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Alex Jones vs. David Duke – The Debate Continues

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August 21, 2015 in Activism


Alex Jones must know that his behaviour during the David Duke interview was not only one of his worst performances, he’s disappointed many of his loyal fans.
Alex Jones on G+

Alex Jones must know that although he has done so much good for us in the fight for our liberty, he is failing on the most important topic of our times: Global Zionism.

This isn’t about Israel nor is it about Jews! It’s about the Zionism that infects both Jew and Gentile the whole world over. Zionism even uses violent and radical Muslims as a ‘beard’ in order to hide in plain sight. Their goal is not to create and assure a homeland for the Jews; rather, to create a world of full-spectrum dominance to be led only a few select members. This plan involves the Middle East now, but will metastasize out towards enveloping the whole world in a parasitic dominion.

David Duke may have his faults, but he also has truth in what he has spoken. We must all have the courage to listen and learn.

Alex, if you don’t heed this advice, when we finally defeat Zionism, and humanity must and will; you’ll surely be remembered for all that you have done and… for all you did not do and could have. You are treating someone in exactly the same way you have been treated yourself and complained about!

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7 responses to Alex Jones vs. David Duke – The Debate Continues

  1. For those following this post, here’s another link to a post about Alex Jones being a shill for Jews. I think you may learn from it.

    Please read at least MY comments.

  2. The Alex Jones Show for Thursday, Sept. 9th, 2015 around 01:14:00 to 01:17:00 Is excellent!
    Alex breaks down the how the Jews were robbed and sucked off of or murdered. The Holocaust narrative. The Jewish Mafia. NAZI involvment
    Alex is AT HIS BEST!!!

    (57:00) in this video.

    and here:

  3. Very disappointing Jones – Duke had you on facts, but you had Duke on fluster.

  4. Here’s an essay that tells more about the issues surrounding this ‘debate’ that people should read.

  5. Alex says – Wednesday August 26 at 02:05:03 in his show:
    “The whole crowd that hates Israel always says that only Israel is running stuff and never anyone else. And that’s my problem.”

    I sure hope he doesn’t mean what I’ve written. I know of and deeply respect many Jews. Among them Carl Sagan, Itzhak Bentov, Noam Chomsky, Itzhak Perlmann, Gilad Atzmon,…

    As I said above this isn’t about Israel, this is about global Zionism for which Israel is only a deck mantle. Zionism uses the establishment of a homeland for Jews as a cover story for a plan that really intends to full-spectrum dominate the whole world. The Saudis as well as radical Muslims are working for global Zionism as most everyone knows. Hegemony is a latent possibility that can arise out of ALL humanity. It is based out of fear and the need to control.

    Those at the top of the pyramid care nothing about Jews nor Gentiles. They have hijacked the Jewish tradition during the Middle Ages and weaponized it (Talmud) as a tool against both Jews and Goyim. The people in control don’t care in the end which ‘white’ or ‘black’ pieces on their grand chessboard are removed from the game. They play favourites only as long as it suits them (they need people to do their bidding from both sides).

    In the end we are all ‘meat for the grinder’.

  6. I agree with you: on the Wednesday show Alex at 01:18:07 talks about how he “reached out to David Duke and tried to have a real discussion with him and not just get in a fight with him, but try to explain to him the larger paradigm.” Also, he is characterizing the interview falsely.

    Which “larger paradigm” is he talking about? There is no problem larger than this Zionist blight on humanity that’s been with us for centuries!

    I really like Alex and his insights are usually spot on. In fairness to him I can understand his reluctance to endanger his name be having it associated with Dr. David Duke – not because I feel that’s right; rather, because I know it would cost him much on credibility from people who are not yet aware of how ubiquitous Zionism has become and how it’s using radical Muslims to do its work around the world.

    Dr. David Duke, although may also have his shortcomings, didn’t deserve the treatment he got on the show. Also note that the interview was pulled from the web site without a comment as to why! Perhaps there is one now. I’ll have to check.

    This proverbial ‘elephant in the living room’ will not go away by Alex ignoring it. It will be the one issue where he most let his followers down. It will not go away unless he recognizes it and addresses it just like any other threat to humanity’s welfare.

  7. 100% in agreement. i had heard the criticisms against alex for a while now that he’s too soft on israel and the zionists/jewish lobby. now i know it’s all true; no doubt whatsoever. he completely ignored everything that duke said. he didn’t even remotely entertain any of the huge amount of public data and info that duke presented. he dismissed all of it and then played some kind of stupid immature game, saying he tried to have a fair debate. it’s a miracle that he even allowed duke to come on his show.

    listening to the show today, he still continues his false narrative, one sided version of the debate. he completely twists and misrepresents duke and what happened during the debate. i only know because i heard the debate. if a person hasn’t listened to the debate, they would think it went the way that jones describes it. now i know not to trust some of the things that jones says. he’s just as much of a disinformation mouthpiece as some of the other mainstream press he demonizes.

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