RTL - RTL II ajánló ident
Az RTL testvércsatornájának, az RTL II-es (november 20-tól RTL Kettő) identje új verzióban az RTL-en.
Blog: https://mediaplusz.blog.hu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mediapluszhu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mediapluszhu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mdia58015020
published: 23 Oct 2022
Armes Deutschland - Familie Brauer - RTL II
Acht Kinder bedeuten für Achim (45) und Diana (42) nicht nur jede Menge Alltagsstress, sondern auch äußerst hohe Lebenshaltungskosten. Die Familie kalkuliert mit einem Tagesbudget von 8,60 € pro Kopf.
**Jetzt bewerben**
Zur Webseite: http://www.rtl2.de/sendung/armes-deutschland
Komplette Folgen bei TV NOW: http://www.tvnow.de/rtl2
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rtl2.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rtl2
published: 27 Nov 2017
RTL II karácsonyi arculat - 2020.12.24.
published: 24 Dec 2020
RTL II Anime Opening / Intro Quiz
Wer kennt noch alle deutschen Anime Openings der Anime die auf RTL 2 ab den 90er ausgestrahlt wurden?
Ihr habt 15 Sekunden pro Opening um den Anime zu erraten!
Viel Erfolg und natürlich ganz viel Spaß dabei :)
RTL2 Anime auf DVD/Blu-ray*:
Detektiv Conan - https://amzn.to/3ikiU3z
Sailor Moon - https://amzn.to/2XVn2jg
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne - https://amzn.to/3A3TVrz
One Piece - https://amzn.to/3ogt9tF
Kickers - https://amzn.to/3uppjj1
Digimon - https://amzn.to/3F3K4p1
Monster Rancher - https://amzn.to/2XXdBzN
Weitere Anime - https://amzn.to/3m32Zry
Besucht auch unsere anderen Kanäle:
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/viransblog
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/viransblog/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/_RanMori_
published: 25 Feb 2020
RTL II társadalmi célú hirdetés ident
Saját felvétel
Felvétel dátuma: 2020.07.20.
published: 20 Jul 2020
RTL II ajánlógrafikák - 2. rész
published: 24 Apr 2022
RTL II 6-os felhívás
published: 10 May 2021
Zwei Verlobungen in 6 Monaten?! | Armes Deutschland | RTLZWEI Dokus
Carola ist seit fast fünf Jahren arbeitslos und bezieht seit 13 Jahren Hartz-IV-Leistungen. Seit einigen Monaten lebt sie bei Lothar, einem 63-jährigen Rentner, der früher ihr Nachbar war. Die beiden sind jetzt verlobt. Carola war schon zweimal zuvor verlobt, einmal mit ihrem Ex-Mann und einmal mit einem Mann namens Stefan, mit dem sie eine Affäre hatte, während sie in einer Beziehung mit ihrem früheren Partner Willi war. Carola hat Lothar einen Brief geschrieben, in dem sie ihm einen Heiratsantrag gemacht hat, und er hat mit Ja geantwortet. Für Carola ist es wichtig, verlobt zu sein, um Ehrlichkeit und Verbindlichkeit in einer Beziehung auszudrücken.
#RTLZWEIDokus #armesdeutschland #Verlobt
Zeit für echte Inhalte: Unter der Programmmarke „RTLZWEI Dokus“ präsentiert RTLZWEI gesellsc...
published: 28 Apr 2024
"Armes Deutschland – Stempeln oder abrackern?" – RTL II
Stempeln oder abrackern? Jochen vertritt eine klare Meinung: "Arbeiten, nein danke!" Stattdessen schnorrt sich der 46-Jährige durch den Alltag und lässt es sich gut gehen. "Armes Deutschland – Stempeln oder abrackern?": Montag, 10.07.2017 bei RTL II.
Mehr Infos: https://bit.ly/2u0w4uH
Zur Webseite: http://www.rtl2.de
Komplette Folgen bei TV NOW: http://www.tvnow.de/rtl2
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rtl2.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rtl2
published: 10 Jul 2017
RTL II téli arculat - 2020. december
published: 05 Dec 2020
RTL - RTL II ajánló ident
Az RTL testvércsatornájának, az RTL II-es (november 20-tól RTL Kettő) identje új verzióban az RTL-en.
Blog: https://mediaplusz.blog.hu/
Az RTL testvércsatornájának, az RTL II-es (november 20-tól RTL Kettő) identje új verzióban az RTL-en.
Blog: https://mediaplusz.blog.hu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mediapluszhu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mediapluszhu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mdia58015020
Az RTL testvércsatornájának, az RTL II-es (november 20-tól RTL Kettő) identje új verzióban az RTL-en.
Blog: https://mediaplusz.blog.hu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mediapluszhu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mediapluszhu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mdia58015020
- published: 23 Oct 2022
- views: 12378
Armes Deutschland - Familie Brauer - RTL II
Acht Kinder bedeuten für Achim (45) und Diana (42) nicht nur jede Menge Alltagsstress, sondern auch äußerst hohe Lebenshaltungskosten. Die Familie kalkuliert mi...
Acht Kinder bedeuten für Achim (45) und Diana (42) nicht nur jede Menge Alltagsstress, sondern auch äußerst hohe Lebenshaltungskosten. Die Familie kalkuliert mit einem Tagesbudget von 8,60 € pro Kopf.
**Jetzt bewerben**
Zur Webseite: http://www.rtl2.de/sendung/armes-deutschland
Komplette Folgen bei TV NOW: http://www.tvnow.de/rtl2
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rtl2.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rtl2
Acht Kinder bedeuten für Achim (45) und Diana (42) nicht nur jede Menge Alltagsstress, sondern auch äußerst hohe Lebenshaltungskosten. Die Familie kalkuliert mit einem Tagesbudget von 8,60 € pro Kopf.
**Jetzt bewerben**
Zur Webseite: http://www.rtl2.de/sendung/armes-deutschland
Komplette Folgen bei TV NOW: http://www.tvnow.de/rtl2
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rtl2.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rtl2
- published: 27 Nov 2017
- views: 3004680
RTL II Anime Opening / Intro Quiz
Wer kennt noch alle deutschen Anime Openings der Anime die auf RTL 2 ab den 90er ausgestrahlt wurden?
Ihr habt 15 Sekunden pro Opening um den Anime zu erraten!...
Wer kennt noch alle deutschen Anime Openings der Anime die auf RTL 2 ab den 90er ausgestrahlt wurden?
Ihr habt 15 Sekunden pro Opening um den Anime zu erraten!
Viel Erfolg und natürlich ganz viel Spaß dabei :)
RTL2 Anime auf DVD/Blu-ray*:
Detektiv Conan - https://amzn.to/3ikiU3z
Sailor Moon - https://amzn.to/2XVn2jg
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne - https://amzn.to/3A3TVrz
One Piece - https://amzn.to/3ogt9tF
Kickers - https://amzn.to/3uppjj1
Digimon - https://amzn.to/3F3K4p1
Monster Rancher - https://amzn.to/2XXdBzN
Weitere Anime - https://amzn.to/3m32Zry
Besucht auch unsere anderen Kanäle:
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/viransblog
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/viransblog/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/_RanMori_
Wann lief welcher Anime erstmalig auf RTL2?
