- published: 30 Nov 2016
- views: 2119
Santa Clara (Portuguese and Spanish for Saint Clair or Saint Claire) may refer to:
Clara may refer to:
Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy, or simply Santa is a mythical figure with historical origins who, in many Western cultures, brings gifts to the homes of well-behaved, "good" children on Christmas Eve (24 December) and the early morning hours of Christmas Day (25 December). The modern Santa Claus is derived from the British figure of Father Christmas, the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, and Saint Nicholas, the historical Greek bishop and gift-giver of Myra. During the Christianization of Germanic Europe, this figure may also have absorbed elements of the god Odin, who was associated with the Germanic pagan midwinter event of Yule and led the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession through the sky.
Santa Claus is generally depicted as a portly, joyous, white-bearded man—sometimes with spectacles—wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots and who carries a bag full of gifts for children. Images of him rarely have a beard with no moustache. This image became popular in the United States and Canada in the 19th century due to the significant influence of the 1823 poem "A Visit From St. Nicholas" and of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. This image has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, children's books and films.
Emily Roberts - #santaclara (Official video)
Santa Clara - Boy Sullivan
Santa Clara - Awiting Bayan
santa clara
Santa Clara de Assis - Filme Completo
Santa Clara Song
Santa Clara Destination Video (Long Version)
Santa Clara ng Assisi with Lyrics
Jorge Ben – Santa Clara Clareou
Actors: João Nicolau (actor), Miguel Gomes (director), Mariana Ricardo (actress), Mariana Ricardo (composer), Paolo Manera (actor),
Genres: Drama, Short,
Santa Clara - Awiting Bayan Santa Clarang pinung-pino Ang pangako ko ay ganito Pagdating ko po sa Ubando Ay magsasayaw ng pandanggo Abaruray! abarinding! ang pangako'y tutuparin! Abaruray! abarinding! ang pangako'y tutuparin! Santa Clarang pinong-pino, Ako po ay bigyan mo Ng asawang labintatlo Sa gastos ay walang reklamo! Santa Clara (English translation) To the very refined, Saint Claire This is my promise Upon reaching Obando Town I will dance the fandanggo.} To the very refined, Saint Claire I pray that you grant me Thirteen spouses all in all To the costs, I won’t complain at all! Find more Filipino folk songs here: http://filipinofolksongsatbp.blogspot.com/ Help your children and pupils learn the Filipino Culture and Traditions through music.
Plena a Santa Clara ( La Señorita)... Santa Clara, aclara y alumbrame
Santa Clara nasceu em Assis, Itália, no ano de 1193, e o interessante é que seu nome vem de uma inspiração dada à sua religiosa mãe, a qual haveria de ter uma filha que iluminaria o mundo. Pertencia a uma nobre família e era dotada de grande beleza. Destacou-se desde cedo pela sua caridade e respeito para com os pequenos, tanto que ao deparar-se com a pobreza evangélica vivida por Francisco de Assis, foi tomada pela irresistível tendência religiosa de segui-lo. Enfrentando a oposição da família, que pretendia arranjar-lhe um casamento vantajoso, aos dezoito anos, Clara abandonou seu lar para seguir Jesus mais radicalmente. Para isto foi ao encontro de São Francisco de Assis na Porciúncula e fundou o ramo feminino da Ordem Franciscana, também conhecido como das Damas Pobres ou Clarissas. Vi...
Santa Clara Song ay awiting pambata na itinuturo ng mga matatanda sa mga kabataan noong unang panahon na may kahalong komedya at pagbibiro. For more jokes just click here: http://batangbatangan-around-the-world.blogspot.com
With introduction by former Santa Clara University & Women's World Cup Soccer Star Brandi Chastain, this Santa Clara video highlights NEW Levi's Stadium (construction in progress at time this video was produced) and other Silicon Valley visitor attractions. Learn about all the exciting things to see and do in Santa Clara, California - site of Super Bowl 50! (Produced in FY 2013-14).
