Programmed to meet challenges

Fraunhofer ICT Group

The Fraunhofer Information and Communication Technology Group, part of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, is Europe‘s largest combined research unit for ICT. From smartphones to intelligent energy networks, from operating rooms to car assistance systems – our modern living and working environments cannot be imagined without information and communication technology.

Fast-paced developments and short innovation cycles characterize the IT industry. Consequently, and even more than in other branches, competitiveness hinges on innovation speed and efficiency. Moreover, software systems are becoming increasingly complex. Embedded systems in everyday items, process optimization for authorities, the integration of IT into medical procedures, the media industry’s and manufacturing industry’s latest technologies, process optimization in the finance industry – sophisticated IT systems control most of our economy. Society and companies need to be able to react to those rapid changes and upcoming challenges. The knowledge required to keep pace with these developments evolves with equal speed. Experts need to keep up to date with industry events and research findings.

In all these cases, the Fraunhofer ICT Group is the direct contact for companies and users alike. We have the market expertise, offer technological know-how and a broad variety of experts as well as the latest technology required to help companies achieve their goals. With its 19 member institutes, the group provides applied R&D in almost all IT sectors and for a broad range of industries.

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