Beyblade - 2003
Detektiv Conan - 2002
Digimon - 2000
DoReMi - 2001
Dr. Slump - 2002
Dragonball - 1999
Dragonball Z - 2001
Eine fröhliche Familie - 1994
Ein Supertrio - 1995
Flint Hammerhead - 2001
Hallo! Kurt - 1995
Hamtaro - 2002
InuYasha - 2003
Jeanne, die Kamikaze-Diebin - 2001
Kickers - 1994
Lady Oscar - 1995
Mila Superstar - 1993
Monster Rancher - 2001
Nadia - 1996
Naruto - 2006
One Piece - 2003
Pokémon - 1999
Pretty Cure - 2005
Ranma 1/2 - 2002
Sailor Moon - 1997
Shaman King - 2006
Shin-Chan - 2002
Super Kickers 2006 - 2005
Wedding Peach - 2001
Yu-Gi-Oh! - 2003
Wer kennt noch alle deutschen Anime Openings der Anime die auf RTL 2 ab den 90er ausgestrahlt wurden?
Ihr habt 15 Sekunden pro Opening um den Anime zu erraten!
Viel Erfolg und natürlich ganz viel Spaß dabei :)
RTL2 Anime auf DVD/Blu-ray*:
Detektiv Conan - https://amzn.to/3ikiU3z
Sailor Moon - https://amzn.to/2XVn2jg
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne - https://amzn.to/3A3TVrz
One Piece - https://amzn.to/3ogt9tF
Kickers - https://amzn.to/3uppjj1
Digimon - https://amzn.to/3F3K4p1
Monster Rancher - https://amzn.to/2XXdBzN
Weitere Anime - https://amzn.to/3m32Zry
Besucht auch unsere anderen Kanäle:
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/viransblog
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/viransblog/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/_RanMori_
Wann lief welcher Anime erstmalig auf RTL2?
Beyblade - 2003
Detektiv Conan - 2002
Digimon - 2000
DoReMi - 2001
Dr. Slump - 2002
Dragonball - 1999
Dragonball Z - 2001
Eine fröhliche Familie - 1994
Ein Supertrio - 1995
Flint Hammerhead - 2001
Hallo! Kurt - 1995
Hamtaro - 2002
InuYasha - 2003
Jeanne, die Kamikaze-Diebin - 2001
Kickers - 1994
Lady Oscar - 1995
Mila Superstar - 1993
Monster Rancher - 2001
Nadia - 1996
Naruto - 2006
One Piece - 2003
Pokémon - 1999
Pretty Cure - 2005
Ranma 1/2 - 2002
Sailor Moon - 1997
Shaman King - 2006
Shin-Chan - 2002
Super Kickers 2006 - 2005
Wedding Peach - 2001
Yu-Gi-Oh! - 2003
- published: 25 Feb 2020
- views: 242376
Zwei Verlobungen in 6 Monaten?! | Armes Deutschland | RTLZWEI Dokus
Carola ist seit fast fünf Jahren arbeitslos und bezieht seit 13 Jahren Hartz-IV-Leistungen. Seit einigen Monaten lebt sie bei Lothar, einem 63-jährigen Rentner,...
Carola ist seit fast fünf Jahren arbeitslos und bezieht seit 13 Jahren Hartz-IV-Leistungen. Seit einigen Monaten lebt sie bei Lothar, einem 63-jährigen Rentner, der früher ihr Nachbar war. Die beiden sind jetzt verlobt. Carola war schon zweimal zuvor verlobt, einmal mit ihrem Ex-Mann und einmal mit einem Mann namens Stefan, mit dem sie eine Affäre hatte, während sie in einer Beziehung mit ihrem früheren Partner Willi war. Carola hat Lothar einen Brief geschrieben, in dem sie ihm einen Heiratsantrag gemacht hat, und er hat mit Ja geantwortet. Für Carola ist es wichtig, verlobt zu sein, um Ehrlichkeit und Verbindlichkeit in einer Beziehung auszudrücken.
#RTLZWEIDokus #armesdeutschland #Verlobt
Zeit für echte Inhalte: Unter der Programmmarke „RTLZWEI Dokus“ präsentiert RTLZWEI gesellschaftlich relevante Themen und Fragestellungen. Alle Einzelfilme verbindet eine gewichtige Gemeinsamkeit: Auf den Bildschirm kommen hochwertige journalistische Inhalte, jung und packend erzählt - das ist kein Widerspruch, das sind „RTLZWEI Dokus“!
Abonniere RTLZWEI Dokus für neue Clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx7m16BsXrMYxiroXh0_awQ?sub_confirmation=1
Hier kannst du dir ganze Folgen anschauen: https://www.tvnow.de/shows/die-rtlzwei-doku-8108?utm_source=rtl2youtube&utm;_medium=Infobox&utm;_campaign=RTL_II Doku&utm;_content=RTL_II Doku
Carola ist seit fast fünf Jahren arbeitslos und bezieht seit 13 Jahren Hartz-IV-Leistungen. Seit einigen Monaten lebt sie bei Lothar, einem 63-jährigen Rentner, der früher ihr Nachbar war. Die beiden sind jetzt verlobt. Carola war schon zweimal zuvor verlobt, einmal mit ihrem Ex-Mann und einmal mit einem Mann namens Stefan, mit dem sie eine Affäre hatte, während sie in einer Beziehung mit ihrem früheren Partner Willi war. Carola hat Lothar einen Brief geschrieben, in dem sie ihm einen Heiratsantrag gemacht hat, und er hat mit Ja geantwortet. Für Carola ist es wichtig, verlobt zu sein, um Ehrlichkeit und Verbindlichkeit in einer Beziehung auszudrücken.
#RTLZWEIDokus #armesdeutschland #Verlobt
Zeit für echte Inhalte: Unter der Programmmarke „RTLZWEI Dokus“ präsentiert RTLZWEI gesellschaftlich relevante Themen und Fragestellungen. Alle Einzelfilme verbindet eine gewichtige Gemeinsamkeit: Auf den Bildschirm kommen hochwertige journalistische Inhalte, jung und packend erzählt - das ist kein Widerspruch, das sind „RTLZWEI Dokus“!
Abonniere RTLZWEI Dokus für neue Clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx7m16BsXrMYxiroXh0_awQ?sub_confirmation=1
Hier kannst du dir ganze Folgen anschauen: https://www.tvnow.de/shows/die-rtlzwei-doku-8108?utm_source=rtl2youtube&utm;_medium=Infobox&utm;_campaign=RTL_II Doku&utm;_content=RTL_II Doku
- published: 28 Apr 2024
- views: 360975
"Armes Deutschland – Stempeln oder abrackern?" – RTL II
Stempeln oder abrackern? Jochen vertritt eine klare Meinung: "Arbeiten, nein danke!" Stattdessen schnorrt sich der 46-Jährige durch den Alltag und lässt es sich...
Stempeln oder abrackern? Jochen vertritt eine klare Meinung: "Arbeiten, nein danke!" Stattdessen schnorrt sich der 46-Jährige durch den Alltag und lässt es sich gut gehen. "Armes Deutschland – Stempeln oder abrackern?": Montag, 10.07.2017 bei RTL II.
Mehr Infos: https://bit.ly/2u0w4uH
Zur Webseite: http://www.rtl2.de
Komplette Folgen bei TV NOW: http://www.tvnow.de/rtl2
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rtl2.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rtl2
Stempeln oder abrackern? Jochen vertritt eine klare Meinung: "Arbeiten, nein danke!" Stattdessen schnorrt sich der 46-Jährige durch den Alltag und lässt es sich gut gehen. "Armes Deutschland – Stempeln oder abrackern?": Montag, 10.07.2017 bei RTL II.
