WTF Is This?

[Content Note: Misogyny; white supremacy.]

Actual Headline: "In defense of the white male."

Actual Paragraph from This Actual Article Actually Published by the Boston Globe in the Year of Our Lord Jesus Jones Two Thousand and Seventeen:

It's not hard to argue that white men have done more harm in history — from the keeping of slaves to the genocide of Native Americans, and a thousand other examples — than any other single group. But it can also be argued that they have done more good — in combatting evil regimes, in developing medicines, in inventing everything from the automobile to the cellphone to various methods of birth control. White men discovered penicillin, Novocain, the drug regimen used to treat people afflicted with AIDS. In many places the chances are good that if your home is on fire, it will be a white man who comes to put it out. And, if it were not for the millions of white men who gave their lives in World War II, we might all be starting the work day with the Nazi salute.
Someone remind me: Were any of the Nazis white men?

"In defense of the white male." One hundred and sixty-seven days into the presidency of a white man, the successor of a Black president and defeater of a female rival, who endeavors in every way to roll back equality for people who are not straight, white, cisgender, able-bodied, Christian, wealthy white men.

Fuck off.

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying on the floor, peering up at me from under my desk
Dudley keeping an eye on me while I work. ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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We Resist: Day 167

a black bar with the word RESIST in white text

One of the difficulties in resisting the Trump administration, the Republican Congressional majority, and Republican state legislatures is keeping on top of the sheer number of horrors, indignities, and normalization of the aggressively abnormal that they unleash every single day.

So here is a daily thread for all of us to share all the things that are going on, thus crowdsourcing a daily compendium of the onslaught of conservative erosion of our rights and our very democracy.

Stay engaged. Stay vigilant. Resist.

* * *

Here are some things in the news today:

Earlier today by me: The North Korean Missile Crisis.


Speaking of healthcare...

Greg Sargent at the Washington Post: A GOP Stunt Backfires, and Accidentally Reveals a Truth Republicans Want Hidden. "[The Indiana] episode also neatly captures another larger truth about why it is proving so hard for Republicans to repeal the law: It has helped untold numbers of people, and the GOP bill would largely reverse that. This is admittedly a simple and obvious point, yet the extraordinary lengths to which Republicans are going to obscure this basic reality continue to elude sufficient recognition. If you think about it, pretty much every major lie that [Donald] Trump and Republicans are telling right now to get their repeal-and-replace bill passed is designed to cover it up."

Charles Ornstein at ProPublica: Medicare Halts Release of Much-Anticipated Data. "Health economist Austin Frakt, who is affiliated with a number of academic institutions, said he was disappointed by the decision to halt the data's release. He said he wants access to the data as a researcher — and as a taxpayer. 'We are paying an enormous amount of money to private insurance companies...but we know very little about what we're getting for that money,' he said."

* * *

Brian Klaas at the Hill: North Korea Test Shows Need for Strong State Department.
[Donald] Trump has willfully and deliberately created a diplomatic ticking time bomb as he guts the U.S. State Department.

America woke up this Fourth of July to news that North Korea had successfully conducted a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile — a weapon capable of reaching at least Alaska and possibly the lower 48 states. Kim Jong-un, a ruthless dictator who starves his people and executes opponents for his amusement, may soon have the capability to attack the United States with a nuclear weapon.

This calls for a forceful diplomatic response aimed at defusing a rapidly escalating nuclear standoff — guided by the seasoned professionals at the highest echelons of the State Department.

The only problem? Most of those key positions are vacant, not because of Senate obstructionism as [Donald] Trump falsely claims, but because the president has failed to nominate anyone to fill them. Nearly six months after taking office and 240 days since being elected, Trump has not nominated anyone for 94 of the 124 appointed positions at the State Department. That's three out of every four top jobs in American diplomacy.

American interests cannot be served without seasoned officials to serve them.
Meanwhile, as Trump leaves the State Department unstaffed, Bob Mueller is ramping up the staffing of his investigatory team.

Matt Zapotosky at the Washington Post: As Mueller Grows His Russia Special Counsel Team, Every Hire Is Under Scrutiny. "Mueller has brought in 15 attorneys to work with him — among them former colleagues at the firm WilmerHale and veteran Justice Department lawyers, said Peter Carr, a spokesman for the Special Counsel's Office. Only 13 have been publicly identified. Put together, the team is a formidable collection of legal talent and expertise with experience prosecuting national security, fraud, and public corruption cases, arguing matters before the Supreme Court and assessing complicated legal questions."

I don't know what could more perfectly and terribly sum up the dire state of affairs in U.S. leadership right now that the juxtaposition of those two stories: The team tasked with investigating the president is more effectively and thoroughly staffed than the State Department, thanks to the lackadaisical attitude of the president being investigated.

Julian Borger at the Guardian: Investigators Explore if Russia Colluded with Pro-Trump Sites During U.S. Election. "The spread of Russian-made fake news stories aimed at discrediting Hillary Clinton on social media is emerging as an important line of inquiry in multiple investigations into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow. ...The role of Russian generated fake news is a separate strand which has gained less attention up to now, but the part it played in depressing the Clinton vote in key states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania in the critical last days of the 2016 campaign could have helped change the course of recent American history."

