion Religion in the public sphere
Christian Headlines From around the world
Sight Magazine Centrist Christian Australian news
PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
Islamica Magazine

Africa NewsAfrica is one of the most neglected and misunderstood continents in Western consciousness. Treat yourself to a daily offering of indigenous reporting, and overcome the ignorance.

All Africa
AFTRES African Treasures
Afrol News "The only independent news agency dedicated exclusively to Africa"
Africa Daily
Africa Online
BBC Africa
ALARM African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries
National Geographic Africa
Interpress Service Africa
News 24 South Africa
Africa Resource Introductory background to African history, art, and culture
More Resources from Stanford University
African Studies Internet Resources from Columbia University

Weird News

Lobster UK journal of parapolitics
Paranoia Magazine The Conspiracy Reader
Fortean Times
Snopes Urban Legends review; De-Bunk your latest sappy chain e-mail here
Truth Miners Urban Legend and Email Hoax review from a Christian point of view
What Really Happened? A premiere conspiracy site
Koinonia House Your home for quality, Christian UFO Research, etc...
Alien-UFOs Now what do you think this is?
MUFON The Mutual UFO Network
Conspire The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
Disclosure Project Working for the full declassification of everything. Woo-hoo!
The Electric Church
Crop Circle Connector!
Above Top Secret A "conspiracy community"
Coast To Coast AM Paranormal radio show
Infowars Alex Jones
Freedom Of Information Act Find US Government info on things...even yourself!
Annova Quirky News
Odd News

Literary & Review Magazines & Personalities(that we like):

Absent Mag
Art & Letters Daily
The Art Papers
Books & Culture
Born Magazine
Communique An emergent literary and arts journal
Found Magazine More archeology than literature...but hey.
The Georgia Review
Image Journal of Arts and Religion
Wolfe-Anders Formerly New Quaker; An experiment in contemporary Christian literature.
The New Yorker (Whoever heard of them?)
Poems That Go
Ray Gun Revival Golden-Age Space Opera is back!
Relief Journal
Really Small Talk Dan Kennedy
Ruminate faith in Literature and Art
The Sun
Words Without Borders Online Magazine For International Literature
Isaac Asimov
Philip K. Dick
Kurt Vonnegut
New Pages Guide to Literary Magazines

Religion, Denominations, & Personal Spirituality (all sorts of fun research here):

Adherents.Com Denominational Statistics
Religion & Society Research ProgrammeUK
Believe Religious Information Source
Pew Research Center
Religion Link
Religious Tolerance Dot Org
Understanding Evangelical Media
Walter Martin's Religious InfoNet
World Christian Database Stats! Stats! Stats! From Gordon-Conwell Seminary.
Jess's Journal Unitarian Universalist
Journal of Inquiry & Faith Ecumenical
Pluralism Project from Harvard
Sect "The Religious Party Game"
Journeying Home (2) From Emerging Church to Eastern Orthodoxy
Episcopal CafÈ Find a Creed, any Creed!
DMOZ Christian Directory
Yahoo's Denomination Guide
PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
Alt.Religion at
The Revealer A Daily Review of Religion and the Press
State of Belief Air America radio show
Religious Movements Project of the University of Virginia
The Methodist Church of Great Britain/Open to God
Killing the Buddha A much less reverent look at the same.
Speaking of Faith "Public radio's national conversation about belief, meaning, ethics, and ideas."
Hartford Institute For Religion Research
Blogging Religiously from New York
Dallas News Religion Blog
Belief-O-Matic Personality quiz about your religious/spiritual beliefs
What's Your Theological Worldview? An imprecise but fun quiz on your Christian paradigm

CHURCH HISTORY: (History of Believers Outside Institutional Religion)
by Mike Morrell

I am intensely interested in history, and have learned a decent amount of standard church history in college and textbooks. However, I've always found something missing in standard accounts of church history, like a large forgotten cloud where there should be lively stories told. I've wanted to learn more. I see two "poles" that should be held in tension. One is that to be in God's will one needs only to love Him, and Him alone. He is to be our only standard, our only Final Word. No people on the earth, including the first-century believers, are worthy to be imitated in toto. The other "pole" is that there is a great "Cloud of Witnesses" of those gone before us, and that they are comprised of everyone who has ever been received by Jesus, throughout all time. We can learn and be edified by all of them, and every stream of the visible church. But somewhere in between these poles (holding to Jesus as All and acknowledging every believer as precious and worthwhile) is an electrifying center, as we look at those bodies of believers who were a true depiction of our Lord's Body and Presence on the earth, who have had a strong desire for love, peace, and justice. However selfish, inconsistent, or imperfect their seeking is, they will not, even in their sin, consider a religious group that has a history of forced conversions, strong military connections, and the oppression of women and the poor. They are seekers like we are.

