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Keeping Up the Pressure: Using Town Halls to Fight Trumpcare and Demand Single-Payer

The College Students Who Are Starving in Silence

A Quiet Deal in Dixie: The Right's Stealth Plan for the US Goes Back Farther Than You Think

Trump heads to foreign soil, promptly bashes two ex-presidents and his own intelligence community

FAIRR Initiative: Raising awareness of sustainability issues in the meat industry

18 States Sue Betsy DeVos And Education Dept. Over Delay Of Borrower Defense Rule

"Trying to Build in the Rubble of Neoliberalism": Michelle Alexander and Naomi Klein on Bringing Movements Together

Miami Beach doctor files lawsuit to stop mosquito spraying

After 1,379 Days, NYT Corrects Bogus Claim Iran ‘Sponsored’ 9/11

In 2019, Volvo Will Stop Designing Cars Solely Run on Internal Combustion Engines
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

Brazil's Temer hurries defense against corruption charge

U.S. Government Ethics Chief Will Resign, Casting Uncertainty Over Agency

Washington State’s Working Families Score ‘Groundbreaking’ Paid Leave Victory

Japan and Europe counter Trump with colossal trade deal

Education, a Building Block for Sustainable Peace

Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Already Changed the Supreme Court Forever

How a Small City Took On a Financial Giant—and Reclaimed Its Most Precious Resource

Big polluting lobbyists may be forced to declare interests at UN talks

Thanks to Amazon, Brick-and-Mortar Stores Have Lost 295K Jobs

Rich List billionaires scoop up millions in farm subsidy payments

A Vicious Cycle of Poison and Poverty

What links Portugal’s deadliest wildfire to Grenfell Tower? Economics and neglect

Extra Opioid Funding Wouldn’t Undo Senate Health Bill’s Harm

This is what reparations could actually look like in the US

Trump's Master Class in Tax Deceit

Greenpeace Exposes Corporate Loopholes Designed to Obscure Rainforest Destruction

Macron and Trudeau shouldn’t be so proud of appointing women to their Cabinets

Were Channel Island Indians Poisoned By Water Bottles?

Charter Schools Do Bad Stuff Because They Can

Fishing and Conservation Groups Sue Over Salmon-Killing Delta Tunnels Project

Asking the wrong question about Gaza

Top 300 Cooperatives Generate 2.5 Trillion Dollars in Annual Turnover

Oil giants admit potential spill could have 30% chance of hitting Amazon reef

7 Things to Know About Redistricting

Berkeley doesn't need Urban Shield
Jeremy Tully and Emily Birnbaum report on the latest effort by the Stop Urban Shield Coalition to a kick the weapons and SWAT-training expo out of Berkeley.

Caribbean Seeks to Climate-Proof Tourism Industry

Meteorologists are running out of colors to map extreme heat

Voter fraud commission may have violated law

'We, Too, Are Targets of Police Violence'
The women left out of national conversations about misconduct and reform

Atomic Bellyflop: The US's First "21st Century Nuclear Reactor" Fails, Shuts Down After 5 Months
-- Julia Travers of EnviroNews on BuzzFlash at Truthout

What Happened to the US's Wealth? The Rich Hid It

Organizing in the Heartland: Indiana Group Builds Working-Class Momentum
Indiana is still very much a swing state: If we can unlock it, we have unlocked the rest of the Midwest, says Hoosier Action organizer Jesse Myerson.

Trump's Election "Investigation" Is Possibly a Fraud to Suprress the Non-GOP Vote
-- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Charles P. Pierce: The President* Is Uniquely Incapable of Dealing With This Problem

Poland promises to create cheering crowds to appease Trump during visit

Health Care? Taxes? Budget? GOP Has Big To-Do List, but Little Time

A Cry of Defiance and Not of Fear: Impeach!

Robot allowed into US for competition, but no visa for Afghan girls who made it
All-girl team of robotics students must watch machine compete at international contest in Washington via video link after entry permits refused.

Bernie Sanders Is the Democratic Frontrunner for 2020

At parades and protests, GOP lawmakers get earful about health care

The Noose, Symbol of Racial Animus, Keeps Appearing

GOP Congressman harshly criticized for video from Auschwitz Memorial

The Future of US Education Is Standing Rock

US Authorities Tapped 3 Million Phones in Single Wiretap Order in 2016

Germany Breaks Record: Produces 35 Percent of Electricity From Renewables So Far This Year

Donald Trump's Poland Visit Sparks Fears of Widening Divisions in Europe

"Kate's Law" Immigration Battle Shifts to the Senate, Testing Democrats

Vice President Mike Pence Stays Loyal to Trump, but It Could Come at a Cost

Taxi Injures Cab Drivers at Logan Airport in "Tragic Accident"

Court Smacks Down Trump's "Capricious" Attempt to Eliminate Obama-Era Methane Rule

The Health 202: Trump Is Trying to Blow Up the Obamacare Strategy He Pushed for

Maryland Joins States That Won't Give Data to Trump's Election Commission

Federal Official Says Border Wall Project on Schedule. It's Not

What we miss when we obsess over Trump’s tweets

Oregon approves measure requiring insurers to cover abortion

Workers' comp insurance up in the air for medical marijuana dispensaries

Beach replenishment is all that’s standing between North Carolina and storms

Kids in pro-Trump rural areas have a lot to lose if GOP rolls back Medicaid

Republicans argue anyone who loses coverage under Trumpcare really doesn’t want it