An interesting (ahem) piece in that story from John Mattes, part of the Sanders campaign's outline strategy team, who details how the Russians helped Team Sanders: "He argued that if the pro-Sanders websites in east Europe had been primarily motivated by maximising clicks they would have moved on to another viral subject. 'What I found was that 95% of them has gone dark,' he said. 'So my question is: what are they hiding and why did they run as soon as the investigation began?' Mattes believes that the aim of the campaign was to damage Clinton, who Vladimir Putin saw as his arch foe, and then, after the primaries were over, to minimise the number of Sanders voters who switched their support to Clinton in the face-off against Trump."

No kidding. And then this: "Because the Sanders online campaign was so open, democratic, and relatively unregulated, Mattes says he now realises: 'We basically set ourselves up to be victims of an international cyberwarfare campaign. We were pawns in this but very effective pawns.'"

So, two things: 1. This is just additional confirmation that Sanders supporters were agents of Russian disinformation. 2. As I've noted previously, the entire reason that many Sanders supporters were "effective pawns" is because they hated Hillary Clinton and were prepared (and primed) to believe and spread all kinds of despicable (and demonstrably untrue) shit about her. The Russians didn't create their misogyny; they simply exploited it.

* * *

David Filipov at the Washington Post: What Russia Hopes to Gain from This Week's Putin-Trump Meeting. "'For the foreseeable future, the most important item by far on the U.S.-Russia relations agenda will be avoiding direct collision, which might lead to war,' was the dire assessment of Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center. Putin will almost certainly press Trump to back a de-escalation plan for the Korean Peninsula announced in Moscow on Tuesday with Chinese President Xi Jinping that would have North Korea halt its ballistic missile program and the United States and South Korea call off their large-scale missile drills. Putin is also likely to demand that Washington return two Russian diplomatic compounds shuttered in retaliation for Moscow's election meddling."

All of that is surely accurate, but, even more importantly, Putin is almost certainly hoping to sink his claws further into Trump, who is too arrogant and ignorant to understand that he is not Putin's peer, but Putin's mark.

And Putin will do whatever it takes to get what he wants from Trump.

The scary thing is that probably all Putin will have to bring to the table to manipulate Trump is a little flattery.

Meanwhile... [Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] Marc Champion, Peter Martin, and Brian Parkin at Bloomberg: China, Germany Step Up as U.S. Retires from World Leadership. "The U.S. traditionally takes point in the search for common approaches to the big global issues of the day at G-20 summits. Not this time. When world leaders meet in Hamburg on Friday, China and Germany will move in to usurp the U.S.'s role. The two industrial powerhouses of Asia and Europe are being nudged into an informal alliance to pick up the leadership baton that the U.S. is accused of having dropped since [Donald] Trump's inauguration earlier this year, according to diplomats and officials from several Group of 20 members."


* * *

[CN: White supremacy; guns] Christopher Mathias and Andy Campbell at the Huffington Post: Guns And KKK Members at Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes to Fight.
A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of [Donald] Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site's Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent [sic] far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists, and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments, and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.
Fucking hell.

Julia Reinstein at BuzzFeed: NPR Tweeted the Declaration of Independence and Some Trump Supporters Were Offended. "Trump supporters were outraged at what they viewed as a political act by NPR. One person called the Declaration 'propaganda.' A few said NPR should be defunded." Because, of course, they didn't recognize the text of the Declaration. Good grief.

[CN: Nazism] Jed Lipinski at the Times-Picayune: Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins' Auschwitz Video Draws Criticism. "A video U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins, R-Port Barre, recorded in part from inside the Nazis' Auschwitz concentration camp last week has drawn criticism on social media for what commenters described as its disrespectful and self-serving content. The video includes Higgins recording from inside one of the former gas chambers — an action that drew criticism from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. ...[T]he museum posted a photo of the entrance to the gas chambers. 'You are in a building where the SS murdered thousands of people,' a stone engraving reads. 'Please maintain silence here: remember their suffering and show respect for their memory.'" What a contemptible dipshit.

Judd Legum at ThinkProgress: Politico's Poll on Trump's Travel Ban Is Fake News: "This morning, Politico published a story with a provocative headline: 'Poll: Majority of voters back Trump travel ban.' ...The story was quickly embraced by White House press secretary Sean Spicer. There is only one problem with this story: it isn't true. ...In sum, Politico substituted a policy that Trump opposes, called it 'Trump's travel ban' and is using it to claim that 'Trump's travel ban has majority support.' ...Polling of Trump's actual travel ban has consistently shown that a majority of Americans oppose it."

[CN: War on agency] Amy Littlefield at Rewire: The Anti-Choice Embrace of Trump Is Complete: Dispatch from the National Right to Life Convention. "[O]fficials made it clear how firmly they have embraced [Trump]. 'He's doing an amazing job,' NRLC President Carol Tobias told Rewire in an interview. 'For the pro-life movement, of course, I think the highest priority for everyone [was] the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.' Tobias also cited Trump's expansion of the Global Gag Rule; his elimination of U.S. funding to the U.N. Population Fund; and his commitment to defunding Planned Parenthood, a provision contained in a Republican health-care bill sputtering its way through the Senate. 'We're just very pleased with President Trump and what he has been doing,' Tobias said."

