Latest News for: remembrance dna


DNA Explainer: Why did Partition of India happen and the horrors that took place

DNA India 14 Aug 2021
August 14 will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, says PM Modi ... DNA Special ... DNA Explainer India 75 India@75 Partition Horrors Remembrance Day Independence Day 2021 India Pakistan partition PM Narendra Modi Partition of India Partition of bengal Partition violence partition.1947.

Awaiting DNA results and renewed interest, Valiante family gathers to celebrate Tiffany's life

Atlantic City 14 Jul 2021
But this year, they said, it felt different as the outcome of recent DNA testing is pending and private investigators are tracking down new leads, which they were not ready to disclose ... Tiffany Valiante remembrance ceremony July 12, 2021 ... Tiffany Valiante remembrance ceremony ...

"On hallowed ground:" Patrick Henry's Red Hill honors buried history of its enslaved population

The Roanoke Times 06 Jun 2021
But Saturday morning, the cemetery was washed with chatter and song, and crowds of people spilled into the clearing to attend a dedication and remembrance ceremony at the cemetery, a celebration of the lives of the enslaved people who once lived on the site ... of remembrance.

Genocide in Namibia: why Germany's bid to make amends isn't enough

Beijing News 02 Jun 2021
The recent "joint declaration" of the Namibian and German governments on dealing with the 1904-08 genocide marks the first time a former colonial power has officially offered an apology to another country for state sponsored mass crimes ... The history ... "forgive our trespasses and our guilt" ... Its remembrance is now claimed as part of the Germany's DNA.

Born from the tragedies of 1968, Berio's miraculous 'Sinfonia' still resonates

Finger Lakes Times 29 Jul 2020
Everyone is asking, or predicting, "what's next." That's what you do in a pandemic. But it is also what you do in life and art ... Layered over that are remembrances and developments of all that had come before in "Sinfonia," everything now heard through the lens of MLK. Let King be the DNA from which we make something new, he seems to be saying ... 8, 1970 ... .

Born from the tragedies of 1968, Berio’s miraculous ‘Sinfonia’ still resonates

The Los Angeles Times 28 Jul 2020
Everyone is asking, or predicting, “what’s next.” That’s what you do in a pandemic. But it is also what you do in life and art ... Layered over that are remembrances and developments of all that had come before in “Sinfonia,” everything now heard through the lens of MLK. Let King be the DNA from which we make something new, he seems to be saying ... 8, 1970.

Rulers vs. writers: The pre-Trump pre-history of author suppression

The Los Angeles Times 23 Jun 2020
For those who believe in the First Amendment, President Trump’s lawsuit against John Bolton is alarming. It’s also nothing novel ... Books. Bolton book tells all about Trump — except what makes him tick. Books ... Profound remembrances of fatherhood, including Alaskan adventures and DNA revelations, Philip Roth’s tribute and an ode to a civil rights pioneer.

Scholar Stanley Fish on Bolton, Trump and why there’s too much free speech

The Los Angeles Times 23 Jun 2020
Donald Trump’s sneering attitude toward freedom of speech has been a feature, not a bug, since long before he descended the golden escalator ... Books ... Books ... What do you think of the judge’s decision so far? ... Profound remembrances of fatherhood, including Alaskan adventures and DNA revelations, Philip Roth’s tribute and an ode to a civil rights pioneer.

All the books, movies, TV and music our authors consumed in quarantine

The Los Angeles Times 22 Jun 2020
During three months of widespread lockdown, we asked 17 writers to offer diaries of their time in isolation ... Many of these are widely acclaimed works of genius; others are not. Proceed at your own risk ... TV ... Profound remembrances of fatherhood, including Alaskan adventures and DNA revelations, Philip Roth’s tribute and an ode to a civil rights pioneer.

How a pandemic thriller went from desk drawer to bestseller in a month

The Los Angeles Times 18 Jun 2020
When writers shove unpublished novels in a drawer, they don’t usually resurface. But these are unusual times, and “Lockdown,” a London crime thriller set during a pandemic, is a bestselling exception ... Profound remembrances of fatherhood, including Alaskan adventures and DNA revelations, Philip Roth’s tribute and an ode to a civil rights pioneer.

Fatherhood suits Mike Birbiglia, much to his surprise

The Los Angeles Times 17 Jun 2020
In 1908, a West Virginia woman named Anna Jarvis organized the first American Mother’s Day, and six years later, Woodrow Wilson signed a measure designating the second Sunday in May a national holiday ... Profound remembrances of fatherhood, including Alaskan adventures and DNA revelations, Philip Roth’s tribute and an ode to a civil rights pioneer.

Canada's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier marks its 20th anniversary

CBC 29 May 2020
Canada's Tomb of the Unknown soldier, a Remembrance Day icon, recently turned 20 years old — but advances in DNA technology could make it a relic ... .

‘IQ’ author Joe Ide recommends insomnia reading and listening in quarantine

The Los Angeles Times 11 May 2020
The Times asked authors to track what they do in isolation ... I read Thomas Perry’s “The Butcher’s Boy” years ago. For aspiring writers, it’s everything you want to know about writing a crime novel ... show ... Profound remembrances of fatherhood, including Alaskan adventures and DNA revelations, Philip Roth’s tribute and an ode to a civil rights pioneer.

Appreciation: Toni Morrison was both a mirror and a map who reflected experience back to us

The Los Angeles Times 06 Aug 2019
For as long as I can remember, the publication of a new Toni Morrison book was like a visit by a dignitary, but a figure who also was family. Room was made, time was cleared to sit with her ... Advertisement ... Profound remembrances of fatherhood, including Alaskan adventures and DNA revelations, Philip Roth’s tribute and an ode to a civil rights pioneer.