Tuesday, June 27

STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING Vol 1 Number 2 (May-June 1988)
Second issue of this splendid (but short-lived) British magazine. Only 7 issues were printed between March 1988 and Spring 1990.
Iggy Pop & The Stooges, Country Rock, Alan Moore, Giant Sand, The Shamen, Smoke, Silver Surfer, Wire and of course Krazy Kat are featured in this excellent issue.
Here's Volume 1, Issue 2 (52 pages) printed in PDF, the bookmarks have been added for direct access to the articles featured.


jazzpunk said...

Thank you sir!

Anonymous said...

Many, Many Thanks!

Tommy C said...

Thank you Angelo for the Strange Things Are Happening magazines. I missed them totally the first time around but am enjoying them now.

binkerbo said...


I have a couple of Re-up requests if it's possible.

Bram Tchaikovsky-Paradise Theater
The Scooters-Blues Eyes
The Silencers-Romantic

Thank you


pogo said...

I'm pushing you to continue if you have some more because this magazine was really one of the great one.
Thanks for these great scans, and for the third time.

Jim H. said...

thanks much for these memories! these were such well-designed and written magazines, i looked forward to tracking them down here in the USA wherever I could when they came out!!

HeySuchAndSuch said...

Love this! Big fan of digging up old zines and almost any r&r books whatsoever...thanks for putting them up (and for re-upping!) and hope you keep the site active and alive!

Villiam Greko said...

hey there, I got some music you may be interested in. where can I contact you please?

Cory McCullough said...

Dude, Fools Face self titled from 2002, pllleeeeeaaase!

Anonymous said...