I for one am encouraged by the testimony of the Priscillians, Montanists, Donatists, Novatians, the early Celtic Church, Waldensians, the Community at Kunwald, the Lollards, the Hussites, The United Brethren, the Anabaptists, the believers in Meaux, the Moravians, the Philadelphia Societies (mystics at Berleburg), the Quakers, the Mennonite Brethren in Russia, the Stundists, the Believers in Omsk, the early Nazarenes, the believers in Dublin, the early Plymouth Brethren, the Little Flock in China, the Church in India, the Church in Nepal, and our own Jesus Movement. There are many other groups being discovered as the research expands. There are many more links for this section than those listed here. Some of these sites are good, some are weird, wrong historically, pompous and inflammatory. So surf these with a grain of salt. (If you want to purchase "hard copy" books on this subject, the best two are Pilgrim Church by H.E. Broadbent and The Torch of the Testimony by John W. Kennedy.
(If you want, a sample chapter of the latter can be found here.)

I'd recommend a couple of helpful links

The Emperor's New Church
Luther Quit too soon

And now for the main event:

Martyr's Mirror Online
Corinthian House Church Archeology
Into His Own Wow. An amazing reservoir of the social-cultural-historical world of Jesus and first-century Palestine. We're amazed that this resource is free.
Wikipedia Church History A comprehensive, edit-able church history from the largest open-source website ever.
Bibliographies for Theology New Testament to 20th Century (Catholic perspective)
From Jesus to Christ PBS's somewhat "demythologizing"-leaning documentary about Christianity's origins. There are some gems here if you dig carefully.
International Christian Women's History Project Writing Women Back Into Church History
Internet Women’s History Sourcebook (general)
Christian History Magazine
The Church: Early Centuries
Guide to Early Church Documents
Medieval Mysticism from Medieval Church, An Internet Resource for Studying the Church of the Middle Ages, by Robert Bradshaw
St John's University History Site
Phil Johnson’s "Hall of Church History" Obnoxious and Informative.
He Comes Often! A Survey of Revival Across Time by D.A. and D.E.Crossman
Cathars and Cathar Beliefs in the Languedoc
God's Providence In History Donatists, etc..
American Society of Church History
Innnteresting essay on marginalized groups
Ecole Initiative Encyclopedia
Early Christian Art and Architecture
Catholics, Lollards, Albigensians, Cathars (Catholic Perspective)
Scholiast Excellent scholarly database on antiquity to 500AD, including women's life in Greece & Rome - more complete history one level up
Fictional Rome
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook from Fordham
Diotima Women & Gender in the Ancient World
Conflict of the Ages Survey of Christian witness and (non) military involvement
Church & State Studies from a Mennonite-Anabaptist perspective; many primary source documents here.
Nonviolent Action in the 20th Century
Phil's Hall of History from Phil Johnson; obnoxious, opinionated, and stimulating
Jesus Movement entry from Wikipedia
Historical Jesus Movement Webring


Priscillianists from FactMonster
Gender, Authority, and the Priscillianist Controversy by Virginia Burrus
Priscillian by Philip Hughes


The Waldensian Movement From Waldo to the Reformation by Dennis McCallum from Xenos
Cambridge on Waldensians
Waldnensians from Fox's Book of Martyrs
A History of the Waldenses by J. A. Wylie (1860)
Waldensian songs and poetry
Waldensian Spirituality
Heritage of Waldensians
American Waldensian Society
Waldensian/Methodist Italian/English Site
Waldensians in New York City with links
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia on the Waldensians
The Conversion of Peter Waldo
Accusations against the Waldensians
Contemporary Waldensian site
Find Waldensian Ancestors!
150 Years of Martyrdom
An alleged Waldensian confession of faith
Valdese, North Carolina
Waldies and Fundies? Persecution-oriented; some okay stuff here


Intro to Medieval History
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Medieval Christian Topics

Reformation General

Reformers and Radical Reformers
"The Rise of Popular Heresies"
Michael Servetus a second look
An impassioned view of Servetus


The Bogomils Of Bulgaria and Bosnia by L. P. Brockett, M. D. (1879)

