ERCIM, the European Research
Consortium for Informatics and
Mathematics, offers fellowships for
PhD holders from all over the world
Topics cover most disciplines in
Computer Science, Information
Technology, and Applied Mathematics
Fellows are hosted in leading
European Research Institutes
Next Application deadline
30 Sep 2017
Simos, Dimitrios, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA and SBA Research on 2012-03-01
Having the opportunity to be an ERCIM/MC fellow was a great experience in my academic life, as I was given the means to establish my own research and spawn new application domains in the host institutes. The flexibility and mobility the ERCIM programme offers are unmatched by other similar programmes. In addition, the ERCIM members are leading institutes in the field of Mathematics and Informatics something that is crucial for fresh PhDs to mature to full-fledged researchers.
>> more testimonialsMio, Matteo, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA and CWI on 2012-03-01
The ABCDE Fellowship program gave me the opportunity to start my academic career in very prestigious research centers and, perhaps more importantly, by pursuing my own research project. FANTASTIC! I'd strongly recommend it to any enthusiastic young researcher.
>> more testimonialsQu, Zehui, postdoctoral fellow at CNR - Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo” and NTNU on 2011-04-01
Emma is very good administrator. She is helpful and kindly.
>> more testimonialsKriksciuniene, Dalia, postdoctoral fellow at Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science on 2012-02-01
I am very grateful and proud to have participated in the ABCDE fellowship programme. It was the year devoted to enhancement of my research skills and applying them in new settings and new domain areas. The programme provided an opportunity to reveal and choose collaboration topics with very skilled and supportive professionals I've met during the programme. The great potential for creating and using contact network in my future career was created due to the very successful feature of the structure of ABCDE fellowship framework: placement in the host organization, stays at two more freely selected institutions and also meeting the interesting group of speakers and supervisors during ERCIM seminar. The year has been maybe too short for achieving extraordinary results (although it was more than expected), but I hope that new skills, new contacts, new ideas created during ABCDE fellowship have made good basis for results forthcoming in near future.
>> more testimonialsVesic, Srdjan, postdoctoral fellow at University of Luxembourg on 2011-10-01
My ERCIM fellowship at University of Luxembourg was my first postdoc and was an exceptionally positive experience. Thanks to my supervisor, I had a chance to see the problems I addressed during my PhD thesis from the completely new perspective, and to deepen my knowledge about research in Artificial Intelligence in general. The research team "Individual and Collective Reasoning" also turned out to be a very pleasant place for work, and I made some good friends there. I should not forget to say how much my family and myself enjoyed living in Luxembourg. And of course that ERCIM allows you to visit two ERCIM institutes of your choice anywhere in Europe: such a good opportunity to meet people and start research with new colleagues... Now, it is your turn to apply for an ERCIM fellowship!
>> more testimonialsKane, Bridget, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2012-03-01
I highly recommend the ABCDE Fellowship programme to anyone who wants to get to know European researchers, and build collaborations for future work.
>> more testimonialsButt, Majid, postdoctoral fellow at University of Luxembourg and CNR - Istituto di Informatica e Telematica on 2012-06-01
My experience with ABCDE fellowship programme was excellent and benefited me to improve my research skills. I would recommend this fellowship specifically to the new PhD graduates.
>> more testimonialsSundström, Petra, postdoctoral fellow at University of Salzburg - Department of Computer Science on 2011-10-01
A great program to also get to see some of what you probably would not look for, coming from HCI.
>> more testimonialsJurgelionis, Audrius, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Applied Information Technology and VTT on 2011-11-01
Many thanks to everyone from the ERCIM office and the host institutions! The fellowship programme provides a great opportunity for improving scientific skills as well as for meeting new colleagues and friends.
>> more testimonialsBarrón cedeño, Luis alberto, postdoctoral fellow at Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya and Univ. Politécnica de Madrid on 2012-06-01
During my fellowship at the UPC Talp Research Center in Barcelona, I had the chance to work with top researchers in my field on very interesting cross-language natural language processing problems. The support of ERCIM was so good that I have been able to focus 100% on my research. This has been a great year: doing high-level research, meeting a new culture, and discovering a great city.
>> more testimonialsHannemann-tamas, Ralf, postdoctoral fellow at SZTAKI and NTNU on 2012-03-01
For me, the ERCIM fellowship was a great success. The hosting organisations supported me very well to conduct my research. I was free from administrative and teaching duties and could focus on my research. The ERCIM office did a great job to support me.