Yemen's cholera death toll rises to 1,500

T is for Toxic: Danger Lurking in California School Drinking Fountains

Standing Against the Banks: DAPL Divestment and Water Protectors' Ongoing Fight
-- Michelle Cook and Osprey Orielle Lake for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Dying and Drying: The Case of Bolivia’s Lake Poopó

Congress Must Reclaim War-Making Authority

Hobby Lobby Purchased Thousands of Ancient Artifacts Smuggled Out of Iraq

Trump says US mulling 'very severe' response to North Korea missile test
US president says he is determined to confront threat from Pyongyang, after his ambassador to UN raises prospect of military action if diplomacy fails

13 States Now Charge Fees for Electric Vehicles

Tensions cloud Trump meeting with China’s Xi

Shielding data from the "five eyes": we need to stand up for encryption

The final bar? How gentrification threatens America's music cities
Austin, Nashville and New Orleans have thrived on the success of vibrant music scenes. But as rents rise and noise complaints become more common, do they risk ruining what made them famous in the first place?

Will Michigan Taxpayers Foot the Bill for Confederate Showboat?

US Halts North Korean Diplomacy in Favor of Pressure Tactics
-- Renae Reints and Cole Harrison for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Congress Needs to End Warrantless Spying, Not Make It Permanent

1936: Macbeth With an All-Black Cast Plays Bridgeport

Why Climate Change Belongs in the Health Care Debate

Government turns the screws on Manus refugees

Who paid for the leave vote? Brexit should be halted until we know
There are huge questions about funding, involving the DUP and others. A public inquiry is needed

Portrait of a Greek refugee camp

Nikki Haley Grilled in US Congress on America’s Role in the UN and the World

Monuments to white supremacy
With attention turning to the Confederate monuments that litter the South, and the push to dismantle some of them, Cindy Beringer tells the story of their racist legacy.

GM To Colombian Workers Injured On the Job: You’re On Your Own

FCC 'Lifeline' Program Opponents Wage War on the Poor

Camp White Pine Blockades Mariner East 2 Pipeline in Central Pennsylvania

NY Times employees walk out to demand respect and save jobs

The GOP May Repeal Obamacare Without Any Replacement at All

What strategies will stop the far right?

AEP proposes to hike fixed charges in latest affront to low income customers

Trump's Ugly Mid-Year Report on Civil Rights

Activists cry cowardice as Republican senators shut doors to healthcare town halls
Pat Toomey’s closed-door talk saw him accused of ‘not having the courage’ to speak to those affected, while Ted Cruz also faced dissent at his ticket-only event

Pot with patents could plant the seeds of future lawsuits

Trump: nobody really knows if Russia alone interfered in US election
A day before Trump meets Vladimir Putin, US president appears to break with intelligence analysis that Russia was solely responsible for meddling

Trump Supporters Cry Bias After NPR Tweets the Declaration of Independence

These Companies Plan to Expand Coal Power Worldwide by 43 Percent

How Freedom Cities Can Make All People of Color Safer

The Battles Ahead: Meet the Biggest Opponents of Single-Payer

What Does War Generate? Profits for a Few, Death for Many
-- Kathy Kelly for BuzzFlash at Truthout

US schools forced to rethink "lunch shaming" policies that humiliate poorer students

How a Small City Took On a Financial Giant -- and Reclaimed Its Most Precious Resource

Wisconsin Republican looks back with regret at party's voter suppression efforts

I’m a climate scientist. And I’m not letting trickle-down ignorance win

Federal Court Orders EPA to Move Ahead With Rule to Limit Methane

Another Surge in Afghanistan Would Be Folly. I Should Know -- I Was Part of the Last One

Tensions mount as U.S. proceeds with military exercises after North Korean missile test
“Self-restraint, which is a choice, is all that separates armistice and war,” Gen. Vincent K. Brooks said in a joint statement with a South Korean official.

Ancient Romans made world’s "most durable" concrete. We might use it to stop rising seas

Across the Nation, Conservatives Seek to Curb the Right to Protest

California Supreme Court Makes It Harder for Three-Strike Prisoners to Get Sentence Reductions

Another Sexual Harassment Scandal for Fox as It Fires Its Head of Sports Programming in LA

Is Trump's Attraction to Russia About Shaping the US Version of Putin's 21st-Century, Postmodern, Authoritarian, Kleptocratic Regime?

America's Future Is Texas

GOP Senators Return Home to Harsh Local Headlines on Health Care

Hiroshi Miyamura and His Hometown Had a Lot in Common. They Believed in America

North Korea Launches Midrange Ballistic Missile in Japan Sea

Attention Shifts to Josh Hawley in Missouri Senate Race

Chris Christie Enjoyed a Closed Beach, Then Got Flamed. But He Definitely Did Not Get a Tan

A Wisconsin Republican Looks Back With Regret at Voter ID and Redistricting Fights