Mehr Infos: https://bit.ly/2u0w4uH
Zur Webseite: http://www.rtl2.de
Komplette Folgen bei TV NOW: http://www.tvnow.de/rtl2
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rtl2.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rtl2
- published: 10 Jul 2017
- views: 1461025
TOP 10 Things to do in BUDAPEST | Hungary Travel Guide in 4K
🔥📚 Get our Budapest PDF travel guide for ONLY $6.99 👉 https://gum.co/BdpGD 🔥
By purchasing our travel guide you're also helping us sustain this channel - ❤️ BIG Thank You!
In this video, we’ll show you the top 10 things to do in Budapest.
Looking for quick and easy access to the attractions we mentioned in the video? You can book them through our TrueSpots page!
👉 https://www.truespots.com/creators/hungry-passport?destination=budapest-hungary
0:00 Intro
0:29 10. Hungarian Parliament Building
1:38 9. Thermal baths like Széchenyi Thermal Bath
2:36 8. Széchenyi Chain Bridge
3:20 7. Fisherman's Bastion
4:16 6. Buda Castle
5:07 5. Ruin Pubs like Szimpla Kert
5:49 4. Citadella & Liberty Statue
6:28 3. House of Terror Museum
7:23 2. Central Market Hall
8:16 1. City Park with Heroes...
published: 04 Dec 2019
BUDAPEST: 15 Things you MUST KNOW before visiting! | Hungary Travel Guide
Before visiting Budapest it's best to know some things to make sure you have a great time! In this video we share 15 things you must know so that your trip to the Hungary's capital will be the best it could be!
Budapest is popular among tourists across the world because of it's nice architecture, the good food and generally great vibe. I myself as a local love the city for the same reasons. However there are things that may be strange for some visitors, or things that if not known could lead to some confusing situations.
If you wish to Support the work that we do then consider Joining our Membership! We share behind the scene information and updates to our Special Map of Budapest and the Country! Check it out here, we're grateful for all...
published: 16 Jul 2023
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Hungary | Hungary Travel Video
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Hungary | Hungary Travel Video
#hungary #hungarytravel #budapest
Welcome to our video guide on the top 10 best places to visit in Hungary!
Hungary is much more than its glittering capital with its stunning lakes, densely forested landscapes, statuesque castles, amazing caves, magnificent churches, and quaint villages.
This magnificent central European country evokes a strong sense of culture, history, and tradition at its every turn. It is a landlocked country that spans over the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to
the North, Ukraine to the northeast, Serbia to the South, Slovenia and Croatia to the southwest, Romania to the east and southeast, and Austria to the west. Lush valleys, picturesque lakes and spectacular mountains surrounding land...
published: 11 Mar 2023
Personalized 1-on-1 language lessons with native teachers on italki🎉 Buy $10 get $5 for free for your first lesson using my code GEOPOLD:
Web: https://go.italki.com/geopold
App: https://italki.app.link/geopold
Big shout out to the boys @LivingIronicallyinEurope @Gattsu @wowmao for helping w the video
patreon; @geopold
instagram: @leowpold
#hungary #budapest #europe #italki #tourism #hungaryexplained
published: 16 Jan 2024
Budapest: The Best of Hungary
Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide © 2004 | We soak in elegance at the thermal Széchenyi Baths, stomp and slap with traditional dancers at a folk concert, visit the Communist All-Stars in Statue Park, remember Hungary's secret police at the House of Terror, sample some paprika in the Great Indoor Market Hall, and cruise under floodlit monuments on the Danube. #ricksteveseurope #budapest #hungary
Visit http://www.ricksteves.com for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe.
Check out more Rick Steves’ Europe travel resources:
• “Rick Steves’ Europe” public television series: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/tv-show
• “Travel with Rick Steves” public radio program: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/audio/radio
• European Tours: http...
published: 14 May 2014
Hungary is like a hidden gem in Europe, filled with stories, history, and charm around every corner. From the majestic Danube River slicing through Budapest to the timeless thermal baths that draw people year-round, this place is a blend of elegance and tradition. Picture yourself wandering through medieval castles, gazing at stunning architecture, and taking in the serene landscapes of Lake Balaton. But it’s not just the places—Hungary’s warm-hearted locals bring a unique spirit, rooted in rich culture and lively festivals. And did you know Hungary has some fascinating quirks you wouldn’t expect? Stick around to uncover what makes Hungary so unique and full of surprises!
I put a lot of work into this video with my team – researching, writing, recording, and editing. Please ask before us...
published: 14 Nov 2024
Hungary & Serbia Join Forces: Orban Warns Ukraine Could Trigger Europe’s Energy Catastrophe!
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has raised alarms over a potential energy crisis in Europe, triggered by Ukraine halting gas transit and compounded by Western sanctions. Teaming up with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Orbán vowed to safeguard their nations’ energy security, relying heavily on the Turkish Stream pipeline. As U.S. sanctions target Serbia's energy giant NIS and Russian gas routes through Ukraine cease, Hungary and Serbia are strengthening ties to protect their energy independence amidst escalating geopolitical tensions.
#orban #eu #russia #serbia #ukraine #tnworld #timesnowworld #worldnews #internationalnews #timesnews #newsworld
Subscribe now: http://bit.ly/3VHIl37
Times Now World is your definitive source for comprehensive global news and analysis.
At Times Now...
published: 19 Jan 2025
Amazing Places to visit in Hungary - Travel Video
Hungary is one of the most affordable and satisfying tourist destinations on the European Continent. Come along and pack your swimsuit and camera, and enjoy the Hungarian hot springs, the romantic architecture, and the country's best places to visit!
00:00 Why visiting Hungary
00:44 Budapest
01:51 Balaton Lake
03:10 Esztergom
04:04 Eger
05:05 Balatonfüred
06:01 Miskolc
06:57 Veszprém
07:39 Lillafüred
08:31 Szentendre
09:12 Siófok
09:59 Reason for visiting Hungary
#Hungary #Places #Travel
published: 23 Aug 2022
#0005 - Experiences of an International Student in Hungary with Michelle
🛩️ From Kenya to Hungary: A Female Pilot's Incredible Journey! | Michelle Wawire's Story
Join us as Michelle Wawire (https://www.instagram.com/cadet.michelle_) takes us on her inspiring journey from Kenya to becoming a pilot in Hungary! 🌍✈️ Breaking barriers in aviation, Michelle opens up about navigating a male-dominated industry while adapting to life in a completely new culture.
Discover how this ambitious girl:
- Conquered the challenges of pilot training in a foreign country
- Mastered Hungarian language and culture
- Built a supportive community far from home
- Balanced traditions from Kenya with Hungarian lifestyle
- Transformed personal struggles into strength
Plus, get real insights about studying in Hungary, from admission processes to daily student life! Michelle shares heart...
published: 17 Jan 2025
Hungary SOLVED The Immigration Crisis: Here's HOW
In 2015, Hungary faced an invasion unlike anything it had ever seen. Over 390,000 asylum seekers flooded across its borders in just a few months, creating a national emergency that threatened to overwhelm the country. Makeshift camps sprang up, sanitation collapsed, and resources were stretched to the breaking point. Hungary was on the brink of chaos. But in a stunning turn of events, the Hungarian government took radical action. Within a year, illegal border crossings had plummeted by over 99%.
In today's video we look at Hungary SOLVED The Immigration Crisis: Here's HOW
Subscribe for dark side of, world history, and economy documentary. Inspired by Explained with Dom, MoodSide, and ReYOUniverse.