>> more testimonialsRozanova, Liudmila, postdoctoral fellow at CNR - Istituto di Informatica e Telematica on 2011-12-01
The program is really inspiring and supportive, and I am happy to start living my life as a European researcher.
>> more testimonialsOrtiz-gracia, Luis, postdoctoral fellow at CWI on 2012-10-01
I had the opportunity to join Professor Oosterlee's group at CWI in the Netherlands thanks to the Alain Bensoussan one-year post-doctoral fellowship. During this time, I was able to have very interesting discussions with all the members of the team, one of the world leading groups in Computational Finance, my field of expertise. Besides, I could expand my international contacts network by means of the two-week research stays in Paris and Antwerp. Finally, this fellowship allowed me to get a tenure-track position in a research institute located in Barcelona, my hometown. Definitely, it was a unique opportunity to boost my scientific career.
>> more testimonialsGiannakos, Michail, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2012-09-01
ERCIM programme brings to my mind Aristotle's quote: "Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny" ERCIM fellowship is the ideal environment to achieve excellence
>> more testimonialsMisir, Mustafa, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA on 2012-10-01
ERCIM provides a unique fellowship opportunity motivating their fellows for an ambitious research career.
>> more testimonialsPapatheocharous, Efi, postdoctoral fellow at RISE SICS AB on 2013-01-01
The most important thing in my experience with the programme is that it has strengthened my overall understanding of my position, role and possibility to contribute and create (or add) value in technology, innovation and business as a professional, both as a researcher and an academic!
>> more testimonialsMarfisi, Iza, postdoctoral fellow at RISE SICS AB on 2012-12-01
My ERCIM postdoc was a wonderful experience! It allowed me to see the way research was done in a private company, travel around Europe, make many valuable international contacts, and most importantly, I was able to work on a project I really liked and that I probably wouldn't have had the freedom to work on elsewhere.
>> more testimonialsMarmion, Marie-eleonore, postdoctoral fellow at Université Libre de Bruxelles on
The ERCIM fellowship is a good opportunity to work with experts and leaders in his research field. Moreover, it allows to learn about research in other countries.
>> more testimonialsBakovic, Igor, postdoctoral fellow at University of Warsaw - Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics on 2013-01-01
This is a great program for your career!
>> more testimonialsAlmpanidis, George, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2012-10-01
One year seemed too short, almost like speed dating, but the friends and research connections I made are real.
>> more testimonialsAlekseeva, Ekaterina, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA on 2012-12-03
This fellowship program allows me to realize some of my dreams: to work at European Research Society, to discover a way of living in a new country, and to open new promising opportunities. Take a chance and you!
>> more testimonialsRigolin ferreira lopes, Roberto, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2012-11-01
I stretched widely my skills as researcher and person. Result of in deep scientific amusement.
>> more testimonialsBeveridge, Scott, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Digital Media Technology on 2011-12-01
The ABCDE Fellowship programme was fundamental in building my scientific career. The skills and contacts gained during my time at the host institute have been essential to my professional and personal development.
>> more testimonialsSgora, Angeliki, postdoctoral fellow at VTT on 2012-10-01
It was a great experience that I really enjoyed. I met interesting people, I improved my research skills and enhanced my career prospects.
>> more testimonialsKomuro, Rie, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2012-12-01
The fellowship not only gives us research opportunities but also encourages us to present our work at a conference and provides generous chances to meet researchers in the other institutes through the research exchange program.
>> more testimonialsPakray, Partha, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2013-01-01
I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Pinar Ozturk, ERCIM ABCDE Fellowship Programme, IDI department in NTNU, Norway and also to Emma Liere (who is very very active in ERCIM administrative department).
>> more testimonialsPatterson, Murray, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA and CWI on 2011-12-01
The ABCDE fellowship programme opens doors to cooperation with international research labs -- while it would otherwise be much more difficult, or perhaps impossible to do so
>> more testimonialsGrois evjeny, Dan, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute on 2013-05-01
During the ERCIM Fellowship Programme, I was very happy to join the Image Processing Department team under the supervision of Dr. Detlev Marpe at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany. This allowed me to meet leading experts in the video coding field, participate at standardization meetings, attend related conferences and events. I believe that my participation at this programme will lead to a fruitful cooperation in the future!
