Update: Watchmen says they aren’t there / Members of Patriot group “Watchmen of America” guarding mine site in Wisconsin’s North?


Watchmen of America says they aren’t there.
I was sitting on this info since this July 11th facebook update. I decided to put the question out there when Mother Jones noted similar info. in their recent post on guards at the mine site.

watchmen july 11

This is a comment on the post which echoes a statement also found at Mother Jones:
Greetings Michael,

The Watchmen of America are not involved with the Mining incident going on in WI. That article that was written, is being dealt with at this very moment with letters to the editors and owner of that newspaper. They are facing law suits for slander and defamation of our character and organization if they do not remove that article and make a public retraction and apology. I can assure you that we are not involved in any way shape or form with that incident. In fact we do not even have an active group in WI. nor do we do security work.

Thank you for your concern, I do appreciate it, but rest assured the Watchmen of America would never conduct ourselves in this manner. Please read more about us on our website of who we are and who we aren’t.

Have a great week.


Member Services Director

I heard last week that that a new security detail was at the proposed mine site and that they were from Watchmen of America”. I was waiting for some firm confirmation on that before sharing that here. Well, today I see that Mother Jones has published a piece on the matter.

One of the activists in the area, however, told Mother Jones on Monday that a new group of armed guards—including one whose shirt bore the insignia for Watchmen of America, a militia group active in at least 21 states—was on patrol last Thursday, the day after Gogebic Taconite pulled the Bulletproof guards.

Watchmen of America is a membership-based gun-toting group that is, in their web page’s words, “the very first organizational support system for all official Patriot Groups, Survival Groups and Individual Patriot Citizens across the nation”.

The initial sighting I read about on facebook said there were no visible weapons or military garb worn by the 4 men who were 1st seen at the proposed mine site. They were accompanying GTAC rep. Bill Williams who affirmed that the men would be ‘guarding’ the site. Two of the men were reportedly wearing T-shirts and shorts in a wooded area where stinging insects abound. Interesting. Very few Wisconsinites who have spent even a moment in the woods in summer would expose that much skin. I suspect they were either city dwellers or out-of-staters.

If in fact the Watchmen are there, I will speculate that they are acting as a completely voluntary group and thus are getting around any state or county requirements for security permits etc. [side-note: Is anybody enforcing state law North of Highway 29 under the Walker administration?]

Who are the Watchmen, anyway?
I spent some of my precious time tooling around their site reading their mission statement and watching their videos. They are a right wing membership-based national guard wanna-be.
In other words, a citizen’s militia.

The Watchmen of America were featured on Discovery Channel’s “Militia Rising” show. If you watch this video, you will see them guard the Mexican border, filtrate dirty river water doomsday-prepper-style using a ceramic system, and shoot at targets. Training includes yelling at subordinates like a drill instructor.

If you tool around their stunning site, you may feel a swell of patriotism – eagles! guns! flags! Others in your home walking by and looking over your shoulder may say, as someone in my house did, “Why do all the right winger sites look so Nazi?”.

Once at the site, if you review
you’ll read
“Basically you can think of the Watchmen Of America Program as a National Patriot Co-Op Type Program.”


“Our Ultimate goal is to provide the Organizational and Logistical Support and Structure of building up small protective and defensive Community Based Groups all across the Nation in every State possible. In this manner, we can provide additional support in all cases of Emergency Response and Protection for Members and their Families. “

I went to their facebook and saw lots of “YAY Second Amendment!” feeling and numerous links to the PRN– “The Voice of Resistance”.

Here’s where you can get your own membership to the group.

If you go HERE a man reads their creed for you above some low rumbling music. Turn up the volume!

“The Watchmen’s Creed”

As we cross the many bridges put before us, we will strive to help others cross as well. We will reunite all that has been separated throughout the years in the brotherhood of our citizen soldiers.

May we all share in the duties and responsibilities of bringing back our sense of security for ourselves and our families and all the people of this nation.

We shall respect the rights of others and seek to quell all prejudices and extend the hand of fellowship to each other and may we all stand united against the oppressions and tyranny confronting us with all the spirit, will and determination as our forefathers once did when founding our great nation.

For we are one of the last remaining symbols of America’s freedom.

The Watchmen Of America

Membership levels are at bronze, silver and gold – $5 /$10 / $15
Here’s the gold membership description:
$180.00 Per Year or Only
$15.00 PER MONTH


Access To:
Exclusive Members Only Area
Learning Center Library
Watchmen Newsletter
Training Materials
Tactical Call Tree System
Exclusive Network Map
Sentinel Program Participation
Patriot Alert System Notifications
Watchmen Forum
Special Events and Rally’s
FPG Program Protection
Hold National Staff Positions
Volunteer For FPG Program

Primary Benefits:
TacGearZone Store Account
with Purchases at Factory Cost

Reward Points: 10 per month
Earn Reward Points: YES

Secondary Benefits: YES”


Assuming you couldn’t resist, and you decided to sign on as a Watchman, will you let us all know about it? And will you tell me all about the trainings?

So many questions to ask and answer really. Like when will Bulletproof be patrolling the woods again?

From Mother Jones: “A spokesman for the company has said that the Bulletproof guards [the guys that looked like mercenaries] will be back once they’re properly licensed.”

Stay tuned.


  6 comments for “Update: Watchmen says they aren’t there / Members of Patriot group “Watchmen of America” guarding mine site in Wisconsin’s North?

  1. watchmenlewis
    July 28, 2013 at 3:17 am

    im the watch member and my company was pulling guard duty my shirt was my casual wear

  2. Robert
    July 17, 2013 at 10:02 pm

    “As we cross the many bridges put before us, we will strive to help others cross as well.”

    They should thank us for those bridges.

  3. GM
    July 17, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    Has anyone attempted to find the names and the states in which these people reside? And, has anyone ruled out failed-candidate-for-Sheriff James Maillette, Jr., son of Tea Party fave Kim Simac. He’s now EVP of WiFamilyAction, but has been outed by law enforcement in the newspaper as threatening people in the woods with harm (see: http://twittweb.com/threat+a+rwnj+wisconsin-27912709)

  4. mlhanson
    July 16, 2013 at 10:03 pm

    This is an answer I got back from WoA about the ‘guards’ at the mining site.

    Greetings Michael,

    The Watchmen of America are not involved with the Mining incident going on in WI. That article that was written, is being dealt with at this very moment with letters to the editors and owner of that newspaper. They are facing law suits for slander and defamation of our character and organization if they do not remove that article and make a public retraction and apology. I can assure you that we are not involved in any way shape or form with that incident. In fact we do not even have an active group in WI. nor do we do security work.

    Thank you for your concern, I do appreciate it, but rest assured the Watchmen of America would never conduct ourselves in this manner. Please read more about us on our website of who we are and who we aren’t.

    Have a great week.


    Member Services Director

    • July 17, 2013 at 3:24 am

      Thank you for this.

  5. Gareth
    July 16, 2013 at 9:05 pm

    There are a couple of militia web sites that say the Watchmen of America are connected with Neo-Nazi organizations and there are accusations that they scam money from new “members” by selling them inferior equipment or giving them nothing at all in return for their money.

    It’s interesting that Bill Williams would resort to a group such as this. How much bad publicity is this idiot willing to generate? I sense he has anger management issues. I also wonder if there is a connection with the Klan/Nazi coven in Mercer?

    Whether they are volunteers or not, they are operating under GTAC’s consent and authority. GTAC will face civil litigation, should these wannabe enforcers get carried away with themselves, as the company apppears to be operating in an increasingly criminal manner.

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