Inspired by Denmark Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE: Here’s Why
Inspired by Germany Doe...
published: 12 Jul 2024
TOP 10 Things to do in BUDAPEST | Hungary Travel Guide in 4K
🔥📚 Get our Budapest PDF travel guide for ONLY $6.99 👉 https://gum.co/BdpGD 🔥
By purchasing our travel guide you're also helping us sustain this channel - ❤️ BIG...
🔥📚 Get our Budapest PDF travel guide for ONLY $6.99 👉 https://gum.co/BdpGD 🔥
By purchasing our travel guide you're also helping us sustain this channel - ❤️ BIG Thank You!
In this video, we’ll show you the top 10 things to do in Budapest.
Looking for quick and easy access to the attractions we mentioned in the video? You can book them through our TrueSpots page!
👉 https://www.truespots.com/creators/hungry-passport?destination=budapest-hungary
0:00 Intro
0:29 10. Hungarian Parliament Building
1:38 9. Thermal baths like Széchenyi Thermal Bath
2:36 8. Széchenyi Chain Bridge
3:20 7. Fisherman's Bastion
4:16 6. Buda Castle
5:07 5. Ruin Pubs like Szimpla Kert
5:49 4. Citadella & Liberty Statue
6:28 3. House of Terror Museum
7:23 2. Central Market Hall
8:16 1. City Park with Heroes’ Square, Vajdahunyad Castle, etc.
⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hungrypassporttravel/
⭐Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hungrypassporttravel/
⭐Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hungry_Passport
For collaboration and inquiries: hpassport.travel(at)gmail.com
👉Visit our WEBSITE: https://www.hungrypassport.xyz/
#budapest #travelguide #top10
🔥📚 Get our Budapest PDF travel guide for ONLY $6.99 👉 https://gum.co/BdpGD 🔥
By purchasing our travel guide you're also helping us sustain this channel - ❤️ BIG Thank You!
In this video, we’ll show you the top 10 things to do in Budapest.
Looking for quick and easy access to the attractions we mentioned in the video? You can book them through our TrueSpots page!
👉 https://www.truespots.com/creators/hungry-passport?destination=budapest-hungary
0:00 Intro
0:29 10. Hungarian Parliament Building
1:38 9. Thermal baths like Széchenyi Thermal Bath
2:36 8. Széchenyi Chain Bridge
3:20 7. Fisherman's Bastion
4:16 6. Buda Castle
5:07 5. Ruin Pubs like Szimpla Kert
5:49 4. Citadella & Liberty Statue
6:28 3. House of Terror Museum
7:23 2. Central Market Hall
8:16 1. City Park with Heroes’ Square, Vajdahunyad Castle, etc.
⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hungrypassporttravel/
⭐Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hungrypassporttravel/
⭐Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hungry_Passport
For collaboration and inquiries: hpassport.travel(at)gmail.com
👉Visit our WEBSITE: https://www.hungrypassport.xyz/
#budapest #travelguide #top10
- published: 04 Dec 2019
- views: 1564342
BUDAPEST: 15 Things you MUST KNOW before visiting! | Hungary Travel Guide
Before visiting Budapest it's best to know some things to make sure you have a great time! In this video we share 15 things you must know so that your trip to t...
Before visiting Budapest it's best to know some things to make sure you have a great time! In this video we share 15 things you must know so that your trip to the Hungary's capital will be the best it could be!
Budapest is popular among tourists across the world because of it's nice architecture, the good food and generally great vibe. I myself as a local love the city for the same reasons. However there are things that may be strange for some visitors, or things that if not known could lead to some confusing situations.
If you wish to Support the work that we do then consider Joining our Membership! We share behind the scene information and updates to our Special Map of Budapest and the Country! Check it out here, we're grateful for all the support!
You can also check out our Merch:
In this video we are covering the following topics you must know about before visiting Budapest:
- Is Budapest cheap or expensive?
- Is Budapest a Safe city to visit? What are the scams you should be aware of?
- What are Hungarian people like?
- What are the Tourist Traps you should know about?
- Should you use cash or card? And is it Euro or Forint (local currency?)
- How does tipping work in Budapest?
- What about Vegan and Vegetarian restaurants in Budapest?
- Are there Hungarian words you should know?
- What do you need to know about Public Transport?
- Whats the situation with Public Toilets?
- Are there any things that are Overrated?
- Are all buildings beatiful? All streets clean and nice?
- Are there areas you should avoid for accomodation?
- Whats the situation with Smoking?
- What are the common misconceptions thanks to the Internet?
** If you want to support the Channel and help us keep making content then please Like the Video and Subscribe to the Channel. Thank you :) **
If you have more questions about traveling to Budapest, we answer the most common questions in this video, so check it out:
If you want to know more about how Expensive Budapest is, here is a video we made in Februrary:
Want to know what are the best things to do in Budapest? Check our our top 10 things to do Video:
I'm a local youtuber born and raised in Hungary, Budapest.
I love my country and I would like to share my experience and knowledge about Hungary and Budapest as a local for those who want to spend their time here, either as a tourist or as an expat.
Consider Subscribing to the Channel and Like the video if you enjoy the content and would like to know more about Hungary and Budapest.
You can follow me on Instagram:
and Twitter:
Average Annual Full-time adjusted Salary per Employee 2021 Chart from Eurostat:
Painting of The Self- Sacrifice of Titusz Dugovics - by Alexander von Wagner - part of Public Domain
Painting of the Battle of Pákozd - artists: Zalder, F. (artist), Rauh, J. (lithographer) - part of Public Domain
Photograph of the destroyed Chain Bridge and Buda Palace - FOTO:Fortepan — ID 16247 - Donor: Kurutz Márton - under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Photograph if Ferenc Szálasi - 1944 - by Faupel from Wikipedia: Attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-680-8284A-37A / Faupel / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Photograph: A Soviet tank attempts to clear a road barricade in Budapest, Hungary. - from CIA, via Wikipedia - part of the Public Domain
Photograph of Pea Pottage: from Sóbors
Photograph of Mushroom Paprikash: https://mesinasi.hu/tejszines-gombaporkolt-gombapaprikas/
Articles about Beer Clinking in Hungary:
00:00 Intro
00:28 Budapest isn't Super Cheap
01:07 Scams and Safety
01:40 Hungarian Mentality
02:34 Tourist Traps
03:08 Cash or Card?
03:45 To TIp or not to Tip?
04:20 Vegans and Vegetarians
04:59 Hungarian Words to Know
06:01 Validate your Tickets!
06:36 Public Toilets
07:01 Overrated Things
07:47 Worn down Streets
08:33 The Party District
09:08 Smoking Rules
09:43 Internet Misunderstandings
11:07 Outro
#budapest #budapesttravel #bestofbudapest #hungarytravel #wowhungary #visithungary
Before visiting Budapest it's best to know some things to make sure you have a great time! In this video we share 15 things you must know so that your trip to the Hungary's capital will be the best it could be!
Budapest is popular among tourists across the world because of it's nice architecture, the good food and generally great vibe. I myself as a local love the city for the same reasons. However there are things that may be strange for some visitors, or things that if not known could lead to some confusing situations.
If you wish to Support the work that we do then consider Joining our Membership! We share behind the scene information and updates to our Special Map of Budapest and the Country! Check it out here, we're grateful for all the support!
You can also check out our Merch:
In this video we are covering the following topics you must know about before visiting Budapest:
- Is Budapest cheap or expensive?
- Is Budapest a Safe city to visit? What are the scams you should be aware of?
- What are Hungarian people like?
- What are the Tourist Traps you should know about?
- Should you use cash or card? And is it Euro or Forint (local currency?)
- How does tipping work in Budapest?
- What about Vegan and Vegetarian restaurants in Budapest?