Gyasi Ross at Indian Country Today: Donius, Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Paris Climate Accords: Ideas to Protect Our Homelands. "A little over a week ago, U.S. District Court Judge said that the Army Corps of Engineers did not do all of their homework before it approved permits to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline. That's positive. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago the [indecent] Trump withdrew the United States from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The Agreement is an effort to curb global warming by reducing greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. That is bad. ...Yet, some States have come together to create the 'Climate Alliance' to be the conscientious objectors to the United States' nastiness. ...Native Nations can and should do the same. Not only will it help to separate and hopefully point out to foreign nations that not all of the US is nasty, but it could also help insulate those nations from disgusting companies like the...Dakota Access Pipeline."

[CN: Racism] Kate Aronoff at Colorlines: How the On-Demand Economy Enables the Cycle of Racial Labor Discrimination. "Provisions like Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — which bars employers from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin — apply only to legally recognized employees. Gig economy companies tend to classify drivers and 'taskers' as independent contractors instead, which excludes them from adhering to most of the laws that regulate workplaces and protect employees. Few people think about the gig (or 'on-demand') economy's impact on workers more than Nayantara Mehta, senior staff attorney at the National Employment Law Project. ...Colorlines caught up with her by phone to talk about the discrimination hardwired into the on-demand economy and what workers are doing to fight back against it."

[CN: Trans exclusion] Andy Towle at Towleroad: Pentagon Pushes Start of Transgender Military Enlistments for Six Months. "A planned July 1 start for accepting transgender troops in the military has been deferred for six months, the Pentagon announced on Friday. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made the announcement on Friday, the AP reports... 'After consulting with the service chiefs and secretaries, I have determined that it is necessary to defer the start of accessions for six months,' Mattis said in a memo that was sent Friday to the service chiefs and secretaries and was obtained by The Associated Press. 'We will use this additional time to evaluate more carefully the impact of such accessions on readiness and lethality.'" Fuck off.

What have you been reading that we need to resist today?

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Indiana Republicans asked Facebook users to share their "Obamacare Horror Story," and can you guess what happened, lol?

If you guessed "people overwhelmed comments with stories about how much they value Obamacare and don't want Republicans to repeal it," give yourself ONE MILLION POINTS.

[Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] My favorite coverage of this debacle is, naturally, the Indy Star's, where Ryan Martin writes with perfect Hoosier kindness that "The responses were unexpected" and "Many seemed to relish that the post didn't receive more horror stories." Ha.


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The North Korean Missile Crisis

In case you missed the news over the holiday weekend, North Korea test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) which it claims can be outfitted with a nuclear warhead and which "some experts now believe had the range to reach the U.S. state of Alaska as well as parts of the mainland United States."

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the test completed his country's strategic weapons capability that includes atomic and hydrogen bombs and ICBMs, the state KCNA news agency said.

Pyongyang would not negotiate with the United States to give up those weapons until Washington abandons its hostile policy against the North, KCNA quoted Kim as saying.

"He, with a broad smile on his face, told officials, scientists and technicians that the U.S. would be it was given a 'package of gifts' on its Independence Day," KCNA said.
North Korea's Academy of Defense Science asserted that "the launch was the 'final step' in creating a 'confident and powerful nuclear state that can strike anywhere on Earth.'"

Naturally, Donald Trump responded with his typical reckless belligerance in a pair of provocative tweets:

He then headed off to the golf course, marking his 36th day of golf since taking office, and his 50th day at a Trump organization business property. Because his idea of being a president is tweeting that China should take care of North Korea's nuclear "nonsense."

The thing is, the launch occurred during General Secretary of China's Communist Party Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow, which resulted in the Chinese and Russian foreign ministries issuing a joint statement in response to the launch:
In a joint statement, China and Russia's Foreign Ministries warned the situation on the Korean peninsula is so tense "it could lead to an armed conflict." And it chastised the "relevant parties" — Trump, as well as Kim — to "refrain from provocative actions and warlike remarks."

The striking thing about their statement is not only the language — mild when compared to Trump's tweets, but surprisingly strident from China's normally staid Foreign Ministry — but that Moscow and Beijing took the unusual step of issuing one together.

United States and South Korean troops made a "show of force" by firing missiles into the waters off South Korea's coast, with the U.S. Army releasing a statement saying: "The deep strike precision capability enables the (South Korean)-U.S. alliance to engage the full array of time critical targets under all weather conditions." Okay.

If that sounds like an insufficient or ineffective response, well, that's because it is — and there really aren't any good options. At the New York Times, David E. Sanger writes that Trump's options are "few and risky." And on CBS This Morning, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell [Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] said flatly that there are no good options:
"There is no good option here. There is no military option here to destroy [North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's] nuclear program, his missile program," Morell said. "There is no option to do that that wouldn't start a second Korean War, and wouldn't raise the possibility of him using nuclear weapons against his neighbors."

"The risks are extraordinarily high in a military standoff," he added. "There's also virtually no diplomatic issue here."
And even if there were a diplomatic solution, the United States has a president who is constitutionally incapable of effective diplomacy.

[CN: Disablist language] At the Washington Post, David Rothkopf notes (under the blunt headline "The greatest threat facing the United States is its own president"): "[I]t may be that Trump's fitness to serve as president is our nation's core national security issue."
Daily he shows he lacks the character, discipline, intellect, judgment or respect for the office to be president of the United States. In normal times, this would be worrying. But look at the news. North Korea is moving closer to having the ability to deliver a nuclear weapon to the United States. A confrontation is coming that will be a test of character pitting North Korea's unhinged leader, Kim Jong Un, against our leader.