>> more testimonialsPan, Lin, postdoctoral fellow at University of Luxembourg on 2013-03-01
This is a good Website and platform, I am forever grateful in a lifetime.
>> more testimonialsRacape, Fabien, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute on 2013-04-01
The ABCDE fellowship programme gives the chance to develop your skills in leading research institutes and to cooperate with top-level researchers. All is done to enable the fellow to focus on his research, thanks to the ERCIM team. In particular, the seminar allowed me to meet the other ABCDE fellows. It was very positive to share some knowledge with a lot of nice post-docs working in a similar context. I strongly recommend this fellowship programme.
>> more testimonialsDe pittà, Maurizio, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA on 2013-06-10
The ERCIM ABCDE fellowship is an ideal opportunity to pursue post-doc research in applied mathematics in leading European Institutions. Its prestige and the good financial support provided by the fellowship, make me strongly recommend to perspective applicants.
>> more testimonialsSaid, Alan, postdoctoral fellow at CWI on 2013-04-01
This was a fantastic opportunity to grow as a researcher and establish new contacts both in academia as well as industry.
>> more testimonialsBaghaturia, Giorgi, postdoctoral fellow at University of Warsaw - Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics on 2013-04-01
The collaboration with Professor Z. Peradzynski and other scientists at the University of Warsaw allowed me to be aware of the most contemporary achievements in developing a new mathematical methods of solving of contemporary problems in the field of Partial Differential Equations. ABCDE Fellowship programme was a great opportunity for me to be involved in the live process of modern researches in my field and to gain an invaluable experience. I regard this most important for the success of my future plans.
>> more testimonialsPatra, Bidyut kumar, postdoctoral fellow at VTT on 2013-05-01
I am really really grateful to ERCIM and VTT for choosing me for this excellent fellowship programme. The most beautiful part of this fellowship is that one can explore totally new research topic independently. One can work freely without looking towards number of publications unlike Ph.D. programme.
>> more testimonialsHalle, Sean, postdoctoral fellow at CWI on 2013-04-01
Great experience. Established collaborations that are still going, and leveraged the research and connections to lead an EU grant proposal. This was a key period in my career.
>> more testimonialsAbeywickrama, Dhaminda, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Open Communication Systems on 2013-09-09
My experiences with the ERCIM Fellowship programme is extremely positive and I consider it as one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I would recommend this programme to any researcher who wishes to advance his/her career to the highest possible level. In contrast to traditional postdoc positions, this programme allows the Fellow to have increased networking opportunities, such as the two key research exchange visits and the annual seminar. The administration staff at ERCIM has always been kind and professional, allowing us to concentrate on our research work. In a nutshell, it is a 5-star Fellowship programme !
>> more testimonialsTurner, Alexander, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2014-02-01
I enjoyed my time at NTNU in many ways and am very thankful for the ERCIM fellowship for making this possible. I will be leaving with better career prospects, great friends and good stories. I will be expecting to return at some point in the future.
>> more testimonialsKumar, Pawan, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Industrial Mathematics on 2013-09-01
This program is especially good for young postdocs because it introduces several responsibilities that is otherwise not found in usual postdocs. For example, the ability to write research proposal and manage it with the hosts, developing skills for managing budget for conference and for research visits. Thus apart from developing research skills the fellowship introduces the fellow with what it takes to manage a complete research project and undertake more responsibility.
>> more testimonialsBen abdesslem, Fehmi, postdoctoral fellow at RISE SICS AB on 2013-07-01
Very positive experience. The fellowship gave me opportunities to meet other research teams thanks to the Research Exchange Program, and to establish collaborations that led to an EU grant proposal. This was a key period in my career. Special thanks to Emma Lière from the ERCIM Office for her kindness and professionalism, and to Dr Daniel Gillblad and Dr Anders Lindgren for welcoming me in their team at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science.
>> more testimonialsBhatti, Muhammad khurram, postdoctoral fellow at RISE SICS AB on 2013-09-01
ERCIM is a great fellowship program, which facilitated me to explore and work with one of the best research institutions in Europe. Not only it took good care of scientific aspects of the fellowship, but also supported mobility through its Research Exchange Program (REP), which is essential for an early stage researcher. Overall, it proved to be a great opportunity for me.
>> more testimonialsSyamala james, Jija, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA on 2014-03-01
It is an excellent oppurtunity for young investigators to build up a scientific career in Europe (thanks to INRIA,France).I strongly recommend this fellowhip programme to others too.
