December 15th, 2014
11:14 PM ET

Pennsylvania gunman kills 6, massive manhunt under way

Officials in Pennsylvania are seeking a man suspected in the deaths of six people and the serious wounding of another at three sites near Philadelphia. Authorities say Bradley William Stone killed his ex-wife and her mother, grandmother and sister, as well as the sister's husband and 14-year-old daughter. Susan Candiotti has the latest on a man police describe as armed and dangerous.

Filed under: Crime & Punishment
November 12th, 2014
10:27 PM ET

Crime & Punishment: DA speaks exclusively with AC360 about the McStay family murders

We are learning more about the case against Chase Merritt, the main suspect in the McStay case. Merrit pleaded not guilty at his arraignment today in a Victorville, California courtroom. District Attorney Michael Ramos told Randi Kaye that they only started "putting pieces of the puzzle together" about six months ago.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • McStay • Randi Kaye
October 31st, 2014
10:53 PM ET

Marshall: "I said 'what's your name,' and he said 'Eric Frein'"

Barely 24 hours since the remarkably anti-climactic capture of accused cop killer Eric Matthew Frein, on Friday evening Anderson Cooper spoke with Marshal Scott Malkowski, a member of the team that arrested the now former fugitive.

"I got about five feet away from him, I said 'what's your name, who are you,' and he said 'Eric Frein,'" Malkowski detailed in Friday's phone conversation with Cooper. "Then my team immediately took him into custody – collapsed on him – and took him into custody."

Watch the above video for further specifics from Malkowski as recalled during his "Anderson Cooper 360" interview.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • Eric Frein
October 30th, 2014
10:31 PM ET

Documentarian remembers Frein as an 'oddball'

Just hours after police captured accused cop killer Eric Matthew Frein, Thursday evening saw Anderson Cooper welcome Patrick Bresnan in search of firsthand insight and perspective.

A documentarian, Bresnan worked with Frein on the film "Vietnam Appreciation Day," and vividly remembers the former fugitive as being an arrogant outlier:

"He definitely struck me as an oddball," Bresnan told Cooper. "He saw his brand of military understanding, or military reenactment, as being much more refined."

Watch the above video for more of Bresnan's assessment and analysis of the man who had been considered to be a Top Ten Fugitive by the FBI.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • Eric Frein
October 30th, 2014
09:52 PM ET

Guests question actual survival skills of Eric Frein

Following the apprehension of Eric Matthew Frein, on Thursday evening Anderson Cooper asked guests Shane Hobel and Cade Courtley to offer their insights into how police were able to capture the man accused of killing one cop and injuring another.

As the conditions in Pennsylvania have become more challenging over recent weeks, both men suggested that Frein's abilities to successfully battle the elements were entirely overstated, a fact each felt contributed to his demise.

"It's a proof positive that his...survival skills are not up to par where it's absolutely necessary for him to be coming in and out of these areas," said Hobel, himself an expert survivalist and founder of the Mountain Scout Survival School.

Courtley, meanwhile, a former Navy SEAL, suggested Frein was not nearly the outdoorsman he fancied himself:

"The fantasy ends when you start dealing with hypothermia, exhaustion, dehydration, starvation, and sleep deprivation," he told Cooper. "I think we'll find out he's not nearly as good as he thinks maybe he is ... he fights with air rifles. If he was really that good, he would have joined up."

Watch the above video for more of Hobel and Courtley's analysis of Erin Fein.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • Eric Frein
October 30th, 2014
09:18 PM ET

The first images of a captured Eric Frein

As part of an evening which saw police apprehend Eric Matthew Frein, on Thursday Anderson Cooper aired the first images of the accused cop killer since his capture.

Appearing relatively clean cut and unharmed, save for a noticeable wound across his nose, Frein rode in the back of a police car through Pennsylvania.

Watch the above video as the CNN host shared breaking details surrounding the capture of a man who had been considered to be a Top Ten Fugitive by the FBI.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • Eric Frein
September 26th, 2014
10:41 PM ET

Beheaded in Oklahoma: a workplace dispute, or the act of a "lone wolf" terrorist?

On the surface, Friday's horrific beheading at an Oklahoma food processing plant appeared to center around a simple workplace dispute.

However, upon further investigation of the suspect – 30-year-old Alton Alexander Nolen – red flags have arisen.

Was the murder an isolated incident? Or terrorism on American soil.

Watch the above video as CNN's Martin Savidge examines a story that has brought up questions regarding the potential of a "lone wolf" inspired by Islamic extremism.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • Martin Savidge
September 26th, 2014
01:48 AM ET

Motorist to South Carolina Trooper: "Why did you shoot me?"

What would prompt a South Carolina trooper to shoot an unarmed motorist? And, what is to come next for each of them?

CNN's Martin Savidge tells the story of an African-American man, shot by a white cop, while simply reaching for the wallet in his vehicle.

"Well, you dove headfirst back into your car," explained the officer, in audio heard via the police car dash cam.

Is this a case of an honest mistake, or an unacceptable and inexplicable error?

Watch the above clip for Savidge's full report, including video of the shooting, and updates as to the physical and legal statuses of both men.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • Martin Savidge
September 25th, 2014
10:58 PM ET

Gary Tuchman: Cops forced to react in a split second

On the heels of a bizarre incident involving a South Carolina trooper charged with shooting an unarmed motorist, on Thursday evening CNN's Gary Tuchman joined "Anderson Cooper 360" with further insight and analysis of the challenges facing law enforcement officers.

Teaming with the police department in Spokane, Washington, Tuchman stepped into virtual, adrenaline-fueled scenarios to experience how the mind and body react when forced to make life and death decisions.

Watch the above video for Tuchman's full story, including the portion where the reporter takes his turn within the exercise being conducted by Washington State University.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • Gary Tuchman
September 23rd, 2014
12:28 AM ET

How to track a fugitive

Pennsylvania authorities tell CNN they've narrowed the search area for alleged cop-killer Eric Matthew Frein. The 31-year-old survivalist is wanted for the death of Pennsylvania State Police Cpl. Bryon Dickson and the shooting of another officer a week and a half ago. But the hundreds of law enforcement officers who are scouring the woods have yet to locate a man police say has extensive training as a marksman and knows his way around the woods. So, how do you track down a killer? CNN's Gary Tuchman gets a lesson in tracking fugitives from Patrick Patten, former head tracker of Eric Rudolph and Founder of the Tactical Woodland Operations School.

Filed under: Crime & Punishment
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