Anabaptists A good starting place for all things Anabaptist. A clearinghouse for books, articles, and general information
Anabaptist Network
Mennonite Ethereal Library
Martyr's Mirror Online
Peace Church Bible Study
Writings on Christian Nonresistance and Pacifism from Anabaptist-Mennonite Sources
A History of the Baptists, Volume 1 I honestly don't know why, but some of those Primitive Baptist types are really interested in many of the same groups we are. Some good stuff here on Paulicans, Bogomils, Waldensians and Anabaptists. Written about a century ago.
Plough E-books WOW, 50 quality e-books FREE, courtesy of the Bruderhof Foundation
Anabaptism Today A quality publication by Anabaptists in Britain and Ireland
An Anabaptist in Perth, Australia Nathan Hobby; see also his lit blog
Mennonite Quarterly Review
Third Way Excellent commentary on news and culture
Anabaptist History Tons of links here
Mennolink An independent (as though there were any other kind!) Anabaptist news and information source
The Mennonite
Mennonite Weekly
Mennonite Brethren Herald
Direction Journal Mennonite Brethren
Peace Church
Anabaptist Dot Org Contemporary conservative Anabaptist information site
Mennonot A decidedly non - conservative contemporary Anabaptist site
Leaving Munster Anabaptist Spirituality in a Post-Christendom World
Gerald W. Schlabach
Jesus Radicals Biblical Christian anarchism & Nonviolence
Third Way Virtual Peace Cafe
New Community Project A creation stewardship collective
Urban Anabaptist Church planting initiative (See this also)
Levellers Michael L. Westmoreland-White, Louisville, KY
Anabaptist House Churches of Christ
Stumbling After Jesus Chris Nickels
Tantalizing If True
Parables Abigail Miller
Proletariat Of God Chris Brenna; Minneapolis, MN
Poser or Prophet Dan Oudshoorn
"Bible Views" More info and history
Mennonite Bibliographies Everything fit to print.
Mennonites & the Pennsylvania Dutch
Herald Press
Writings of Primitive Baptists, a sort’ve cousin of some Anabaptists
Primitive Baptists Online How ironic.
Southern Baptist Ghosts Can we appropriate the histories of marginalized churches as our own?

The Chinese Church

Christianity Today articles on China
Chinese Persecution
Message From A Key House Church Leader
China House Church Dot Org
Chinese Christian Persecution
Amity Foundation Chinese Church news service
Beijing House Church Pastors Forced to Cease Activity for Olympics The Christian Post
Essay on Watchman Nee and the Little Flock
Various on China
Back to Jerusalem church planting movement
Back to Jerusalem UK


Among Friends
Journal of George Fox
Quaker Info Supersite of info on Christ-centered Friends
Convergent Friends
Eau Claire Friends Meeting Wisconsin
The Conservative FriendsOhio
Digital Quaker Text Collection from Earlham
The Friend
Quaker Writings Homepage
The Missing Cross to Purity Hall V. Worthington: a great Quaker source on enjoying the Kingdom of God in this life; includes major quotes from George Fox and other early Quakers
Quaker Books of Friends General Conference
Street Corner Society
A Quaker Page
Quaker Dot Org Information from the Society of Friends
Quaker Frequently Asked Questions
Quakin' Friends
The Evangelical Movement And Its Impact On of The Society Friends
Eden Grace
Bill Samuel's Reflections Bill's new blog started on May 10, 2008
Bill Samuel's Web Journal up to May 10, 2008
Light and Silence
Chris Mohr: Tables, Chairs and Oaken Desks
Gathering In Light
What Canst Thou Say? Robin M
New Foundation Fellowship
Ben Lomond Quaker Center near Santa Cruz, CA
War Is Not the Answer Friends Committee on National Legislation: "the largest peace lobby in Washington, DC: 65 years of Quaker Action"
Can You Believe? Johan and Judy Maurer, American Quakers in Russia
San Francisco Friends Meeting
Wolfe-Anders An experiment in contemporary Christian literature.
Quaker Quaker Online Quaker community

Miscellaneous Church History

The Lollard Society
Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center Pennsburg, PA
Central Schwenkfelder A contemporary Schwenkfelder Church
Brethren, Schwenkfelders and Other Plain People
Montanus and the Montanists
Cathars, catharism
Dead Christians Society
Roots of Western Mysticism Not just Christians profiled here, but good resources
Moravians, Pentecostals
Welsh Revival
God's Generals An ambitious, well-done site on church history from a Pentecostal perspective
Catholic Worker Archive Collection at Marquette University
Revival History Accounts
The Flaming Heretic Preserving the legacy of John Hus
1990s Revival History
Remembering the Jesus Movement
More Jesus People History
Good essays on Waldensians, Nee, & Pietists
A Ph.D. Dissertation on home church in history
The History Cooperative
Hyper History Fascinating world history site created by and for homeschoolers.
Internet Modern History Sourcebook from Fordham
Open Source ResearchKatharine Moody, Lancaster, UK, graduate student in Christianity and culture

And here we are, at the end of our little web journey. We hope you've enjoyed your stay. See other sites that belong here? Other thoughts? Send Comments To: Mike Morrell and Philip Scriber

Updated March 16, 2013. All the links should be functional if nothing else.

If you have LibraryThing look me up! I'm under 'zoecarnate.'