>> more testimonialsMera, David, postdoctoral fellow at Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science on 2013-10-01
The ERCIM fellowship is an amazing opportunity for researchers. It allowed me to work in an exciting reseach line, visit several countries and reseach groups as well as establish valuable contacts. I strongly recommend this fellowship programme and I really think that this programme helps the development of a research career.
>> more testimonialsSantoso, Markus, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Digital Media Technology on 2014-02-01
ERCIM Postdoctoral Fellowship is very amazing program for any scientist in this respected field. Through this program, I was facilitated to visit reputable European research institutes such as Fraunhofer, INRIA, VTT and learn from the great fellow there. ERCIM Postdoc Fellowship really give a strong foundation to support your academic and scientific career in the future.
>> more testimonialsOz, Isil, postdoctoral fellow at RISE SICS AB on 2013-11-01
It was very nice experience for me to live in Sweden and work at SICS for one year. This fellowship period was very helpful for my current and future research career, for doing independent research as well as having many collaborations for future projects.
>> more testimonialsNurchis, Maddalena, postdoctoral fellow at VTT on 2013-10-01
The ERCIM fellowship programme is a great opportunity for young researchers. It gives the possibility to work in some of the leading research teams in many scientific fields, hence to improve research skills and expertise. In addition, the fellowship programme is designed to create many chances for increasing the network of contacts and setting up international collaborations, mainly through short visiting periods in other ERCIM institutes, but also conferences and fellows meeting whenever possible. It certainly contribute to enhance current and future career prospects and opportunities. I strongly recommend this Fellowship, which is also a great life experience!
>> more testimonialsBenvenuto, Federico, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA on 2013-10-01
What are you waiting for? Participating in many conferences, collaborating with two European research centers (at least!), making known your skills. It's up to you, an international experience from A to Z.
>> more testimonialsSchneider, Jodi, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA on 2013-12-01
The ABCDE Fellowship gave me time to develop my research vision and obtain preliminary results. This launched my career! The ERCIM institutes are among the best in the world and a great choice for postdoctoral research.
>> more testimonialsAsfand-e-yar, Muhammad, postdoctoral fellow at Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science on 2014-01-01
ERCIM Post-Doc Fellowship program gives the chance to develop skills in Europe leading research institutes and provide opportunity to work within different environment, that give an experience to work with new team and with different working strategies. Research Exchange Program is a bridge to collaborate with other institutes, other than country of hosting organization. This collaboration helps in understanding new techniques and research methodologies that are followed in various institutes. Personally, this fellowship program gives me a platform to learn not only new technologies and work with different scientific team but also provides me opportunity to express myself and work at various International Conferences and Journals. Therefore, I boldly recommend this Fellowship program, which give experience to work with reputable scientific communities.
>> more testimonialsZambrano, Davide, postdoctoral fellow at CWI on 2014-05-01
The ERCIM Fellowship Programme is an unique opportunity that will help you to improve your career! Change country, change laboratory, change your life!
>> more testimonialsVaddina, Kameswar rao, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2014-05-01
>> more testimonialsChandra, Rohit, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2014-05-01
The ERCIM fellowship programme provides an opportunity to pursue the research independently. It is an excellent platform to meet other researchers in the area. It also helps in career development after Ph.D.!
>> more testimonialsOsipov, Nikolai, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2014-10-01
This programme gave me the very good opportunity to establish scientific relations with my colleagues in leading European institutions (NTNU and Inria). Very interesting studies was conducted in collaboration with them.
>> more testimonialsSeo, Byung-kuk, postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer - Institute for Computer Graphics Research on 2014-10-01
I think the ERCIM fellowship is the best opportunity for early-stage researchers who want not only to improve scientific knowledge, but also to have valuable experiences and collaborations with international research groups. Many thanks to all.
>> more testimonialsMontagut, Mario, postdoctoral fellow at CWI on 2015-01-01
This fellowship is a great opportunity to develop your career. I strongly recommend it!
>> more testimonialsAmelin, Konstantin, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2015-05-01
Thank you for programm. It's very helpful for young researcher.
>> more testimonialsGulyás, Gábor györgy, postdoctoral fellow at INRIA on 2015-05-01
The ERCIM fellowship was a great opportunity for me to start a new phase of my academic career.
>> more testimonialsDey, Indrakshi, postdoctoral fellow at NTNU on 2016-06-01
Wonderful stage to showcase one's research ideas and skills .... Great way to start one's research career, gain reputation and establish collaboration with the key research institutes in Europe.......!!
