June 19, 2017 1

Because of overwhelming demand I hereby place my poem Australia 11 here for all to see.   AUSTRALIA TWO That September when we watched the sleek-hulled pride of Australia Humble the Yanks and make Connor […]


May 9, 2017 0

This Friday May 12 at 10 AM EST marks the public release of the SNAPCHAT video.  Snapchat is my anarchic, profane ode to those whose use of social media technology is boorish to say the […]


May 4, 2017 2

From my album WHEN – the doomy, noir San Tropez with the image I constructed.  Many years ago on my Kombi tour of Europe with Larry and Des we visited San Tropez which was a […]


April 26, 2017 1

Here’s a song I’d forgotten all about until Field Marshall Fritze reminded me with a lyric quotation this morning. The thing is when I located the lyric sheet and re-read I realised it was a […]


April 18, 2017 0

This Saturday 22nd April we get to play this song at the Caravan Club in Oakleigh in a very special situation – David Briggs (LRB) who mixed several tracks on WHEN and mastered the album […]

I Don’t Know What I Feel

April 4, 2017 0

     When I returned from London in 1976 it took me a little time to get back into my suburban Australian skin. Living in Brixton and travelling around Europe was a wonderful experience for […]

Hail Ray Coffey and other visionaries

March 27, 2017 0

Recently while in Perth I did an interview for RTR FM and was interested to see that 2016 marked its 40th anniversary.  This is a particularly relevant anniversary for me because 2016 was also 40 […]

Where is WHEN?

March 23, 2017 0

Having been “out of the game” of recording albums for a long time it’s amazing the kind of things that you don’t take into account.  For example, while I made sure I had enough dollars […]

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