
Current members:

  • IT
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  • NL
  • LU
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  • GR
  • DE
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  • PT
  • FR
  • FR
  • NO
  • SE
  • AT
  • HU
  • NL
  • CY
  • PL
  • FI

Project managementInterested in joining ERCIM? - download the flyer in pdf

"Through a long history of successful research collaborations in projects and working groups and a highly-selective mobility programme, ERCIM has managed to become the premier network of ICT research institutions in Europe. ERCIM has a consistent presence in European Community funded research programmes conducting and promoting high-end research with European and global impact. It has a strong position in advising at the research policy level and contributes significantly to the shaping of EC framework programmes. ERCIM provides a unique pool of research resources within Europe fostering both the career development of young researchers and the synergies among established groups. Membership is a privilege."
Dimitris Plexousakis, ICS-FORTH, member of the ERCIM board and head of the ERCIM science task group

How to apply for ERCIM membership

  • Applicants (research institutes or universities) shall address a request accompanied by short description to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The description must contain:
    • Name and address of the institute;
    • Short description of the institute’s activities;
    • Staff (full time equivalent) relevant to ERCIM’s fields of activity;
    • Number of European projects in which the institute is currently involved;
    • Name of the representative and the alternate.
  • Membership applications will be reviewed by an internal board and may include an on-site visit;
  • The decision on admission of new members is made by the General Assembly of the Association, in accordance with the criteria defined in the Bylaws (see below), and notified in writing by the Secretary to the applicant;
  • Admission becomes effective upon payment of the appropriate membership fee - currently €7.500 for single institutional members - in each year of membership;
  • Membership is renewable as long as the criteria for excellence in research and an active participation in the ERCIM community, cooperating for excellence, are met.

Benefit of ERCIM membership

Institutions, as members of ERCIM AISBL, benefit from:

  • International recognition as a leading centre for ICT R&D. ERCIM, a European-wide network of centres of excellence in ICT, is internationally recognised as a major representative organisation in its field;
  • More influence on European and national government R&D strategy in ICT. ERCIM members team up to speak with a common voice and produce strategic reports to shape the European research agenda;
  • Privileged access to standardisation bodies, such as the W3C which is hosted by ERCIM as to other bodies with which ERCIM has also established strategic cooperation. These include ETSI, the European Mathematical Society and Informatics Europe;
  • Invitations to join projects of strategic importance;
  • Establishing personal contacts among executives of leading European research institutes during the bi-annual ERCIM meetings;
  • Invitations to join committees and boards developing ICT strategy nationally and internationally;
  • Excellent networking possibilities with more than 10.000 high-quality research colleagues across Europe. ERCIM’s mobility activities, such as the fellowship programme, leverages scientific cooperation and excellence;
  • Professional development of staff including international recognition;
  • Publicity through the ERCIM website and ERCIM News, the widely read quarterly magazine.

See also:
pdf Statutes
pdf Bylaws

For further information about how to join ERCIM AISBL, please contact the ERCIM Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)