- Are there Hungarian words you should know?
- What do you need to know about Public Transport?
- Whats the situation with Public Toilets?
- Are there any things that are Overrated?
- Are all buildings beatiful? All streets clean and nice?
- Are there areas you should avoid for accomodation?
- Whats the situation with Smoking?
- What are the common misconceptions thanks to the Internet?
** If you want to support the Channel and help us keep making content then please Like the Video and Subscribe to the Channel. Thank you :) **
If you have more questions about traveling to Budapest, we answer the most common questions in this video, so check it out:
If you want to know more about how Expensive Budapest is, here is a video we made in Februrary:
Want to know what are the best things to do in Budapest? Check our our top 10 things to do Video:
I'm a local youtuber born and raised in Hungary, Budapest.
I love my country and I would like to share my experience and knowledge about Hungary and Budapest as a local for those who want to spend their time here, either as a tourist or as an expat.
Consider Subscribing to the Channel and Like the video if you enjoy the content and would like to know more about Hungary and Budapest.
You can follow me on Instagram:
and Twitter:
Average Annual Full-time adjusted Salary per Employee 2021 Chart from Eurostat:
Painting of The Self- Sacrifice of Titusz Dugovics - by Alexander von Wagner - part of Public Domain
Painting of the Battle of Pákozd - artists: Zalder, F. (artist), Rauh, J. (lithographer) - part of Public Domain
Photograph of the destroyed Chain Bridge and Buda Palace - FOTO:Fortepan — ID 16247 - Donor: Kurutz Márton - under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Photograph if Ferenc Szálasi - 1944 - by Faupel from Wikipedia: Attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-680-8284A-37A / Faupel / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Photograph: A Soviet tank attempts to clear a road barricade in Budapest, Hungary. - from CIA, via Wikipedia - part of the Public Domain
Photograph of Pea Pottage: from Sóbors
Photograph of Mushroom Paprikash: https://mesinasi.hu/tejszines-gombaporkolt-gombapaprikas/
Articles about Beer Clinking in Hungary:
00:00 Intro
00:28 Budapest isn't Super Cheap
01:07 Scams and Safety
01:40 Hungarian Mentality
02:34 Tourist Traps
03:08 Cash or Card?
03:45 To TIp or not to Tip?
04:20 Vegans and Vegetarians
04:59 Hungarian Words to Know
06:01 Validate your Tickets!
06:36 Public Toilets
07:01 Overrated Things
07:47 Worn down Streets
08:33 The Party District
09:08 Smoking Rules
09:43 Internet Misunderstandings
11:07 Outro
#budapest #budapesttravel #bestofbudapest #hungarytravel #wowhungary #visithungary
- published: 16 Jul 2023
- views: 543208
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Hungary | Hungary Travel Video
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Hungary | Hungary Travel Video
#hungary #hungarytravel #budapest
Welcome to our video guide on the top 10 best places to visit ...
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Hungary | Hungary Travel Video
#hungary #hungarytravel #budapest
Welcome to our video guide on the top 10 best places to visit in Hungary!
Hungary is much more than its glittering capital with its stunning lakes, densely forested landscapes, statuesque castles, amazing caves, magnificent churches, and quaint villages.
This magnificent central European country evokes a strong sense of culture, history, and tradition at its every turn. It is a landlocked country that spans over the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to
the North, Ukraine to the northeast, Serbia to the South, Slovenia and Croatia to the southwest, Romania to the east and southeast, and Austria to the west. Lush valleys, picturesque lakes and spectacular mountains surrounding landscapes provide a stunning backdrop, excellent sightseeing options, and countless opportunities for adventure
enthusiasts, including camping, hiking, biking, and climbing.
Join us as we discover the top 10 tourist attractions in Hungary, from bustling cities to the peaceful countryside. Whether you're interested in history, or culture, or just want to experience the beauty of Eastern Europe, Hungary has something for everyone.
Keywords: Hungary travel, Budapest travel, Best places to visit in Hungary, Top 10 tourist attractions in Hungary, Hungary tourism, Hungarian culture, Danube river cruise, Hungarian cuisine, Hungarian history, Budapest architecture, Hungary, Budapest, Travel, Tourism, Top 10, Tourist attractions, Culture, History, Architecture, Food, Danube River, Eastern Europe, European destinations, City breaks, Sightseeing.
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Hungary Budapest
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Hungary airport Budapest
about Hungary country
Hungary beautiful places
Hungary Budapest city tour
Hungary beach
Hungary best places to visit
Hungary Budapest tour
Hungary beauty
Hungary beach walk
Hungary best cities
Hungary best places
Hungary culture
Hungary documentary
Hungary documentary history
Hungary drone footage
Hungary drone 4K
Hungary drone view
Budapest Hungary drone
Hungary Europe country
Hungary most beautiful places
Hungary train
Hungary tour
Hungary travel vlog
Hungary to Italy
Hungary tourism
Hungary tourist places
Hungary travel guide
Hungary to Portugal by train
Hungary traditional food
Hungary travel documentary
Hungary travel video
Hungary travel itinerary
Hungary travel 2023
Hungary travel tips
Hungary travel blog
Hungary travel 4K
Budapest Hungary travel guide
best places to travel in Hungary
best places to visit in Hungary
Hungary travel
Budapest travel
Best places to visit in Hungary
Top 10 tourist attractions in Hungary
Hungary tourism
Hungarian culture
Danube river cruise
Hungarian cuisine
Hungarian history
Budapest architecture
Top 10
Tourist attractions
Danube River
Eastern Europe
European destinations
City breaks
top 10 places to visit in Budapest hungary
top 10 places to visit in hungary
10 best places to visit in hungary
10 best places to visit in hungary 2023
best places to visit
travel video
Budapest Hungary
Hungary tourism
Hungary travel guide
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Visit in Hungary
Budapest travel tips
10 Best Places
Hungary Travel
Hungary places to visit
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10 places to visit in hungary
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Best Places to Visit
virtual tours
Tourist destination
TOP 10 Things to do in BUDAPEST
Hungary Travel Guide in 4K
Things to do in BUDAPEST
10 Best Places to Visit in Hungary
Budapest Hungary
Balaton Lake Hungary
Esztergom Hungary
Hungary Travel Guide 2023
Best Places to Visit in Hungary in 2023
Hungary Travel
Hungary places to visit
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budapest hungary
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budapest things to do
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Hungary | Hungary Travel Video
#hungary #hungarytravel #budapest
Welcome to our video guide on the top 10 best places to visit in Hungary!
Hungary is much more than its glittering capital with its stunning lakes, densely forested landscapes, statuesque castles, amazing caves, magnificent churches, and quaint villages.
This magnificent central European country evokes a strong sense of culture, history, and tradition at its every turn. It is a landlocked country that spans over the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to
the North, Ukraine to the northeast, Serbia to the South, Slovenia and Croatia to the southwest, Romania to the east and southeast, and Austria to the west. Lush valleys, picturesque lakes and spectacular mountains surrounding landscapes provide a stunning backdrop, excellent sightseeing options, and countless opportunities for adventure
enthusiasts, including camping, hiking, biking, and climbing.
Join us as we discover the top 10 tourist attractions in Hungary, from bustling cities to the peaceful countryside. Whether you're interested in history, or culture, or just want to experience the beauty of Eastern Europe, Hungary has something for everyone.
