My name is Tom Woods and I am a candidate for state legislature. I currently represent House District 64 in Bozeman, but since all of the legislative districts in Bozeman have been renumbered and had their boundaries changed for the upcoming election the situation can be a bit confusing. You can see a map of House District 62, an area I have both lived in and worked in. I feel a strong commitment to this community and I feel that I can represent it well.

I grew up in the Midwest and moved to Montana in 1986. My wife and I moved here to Bozeman in 1997 and we now have two young boys, Kelty and Finnian who attend Longfellow school. I teach Molecular Biology, Freshman Seminar and Medical Ethics at the university while Katie works as a family physician, a career that was made possible through Montana’s WWAMI medical program. Montana has been good to us.

I was honored to serve the city of Bozeman as a state legislator in the last session and I am proud of my voting record. I sponsored and passed a bill to reform the teacher’s pension system, expanded the physician training program at MSU and supported legislation that increased funding to our libraries and schools. You can view some of my speeches the floor and in committee on this website, or you may see a non-partisan evaluation of my voting record here at

If re-elected, I will continue to work hard to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. I will also continue to push back against increasing corporate influence over our elections, public policy and public lands. Very importantly, we took some steps towards equality for all citizens but we still have a lot more to do. I need your vote.

Thank you,

Tea Party-Militia Member Runs as a Democrat Against Tom

The latest is that there is a right winger posing as a Democrat running against Tom in the primary. This fellow running against Tom (Dane Peeples) is a member of the Sheriff Max’s Constitutional Posse, The northwest patriot and preparedness group, and a militia group called the Montana Irregulars. There’s nothing illegal about belonging to these groups, but there’s something unethical about this fellow posing as a Democrat.

The fact remains, we’re going to have to address this act of political vandalism. Please support Tom in this primary.


What a Democrat thinks of corporate influence.

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision to allow corporations to continue to buy elections and political influence, here is Tom Woods on the floor of the Montana House speaking in support of a house resolution to declare that corporations are not people.

Tom feels that this is the major political question of our times. He does a pretty darned good job of explaining why.

Tom announces for House District 62

It was an honor to serve the city of Bozeman and those in my district during the last legislative session. We accomplished a lot last session in that we balanced the budget and put money away for the future. I fought hard to reform the teacher’s pension system and succeeded in doing so when the Governor signed the bill I sponsored; HB 377, which placed pensions on sound financial footing. We started a veterinary medicine program at MSU and expanded our medical school capacity (WWAMI) by 10 seats.

I worked hard to make sure that our State would provide healthcare for those in need. I pushed back against corporations and said no to their increasing influence in elections. While we did a lot of work these issues last session, we still have more to do. That is why I have announced my candidacy for House District 62. I am looking forward to the possibility of serving another term in the House. I promise to work hard and to represent those in my district the best I can. Thank you for your support.