...The United States has had a wide variety of presidents; we have as often been victimized by their errors of judgment as we have benefited from their leadership. But the stark reality is that objective analysis reveals that we have never before seen a president so unfit for office. Even President Richard Nixon at his moments of darkest paranoia was a professional public servant who understood the office and the stakes associated with it. One might, on this Independence Day week, have to go back to King George III to find a head of state who so threatened America. But there is no precedent for one whose character is so obviously ill-suited to the presidency.

...[W]hen we have a system in which the chief executive is endowed with so much power, we regularly find that our fate in crises turns on the character of the president. For that reason, it is not the incivility of modern politics that drives us to question Trump's fitness; it is a respect for the lessons of history and for the national interests his profound deficits put at risk.
When your nation is dealing with a security threat from an erratic, abusive, and reckless leader, you hope that your leader isn't also erratic, abusive, and reckless.

Unfortunately, that is not the situation in which we find ourselves.

I would like every person who has ever said that we can't trust a woman to be president because women are "too emotional" to take a big fucking bow for their pivotal roles in getting us into this stinking mess. What I wouldn't give for Hillary Clinton to be our president in this moment.

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"None of This Is Normal"

The latest episode of "The Great Battlefield," Resistance Dashboard's podcast, hosted by Nathaniel Pearlman, is an interview with yours truly!

So head on over and have a listen — and check out the other interviews, too, with terrific folks. The former episode, for example, features my friend Andrea Chalupa.

My thanks to Nathaniel for inviting me and for our interesting conversation about feminist resistance in the era of Trump.


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Open Thread

image of a red couch

Hosted by a red sofa. Have a seat and chat.

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The Virtual Pub Is Open (+ Programming Note)

image of a pub Photoshopped to be named 'The Beloved Community Pub'
[Explanations: lol your fat. pathetic anger bread. hey your gay.]

Belly up to the bar,
and be in this space together.

And please don't forget to tip your bartender!

Next Tuesday is Independence Day in the U.S., so we will be taking off Monday and Tuesday, and we'll see you back here next Wednesday! To everyone who will be around grills and/or fireworks over the next couple of days, be careful and stay safe! ♥

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The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by bagels with cream cheese.

Recommended Reading:

Chauncey DeVega: [CN: White supremacy; police brutality] The Philando Castile Verdict Is a Reminder That in America Black People are the True Walking Dead

Friederike Heine: German Lawmakers Approve Gay Marriage, Even as Merkel Votes No, Saying It's Between Man and Woman

Marie Solis: Nearly 850 Backlogged Rape Kits Were Found Infested with Mold in Texas

Robert Jago: [CN: Racism; colonialism; displacement] Canada's National Parks Are Colonial Crime Scenes

Keith Reid-Cleveland: Only Cop Charged in Connection to Sandra Bland's Death Cuts a Deal

Ragen Chastain: [CN: Fat hatred; body policing] Girl Scouts Lead in Size Acceptance

Amy Larocca: [CN: Privilege] The Wellness Epidemic: Why Are So Many Privileged People Feeling So Sick? Luckily, There's No Shortage of Cures.

Jason Torchinsky: The Jerry Orbach Art Car Is Now a Reality

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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Texting with Liss and Deeky!

Hey, Remember the 90s Edition. [Content Note: Moving GIF below the fold.]

Deeks: I totally died when you said your coat in that picture looked like something Divine would wear.

Liss: LOLOLOL! Because it is! Which is why I love it!

Deeks: Fuck yes.

Liss: I told Spudsy: "That's what it would look like if Interview put fat people on its cover!"

Deeks: LOLOLOL is Interview still around?

Liss: Who knows. I haven't read Interview since there was still a Waldenbooks at the mall.

Deeks: Waldenbooks! LOLOLOL.

Liss: "Let's hit Waldenbooks and pick up the latest issue of Interview then swing by Tower Records for the new Happy Mondays single!"

Deeks: "I want an iced coffee from Gloria Jean's."

Liss: Gloria Jean's!!! Ahhhhhhhhahahahahahaha!!!


Liss: "Let's pick up some new sleeveless jean jackets at American Eagle."

Deeks: OMFG I used to wear the fuck out of suspenders, but, you know, just hanging down, as was the look.

Liss: Of course. I had a jean jacket that the sleeves zipped off of. So I could wear it as a jacket or as a vest over a flannel NO GODDAMN DOY.

Deeks: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Zippered sleeves!

Liss: I bet you bought all your clothes at Chess King.

Deeks: Until I discovered Hot Topic.

Liss: "Hold up! I can't go with you to B Dalton Books because I'm not done with my Orange Julius! Just go ahead—I need to pick up some new suspenders at Structure, anyway."

Deeks: LOLOLOL!!!!!!!

Liss: The entire 90s mall roster is stuck in my lint trap!

Deeks: Who even remembers this shit? (You.)

Liss: LOLOLOL!!! P.S. The Limited.

Open Wide...

