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Column 8

"I just received my Opal Card statement and it made me very angry because I have been charged a "default" fare for not tapping off," reports Maureen King of Lane Cove. "This seems totally unfair because the Opal machines don't work and so it's impossible to tap off. It is a hopeless system, that must be costing taxpayers and commuters lots of money." 

That news stories about pensioners inevitably show footage of old people playing lawn bowls (C8, Monday) is what Max Harris used to call, 'the illustration imperative', writes Glenn Cooper, Tamworth. "Other examples: stories about paedophilia must always be accompanied by footage of toddlers on swings; taxation stories must show money being counted." 

"The Two Ronnies once did a wonderful send-up of the way random background shots are inserted into news bulletins. In a story about the British official called the 'Lord Privy Seal' they added clips showing  an icon of the Lord followed by one of an outdoor dunny (the privy) and then a performing seal." Ted Richards of Batemans Bay.

Now more on school uniforms in olden days (C8 Monday). "At Dandenong West Public School in the 1960s our uniform was short-sleeve shirt and shorts all year round, with a jumper in winter. On arriving at school every morning in winter, we all froze until the bell went and we were able to go into our classrooms heated by open log fires." John Frith, Paddington.

More. "I attended a Catholic college in the 1950s in Rose Bay and recall the nuns gravely warning us of the perils of wearing patent leather shoes. The boys might catch a glimpse of our undies in the reflection. Quelle horreur." Judy Howarth, Neutral Bay.

"I can help you with Iceland's capital, Garry Champion (C8 Monday), because I know the capital of every country in the world. The capital of Iceland is 'I'. You know, just like the capital of Australia is 'A'." You guessed. George Manojlovic of Mangerton.

Finally. "Paul Hunt of Engadine will no doubt decry this as 'fake news!' ... but do I detect a Russian attempt to influence the outcome of the 2017 Column 8 League Table? How else to explain the two almost identical contributions from 2016's runner-up, in Saturday's and Monday's columns?" Ralph Davis C8PhD, Wahroonga [C8:  A 'full investigation under way'. Either an issue with the carbon paper or human error. Paul won't get double points.]

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