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Column 8

A challenge to start the week. Peter Riley, of Penrith, says it's hard to visualise what millions of tonnes of Co2 pumped out by coal-fired power stations represent because we don't think of gas weighing anything. "We'd understand the problem more if we knew how much coal we each consume daily, for instance, making a cup of coffee or watching the State of Origin?" One for C8 engineers.

If you're having a cuppa pondering that, Alynn, of Killara, advises there's no need to squeeze tea bags to avoid drips (C8). "The drips come from the outside of the folds at the bottom, not from inside the gauze. A gentle tip of the bag, one way and then the other, while holding the cool top is all that is needed."

Talking of squeezing. "A charity sends out a letter begging for a donation in an Australia Post express paid envelope," writes Chris Kenworthy, of Balmain. "What a waste."

David of Annandale says that while the Anne Frank "attic" story (C8) may be an urban myth he had the same experience acting in a play called The Monkey's Paw. "The last and pivotal scene hinges on a dramatic search for the monkey's paw. Unfortunately for me when it was thrown aside in the previous scene it landed right in the spotlight. My entire search, dramatic as it was, was ruined by cries from the audience of: 'It's over there!'"

Mention of Euripides (C8) reminded Graham Lum, of North Rocks, of the classics professor who goes to the Greek tailor to get his trousers mended. "The tailor asks: 'Euripides?' The professor replies: 'Yes, Eumenides?'"

Back to language. Christopher Jobson, of Monash, recalls his Army days when a Sergeant-Major confronted the troops on an issue and snapped: "There are a lot of allegations going around about this and I want the alligator to come forward."  

Joan Bolton says her retirement village coffee club tried spreading the word. "We told the barista we were gruntled with our coffees. 'Why? What have I done?' he replied. After showing him Column 8 he then tried it out on the chef. Same reaction!"  

Time they got combobulated, like George Manojlovic, of Mangerton. "Thanks to Column 8, I am delighted to know I'm the perfect gruntleman: consolate and crepant."