Quote of the Day

"Here's the math: If I did not look the way I do, then I would not be on TV or on two book covers. I would not have a beauty column or an Instagram with more than 100,000 followers. This does not mean that I have not put in work and effort and done my job well, but my beauty is not something that I earned. I did not work for it, yet it has opened doors for me, allowing me to be seen and heard. And for me to pretend that it does not exist denies the ways in which being perceived as pretty has contributed to my success and made the road a bit smoother."—Janet Mock, writing very frankly about the privileges she enjoys because of the ways in which her appearance hews closely to kyriarchal beauty standards.

Her entire essay, "Being Pretty Is a Privilege, But We Refuse to Acknowledge It," is worth your time to read.

It's also a very interesting juxtaposition to the dynamic Shonda Rhimes was describing, which I highlighted in yesterday's Quote of the Day.

[Related Reading: Ugly Girl.]

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound and Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt standing in the grass in the backyard
These two precious monsters! I LOVE THEM.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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We Resist: Day 162

a black bar with the word RESIST in white text

One of the difficulties in resisting the Trump administration, the Republican Congressional majority, and Republican state legislatures is keeping on top of the sheer number of horrors, indignities, and normalization of the aggressively abnormal that they unleash every single day.

So here is a daily thread for all of us to share all the things that are going on, thus crowdsourcing a daily compendium of the onslaught of conservative erosion of our rights and our very democracy.

Stay engaged. Stay vigilant. Resist.

* * *

Here are some things in the news today:

Earlier today by me: Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough Disclose That Donald Trump Has Been Trying to Blackmail Them and Our Democracy Is at Grave Risk.


This morning, Donald Trump, evidently frustrated with his party's inability to pass comprehensive healthcare legislation in the tiny window of his short attention span, tweeted this shit:

At Politico, Jennifer Haberkorn reports: "Repealing the health law without a replacement would kick about 18 million Americans off of health coverage in the first year — and reach 26 million a few years later, according to a CBO analysis of a 2015 bill to repeal the health law without a replacement."

As part of his morning tweetshitz, he also dropped this turd:

Well, it turns out he was just taking credit for a task force that "will include Chicago police officers, federal agents, Illinois state troopers, 'intelligence analysts,' and state and federal prosecutors. ...Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said in the press release that the task force 'will significantly help our police officers stem the flow of illegal guns and create a culture of accountability for the small subset of individuals and gangs who disproportionately drive violence in our city.'"

You know, if Trump actually cared about the gun violence in Chicago, he could take a look at the gun laws in Indiana, the state his veep Mike Pence used to run, since: "According to the FBI, roughly 60% of guns used in crimes in Illinois were from out of state. The overwhelming number of those guns flow into Illinois from states that have much less restrictive gun laws. Most of those out of state guns came from Indiana."

* * *

Mike Allen and Jonathan Swan at Axios: Trump Overrules Cabinet, Plots Global Trade War. "With the political world distracted by [Donald] Trump's media wars, one of the most consequential and contentious internal debates of his presidency unfolded during a tense meeting Monday in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, administration sources tell Axios. The outcome, with a potentially profound effect on U.S. economic and foreign policy, will be decided in coming days. With more than 20 top officials present, including Trump and Vice President Pence, the president and a small band of America First advisers made it clear they're hell-bent on imposing tariffs — potentially in the 20% range — on steel, and likely other imports. ...One official estimated the sentiment in the room as 22 against and 3 in favor — but since one of the three is named Donald Trump, it was case closed. No decision has been made, but the President is leaning towards imposing tariffs, despite opposition from nearly all his Cabinet." Holy shit.

I can't put this any more plainly: Trump is literally contemplating destroying the U.S. economy and fucking over our major trading partners and national security allies in order to please his base with a talking point so they'll keep showing up at his Make America Clap Again rallies.

He will ruin countless lives in pursuit of adoration from know-nothings (who would themselves be devastated by this decision) because of his insatiable ego.


Kimberly Dozier at the Daily Beast: Spies Fear Trump's First Meeting with Putin. "Moscow believes its leader, ex-spy master Vladimir Putin, can extract major concessions from [Donald] Trump when the two meet for the first time next week, European officials tell The Daily Beast. The officials say their intelligence indicates Putin thinks he can outmaneuver Trump at the G-20 summit, playing on promises of cooperation on areas like counter-terrorism to win concessions like a reduction in the raft of sanctions against Russia. ...Their misgivings highlight concern that Trump's inexperience and Putin's ability to flatter will slowly degrade the U.S. alliance with Europe over time, and boost Moscow back to near-superpower status while extracting no changes to its aggressive, expansionist behavior." Everything is fine. *gulp*

Joel Schectman, Dustin Volz, and Jack Stubbs at Reuters: Despite Hacking Charges, U.S. Tech Industry Fought to Keep Ties to Russia Spy Service. "New U.S. sanctions put in place by former President Barack Obama last December — part of a broad suite of actions taken in response to Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election — had made it a crime for American companies to have any business relationship with the FSB, or Federal Security Service. ...Under a little-understood arrangement, the FSB doubles as a regulator charged with approving the import to Russia of almost all technology that contains encryption... Worried about the sales impact, business industry groups...contacted U.S. officials at the American embassy in Moscow and the Treasury, State, and Commerce departments... The sanctions would have meant the Russian market was 'dead for U.S. electronics' said Alexis Rodzianko, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, who argued against the new restrictions. 'Every second Russian has an iPhone, iPad, so they would all switch to Samsungs,' he said." Oh.

