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Pauline Hanson's autism comments come up against war of silence

Language and communication are the key tools of politics. Yet messages are often discerned from what is not said as much as what is.

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IN FULL: Pauline Hanson's comments on autistic children in schools

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has been criticised for these comments she made about autistic children being taught in mainstream schools.

When a vulnerable government has key legislation contingent on the support of sectional interests and fringe parties, it can be surprising what it is prepared not to say.

In some kind of irony, such a situation arises around autism, the spectrum disorder affecting communication.

It arose after the awkwardly spoken leader of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party suggested children with the disorder might be taught separately from other children – so as to not hold the main group back.

Hanson's comments on Wednesday caused offence among some professionals and, most particularly, parents of autism-affected children.


A slew of political figures also weighed in, slamming the far-right senator for proposing to segregate children with learning and socialisation difficulties, thereby denying them day-to-day immersion in a standard school setting.

That Hanson has again provoked such passions is hardly news. Fanning division while rolling back the clock on social and economic policies is the far right's central project.

But the government's relative silence was noticed. As of midday on Thursday, just one senior minister, Social Security Minister Christian Porter, had hit out strongly.

All this occurred on a day when the Turnbull government's Gonski legislation awaited a vote in a complex Senate, Hanson's four senators being crucial.

Had the word gone out from the Prime Minister's Office not to publicly attack or undermine Hanson while her Gonski votes were needed? Labor claims it had, citing the absence of strident on-the-record comments from the Prime Minister.

As of Thursday's question time, that claim held some sway. But then Labor itself declined to ask the Prime Minister about it among its 12 questions allotted during the last sitting day for six weeks.

Asked if there was an unofficial gag order, the Prime Minister's Office described the suggestion as "completely and utterly false", before stating Malcolm Turnbull's position.

"The government completely rejects any suggestion children with disabilities should be segregated. Our policies, such as needs-based schools funding and the NDIS, are based on the principles of inclusion and opportunity; the belief we should help those living with disabilities live full and productive lives," Mr Turnbull stated.

Can't be clearer than that.

Like most controversies around One Nation, this was all heat and precious little light.


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