>> more testimonialsBhuyan, Kaveri, postdoctoral fellow at CWI on 2015-09-01
My 2 years of ERCIM fellowship in Norway and the Netherlands has been an extraordinary academic experience which will have a positive impact on my work for years to come. This fellowship is one of the finest programs and settings available for any scholar seeking to advance his or her research career.
>> more testimonialsIlangko Balasingham, Adjunct Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
I have hosted eight fellows at my group at NTNU since 2006, and my impression of all of them has been very positive! My research in signal processing and wireless communications for medicine requires a team that has a diverse research background to solve complex problems. The hosted fellows were specialists in signal processing, physical layer, MAC layer, network protocols, computer networks, optimization theory, and mathematics. Furthermore, they were genuinely interested in learning new skills and getting involved in complex research projects. Most of them contacted me before submitting their applications, which made the match-making process a bit easier. Their contributions have been very fruitful for us: each fellow, on average, has submitted three journal/conference papers during the tenure. I still have regular contact with many of them and will be looking for new fellows! I would also like to convey my sincere gratitude to the people working at the ERCIM offices at NTNU and in Nice for their professional way of handling and solving many practical issues.
>> more testimonialsAlessandra Toninelli visited our group ARLES at Inria while she was a post-doc researcher at the University of Bologna. Seeing a great potential for collaborating in our research on socially-aware middleware and her great competence in semantic technologies and access control policies, we offered her a subsequent ERCIM Fellowship in Paris-Rocquencourt. Here, she spearheaded work on Yarta, a middleware for mobile social networks, which is currently one of the main areas of new work on our group, and has also been used by our collaborators at Trinity College, Dublin. She then remained with us as an Inria postdoc, before being hired by Engineering Inc. in Italy with the post of BI consultant. Alessandra is still in touch with the group members. This was a great experience for both the ERCIM fellow and host, and we will definitely be on the lookout for more such opportunities
>> more testimonialsSergiy Zhuk visited my group at CWI while he was a fellow at INRIA. We found his work on data assimilation and his individual enthusiasm so interesting that we offered him a subsequent ERCIM Fellowship in Amsterdam. Before the term of his appointment had passed, he was hired by IBM Research in Dublin, where he will direct a research group on assimilation of satellite data for deduction of ocean flows, and maintain collaborations with us. Overall this was a great opportunity for both fellow and host, and I will be sure to keep an eye open for future ERCIM applicants.
>> more testimonialsMy first experience as a young postdoctoral researcher was even better than I expected. I not only have enhanced my skills and learned new ones, but also met interesting people and discovered another culture and other ways of working and collaborating. The ERCIM Office addressed most annoying money matters so that I could focus on enjoying great scientific work with the help of my hosting supervisor. My personal research project has been greatly influenced by the collective projects in which I was involved, both international and national (inside my host country) thanks to the fellowship. The research exchange trips are particularly enriching: they gave us the opportunity to share experiences with other European research teams in a close and casual way. Overall, an ERCIM Fellowship is a gratifying adventure that I would recommend to any young researcher willing to establish long-term international collaborations
>> more testimonialsMy experience with the ABCDE programme is extremely positive. I had the chance to get in touch with top-level researchers and to contrast my background and ideas with those of students and professors of several nationalities. The richness of the environment contributed to stimulate my research; the period spent under the programme has been indeed very prolific. I have particularly enjoyed the possibility to meet other fellows in the seminar organized by the ERCIM office, which in my view was a complete success. It was an excellent occasion to exchange our experiences as well as to establish new connections. I would recommend this programme to everyone in love with serious and outstanding research
>> more testimonialsDuring my 1-year ERCIM fellowship at Fraunhofer FOKUS institute in Berlin, I got the unique opportunity to work on an applied international R&D; environment, an experience of great interest for me. I also got the opportunity to attend two ERCIM meetings; the ABCDE seminar and the Marie Curie Symposium, and meet other fellows of different ERCIM programs. What I also appreciated, is the ERP (Exchange Research Program); where I spent two weeks in two other ERCIM institutes, the NetRl laboratory at the University of Cyprus; and the Telematics department at NTNU-Trondheim. These ERP allowed me to extend and strengthen my R&D; collaborations with other researchers, and also build long-term cooperation with them.
>> more testimonials