Firefox browser

The 100% fresh, free-range, ethical browser

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Your system doesn't meet the requirements to run Firefox.

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Firefox Privacy

More speed

Bring it, Internet! We’ve spent the last year supercharging Firefox’s performance. Now start up faster, tab hop quicker and scroll like a speed demon.

Get more done with Firefox

More freedom

Following the pack isn’t our style. As part of the non-profit Mozilla, Firefox leads the fight to protect your online rights and champion an Internet that benefits everyone — not just a few.

Browse independently with Firefox

Buzz about Firefox

Vogue Culture News says:

Break up with Google.
Use a web browser you have more control over, and which has more plug-ins that you can use for privacy, such as Firefox.

Fresh from our Blog

Firefox to-go

Take Firefox to go!

Get your favorite bookmarks, passwords & more on any iOS and Android device with Firefox Sync.

Check out Firefox Sync