AP: Donald Trump Threatened with Subpoena over Comey 'Tapes'. "Bipartisan leaders on the House intelligence committee are threatening a subpoena if the White House does not clarify whether any recordings, memoranda, or other documents exist of Donald Trump's meetings with fired FBI director James Comey. ...In a 23 June letter, the White House responded to the committee request by referring to Trump's tweets. ...A letter Thursday from Republican congressman Mike Conaway of Texas, who is leading the Russia investigation, and Democratic congressman Adam Schiff of California says Trump's Twitter statement 'stops short of clarifying' whether the White House has any tapes or documents. Conaway and Schiff said in a statement that the letter makes clear that should the White House not respond fully, 'the committee will consider using compulsory process to ensure a satisfactory response.'" Damn.

[Content Note: Misogyny] Tara Palmeri at Politico: White House Council for Women and Girls Goes Dark Under Trump. "When President George W. Bush took office, he quickly and quietly disbanded President Bill Clinton's Office for Women's Initiatives and Outreach — and now President Donald Trump appears to be doing the same thing to President Barack Obama's White House Council on Women and Girls. The council, created by Obama in 2009 to monitor the impact of policy changes and liaise with women's groups has been defunct while the Trump administration evaluates whether to keep it, according to three senior White House officials. 'We want the input of the various agencies to understand the assets they have so that we make this office additive, not redundant,' said White House spokeswoman Hope Hicks." FUCK YOU.

[CN: Trans hatred] J. Lester Feder at BuzzFeed: Trump Administration Appoints Anti-Transgender Activist to Gender Equality Post. "The Trump administration has appointed an activist who led a campaign to restrict bathroom access for transgender students to the office of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the US Agency for International Development. Bethany Kozma's title is senior adviser for women's empowerment, according to an agency spokesperson. ...In 2016, she launched a campaign to oppose the Obama administration's guidance to public schools that said transgender students have the right to use facilities matching their gender identity; the guidance was withdrawn by the Trump administration in February." Goddammit I hate this administration.

Emily Holden at E&E; News: Pruitt Will Launch Program to 'Critique' Climate Science. "U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is leading a formal initiative to challenge mainstream climate science using a 'back-and-forth critique' by government-recruited experts, according to a senior administration official. The program will use 'red team, blue team' exercises to conduct an 'at-length evaluation of U.S. climate science,' the official said, referring to a concept developed by the military to identify vulnerabilities in field operations. ...The disclosure follows the administration's suggestions over several days that it supports reviewing climate science outside the normal peer-review process used by scientists. This is the first time agency officials acknowledged that Pruitt has begun that process. The source said Energy Secretary Rick Perry also favors the review." What. The. Fuck.

Oliver Milman at the Guardian: Trump Called 'Threat to Every Coastline' as He Pushes Ocean Drilling Plan. "Environmentalists have condemned Donald Trump as a 'threat to every ocean and coastline in the country,' after the president pushed forward plans to expand oil and gas drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans as part of what he called a new era of 'American energy dominance.' The Trump administration has taken the first steps to rewrite a five-year plan, put in place under Barack Obama, that banned drilling along the Atlantic seaboard and in large swaths of the Arctic. The interior department is opening a 45-day public comment period for a new plan that it says will help grow the economy." Oh.

[CN: Islamophobia] Kenrya Rankin at Colorlines: Who Will Be Allowed into the U.S. Now That the 'Muslim Ban' Is in Effect? "Per the New York Times, the Trump Administration defines acceptable foreign nationals as those with the following family members in the United States: 'a parent (including parent-in-law), spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sibling, whether whole or half. This includes step relationships.' According to the guidelines, if refugees and visitors from the banned countries can demonstrate one of these relationships, they will be admitted. The guidelines do not allow for the entry of 'grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-laws and sisters-in-law, fiancés and any other 'extended' family members.'" Awful.

Jeva Lange at the Week: Leaked Audio from Trump's Re-election Fundraiser Catches the President Threatening to Sue CNN. "'It's a shame what they've done to the name CNN, that I can tell you,' Trump told the crowd. 'But as far as I'm concerned, I love it. If anybody's a lawyer in the house and thinks I have a good lawsuit — I feel like we do. Wouldn't that be fun?' ...Trump also slammed CNN's staff as being 'horrible human beings' and gloated, 'Boy, did CNN get killed over the last few days,' a reference to three reporters resigning over a story that did not meet CNN's editorial standards." Fucking hell. The only thing on which this guy can sustain focus is his vendettas.

What have you been reading that we need to resist today?

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Trump Hasn't Changed

[Content Note: Abuse.]

Meanwhile, on Twitter...

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Our Democracy Is at Grave Risk

In February of this year, Ari Berman reported that House Republicans voted "to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can't be hacked."

Earlier this week, the Department of Justice "sent out a request for information on how states maintain their voter rolls." Um, okay.

On the same day, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the vice-chair of Donald Trump's "voter fraud" commission, the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which is chaired by Vice President Mike Pence, sent a letter to the Secretaries of State of all 50 states, requesting "that all publicly available voter roll data be sent to the White House by July 14, five days before the panel's first meeting."

