Media Press Kit

With over 100 Principal Investigators, CSAIL scientists conduct research covering all aspects of computer science, including artificial intelligence, the theory of computation, systems, machine learning, computer graphics, as well as exploring revolutionary new computational methods for advancing healthcare, manufacturing, energy and human productivity.

To interview a CSAIL reseacher or for more information on CSAIL, please contact

Housed in the Frank Gehry-designed Ray and Maria Stata Center for Computer, Information and Intelligence Sciences, bolstered by four decades of extraordinary discoveries, and committed to pursuing frontiers almost beyond imagining, CSAIL places computational thinking squarely in the service of human need.

CSAIL has been an engine of innovation since the founding of its predecessor, Project MAC, in 1963. Its researchers – who have brought the world time-shared computing, public key encryption, and the World Wide Web – have spawned over 100 companies, from 3COM, RSA and Lotus Development to Akamai, iRobot, Meraki, ITA Software and Rethink Robotics.