Fr. the album: Poor Clare Produced by: Poor Clare Community Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu, Phil CD Available at Cebu Poor Clares Monastery
This is Panama City's closest beach. Santa Clara is a beautiful white sand beach just 2 hours outside the city (Or 4 hours when in traffic) See you tomorrow for our last Panama vlog! Yesterday's vlog - That Was Scary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4UbsjkLQts Watch the entire Panama Playlist! - http://bit.ly/2ja7Y7m Special thanks to @thanyariosv :) Instagram LostLeBlanc SnapChat LostLeBlanc Twitter LostLeBlanc Facebook LostLeBlanc www.blakedavey.com Insta @blakedavey Laura's Insta: LauraReidd Laura's vlog: https://www.youtube.com/c/laurareidd Laura's snap: LauraReidYT Song: Sponge Dance - Copyright Free Music HERE: https://goo.gl/fF1Q5N Drift Apart - Copyright Free Music HERE: https://goo.gl/fF1Q5N Outro: Nevada - Vicetone (Monstercat) -------------------------------------- FAQ: ...
Santa Clara - Awiting Bayan Santa Clarang pinung-pino Ang pangako ko ay ganito Pagdating ko po sa Ubando Ay magsasayaw ng pandanggo Abaruray! abarinding! ang pangako'y tutuparin! Abaruray! abarinding! ang pangako'y tutuparin! Santa Clarang pinong-pino, Ako po ay bigyan mo Ng asawang labintatlo Sa gastos ay walang reklamo! Santa Clara (English translation) To the very refined, Saint Claire This is my promise Upon reaching Obando Town I will dance the fandanggo.} To the very refined, Saint Claire I pray that you grant me Thirteen spouses all in all To the costs, I won’t complain at all! Find more Filipino folk songs here: http://filipinofolksongsatbp.blogspot.com/ Help your children and pupils learn the Filipino Culture and Traditions through music.
Plena a Santa Clara ( La Señorita)... Santa Clara, aclara y alumbrame
Santa Clara nasceu em Assis, Itália, no ano de 1193, e o interessante é que seu nome vem de uma inspiração dada à sua religiosa mãe, a qual haveria de ter uma filha que iluminaria o mundo. Pertencia a uma nobre família e era dotada de grande beleza. Destacou-se desde cedo pela sua caridade e respeito para com os pequenos, tanto que ao deparar-se com a pobreza evangélica vivida por Francisco de Assis, foi tomada pela irresistível tendência religiosa de segui-lo. Enfrentando a oposição da família, que pretendia arranjar-lhe um casamento vantajoso, aos dezoito anos, Clara abandonou seu lar para seguir Jesus mais radicalmente. Para isto foi ao encontro de São Francisco de Assis na Porciúncula e fundou o ramo feminino da Ordem Franciscana, também conhecido como das Damas Pobres ou Clarissas. Vi...
Santa Clara Song ay awiting pambata na itinuturo ng mga matatanda sa mga kabataan noong unang panahon na may kahalong komedya at pagbibiro. For more jokes just click here: http://batangbatangan-around-the-world.blogspot.com
With introduction by former Santa Clara University & Women's World Cup Soccer Star Brandi Chastain, this Santa Clara video highlights NEW Levi's Stadium (construction in progress at time this video was produced) and other Silicon Valley visitor attractions. Learn about all the exciting things to see and do in Santa Clara, California - site of Super Bowl 50! (Produced in FY 2013-14).
Fr. the album: Poor Clare Produced by: Poor Clare Community Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu, Phil CD Available at Cebu Poor Clares Monastery
This is Panama City's closest beach. Santa Clara is a beautiful white sand beach just 2 hours outside the city (Or 4 hours when in traffic) See you tomorrow for our last Panama vlog! Yesterday's vlog - That Was Scary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4UbsjkLQts Watch the entire Panama Playlist! - http://bit.ly/2ja7Y7m Special thanks to @thanyariosv :) Instagram LostLeBlanc SnapChat LostLeBlanc Twitter LostLeBlanc Facebook LostLeBlanc www.blakedavey.com Insta @blakedavey Laura's Insta: LauraReidd Laura's vlog: https://www.youtube.com/c/laurareidd Laura's snap: LauraReidYT Song: Sponge Dance - Copyright Free Music HERE: https://goo.gl/fF1Q5N Drift Apart - Copyright Free Music HERE: https://goo.gl/fF1Q5N Outro: Nevada - Vicetone (Monstercat) -------------------------------------- FAQ: ...