Keywords: Hungary travel, Budapest travel, Best places to visit in Hungary, Top 10 tourist attractions in Hungary, Hungary tourism, Hungarian culture, Danube river cruise, Hungarian cuisine, Hungarian history, Budapest architecture, Hungary, Budapest, Travel, Tourism, Top 10, Tourist attractions, Culture, History, Architecture, Food, Danube River, Eastern Europe, European destinations, City breaks, Sightseeing.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scenichunter
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/scenichunterofficial/_created/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scenichunterofficial/
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Hungary 2023
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Hungary Budapest
Hungary attractions
Hungary and Poland
Hungary airlines
Hungary alternate history
Hungary airport Budapest
about Hungary country
Hungary beautiful places
Hungary Budapest city tour
Hungary beach
Hungary best places to visit
Hungary Budapest tour
Hungary beauty
Hungary beach walk
Hungary best cities
Hungary best places
Hungary culture
Hungary documentary
Hungary documentary history
Hungary drone footage
Hungary drone 4K
Hungary drone view
Budapest Hungary drone
Hungary Europe country
Hungary most beautiful places
Hungary train
Hungary tour
Hungary travel vlog
Hungary to Italy
Hungary tourism
Hungary tourist places
Hungary travel guide
Hungary to Portugal by train
Hungary traditional food
Hungary travel documentary
Hungary travel video
Hungary travel itinerary
Hungary travel 2023
Hungary travel tips
Hungary travel blog
Hungary travel 4K
Budapest Hungary travel guide
best places to travel in Hungary
best places to visit in Hungary
Hungary travel
Budapest travel
Best places to visit in Hungary
Top 10 tourist attractions in Hungary
Hungary tourism
Hungarian culture
Danube river cruise
Hungarian cuisine
Hungarian history
Budapest architecture
Top 10
Tourist attractions
Danube River
Eastern Europe
European destinations
City breaks
top 10 places to visit in Budapest hungary
top 10 places to visit in hungary
10 best places to visit in hungary
10 best places to visit in hungary 2023
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travel video
Budapest Hungary
Hungary tourism
Hungary travel guide
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Visit in Hungary
Budapest travel tips
10 Best Places
Hungary Travel
Hungary places to visit
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10 places to visit in hungary
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Best Places to Visit
virtual tours
Tourist destination
TOP 10 Things to do in BUDAPEST
Hungary Travel Guide in 4K
Things to do in BUDAPEST
10 Best Places to Visit in Hungary
Budapest Hungary
Balaton Lake Hungary
Esztergom Hungary
Hungary Travel Guide 2023
Best Places to Visit in Hungary in 2023
Hungary Travel
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budapest things to do
- published: 11 Mar 2023
- views: 259642
Personalized 1-on-1 language lessons with native teachers on italki🎉 Buy $10 get $5 for free for your first lesson using my code GEOPOLD:
Web: https://go.italki...
Personalized 1-on-1 language lessons with native teachers on italki🎉 Buy $10 get $5 for free for your first lesson using my code GEOPOLD:
Web: https://go.italki.com/geopold
App: https://italki.app.link/geopold
Big shout out to the boys @LivingIronicallyinEurope @Gattsu @wowmao for helping w the video
patreon; @geopold
instagram: @leowpold
#hungary #budapest #europe #italki #tourism #hungaryexplained
Personalized 1-on-1 language lessons with native teachers on italki🎉 Buy $10 get $5 for free for your first lesson using my code GEOPOLD:
Web: https://go.italki.com/geopold
App: https://italki.app.link/geopold
Big shout out to the boys @LivingIronicallyinEurope @Gattsu @wowmao for helping w the video
patreon; @geopold
instagram: @leowpold
#hungary #budapest #europe #italki #tourism #hungaryexplained
- published: 16 Jan 2024
- views: 1420483
Budapest: The Best of Hungary
Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide © 2004 | We soak in elegance at the thermal Széchenyi Baths, stomp and slap with traditional dancers at a folk concert, visit t...
Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide © 2004 | We soak in elegance at the thermal Széchenyi Baths, stomp and slap with traditional dancers at a folk concert, visit the Communist All-Stars in Statue Park, remember Hungary's secret police at the House of Terror, sample some paprika in the Great Indoor Market Hall, and cruise under floodlit monuments on the Danube. #ricksteveseurope #budapest #hungary
Visit http://www.ricksteves.com for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe.
Check out more Rick Steves’ Europe travel resources:
• “Rick Steves’ Europe” public television series: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/tv-show
• “Travel with Rick Steves” public radio program: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/audio/radio
• European Tours: https://www.ricksteves.com/tours
• Guidebooks: https://store.ricksteves.com/shop/guidebooks
• Travel Gear: https://store.ricksteves.com/shop/
• Travel Classes: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/travel-talks
• Rick Steves Audio Europe App: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/audio/audio-europe
Rick Steves, America's most respected authority on European travel, writes European travel guidebooks, and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio.
00:00 Introduction
03:16 Parliament
04:23 Széchenyi Baths
05:32 Buda, Castle Hill
08:47 Chain Bridge
09:33 Pest
10:00 Hungarian State Opera House
11:21 Travel tips
13:17 Great Indoor Market Hall
15:05 City planning history
16:29 Heroes' Square, City Park
17:38 Great Synagogue
19:09 Shopping district
20:28 House of Terror
22:38 Memento Park
24:35 Conclusion
Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide © 2004 | We soak in elegance at the thermal Széchenyi Baths, stomp and slap with traditional dancers at a folk concert, visit the Communist All-Stars in Statue Park, remember Hungary's secret police at the House of Terror, sample some paprika in the Great Indoor Market Hall, and cruise under floodlit monuments on the Danube. #ricksteveseurope #budapest #hungary
Visit http://www.ricksteves.com for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe.
Check out more Rick Steves’ Europe travel resources:
• “Rick Steves’ Europe” public television series: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/tv-show
• “Travel with Rick Steves” public radio program: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/audio/radio
• European Tours: https://www.ricksteves.com/tours
• Guidebooks: https://store.ricksteves.com/shop/guidebooks
• Travel Gear: https://store.ricksteves.com/shop/
• Travel Classes: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/travel-talks
• Rick Steves Audio Europe App: https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/audio/audio-europe
Rick Steves, America's most respected authority on European travel, writes European travel guidebooks, and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio.
00:00 Introduction
03:16 Parliament
04:23 Széchenyi Baths
05:32 Buda, Castle Hill
08:47 Chain Bridge
09:33 Pest
10:00 Hungarian State Opera House
11:21 Travel tips
13:17 Great Indoor Market Hall
15:05 City planning history
16:29 Heroes' Square, City Park
17:38 Great Synagogue
19:09 Shopping district
20:28 House of Terror
22:38 Memento Park
24:35 Conclusion
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 4383507
Hungary is like a hidden gem in Europe, filled with stories, history, and charm around every corner. From the majestic Danube River slicing through Budapest to ...
Hungary is like a hidden gem in Europe, filled with stories, history, and charm around every corner. From the majestic Danube River slicing through Budapest to the timeless thermal baths that draw people year-round, this place is a blend of elegance and tradition. Picture yourself wandering through medieval castles, gazing at stunning architecture, and taking in the serene landscapes of Lake Balaton. But it’s not just the places—Hungary’s warm-hearted locals bring a unique spirit, rooted in rich culture and lively festivals. And did you know Hungary has some fascinating quirks you wouldn’t expect? Stick around to uncover what makes Hungary so unique and full of surprises!
I put a lot of work into this video with my team – researching, writing, recording, and editing. Please ask before using it, and I really hope you enjoy it!
