- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 5212
The Mawlaw'īyya / Mevlevi Order (Turkish: Mevlevilik or Mevleviyye Persian: طریقت مولویه) is a Sufi order in Konya (capital of the Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate) founded by the followers of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet and founder of the Mewlewiyya order of dervishes. He was a poet, Islamic jurist, and theologian. The Mawlaw'īyya are also known as the Whirling Dervishes due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of dhikr (remembrance of God). Dervish is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi path; the whirling is part of the formal Sama ceremony and the participants are properly known as semazen-s.
In 2008, UNESCO confirmed the "The Mevlevi Sema Ceremony" of Turkey as amongst the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
The Mawlawi order was founded in 1273 by Rumi's followers after his death, particularly by his successor Hüsamettin Çelebi who decided to build a mausoleum for Mawlâna, and then Mawlâna's son, Baha al-Din Muhammad-i Walad (or Çelebi, Chelebi, meaning "fully initiated"). He was an accomplished Sufi mystic with great organizing talents. His personal efforts were continued by his successor Ulu Arif Çelebi.
mevlevi sema
Pencgah Mevlevi Ayini Şerifi -- 734. Vuslat
Nasıl Mevlevi Olunur? (Mevlevilik)
Konya Mevlevi Dergahı Zikrullah-ı Şerif
The Mevlevi Sema Ceremony
Whirling Dervish - Mevlevi Sema Ceremony
Mevlevi ve Sufi Müziği - Yüzün Gördüm
Mevlevi Zikir
Viking Oceans: Turkey's Whirling Dervishes
Mevlevi Halveti Cerrahi Qadiri Zikr part 2
From a journey with The Threshold Society. For more information see http://sufism.org/
Mevlevilik, Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi’nin düşünceleri çevresinde kurulan tarikattır. Babasının düşüncelerini sistemleştirdiği ve tarikat biçiminde örgütlendirdiği için Mevlana’nın oğlu Sultan Veled Mevlevilik’in asıl kurucusu sayılır. Türkiye’de ve Dünya’da en çok bilinen tarikatlardan birisi olan Mevlevilik Konya’da doğmuştur. Ardından zamanla tüm Anadolu’ya Ortadoğu’ya ve Balkanlara yayılmıştır. Bunda zamanın devlet yöneticilerinin yardımları da etkili olmuş olmasına rağmen bu kadar hızlı yayılmasının en önemli nedeni, ideolojik kurucusu olan Mevlana’nın oluşturduğu mantık Sultan Veledin ortaya koyduğu sistemdir. Mevleviliğin genel kuralları: 1. İnsanlığa hizmet etmek; 2. Başkalarına her zaman iyi ve güzel davranışın örneği olmak; 3. Mesnevi okumak ve mutasavvıf olmak; 4. Aklı iyi kullanm...
UNESCO: Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2008 URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/RL/00081 Description: The Mevleviye is an ascetic Sufi order founded in 1273 in Konya, from where it gradually spread throughout the Ottoman Empire. Today, the Mevleviye can be found in many Turkish communities throughout the world, but the most active and famous centres of the orders activity are in Konya and Istanbul. The Mevleviye are renowned for their whirling dances. Following a recommended fast of several hours, the whirlers begin to rotate on their left feet in short twists, using the right foot to drive their bodies around the left foot. The body of the whirler is meant to be supple, with eyes open but unfocused so that images become blurred and flowing. At...
Music video by Mevlevi ve Sufi Müziği performing Yüzün Gördüm (C) 2014 Türküola Müzik Yap. under exclusive licence to Sony Music Entertainment Turkey. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/tr/album/y%C3%BCz%C3%BCm-g%C3%B6rd%C3%BCm/id955688109?i=955688114 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2xm7iRNyL0Gc5nrDuyCsH6 Fizy: http://trcll.im/obCQe
Dating from the thirteenth century, the Sema ritual performed by the Semezens from the Mevlevi Order of Whirling Dervishes is a UNESCO Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Learn more at http://www.vikingcruises.com/oceans
I took what I wanted. But I didn't have what I want.
Balled up and sprawled out. Flame on the seat of the couch.
Seemingly intangible I cup it, rekindle it, and ward the wind.
I took what I wanted. But I didn't have what I want.
Balled up, sprawled out. Seat's aflame on the couch.
Seemingly intangible I cup it, rekindle it, and ward the wind.
We clicked, and I clicked. I pointed, and squinted, and pulled.
We clicked, and I clicked. I pointed, squinted, and pulled.
And I can never take it back.
I live in this heat, I freeze in it's wrath.