The requested information would not only include a voter's name, address, birthdate, and partial Social Security Number, but also the voter's political party, if registered, and "which elections the voter has participated in since 2006."

And the commission wants this information for every registered voter in the entire country.

In response to Kobach's letter, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe said in a statement that he has "no intention of honoring this request." California Secretary of State Alex Padilla flatly said in a statement that California will not comply: "California's participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President, and Mr. Kobach."

Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin will not "turn over voter files to Trump election fraud panel." And even Alabama's Republican Secretary of State John Merrill has raised concerns about the request.
Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill also released a statement, saying that she would share publicly available data with the commission but complaining about a "lack of openness" about what the panel is looking for. Merrill cited past legal challenges to Kobach's efforts to clean up voter rolls in Kansas, which have led to some eligible voters being removed from registration lists.

"Given Secretary Kobach's history we find it very difficult to have confidence in the work of this commission," said Merrill, a Democrat and outgoing president of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

A spokeswoman for the association said the secretaries will almost certainly discuss Kobach's controversial request at their summer conference next week in Indianapolis.

The commission, which has yet to meet, has been viewed with suspicion from the start by civil rights groups, which think it will be used to justify measures — such as strict ID requirements — that will make it more difficult to vote.

Vanita Gupta headed the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department during the Obama administration. And she was not alone in raising flags about what the commission is getting up to.
A number of experts, as well as at least one state official, reacted with a mix of alarm and bafflement. Some saw political motivations behind the requests, while others said making such information public would create a national voter registration list, a move that could create new election problems.

"You'd think there would want to be a lot of thought behind security and access protocols for a national voter file, before you up and created one," said Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola University School of Law and former Department of Justice civil rights official. "This is asking to create a national voter file in two weeks."

David Becker, the executive director of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, also expressed serious concerns about the request. "It's probably a good idea not to make publicly available the name, address and military status of the people who are serving our armed forces to anyone who requests it," he said.

...There is no evidence to suggest that voting twice is a widespread problem, though experts say removing duplicate registrations are a good practice if done carefully.

"In theory, I don't think we have a problem with that as an idea, but the devil is always in the details," said Dale Ho, the director of the ACLU's Voting Rights Project. While he believes voter registration list maintenance is important, he says Kobach's Crosscheck program has been repeatedly shown to be ineffective and to produce false matches. A study by a group of political scientists at Stanford published earlier this year found that Crosscheck highlighted 200 false matches for every one true double vote.

"I have every reason to think that given the shoddy work that Mr. Kobach has done in this area in the past that this is going to be yet another boondoggle and a propaganda tool that tries to inflate the problem of double registration beyond what it actually is," Ho said.
And, one presumes, then subsequently used to justify voting requirements that disenfranchise voters who are most likely to be Democratic voters, which Republicans have already been doing in state legislatures for decades.

Because, of the two major parties, only Democrats believe that it should be easier to vote, not more difficult.

It's up to the states to hold the line against this massive federal attempt to erode voting rights. Make your calls. Let your state government know you're watching — and expect them to protect voters' information and rights.

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Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough Disclose That Donald Trump Has Been Trying to Blackmail Them

[Content Note: Extortion; threats; misogyny; use of disablist language.]

Following Donald Trump's tweeted attack on Mika Brzezinski yesterday, Brzezinski and her Morning Joe co-host (and fiancee) Joe Scarborough penned an op-ed for the Washington Post in which they disclosed in passing: "This year, top White House staff members warned that the National Enquirer was planning to publish a negative article about us unless we begged the president to have the story spiked. We ignored their desperate pleas."

That sounds an awful lot like attempted blackmail — and, during their broadcast this morning, co-anchor Willie Geist asked them to talk about what happened. The additional details they provided are chilling.

BRZEZINSKI: —approval ratings, and very few accomplishments. He's not in reality.

GEIST: There's never been any question that he requires daily, if not hourly, affirmation. I want to ask you guys about something else you published in the Washington Post piece this morning. It's something again we've talked about in private; you've never talked about it on television, but I'm already getting a lot of questions about it, so I want to give you the chance to explain. I'll just read a quote: "This year, top White House staff members warned that the National Enquirer was planning to publish a negative article about us unless we begged the president to have the story spiked. We ignored their desperate pleas." What exactly happened there, to the extent you're comfortable talking about it?

SCARBOROUGH: Well, I mean, I'm comfortable talking— I mean, I think we have to talk about it now, because it explains the relationship and his really strange obsession with this show and, in particular, it's a really disturbing obsession with Mika. Ummmmmm, we got a call that, 'Hey, the National Enquirer is gonna run a negative story against you guys,' and it was— You know, Donald is friends with, the president is friends with the guy that runs the National Enquirer. And they said, 'If you call the president up, and you apologize for your coverage, then he will pick up the phone and basically spike the story.'

I had, I will just say, three people at the very top of the administration calling me, and the response was like: 'Are you kidding me? I don't know what they have. Run a story. I'm not gonna do it.' The calls kept coming, and kept coming, and they were like, 'Call. You need to call. Please call. Come on, Joe — just pick up the phone and call him!'

[Someone offscreen says: "It's blackmail!"]

BRZEZINSKI: And let me explain what they were threatening: They were calling my children. They were calling close friends—

SCARBOROUGH: You're talking about the National Enquirer.