Hungary is like a hidden gem in Europe, filled with stories, history, and charm around every corner. From the majestic Danube River slicing through Budapest to the timeless thermal baths that draw people year-round, this place is a blend of elegance and tradition. Picture yourself wandering through medieval castles, gazing at stunning architecture, and taking in the serene landscapes of Lake Balaton. But it’s not just the places—Hungary’s warm-hearted locals bring a unique spirit, rooted in rich culture and lively festivals. And did you know Hungary has some fascinating quirks you wouldn’t expect? Stick around to uncover what makes Hungary so unique and full of surprises!
I put a lot of work into this video with my team – researching, writing, recording, and editing. Please ask before using it, and I really hope you enjoy it!
- published: 14 Nov 2024
- views: 112400
Hungary & Serbia Join Forces: Orban Warns Ukraine Could Trigger Europe’s Energy Catastrophe!
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has raised alarms over a potential energy crisis in Europe, triggered by Ukraine halting gas transit and compounded by Wes...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has raised alarms over a potential energy crisis in Europe, triggered by Ukraine halting gas transit and compounded by Western sanctions. Teaming up with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Orbán vowed to safeguard their nations’ energy security, relying heavily on the Turkish Stream pipeline. As U.S. sanctions target Serbia's energy giant NIS and Russian gas routes through Ukraine cease, Hungary and Serbia are strengthening ties to protect their energy independence amidst escalating geopolitical tensions.
#orban #eu #russia #serbia #ukraine #tnworld #timesnowworld #worldnews #internationalnews #timesnews #newsworld
Subscribe now: http://bit.ly/3VHIl37
Times Now World is your definitive source for comprehensive global news and analysis.
At Times Now World, we bring you breaking news and real-time updates on US news, US elections, Trump, Biden, Putin, Zelensky, Russia-Ukraine war, Israel-Hamas conflict, Gaza, China-Taiwan tensions, Hungary news, NATO updates, and EU developments. Stay informed with our in-depth coverage of politics, economics, and current affairs, exclusively on Times Now World. Explore diverse perspectives and expert insights on international relations, technology, and more, all on Times Now World.
Engage with dynamic discussions on global issues, including NATO news and EU updates, on Times Now World.
Follow compelling stories and impactful reports on Times Now World. Discover the pulse of international affairs with Times Now World's extensive coverage of global events.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has raised alarms over a potential energy crisis in Europe, triggered by Ukraine halting gas transit and compounded by Western sanctions. Teaming up with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Orbán vowed to safeguard their nations’ energy security, relying heavily on the Turkish Stream pipeline. As U.S. sanctions target Serbia's energy giant NIS and Russian gas routes through Ukraine cease, Hungary and Serbia are strengthening ties to protect their energy independence amidst escalating geopolitical tensions.
#orban #eu #russia #serbia #ukraine #tnworld #timesnowworld #worldnews #internationalnews #timesnews #newsworld
Subscribe now: http://bit.ly/3VHIl37
Times Now World is your definitive source for comprehensive global news and analysis.
At Times Now World, we bring you breaking news and real-time updates on US news, US elections, Trump, Biden, Putin, Zelensky, Russia-Ukraine war, Israel-Hamas conflict, Gaza, China-Taiwan tensions, Hungary news, NATO updates, and EU developments. Stay informed with our in-depth coverage of politics, economics, and current affairs, exclusively on Times Now World. Explore diverse perspectives and expert insights on international relations, technology, and more, all on Times Now World.
Engage with dynamic discussions on global issues, including NATO news and EU updates, on Times Now World.
Follow compelling stories and impactful reports on Times Now World. Discover the pulse of international affairs with Times Now World's extensive coverage of global events.
- published: 19 Jan 2025
- views: 37170
Amazing Places to visit in Hungary - Travel Video
Hungary is one of the most affordable and satisfying tourist destinations on the European Continent. Come along and pack your swimsuit and camera, and enjoy the...
Hungary is one of the most affordable and satisfying tourist destinations on the European Continent. Come along and pack your swimsuit and camera, and enjoy the Hungarian hot springs, the romantic architecture, and the country's best places to visit!
00:00 Why visiting Hungary
00:44 Budapest
01:51 Balaton Lake
03:10 Esztergom
04:04 Eger
05:05 Balatonfüred
06:01 Miskolc
06:57 Veszprém
07:39 Lillafüred
08:31 Szentendre
09:12 Siófok
09:59 Reason for visiting Hungary
#Hungary #Places #Travel
Hungary is one of the most affordable and satisfying tourist destinations on the European Continent. Come along and pack your swimsuit and camera, and enjoy the Hungarian hot springs, the romantic architecture, and the country's best places to visit!
00:00 Why visiting Hungary
00:44 Budapest
01:51 Balaton Lake
03:10 Esztergom
04:04 Eger
05:05 Balatonfüred
06:01 Miskolc
06:57 Veszprém
07:39 Lillafüred
08:31 Szentendre
09:12 Siófok
09:59 Reason for visiting Hungary
#Hungary #Places #Travel
- published: 23 Aug 2022
- views: 174978
#0005 - Experiences of an International Student in Hungary with Michelle
🛩️ From Kenya to Hungary: A Female Pilot's Incredible Journey! | Michelle Wawire's Story
Join us as Michelle Wawire (https://www.instagram.com/cadet.michelle_) ...
🛩️ From Kenya to Hungary: A Female Pilot's Incredible Journey! | Michelle Wawire's Story
Join us as Michelle Wawire (https://www.instagram.com/cadet.michelle_) takes us on her inspiring journey from Kenya to becoming a pilot in Hungary! 🌍✈️ Breaking barriers in aviation, Michelle opens up about navigating a male-dominated industry while adapting to life in a completely new culture.
Discover how this ambitious girl:
- Conquered the challenges of pilot training in a foreign country
- Mastered Hungarian language and culture
- Built a supportive community far from home
- Balanced traditions from Kenya with Hungarian lifestyle
- Transformed personal struggles into strength
Plus, get real insights about studying in Hungary, from admission processes to daily student life! Michelle shares heartfelt stories about family support, cultural surprises, and finding happiness through wellness and growth.
Whether you're dreaming of studying abroad, pursuing aviation, or just love inspiring stories of personal transformation, this episode is a must-watch! ✨
#FemaleInAviation #StudyAbroad #KenyaToHungary #PilotLife #InternationalStudent #AviationDreams #WomenInAviation
- Michelle moved to Hungary to pursue a career in aviation.
- She faced challenges in a male-dominated field.
- Cultural adjustments were significant upon moving to Hungary.
- The admission process was easier than expected.
- Learning the Hungarian language was part of her scholarship agreement.
- Budapest felt more welcoming compared to Debrecen.
- Cost of living in Hungary is higher than in Nairobi.
- Students in Hungary have more disposable income compared to Kenya.
- Community support is crucial for international students.
- Family support played a significant role in her journey. Michelle faced health challenges upon arriving in Hungary, including iron deficiency anemia.
- The transition to a dual major in piloting and aviation engineering was overwhelming for Michelle.
- Community support played a crucial role in Michelle's resilience during her studies.
- Michelle developed social skills and built a network of friends over time.
- She discovered a passion for finance and investment banking during her studies.
- Cultural adjustments included learning to cook with local ingredients and exploring Hungarian cuisine.
- Michelle enjoyed trying various international cuisines while in Hungary.
- Hungarians are perceived as easygoing and family-oriented, contrasting with the hustle culture in Kenya.
- Michelle's experiences highlight the importance of pursuing one's passions and interests.
- The conversation touches on the challenges of being an international student during holidays. The work environment in Hungary fosters a sense of family and ease.
- Intentional living leads to personal growth and self-reflection.