BRZEZINSKI: —and they were pinning the story on my ex-husband, who would absolutely never do that, so I knew immediately it was a lie and that they had nothing. And these calls persisted for quite some time, and then Joe had the conversations that he had with the White House, where they said, 'Oh, this could go away.'

GEIST: So, I just want to be very clear here: The National Enquirer is harassing your children, your daughters—


GEIST: —who are teenagers—

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. And it's, you know—

GEIST: —and then, Joe, in turn, is getting calls from the White House—

BRZEZINSKI: Saying call Donald and apologize.

SCARBOROUGH: By the way, they're also, they're also— I was at Mika's house for a few minutes, and came out, and there was a guy in a van that was just staked out there, watching. It was clear that he was from a tabloid, and he said— He started asking questions. And then, after all of this started happening, that's when we started getting calls from the White House saying, 'If you call— You need to call the president, and—'


BRZEZINSKI: And our response, talking to my ex-husband, talking to Joe, talking to my kids, was: Screw it. Let 'em run it. Just go ahead and run it. We're not calling. We're not calling.
Later in the segment, one of the panelists, an older white man whose name I don't know Donny Deutsch [thanks, SKM!], observes: "What you just said is one of the most frightening things I've ever heard — basically that this story was gonna run unless you groveled to the president, and then the president will kill the story." And Geist adds: "But not just the story won't run, but we will stop harassing you. We'll have the National Enquirer stop harassing your children, if you grovel to the president of the United States."

This is utterly appalling. It's quite possibly criminal, and undoubtedly unethical.

It is also part of a pattern of Trump threatening and harassing journalists that dates back decades, as I detailed in a piece for the Globe and Mail:
After a 1990 interview with Connie Chung that didn't go the way Mr. Trump might have hoped, he unleashed on Ms. Chung during a subsequent interview with Joan Rivers, calling Ms. Chung "a disaster" and saying she was "like a little child. I mean this girl – this woman – has less talent than anyone I know of."

He went on to disturbingly recount that, when Ms. Chung sent him roses after the interview, "I cut 'em up and sent 'em back. I sent her back the stems. Actually, I did. I sent her back the stems, but I kept the top."

This is, to put it mildly, wildly inappropriate behaviour in any context, but it is utterly unrecognizable as the action of a person with a professional grudge and entirely comports instead with the impulse of an abusive spurned lover.
Donald Trump is scary, because he has no brakes on his worst instincts, is impulsive and cruel, has an extraordinary amount of power, and seemingly no one who is willing to offer a single check on his behavior, no matter how awful it gets.

Perhaps now that he's launched such a targeted and breathtakingly inappropriate attack on two members of the media, one of whom is a former Republican Congressman, both the media and the Republican Party will start taking more seriously their responsibility to hold this president to account.

I sure as fuck hope so.

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Open Thread

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Hosted by a pink sofa. Have a seat and chat.

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Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker musicalnomad: "What tradition do you really enjoy, and why? Could be any tradition pertaining to food, religion, dress, music, stories, superstitions, or any other thing I've forgotten!"

I like the tradition Deeks and I have of getting tattoos together around one of our birthdays.

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But Her Emails. Literally.

An explosive new report from Shane Harris at the Wall Street Journal: GOP Operative Sought Clinton Emails from Hackers, Implied a Connection to Flynn.

Before the 2016 presidential election, a longtime Republican opposition researcher mounted an independent campaign to obtain emails he believed were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s private server, likely by Russian hackers.

In conversations with members of his circle and with others he tried to recruit to help him, the GOP operative, Peter W. Smith, implied he was working with retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, at the time a senior advisor to then-candidate Donald Trump.

"He said, 'I'm talking to Michael Flynn about this—if you find anything can you let me know?'" said Eric York, a computer-security expert from Atlanta who searched hacker forums on Mr. Smith's behalf for people who might have access to the emails.

...Mr. Smith's focus was some 33,000 emails Mrs. Clinton said were deleted because they were deemed personal. Mr. Smith said he believed that the emails might have been obtained by hackers and that they actually concerned official matters Mrs. Clinton wanted to conceal—two notions for which he offered no evidence.

I will plainly state I do not believe that is a coincidence. To the contrary, it now looks quite obvious to me that the 33,000 emails were a subject of some discussion among the Trump campaign team, and his outburst at the presser was an example of his not being able to stop himself saying publicly what's going on behind the scenes, as we have seen him do over and over again during his presidency, whether it's spilling secrets to the Russians or confessing that he fired James Comey to hinder the Russia investigation.

Reports from intelligence agencies "describe Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Mrs. Clinton's server and then transmit them to Mr. Flynn via an intermediary, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence."

If Trump didn't know this was going on under his nose, he's catastrophically unfit to lead. If he did, it's treason.

Either way, this is incredibly serious, and I trust that the Republican Party will do their best to bury it as quickly and thoroughly as possible, because they are fucking cowards.

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Shaker Gourmet

Whatcha been cooking up in your kitchen lately, Shakers?

Share your favorite recipes, solicit good recipes, share recipes you've recently tried, want to try, are trying to perfect, whatever! Whether they're your own creation, or something you found elsewhere, share away.

Also welcome: Recipes you've seen recently that you'd love to try, but haven't yet!

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