- Self-care is crucial when living independently.
- Realizing adulthood involves problem-solving and trusting oneself.
- Living abroad can change one's perspective on home and opportunities.
- Cultural misunderstandings can lead to humorous situations.
- Discovering new hobbies can enhance personal connections.
- Studying in Hungary offers unique opportunities and experiences.
- Home can be defined by community and personal connections.
- Happiness is linked to overall wellness and personal growth.
00:00 Intro
01:24 Introduction and Background
02:44 Journey from Kenya to Hungary
06:03 Challenges in a Male-Dominated Field
09:00 Cultural Adjustments and Expectations
12:20 Admission Process and Language Learning
14:56 First Impressions of Hungary
18:04 Life in Debrecen vs. Budapest
21:10 Cost of Living Comparisons
24:08 Support from Family and Community
34:33 Navigating Health Challenges Abroad
40:26 Building Resilience and Community
46:27 Pursuing Passion: Piloting vs. Finance
52:55 Cultural Adjustments: Food and Lifestyle
01:03:50 Understanding Hungarian Culture and Values
01:11:09 Exploring Work Culture Abroad
01:12:14 Intentional Living and Personal Growth
01:14:14 Self-Care and Independence
01:16:28 Realizing Adulthood and Problem Solving
01:19:52 Changing Perspectives on Home
01:25:33 Cultural Misunderstandings and Humor
01:30:36 Discovering New Hobbies and Passions
01:35:56 Why Study in Hungary?
01:38:18 Defining Home and Happiness
01:40:35 Recommendations and Final Thoughts
🛩️ From Kenya to Hungary: A Female Pilot's Incredible Journey! | Michelle Wawire's Story
Join us as Michelle Wawire (https://www.instagram.com/cadet.michelle_) takes us on her inspiring journey from Kenya to becoming a pilot in Hungary! 🌍✈️ Breaking barriers in aviation, Michelle opens up about navigating a male-dominated industry while adapting to life in a completely new culture.
Discover how this ambitious girl:
- Conquered the challenges of pilot training in a foreign country
- Mastered Hungarian language and culture
- Built a supportive community far from home
- Balanced traditions from Kenya with Hungarian lifestyle
- Transformed personal struggles into strength
Plus, get real insights about studying in Hungary, from admission processes to daily student life! Michelle shares heartfelt stories about family support, cultural surprises, and finding happiness through wellness and growth.
Whether you're dreaming of studying abroad, pursuing aviation, or just love inspiring stories of personal transformation, this episode is a must-watch! ✨
#FemaleInAviation #StudyAbroad #KenyaToHungary #PilotLife #InternationalStudent #AviationDreams #WomenInAviation
- Michelle moved to Hungary to pursue a career in aviation.
- She faced challenges in a male-dominated field.
- Cultural adjustments were significant upon moving to Hungary.
- The admission process was easier than expected.
- Learning the Hungarian language was part of her scholarship agreement.
- Budapest felt more welcoming compared to Debrecen.
- Cost of living in Hungary is higher than in Nairobi.
- Students in Hungary have more disposable income compared to Kenya.
- Community support is crucial for international students.
- Family support played a significant role in her journey. Michelle faced health challenges upon arriving in Hungary, including iron deficiency anemia.
- The transition to a dual major in piloting and aviation engineering was overwhelming for Michelle.
- Community support played a crucial role in Michelle's resilience during her studies.
- Michelle developed social skills and built a network of friends over time.
- She discovered a passion for finance and investment banking during her studies.
- Cultural adjustments included learning to cook with local ingredients and exploring Hungarian cuisine.
- Michelle enjoyed trying various international cuisines while in Hungary.
- Hungarians are perceived as easygoing and family-oriented, contrasting with the hustle culture in Kenya.
- Michelle's experiences highlight the importance of pursuing one's passions and interests.
- The conversation touches on the challenges of being an international student during holidays. The work environment in Hungary fosters a sense of family and ease.
- Intentional living leads to personal growth and self-reflection.
- Self-care is crucial when living independently.
- Realizing adulthood involves problem-solving and trusting oneself.
- Living abroad can change one's perspective on home and opportunities.
- Cultural misunderstandings can lead to humorous situations.
- Discovering new hobbies can enhance personal connections.
- Studying in Hungary offers unique opportunities and experiences.
- Home can be defined by community and personal connections.
- Happiness is linked to overall wellness and personal growth.
00:00 Intro
01:24 Introduction and Background
02:44 Journey from Kenya to Hungary
06:03 Challenges in a Male-Dominated Field
09:00 Cultural Adjustments and Expectations
12:20 Admission Process and Language Learning
14:56 First Impressions of Hungary
18:04 Life in Debrecen vs. Budapest
21:10 Cost of Living Comparisons
24:08 Support from Family and Community
34:33 Navigating Health Challenges Abroad
40:26 Building Resilience and Community
46:27 Pursuing Passion: Piloting vs. Finance
52:55 Cultural Adjustments: Food and Lifestyle
01:03:50 Understanding Hungarian Culture and Values
01:11:09 Exploring Work Culture Abroad
01:12:14 Intentional Living and Personal Growth
01:14:14 Self-Care and Independence
01:16:28 Realizing Adulthood and Problem Solving
01:19:52 Changing Perspectives on Home
01:25:33 Cultural Misunderstandings and Humor
01:30:36 Discovering New Hobbies and Passions
01:35:56 Why Study in Hungary?
01:38:18 Defining Home and Happiness
01:40:35 Recommendations and Final Thoughts
- published: 17 Jan 2025
- views: 164
Hungary SOLVED The Immigration Crisis: Here's HOW
In 2015, Hungary faced an invasion unlike anything it had ever seen. Over 390,000 asylum seekers flooded across its borders in just a few months, creating a nat...
In 2015, Hungary faced an invasion unlike anything it had ever seen. Over 390,000 asylum seekers flooded across its borders in just a few months, creating a national emergency that threatened to overwhelm the country. Makeshift camps sprang up, sanitation collapsed, and resources were stretched to the breaking point. Hungary was on the brink of chaos. But in a stunning turn of events, the Hungarian government took radical action. Within a year, illegal border crossings had plummeted by over 99%.
In today's video we look at Hungary SOLVED The Immigration Crisis: Here's HOW
Subscribe for dark side of, world history, and economy documentary. Inspired by Explained with Dom, MoodSide, and ReYOUniverse.
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Inspired by Germany Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE: Here’s Why
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Inspired by Ireland Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE: Here’s Why
Click here to subscribe: http://bit.ly/46OWnmu
Click here to subscribe: http://bit.ly/46OWnmu
In 2015, Hungary faced an invasion unlike anything it had ever seen. Over 390,000 asylum seekers flooded across its borders in just a few months, creating a national emergency that threatened to overwhelm the country. Makeshift camps sprang up, sanitation collapsed, and resources were stretched to the breaking point. Hungary was on the brink of chaos. But in a stunning turn of events, the Hungarian government took radical action. Within a year, illegal border crossings had plummeted by over 99%.
In today's video we look at Hungary SOLVED The Immigration Crisis: Here's HOW
Subscribe for dark side of, world history, and economy documentary. Inspired by Explained with Dom, MoodSide, and ReYOUniverse.
Inspired by Denmark Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE: Here’s Why
Inspired by Germany Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE: Here’s Why
Inspired by Something Terrible is Happening in Sweden
Inspired by Ireland Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE: Here’s Why
Click here to subscribe: http://bit.ly/46OWnmu
Click here to subscribe: http://bit.ly/46OWnmu
- published: 12 Jul 2024
- views: 504410